We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Time to do some 3d work?
Or just go out hang with some people, play some games, go to the movies.
Heres something to cheer you up: my Snail Camel
@ErikNilsson Definitely cheered me up!
Some more environment sketches from me.
+1 for awesome snail camel erik! ^^
Any Id
bad art
Been amazed by all the work around and want to participate.
Another head study:
what my life has become..
Recent speed paint of a viking.
Here's a sketch for the weekly theme
realy cool!
Allan-p Its awesome seeing your style on some modern looking stuff!
@Allan-p - Looking ace!
Is that Chris Holden?!
This weeks theme is to paint a portrait from a ref photo or real life.
Something a little more different from me, been trying to render stuff out more.
Still figuring things out
A figure drawing to fit in with the theme. Reference from here. Took longer than I expected to get to this result. Looks like I haven't been practicing enough lately. I'll probably attempt to shade it later this week.
fast scribble while downloading (about 35 min)
Nice lotet!
Speed sculpt.
52 minutes of fun.
(I am aware Ive posted in the wrong thread, sorry)