Here is a project me and some friends are putting together for the video game community. I hope you enjoy the little preview of what to come, oh and also this will be free.
when, where and what portion of my soul do you want for this stuff?
looks amazing Ryan!
I would probably look at the layout, right now some of the pages are over the other ones making it a bit tricky to read. If you could just get that fixed I think you could be on to a winner.
Totally stoked this came together, bro. It was a privilege seeing it come together page by page and really looking forward to seeing the final product when it's ready.
What? This seems too awesome! You guys just dropped an art bomb. I think we need someone like nitewalkr to come and shit all over it just to contain the epic.
All I want to say is a big THANK YOU for you guys, for put your time and efforts in favor of us, comunity. We can already see that this will be a killer learning/reference material. And I'm really glad that my artwork was used for this project too
Stoked and honored to be apart of this I hope everyone enjoys it - massive amount of knowledge contained in this tome of epicness - again for free.
Big ups to Ryan for putting this together!
Yep gotta reiterate how incredible Ryan is for putting this together. A lot of people continue to talk about "oh the community needs X", but people rarely do anything themselves.
Ryan literally took the time to contact us to help put together probably the best game art book I've personally ever seen just to push the communities in a healthier direction.
Can't wait for you guys to see all 200+ pages of nothing but tutorials. Thanks again for Ryan; I'm honored to be a part of it.
Thanks for the support guys we will do our best to make it worth the wait. I won't get to much into details because when it is released it should hopefully speak for itself. Originally I did not want to post this teaser image, I wanted to drop a bomb to you guys and hope some of the trolls fall off from information overload.
But with all of the community issues we are having these days with people complaining about how people don't give back. This should be proof to hold your tongue these pros have put in the time to give back and do read your comments. So for someone who puts the time in to help a community out to read what has been posted lately it is probably a little disheartening.
As Del pointed out this is over 200+ pages already. This is working it's way into the final leg of the process. I am no book editor and I am hack in the design area. I just hope at the end of the day the quality and product does the work and information the justice it needs. I recently finally had a chance to sit down and actually read some of the articles and man am I happy these guys put in the time to spread some information to you guys.
Stay tuned as this progresses I will post up some more info/images for you to view and discuss about.
This thing started as a 30 page magazine idea and with the support of the community secretly behind the scenes this grew into a 200+ page book.
Print: Working with companies to allow us to print it without us making a profit. Since the print company stills makes a profit we have to find a way to make this work for both parties. The print obviously would not be free but it would be at 100% cost.
I will leave you with a small sample list of people who have helped submit content for this.
Sam Yang
Jonathan Fletcher
Jon-Troy Nickel
Tamara Bakhlycheva
Ben Regimbal
Del Walker
Hai Phan
Tor Frick
Jacque Choi
Team Bam-Bu
There is more people than just these artists helping out with content but they all deserve the thanks. The Idea would have just been a pipe dream without people helping dedicate their time as well to collaborate with me.
This has been a great learning Experience and a very Fun project, knowing you guys are pumped makes it that much more worth it.
The Programs I used to answer the question:
I can definitely say that I'm amazed. My timing to jump back onto polycount couldn't have been better. The amount of awesome info getting passed down from people with experience hasn't ever been so rich.
I for one am impressed and would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all those who who contribute to stuff like this.
The Programs I used to answer the question:
Thanks. How straightforward is it for you to publish in so many formats? Does inDesign have all those export options built in? Does that cause formatting issues between versions?
Was fun to do something for this, I can't wait to get stuck in to the whole thing, there is really some awesome stuff in there. In fact it makes my little segment look like shit I tells ya!
200+ pages of moist learny goodness.
Ryan put a lot of time into putting this together as well as all the artists involved, so a large applause to him for putting in the time not many people would be willing to do.
He had to ask for a lot of favours and pull a lot of strings. He did terrible, unspeakable things.
Oh my holy wow. Thank you SO MUCH Ryan for putting it together and all the artists who have contributed. I can't wait!
Do you have any more information on the print version? Soft or hard cover? Type of binding, like, book or spiral? I love me some spiral-bound books, makes flattening them out on my desk to follow directions super easy.
One note about iPad publishing, although I'm sure you've probably looked into it. You could use 'iBooks Author' to get a native distro in the Apple iBooks Store.
However, I haven't used it so it may well be a piece of shit aimed at the non-technical crowd, with a restrictive format, but it could be cool if you could just 'drag n drop' all the pages in and have it publish automatically. Also, I've heard there's some DRM/Licensing caveats.
Big ups to Ryan for putting this together!
this looks amazing! you guys are awesome
Looking forward to this!
Edit: Oh wait for free?
Thanks for Taking the time then dudes!
Double Edit: So what are you guys gonna call it?
looks amazing Ryan!
I would probably look at the layout, right now some of the pages are over the other ones making it a bit tricky to read. If you could just get that fixed I think you could be on to a winner.
you guys should do a print version with huuge thick pages and a CD to acompany, it would beat 3dWorld out within months :P
Mad props to you and to everyone involved.
Thanks so much for doing this everyone. So freaking cool!
But you guys deserve a respect!
Yep gotta reiterate how incredible Ryan is for putting this together. A lot of people continue to talk about "oh the community needs X", but people rarely do anything themselves.
Ryan literally took the time to contact us to help put together probably the best game art book I've personally ever seen just to push the communities in a healthier direction.
Can't wait for you guys to see all 200+ pages of nothing but tutorials. Thanks again for Ryan; I'm honored to be a part of it.
This looks amazing and I can't wait for it
holy shit! words can't describe how awesome this sounds.
Gawd, this looks exciting! These things make world a better place.
Alpha dogs, every one of you.
who's this noob?
But with all of the community issues we are having these days with people complaining about how people don't give back. This should be proof to hold your tongue these pros have put in the time to give back and do read your comments. So for someone who puts the time in to help a community out to read what has been posted lately it is probably a little disheartening.
As Del pointed out this is over 200+ pages already. This is working it's way into the final leg of the process. I am no book editor and I am hack in the design area. I just hope at the end of the day the quality and product does the work and information the justice it needs. I recently finally had a chance to sit down and actually read some of the articles and man am I happy these guys put in the time to spread some information to you guys.
Stay tuned as this progresses I will post up some more info/images for you to view and discuss about.
This thing started as a 30 page magazine idea and with the support of the community secretly behind the scenes this grew into a 200+ page book.
Digital: Ipad/KendleFire/Blackberry/Galaxys/PDF/epub/web/flashpageturn
Print: Working with companies to allow us to print it without us making a profit. Since the print company stills makes a profit we have to find a way to make this work for both parties. The print obviously would not be free but it would be at 100% cost.
I will leave you with a small sample list of people who have helped submit content for this.
Sam Yang
Jonathan Fletcher
Jon-Troy Nickel
Tamara Bakhlycheva
Ben Regimbal
Del Walker
Hai Phan
Tor Frick
Jacque Choi
Team Bam-Bu
There is more people than just these artists helping out with content but they all deserve the thanks. The Idea would have just been a pipe dream without people helping dedicate their time as well to collaborate with me.
This has been a great learning Experience and a very Fun project, knowing you guys are pumped makes it that much more worth it.
The Programs I used to answer the question:
now i shall have the right path by the gods of mechanics gods of creatures and gods of env :O
I just want to say a massive thanks to all of you guys, it looks absolutely awesome and I must say I can't wait to check it out.
Also... major props for offering an iPad/Kindle version.
haha, would be cool if the physical book was black-leather bound with gold leafed pages:)
I can definitely say that I'm amazed. My timing to jump back onto polycount couldn't have been better. The amount of awesome info getting passed down from people with experience hasn't ever been so rich.
I for one am impressed and would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all those who who contribute to stuff like this.
Thanks. How straightforward is it for you to publish in so many formats? Does inDesign have all those export options built in? Does that cause formatting issues between versions?
200+ pages of moist learny goodness.
Ryan put a lot of time into putting this together as well as all the artists involved, so a large applause to him for putting in the time not many people would be willing to do.
He had to ask for a lot of favours and pull a lot of strings. He did terrible, unspeakable things.
Do you have any more information on the print version? Soft or hard cover? Type of binding, like, book or spiral? I love me some spiral-bound books, makes flattening them out on my desk to follow directions super easy.
Thank you again
Can't wait to see this!
However, I haven't used it so it may well be a piece of shit aimed at the non-technical crowd, with a restrictive format, but it could be cool if you could just 'drag n drop' all the pages in and have it publish automatically. Also, I've heard there's some DRM/Licensing caveats.
Thank you so much to every single one of you guys
do want