Still no FX/Rain, and theres a LOT of WIP stuff in the map, but you know, just showing it for sake of showing something, not posting a lot of media atm because of some pretty silly real life™ issues
EDIT: I Love how the compression of the video makes it impossible to see the bloody rain/wet effects on the floor... *sigh* Need to sort that compression out.
Head Shot Models - I tried to copy the way Fallout 3 did it really with the segmented "pieces". Theres clearly no FX shown here, and its posed in a way to show everything in one shot, but I'll have a video up soon of the effect, including blood and physics. Neck stump is by somebody else, just FYI:
Ok well... This was far more fun to make than it should have been. Ladies and gentlemen, the gib damage model for when that 'nade goes off a little too close to somebody in OverDose:
EDIT: I Love how the compression of the video makes it impossible to see the bloody rain/wet effects on the floor... *sigh* Need to sort that compression out.
Remember... This is based on the Quake 2 engine, so don't expect Crysis level shit or owt...
also, highlights on bloody parts seem kinda metallic.