Been great seeing this mature along the way, Ryan. Great work with the layouts lately and damned good work by all the artists involved. You guys are going to love this book, it's really quite amazing.
I like the fact that this compilation really seems to touch on every aspect of game artistry. There's bound to be something for everyone regardless of seniority or field of expertise.
Awesome incentive Ryan, thumbs up.
PS: I'm sure this could be an ongoing compilation that could get possible additions as time goes on and new pipelines gets developed.
I know you're planning on putting this out for free but you should really set up a paypal donation page or something along those lines, I'm clearly not the only one that appreciates this level of awesomeness.
haha, but in all seriousness I wouldnt mind donating to make sure this made print and if you guys made a profit I would be happy too. You guys deserve it, absolutely cant wait
Kinda bummed that doesnt link to a kickstarter/payment page :poly122:
Err I mean- You guys are being dicks by only allowing everyone to use these for free. THIS WEBSITE IS FOR THE PROS ONLY AND US NEWBS GET NOTHING... NOTHING!
Before this gets out of hand we are working on a hard version of this, It will be sold for at cost most likely to print them. The digital forms of this will be free. I appreciate the want to donate to the project and such, we just cannot accept those. Thanks though,really just support us and spread the word of the project and that is payment enough.
Before this gets out of hand we are working on a hard version of this, It will be sold for at cost most likely to print them. The digital forms of this will be free. I appreciate the want to donate to the project and such, we just cannot accept those. Thanks though,really just support us and spread the word of the project and that is payment enough.
You guys rock and thanks for the support!
Well... is it strictly a Polycount initiative? I don't see people not being willing to pay an extra fiver for a hard copy if it helps runs PC...
This however does have Polycount members but is not titled Polycount or is even a Polycount project, So even if we did sell it the money would go to royalties to the artists for their content and for the work they put in,the rest would be printing costs. That being said we can't sell this volume, from the start of the project it was setup to be free that is why we invited companies like Blizzard and Naughty Dog to show their work flows.
We have a lot of licensed material here that we did not go out and get the license to sell for. Since this version is free that is ok. We however are Looking into things for future projects. This won't be a one and done, I hope this clears up some things for you guys.
I can say after reading and looking at this closely and sharing my thoughts with Ryan and seeing all the late nights he has put into this. You guys... Minds are gonna be blown. It seriously is an orgy of some of the most amazing art work and artists our community has to offer.
Ok I'm just gonna come out and ask the question everyone wants to ask, but doesn't want to sound like an impatient, ungrateful bitch;
What kinda timeframe are we looking at for release? I know you guys don't want the pressure of a date and I'm not asking for anything specific, but are we talking weeks/months/years?
> free
Can't wait to see it in its finality!
This going to be so fkn awesome
Thanks to all of those who participated!
Would absolutely pay for a physical version of the book.
'Cheers' doesn't really cover it guys! This is stunning!
you can upload a pdf there and get it printed, no minimum runs.
your avatar looks like Aniese from gumball
Awesome incentive Ryan, thumbs up.
PS: I'm sure this could be an ongoing compilation that could get possible additions as time goes on and new pipelines gets developed.
Err I mean- You guys are being dicks by only allowing everyone to use these for free. THIS WEBSITE IS FOR THE PROS ONLY AND US NEWBS GET NOTHING... NOTHING!
You guys rock and thanks for the support!
Well... is it strictly a Polycount initiative? I don't see people not being willing to pay an extra fiver for a hard copy if it helps runs PC...
Also Hazardous, that made my morning
We have a lot of licensed material here that we did not go out and get the license to sell for. Since this version is free that is ok. We however are Looking into things for future projects. This won't be a one and done, I hope this clears up some things for you guys.
nice initiative Ryan!
So many amazing pieces and information.
What kinda timeframe are we looking at for release? I know you guys don't want the pressure of a date and I'm not asking for anything specific, but are we talking weeks/months/years?
- BoBo