Seems to be a superb collection of high value tutorials.
I am eeger to discover the final product.
Will you explain how to access/download... etc... ?
Print: Working with companies to allow us to print it without us making a profit. Since the print company stills makes a profit we have to find a way to make this work for both parties. The print obviously would not be free but it would be at 100% cost.
Yea I know how to use InDesign problem is the only part that would use a master on this is the page numbers and header and footer the rest changes alot. Every page has its own theme and new vector background. It would actually be more tedious to do this style in Indesign then just to do the layout in photoshop. Know what I mean?
Yea I did the vector in AI then brought it in as smart objects so it should be Ok but yea next time I plan on doing some things differently. This project started out as a fun side thing for fun did not really plan to do this for real. But glad I did do it for real it helped me learn a lot about doing this sort of project.
So, this is going to be a book but as downloadable PDF?
And free? Sounds really awesome!
For the stuff you guys have planned so far, how many pages will it have?
Just asking because I would totally buy it for the price of a d´artiste book.
I´m sure you could find some publishers to get it printed etc.
We can't print this due to the amount of content that refers to games and other applications we do not have the rights for.
The pages above where from an older build I just gave that 2 page spread to those who where in the livestream last night as a door buster gift so they might get some takeaway from visiting last night. The typo is already fixed I just must not have updated that page in the Indesign document.
I was thinking about maybe using a self printing site like to print it myself. If the size is close enough it could work, but would cost a decent chunk of change for 200+ pages.
We can't print this due to the amount of content that refers to games and other applications we do not have the rights for.
that doesn't mean this will become some under-the-counter contraband kinda thing does it? I know nothing about copyright/rights management but is there any risk of a C&D from some over zealous publisher? It would be such a shame for this to get canned because of that. Not least because of all the hard work everyone has put in.
I understand why you can't charge for it but I didn't know if the same issues exist regardless of distribution format.
The articles in this book have been approved for free distribution just not for print and selling. So this has no issues blocking it from being released for free to the general public.
dpaynter26 - Honestly, even if Satan himself warned me that if I printed my own personal copy he would come from the depths and spank my toosh with a fire hand......I would still be like ---and print him AND me a copy.
Ryan Hawkins - When this comes out, im kinko'ing a copy, putting a thank you sticky note on it and shooting it out of a cannon at you in front of your workplace <---(all homo)
dpaynter26 - Honestly, even if Satan himself warned me that if I printed my own personal copy he would come from the depths and spank my toosh with a fire hand......I would still be like ---and print him AND me a copy.
I Literally laughed out loud when i read that ROFL!
ALSO, can we have a hardcover version of this put up on or something? I would happily fork over the dough for a version of this in hardcover, and the proceeds could benefit PC bandwidth costs.
The articles in this book have been approved for free distribution just not for print and selling. So this has no issues blocking it from being released for free to the general public.
Live again stop in for music and say Hi!
More Editing!
I would love to read a tutorial of retopology with his signature.
I mean, that man is a beast!
Streaming again.
I am eeger to discover the final product.
Will you explain how to access/download... etc... ?
iam asking because of this
Thank you.
No, really - THANK YOU.
*Goes in for the hug*
the better it ll be
so take your time
^^^ !!!!!!!:poly142:
Lets get this shit Printed!! go here!
Sign Up
And free? Sounds really awesome!
For the stuff you guys have planned so far, how many pages will it have?
Just asking because I would totally buy it for the price of a d´artiste book.
I´m sure you could find some publishers to get it printed etc.
The pages above where from an older build I just gave that 2 page spread to those who where in the livestream last night as a door buster gift so they might get some takeaway from visiting last night. The typo is already fixed I just must not have updated that page in the Indesign document.
that doesn't mean this will become some under-the-counter contraband kinda thing does it? I know nothing about copyright/rights management but is there any risk of a C&D from some over zealous publisher? It would be such a shame for this to get canned because of that. Not least because of all the hard work everyone has put in.
I understand why you can't charge for it but I didn't know if the same issues exist regardless of distribution format.
Seriously, so excited. Any rough figure of when it may be out?
Ryan Hawkins - When this comes out, im kinko'ing a copy, putting a thank you sticky note on it and shooting it out of a cannon at you in front of your workplace
I Literally laughed out loud when i read that ROFL!
EDIT: neeeeeeeeeeeevermind, just saw: