Yup, I think that may be the best I can hope for. Nothing is perfect, but the ivy will hide it well. The shadow looks a bit odd here but oh well, I can change that later:
Yeah I'll take another look at the normals when I get home, there must be something I can do. I do know I can hack them up easy by adding a chamfer to the very edge of those corner models, which will average out the normals there so they will appear perfectly flush in smoothing. I'll take a look later.
As for the spec, yup, I was thinking the exact same thing really.
Stromberg - Gun is looking good, I would say everything is to rounded off though.. You wont get a nice crisp normal map to read those metal edges when you do the low poly cast. You will have many things that will look good no doubt... But I dont believe it will carry the wow factor to the gun. I dig the gun design! Has that AK-47 feel to it that we all love.
and when I said "wont get a nice crisp normal map" I also meant those rounded edges wont catch those awesome edges that you get highlights from lighting. So make some 45 degree trimmings to your work and I think you might be more pleased with the result. You decide how thick that should be.. I would suggest go check out some FPS games and see how the light catches the edges of the guns.
Hey JohanthanF i hope you don't mind, are you sugesting we should use chamfers instead of fillets ? Sort of like this ? That sort of looks better i guess.
Yeeah^ some double bevels to help define the main secondary shapes would be ace-
Also, it would be a sin not to bring that into a sculpt app and muck around with it.
yup! thats its! I would suggest a bit more sharper on those double edges to really help... but it already looks better and helps catch light a LOT better as you can see. And you dont want to OVER use this on everything, it can be over kill to then see a complete outline of highlights on your weapon when you run by a light or something. Its an art to figure out where you really need it and where its over kill. yall have killer work so far though! keep it up!
Finally someone doing guns for this project! Been loving that concept for the assault rifle and I see that it coming along nicly! Good work Stromberg90!
Woah! That model is VERY nice. Great read of the masses and forms, very elegantly translated into 3d. Tightening up the shapes is a good idea -- anywhere that i drew a contour line along the edge is intended to imply a chamfer. But dont tighten them up too much! A lot of the character of the gun is this warped, molded metal look that you captured very well.
Be sure to solidify the attachment of the rear-sights a bit more, and try to thicken and soften up the shapes a bit more on the magazine -- they're supposed to be sharper than the molded metal shapes on the gun, but not THAT much sharper. Additionally, I'd personally suggest you drop the rail. It's a very good idea generally speaking, but it doesnt suit the identity of the marauder weapons -- the way i interpret it, their more 'handmade' guns are not purpose built with that kind of planning. That's more up to odium though, it's his fiction!
If you have any questions about parts of the concept you feel are unclear, hit me up with a PM and i'll get a diagram or something for you
I'm behind on drawing guns for you guys! I'll have the next couple in the works soon
Thanks for the interest in the project and for all the great critics
respawnrt: Thanks man
JonathanF: Thanks for taking the time to comment so in depth, I will take some time to get the edges to read better and chamfer the most important ones, I think it's a very cool design myself got a really powerful and bulky feel to it
konstruct: I have thought of doing a sculpt pass on it, but I will consider that when I am close to finishing the highpoly.
Patrick Svensson: Thanks!
Joseph Silverman: The designer itself Thanks for all the kind words, you did a good job on the concept. I will soften up the shapes on the mag and try and solidify things, I will also remove the rail since odium mentioned that to.
I will send you a PM if I am wondering about anything, looking forward to seeing the new concepts
Just a quick question Strombo me' old china, I'll post it here because not sure if the TBG chat is working for you.
Whats the weapon look like from an "iron sight" perspective? The best places to check usually are quick mock ups of "idle", "iron sight", "held side on to the camera" and "looking at the weapon top down". These are the places you can see smoothing issues crop up that may mess with how it looks in normal gameplay, as well as see areas that UV mirroring simply looks bad on.
Done more on the shotgun, still a bit more polishing to be done and I am planning to do a sculpt pass, to make it more rough.
A few floaters here that look a bit funny with the ao.
Quick update before bed. The tree is temp, gonna make a better one than my old, old one there, that will be coming up and bursting out the ground. Remember the game takes place a 100+ years in the future:
Stromberg90, what about some edge damaege and what not? It's quite messed up (in a good way) in some areas, but it lacks smaller damages
Looks good, btw. I see that you remade the weld once already, though it might be worth one more take to refine it - since it's so close to the camera. Pedro Amorim (bitmap) did a little timelaps video of when he sculpted welds.
Agreed on the weld there, looks a tad odd. I don't think it needs huge long work, but it could be better seeing, as you said, it's right in the players face.
Q2 is open source, which means the second we want to sell it we have to. It a licence. As long as we keep the game closed for now and don't put it up for download, we aren't in need of updating the code. The general rule is that want to sell nd keep it closed = buy the licence. Want to release the game for free = release the code as well.
The closed codeicence is to be paid from my own pocket.
sltrOlsson: Thanks Re-did the weld again, thanks for posting that video that Pedro made, looked a lot better and was easier to do.
About the edge damage I really want to, but I don't know if the result will be worth spending hours sculpting, but I never say never
sltrOlsson: Thanks Re-did the weld again, thanks for posting that video that Pedro made, looked a lot better and was easier to do.
About the edge damage I really want to, but I don't know if the result will be worth spending hours sculpting, but I never say never
Don't need to be hours. Just pick a tight brush like the damiant_standard and go bananas. For the affected areas I would say that you absolutly will manage under an hour. Nothing fancy, just something more then regular HP stuff
I saw your gun in the "WAYWO" and i still think it needs some work, sorry The problem lies in that the weld aren't connected. To create that feel just export your highpoly with even (enough) distributed quads and work with the clayBuildup. I made a quick explanation, this literary toke me minutes.
sltrOlsson: No problem mate, I love getting good critics and that you took the time to do a mini-tut is awesome
Will redo the welds and I have done some other sculpting, expect a update soon
Lighting looks awesome. Howre the tools for lighting in id? any gi or anything?
this, hehehe
As for the spec, yup, I was thinking the exact same thing really.
Concept by Joseph Silverman.
My highpoly
A few areas are still a bit rough and some parts has not been created yet, but I hope this gives you a taste of it
Stromberg - Gun is looking good, I would say everything is to rounded off though.. You wont get a nice crisp normal map to read those metal edges when you do the low poly cast. You will have many things that will look good no doubt... But I dont believe it will carry the wow factor to the gun. I dig the gun design! Has that AK-47 feel to it that we all love.
Also, it would be a sin not to bring that into a sculpt app and muck around with it.
Keep us updated!
Just to point out, this is a shotgun variant. Not assault rifle. That ones not been drawn yet
Be sure to solidify the attachment of the rear-sights a bit more, and try to thicken and soften up the shapes a bit more on the magazine -- they're supposed to be sharper than the molded metal shapes on the gun, but not THAT much sharper. Additionally, I'd personally suggest you drop the rail. It's a very good idea generally speaking, but it doesnt suit the identity of the marauder weapons -- the way i interpret it, their more 'handmade' guns are not purpose built with that kind of planning. That's more up to odium though, it's his fiction!
If you have any questions about parts of the concept you feel are unclear, hit me up with a PM and i'll get a diagram or something for you
I'm behind on drawing guns for you guys! I'll have the next couple in the works soon
respawnrt: Thanks man
JonathanF: Thanks for taking the time to comment so in depth, I will take some time to get the edges to read better and chamfer the most important ones, I think it's a very cool design myself got a really powerful and bulky feel to it
konstruct: I have thought of doing a sculpt pass on it, but I will consider that when I am close to finishing the highpoly.
Patrick Svensson: Thanks!
Joseph Silverman: The designer itself
I will send you a PM if I am wondering about anything, looking forward to seeing the new concepts
Whats the weapon look like from an "iron sight" perspective? The best places to check usually are quick mock ups of "idle", "iron sight", "held side on to the camera" and "looking at the weapon top down". These are the places you can see smoothing issues crop up that may mess with how it looks in normal gameplay, as well as see areas that UV mirroring simply looks bad on.
Done more on the shotgun, still a bit more polishing to be done and I am planning to do a sculpt pass, to make it more rough.
A few floaters here that look a bit funny with the ao.
And I told you about those hand rails, its temp geo, jesus egg hats!!
Critics are very appreciated, will move to the low if none
Looks good, btw. I see that you remade the weld once already, though it might be worth one more take to refine it - since it's so close to the camera. Pedro Amorim (bitmap) did a little timelaps video of when he sculpted welds.
http://tolas.wordpress.com/2008/07/28/tutorial-welding-tubes/ (Maybe that's not hes blog, first hit on google, don't want to go back :P)
Really great work you've done there
The closed codeicence is to be paid from my own pocket.
About the edge damage I really want to, but I don't know if the result will be worth spending hours sculpting, but I never say never
Don't need to be hours. Just pick a tight brush like the damiant_standard and go bananas. For the affected areas I would say that you absolutly will manage under an hour. Nothing fancy, just something more then regular HP stuff
EDIT: Bloody hell that tree ad bush there are low quality, need to sort those out... they mess up bad with 8x AA and alpha to coverage lol!
Will redo the welds and I have done some other sculpting, expect a update soon
That's looking awesome!
I was working on the Bolt Pistol, this is the high poly version. Feedback is welcome of course.
What you are refering to is a piece of cloth