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What Are You Working On? 2012 Edition



  • Louomi
    Fingus wrote: »
    I love that gun. Really cool how it's a normal revolver that has been modded like crazy. Although I'm not sure how it's supposed to work. My first impression was that the power source was linked to the ring which would charge the bullets with electromagnetism or something, but then I noticed it was linked to the metal coil on the top, which has some tape going into the drum? Some clarification would be nice.

    Well! I admit. I don't know how it's supposed to work (though it is supposed to be able to produce some nice particle effects). The general idea of the weapons in our game is that you find the "normal weapon" at first, then you find a somewhat... warped upgrade, made by a crazy scientist who also makes zombies. It's all in the borderlands of science and magic and "pull the trigger" is pretty much it tight now. That said, I'm not at all opposed to ideas that might make it look a bit more believable or ideas concerning how it might actually work. I have some UV space left as I removed the tape and mirrored the handle.

    katana wrote: »
    Louomi : nice start on the revolver. As fingus pointed out, it is a little hard to figure out how it's supposed to work beyond the 'pull the trigger'. When I'm looking at the power cell or what ever it is, I'm feeling like it should be half or three quarters filled with liquid. Right now, there might be a glowstick in it, but thats about it.

    Where the hose connects into the base of the bottle, there should be an adapter....and the hose itself feels weak and wimpy like it would get snagged on something and yanked out.

    How would you draw a gun like this from the holster?

    Looking forward to the finish

    I think it's supposed to be liquid, though I'm not sure how I would manage it in the engine we're working with (as far as I'm concerned, it allows neither transparency nor liquids). Right now, it's just a flat colour in the emissive map. I can make a superficial liquid-line, making the top a but less emissive as to give the impression it's filled with something.

    The hose thing really is a copper wire (if it is the thing wrapping around the glowly container cylinder-thing you're talking about) put there to match the inductor on the top. What sort of adapter are you thinking about?

    As for drawing it from a holster... : ( I don't think you do. You might hang it from a belt hook. Or have it magnetically hover in front of you. Or wear it like a halo. Perhaps you have to remove the upgrades before doing so.

    Thank you very much for your comments! And if people have any ideas of how to make it more believable in three easy steps, I would love to hear them!
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    LRoy wrote: »
    I just spent 3 mins trying to pause that gif

    download open in xnview and cycle throu the anim frames
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Saman wrote: »
    Cross-posting from my DS2 thread. Here is a shot from an axe I'm making. Still WIP and feedback is welcome;

    Boob physics when swung. Do it now.

    Nice idea though, pretty unique from what i've seen so far ;D
  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    Nice work on those characters Fred and Pes!

    Would be great to maybe have some feedback on this?

  • Miche
    Saman: Looks sweet! Maybe make the "branches" a little bit thinner and more thickness variation to make it look more like veins? Makes it a little bit more nasty maybe? I guess you're also going to make the edge of the blades look sharper? It looks kind of dull now.. Cool progress and concept though, keep it up :)

    scotthomer: Hey man nice to see some progress.. Is it all baked down to a flat cube now? I want to see the text and stuff pop out more. And some more texture-variation maybe? I mean, different kinds of materials or some brightness variation in the diffuse? Keep up the progression!
  • Bertmac
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    Bertmac polycounter lvl 17
    LRoy wrote: »
    I just spent 3 mins trying to pause that gif
    HAHAHA So funny
  • fr0gg1e
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    fr0gg1e polycounter lvl 17
    toren3d wrote: »
    Your normal is looking pretty good! Take a copy of it into Crazy Bump and paste the normal in. Now, take the default Diffuse that is generated, and paste it in a new layer set to overlay at around 50% opacity. Now, fiddle with the Ambient Occlusion sliders (usually 100% power, 10% lighten, and mid 90's% detail) and multiply this at around 30-50% opacity. I also take the default Displacement from Crazy Bump and overlay it at 20%.

    These three layers that you have brought over from Crazy Bump into Photoshop can be put into a folder on top of all your other base layers (overlays, painted highlights and shadows, etc.). I would get a few tiling photos and overlay them at around 40-60% (included in your base layers as well). Keep in mind that your diffuse should not have too many darks or too many lights. Your 3 textures (diffuse, spec, and normal) are like a speaker setup. You don't want one particular texture trying to cover low, mids, and highs. Essentially, the normal is your subwoofer, your diffuse is your mids, and your spec is the tweeter.

    This is basically the "recipe" to mimicking the Uncharted style. There is a thread on zbrushcentral started by some Naughty Dog guys that shows a more elaborate version of this. Several youtube videos that go into their tiling Zbrush methods, but it appears you have that part figured out fine. Keep it up!

    Thanks! I am not worried about the diffuse...This is just a quick test to nderstand the process =) I mostly try to understand how they are painting their diffuse in Zbrush (as I saw tate's video from gamers talk, but it's so blurry / low quality I can't see anything haha except the brush he is using, but no clue on what the textures he's using are or how his sculpt really is to see the amound of deep things he have going on on his bricks. wish there was the original version available somewhere).
    In the coming days I will have to investigate more on that and will have to mess around and find some recipes, I will give your suggestion a go until it clicks =)
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    xpost from my thread!


    could really use some feedback! :)
  • amadeux
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    amadeux polycounter lvl 8
    Computron wrote: »
    Thats some funky lighting. Where is that blue rim light coming from on the middle piece of machinery?

    Thanks for your feedback. There is no real lighting set up yet. I'm currently using the xoliul shader with applied cubemaps just looking at the shapes. The final cubemap will be of that environment and dramatic lighting of course. i'll post the concept I made if you want to see what I had in mind.
    Pope Adam wrote: »
    I like the idea here. I like, so far, most of the execution.

    I just can't help but feel like those cylinders need more sides though.

    Do you mean the top ones? your right, I'm just trying to keep the polys down, though I guess I'll reconsider it since you brought it up. Thank you.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    I keep this thread open in a seperate tab so I can always view the latest stuff :)

    Long time since I posted but been doing work on the beastie here and there. Done some deformation and cloth sim tests (for the membrane) and it seemed to be working pretty well, so been doing sculpting and modifying the design. Will to a full-on, proper rig once I've finished sculpting.

    Here is where I currently am, still need to stop hiding from parts like the claws and settle on a final look for them.

  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    This is such an awesome thread.


    this is really nice man, u have a great base here, dont mess up with low poly stuff like the cylinders on top

    fix naw! :D
  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    More space ship noodling. A fair bit of clean up and started on the canopy + cockpit. Will add in rough chair of some kind and maybe a few boxes to fake controls but won't bother with any "proper" cockpit stuff since you'll never see the inside (and cockpits scare me with all them buttons) :)



    Walkntalknmonkey, that looks like a really good start, looking forward to seeing that develop.

    Mongrelman, stop being a wimp and get them claws sorted, you're a grown man now ;) Would be cool to see some of your membrane tests!

    Ericdigital, sweet sculpt but the line where her stomach muscles meet the ribcage (just below/between boobs) looks really harsh, maybe soften it a bit?
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    @urgaffel - cool ship! looking forward to seeing more. Agree, I need to soften her up a bit!
  • TheDarkKnight
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    TheDarkKnight polycounter lvl 15
    Very quick sculpting + Spotlight texturing on a basemesh I'm working on, trying to see how it works during sculpting, lips need work

  • amadeux
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    amadeux polycounter lvl 8
    Lonewolf wrote: »
    this is really nice man, u have a great base here, dont mess up with low poly stuff like the cylinders on top

    fix naw! :D

    Okee dokee, thanks for the feedback. Those cylinders are definitely getting their polys worth.
  • richwderby
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    richwderby polycounter lvl 6
    Yeah I agree scott! thats the colour ive decided to go for:

  • prototyp3
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    prototyp3 polycounter lvl 17
    Mongrelman: Nice work around the chest, neck and shoulders area. Very believable build.

    Started on the next Walking Dead sculpt.
  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    A simple test for my thesis project.
    Finishing the low poly this week, been taking waaaaay too long on this.
  • SuPa-
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    SuPa- polycounter lvl 11
    Update on this
  • botchiball
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    botchiball polycounter lvl 8
    Another DeLorean update, still a WIP obviously but I'm down to details on the high res before I start breaking it apart for the low. I'm not happy that the undercarriage is extremely simple - though its not like it will be seen. Still needs zip ties for the wires, brake pads, and small wires.. to name a few things. Also thinking I may keep making high res for the other versions of the cars before I make the low res, probably good to keep similar work together.
    The second render came out too dark, but it was just a test anyway - apologies - and colors are just there to help when I texture.

  • Simmo
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    Simmo polycounter lvl 12
    just ao and normals so far
  • timspanjer
    prototyp3 wrote: »
    Mongrelman: Nice work around the chest, neck and shoulders area. Very believable build.

    Started on the next Walking Dead sculpt.

    prototyp3: I love how the face detail is tuning out. But the head seems a bit too tall so far or the face is just too small. Hope that helps some.

  • jonas-144
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    jonas-144 polycounter lvl 6
    prototyp3: Really nice sculpt and nice shading. But I agree with timspanjer his head looks a bit too tall

    This looks really awsome can't wait to see the rest:)

    Well kind of a "Final" uppdate here. The are still some tiny things I want to do on this. But they will have to wait.

    Fixed some minor things since last and:
    - Fixed the bridge
    - added Chimneys with smoke
    - added villages in the distance
    - Made some nice water.
    - tiny tweaking on the over all colour

    And sorry for the crosspost

  • Superfail
    This is some work i works on on and off for some time. Made it done today. Hope you like it
  • BertR
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    BertR polycounter lvl 7
    Finished this container. Made it for practising normal-baking and texturing skills...


    More: http://bert-ruiter.nl/container.html
  • Mohammatron
    Pretty much done, but I'm thinking of putting this bot in a cooler little warzone scene or something of the sort.
  • VictorSantos
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    VictorSantos polycounter lvl 13
    Lovely piece Superfail!

    This is the latest gameplay of Defenders of the Last Colony, the game made by polycounters and tested by them too!

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoHIrMHNo6s&hd=1"]Defenders - Open Beta Gameplay #1 - YouTube[/ame]

    Rememeber that you can still be a part of the BETA just by sending us an email to knittedpixels@gmail.com with the subject "BETA".

  • MrNinjutsu
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Meant to cross post this quick grass texture walkthrough in here too.

  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    jeffro wrote: »
    Meant to cross post this quick grass texture walkthrough in here too.

    Great tutorial man, appreciate that. I've been looking for a decent tut for a good while.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    BertR wrote: »
    Finished this container. Made it for practising normal-baking and texturing skills...


    More: http://bert-ruiter.nl/container.html

    On the side near the bottom, the two holes you have there seem to be a bit too tall. From what I have seen they are a bit narrower. Also I might just model those in. It would give it a more convening look and wont add much to your polycount.
  • jonas-144
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    jonas-144 polycounter lvl 6
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    @jonas-144, that looks amaizing!!!
    Can i see the second uvmap channel of the wall mesh? i could never fix the problems i had with lighting on my modular wall pices
  • Dreadnought
  • Dreadnought
  • Nate Broach
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    Nate Broach polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome job superfail! Feels good on my eyeballs. Lovely colors.
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Louomi wrote: »

    I think it's supposed to be liquid, though I'm not sure how I would manage it in the engine we're working with (as far as I'm concerned, it allows neither transparency nor liquids). Right now, it's just a flat colour in the emissive map. I can make a superficial liquid-line, making the top a but less emissive as to give the impression it's filled with something.

    Yea I dont think you can get a nice look with painted textures, but here is something I did in about 15 minutes with the shader network...mind you, I am a total noob at this, but it might suffice. And mayba a pulsing light would give it some life...

    *And of course I just read you can't use transparency, which this has, but wouldn't alpha maps on planes work a look the same way?

    **And one where there is thin wall refraction, but I turned off the transparency and cranked up the lumminance...Still dont get the wall of the bottle, but I doubt anyone would be looking that close.

  • Jbird
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    Jbird polycounter lvl 7
    Hello peeps, this is what I'm currently playing around with, a sci-fi env, yep we've seen it before :P It's still heavy WIP. Only AO and Normals on most of the stuff and some temporary lighting. Keep on rocking people! :)


  • Krhiven
    hey polycount! I created a challenge for myself to create 5 head sculpts over 2-3 weeks. I have done 2 and still have about a week and a half to finish. I have set a time limit of 2 hours for each sculpt that way I can see a progression in speed as well as overall sculpting improvement.

    Here is head sculpt one.
    BustSculpt1 by leermac, on Flickr

    Here is head sculpt two.
    BPR_Render by leermac, on Flickr

    Thanks all
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 16
    Crossposting some bevels from my robot thread.
  • jimmypopali
    jeffro wrote: »
    Meant to cross post this quick grass texture walkthrough in here too.


    Not enough love for this video.

    Thanks for posting it, I've never seen a video of this type of texturing/method and I'm glad you posted it. Such an easy method for really great results. So many possibilities.
  • Wardarth
    These are a few pics of a project i'm currently working on
  • GragGunslinger
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    GragGunslinger polycounter lvl 7
    Posting a new evironment I'm working on.


    Will be updating a thread about it's process!
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
    BertR wrote: »
    Finished this container. Made it for practising normal-baking and texturing skills...


    More: http://bert-ruiter.nl/container.html

    These type of containers benefit a lot from a height map and some kind of parralax shader. the text on the side doesn't follow the bevels so it looks kind of flat.
    Pretty much done, but I'm thinking of putting this bot in a cooler little warzone scene or something of the sort.

    Did you texture a Turbosmooth model? It doesn't look normal mapped.
  • retleks
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    retleks polycounter lvl 18
    Something I've been working on... not game related, but I don't post enough here as it is.
    Tons of this is temp/test stuff.
  • Mohammatron
    yeah, I didn't use a normal map, just straight up procedurals for the whole thing while it had a meshsmooth
  • Mjolnir_Zero
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    Mjolnir_Zero polycounter lvl 14

    Working on an old project again, trying to improve texturing and material definition skills.
  • amadeux
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    amadeux polycounter lvl 8
    urgaffel : Thanks.
    richwderby: I want one! im a big fan of the design, the color works great. Do you plan on adding more to the texture? as heavy duty as it looks I seems it needs some serious dings and bangs around it .
    jonas-144 : Thanks, iminterested in what the polys of those cypress trees are like. The form looks very natural .
    Mohammatron: Cool, the mechanics must have been some serious work. reminds me of this guy:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RyodnisVvU"]Yellow Drum Machine - The original main film - YouTube[/ame]
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    I luv the guy with two skulls, he's like " I can't decide which is mine, but it doesn't even matter", lol
  • turpedo
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    turpedo polycounter lvl 12
    Cool robot Snefer!

    Decided to play around with a shadow priest weapon idea. The effects should typically be dark and cool colors but I experimented with some red.

This discussion has been closed.