We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Zenoart, you made me want to do a wizard!
Striker, damn son, smashing out those palettes pow pow!
erik. really love the mood in that one!
Did some fanart for Hyper Light Drifter, a kickstarter game
Here's a futuristic take on the pamplona bull race.
Thanks to http://chamarjin.deviantart.com/ for allowing me to use her photos as ref.
One last quick one before bed for me!
Note to self: draw more hands !!
Lunch Sketch:
fancy cat.
I was just mucking about at this point since photoshop was really really lagging and it was hard doing small fine edits.
hey guys... been working on my observational drawing skills, please let me know what you think
reference image from 3d.sk
Anyway, lunch sketch:
I would keep an eye on it and see if I'd join in from time to time.
i think thats a good idea!, we could put the theme etc on the 1st page so it wouldnt get lost? idk but im in!
Quick study from yesterday, took me a bit longer than I wanted to because I messed up the proportions of the head from the start. I might finish this one, dunno yet :P
Eric: Sounds like a great idea
ref: http://chamarjin.deviantart.com/art/The-green-fairy-10-402348430
so, This weeks theme is: Mutated Bandit.
Striker, awesome man! Take it away to the first comment
Here`s my wip of Malagard, the hag countess (for current ChOW)
Lunch sketch mutant from me too, will refine tomorrow:
She lost her left arm in the war. I totally didn't get lazy and give up on coming up with a useful place to put it, okay?
Continued on my mutant during my lunch:
have to get on the mutant bandwagon tonight
Cross post !!
practice from ref:
And the step-by-step:
Another google hangout drawing
Atticus: oh man I love that
Anglorum: haha brilliant, you can almost see how the g-force is pushing the guy back in his seat