Was cool seeing you work on this on G+.
I think you need to split up the materials in the gun a little more. there's not much contrast in the gun right now other than the metal strips which is making the gun read badly (blur your eyes and the gun just becomes a jumble of shapes). Also i think your edge scratches should be a lot broader considering the gun is covered in large scratches but for some reason the scratches dont effect the paintwork?
Seeming as a ton of other people have done it already, i thought i'd chip in with a paint over of where i would go with the gun design (opinion). I used an older pic of the gun as the lower value metal strips look better to me.
gilesruscoe: Was cool being with you and the others on the hangout today
Like the paint over you did, would definitely work with more a steam punk kind of game
This is a temp gloss and spec, so I will totally redo those when the diffuse is done
Thought some people might dig seeing this come together, so I'll be posting WIPs for this new concept.
Started digging in on the final when I get the time -- only a couple hours of real work so far.
This part of the process involves a lot more than it looks like -- there are quite a few tricky perspective issues to sort out, and there's a ton of design clarification going on. The devil's in the details on a design like this! Everything has to look awesome in 3d, which means a bunch of attention to each individual edge and transition to save the modeler a whole lot of improvisation. And everything will have to move without weird issues cropping up when it gets handed off to the animator.
The most important bits of design, the improvised magazine release handle and the various pipeage, are yet to come.
I'm also giving a very marauder front-grip a spin -- it gives the weapon a super unique silhouette and the rickety shapes offer a nice contrast to the sturdier bits of the marauder arsenal.
This MIGHT get a painted final, since there's a bunch going on in terms of different surfaces and shapes that could use more clarification than just lines, but no promises!
edit: whoops! saved over this image with a later version on my dropbox by mistake. so it goes! sorry dudes
Great work! I cant wait to see this thing released!
@ computron
you can just check out the hangout thread in the general discussion, it's called like Google+ Hangouts and idea or something like that, people usually post a link to every hangout, most of the time there's one going on, next time im in one ill post a link for ya and pm you
Well the burst rifle is done, this is the final shot from max with xoliul shader 2.
Thanks for the help everyone, more pics will be found in my own thread later
Had quite a few comments on the blurryness of the texture, and I have to agree. To late now, but thats why I tend to not make some parts high res than others when working with higher res textures, because it all becomes far too obvious.
Didn't put a hell of a lot into this, the knife is offhand, so didn't need to make it uber detailed, hence the low quality, but the Marauder Shiv is done:
"Didn't put a hell of a lot into this, the knife is offhand, so didn't need to make it uber detailed, hence the low quality, but the Marauder Shiv is done"
I still wanna go to prison and shiv my way through now...well...do I? Maybe not, mostly for the prison part.
We had an IndieGoGo, but we never met the deadline because we are too early for real gameplay videos, sadly. We managed to raise about $900, and after Paypal/IndieGoGo took the cut, took away less than half that...
We want to do a Kickstarter, but we also want to wait until the times perfect. Tricky spot to be in
Having a bit of a Z issue when we get too close to walls atm, which is a bum, gonna see what can be done You have to be stood right next to a wall, but still.
By the by, you need to stop being a lazy triple A talented bugger and start adding some attachment concepts as well what the hell am i paying you for?!
Edit: joking if you can't tell! But not at the same time! But I am! Sort of!
Here are some small updates with the bakes and low poly.. low poly landed on 11932 tris for the whole thing 9438 for the body/gear and 2494 for the head.. still some small fixing here and there are needed but very soon texturing time
I love how you're not happy with that, makes me smile... It's sexy as hell, foo!
Quick aside, I'm currently looking for some environment guys who can help put together some destroyed ruined city scapes for me? Very over grown, out of control stuff. If anybody feels up to the task, hit me up. Not in a sexual way or anything, a pm will do.
Just to show you where I am at, no proper spec map or gloss map yet.
I think you need to split up the materials in the gun a little more. there's not much contrast in the gun right now other than the metal strips which is making the gun read badly (blur your eyes and the gun just becomes a jumble of shapes). Also i think your edge scratches should be a lot broader considering the gun is covered in large scratches but for some reason the scratches dont effect the paintwork?
Seeming as a ton of other people have done it already, i thought i'd chip in with a paint over of where i would go with the gun design (opinion). I used an older pic of the gun as the lower value metal strips look better to me.
Like the paint over you did, would definitely work with more a steam punk kind of game
This is a temp gloss and spec, so I will totally redo those when the diffuse is done
Started digging in on the final when I get the time -- only a couple hours of real work so far.
This part of the process involves a lot more than it looks like -- there are quite a few tricky perspective issues to sort out, and there's a ton of design clarification going on. The devil's in the details on a design like this! Everything has to look awesome in 3d, which means a bunch of attention to each individual edge and transition to save the modeler a whole lot of improvisation. And everything will have to move without weird issues cropping up when it gets handed off to the animator.
The most important bits of design, the improvised magazine release handle and the various pipeage, are yet to come.
I'm also giving a very marauder front-grip a spin -- it gives the weapon a super unique silhouette and the rickety shapes offer a nice contrast to the sturdier bits of the marauder arsenal.
This MIGHT get a painted final, since there's a bunch going on in terms of different surfaces and shapes that could use more clarification than just lines, but no promises!
edit: whoops! saved over this image with a later version on my dropbox by mistake. so it goes! sorry dudes
@ computron
you can just check out the hangout thread in the general discussion, it's called like Google+ Hangouts and idea or something like that, people usually post a link to every hangout, most of the time there's one going on, next time im in one ill post a link for ya and pm you
I'm digging the nailgun design too.
Well the burst rifle is done, this is the final shot from max with xoliul shader 2.
Thanks for the help everyone, more pics will be found in my own thread later
I feel like if the metals were darker, it might look a bit meaner. It could be as simple as a levels pass on the diff.
I agree with you, so I will try that
PENDING APPROVAL from odium, but this is my intended final for the nailgun.
I still wanna go to prison and shiv my way through now...well...do I? Maybe not, mostly for the prison part.
Stuff is looking good. Sorry I bailed on you in the past. Had other things to worry about at the time.
We want to do a Kickstarter, but we also want to wait until the times perfect. Tricky spot to be in
Seriously, that gun looks awesom with the game's lighting.
Alrighty done with the HP and have started with the low... heres some pics of the HP.
And get the fuck back and skype so I can talk to you and give you some stromberg love
Got naked pictures of myself
And now for something completely different:
Edit: joking if you can't tell! But not at the same time! But I am! Sort of!
Quick aside, I'm currently looking for some environment guys who can help put together some destroyed ruined city scapes for me? Very over grown, out of control stuff. If anybody feels up to the task, hit me up. Not in a sexual way or anything, a pm will do.