Even tough it might look vicious, the Green Grappler's ("Crinis Nasus"), diet largly consist of tropical jungle fruit. It moves through the jungle like a big sleepy bear, using its snout-tentacles to search for fallen fruit or other eatables on the forest floor. Its sense of smell is excellent, and even though its eysight is not the best, it makes up for it by combining smell and the sensetive tentacles to feel and smell its way through the forest.
While the claws are good defence and deterrent against the smaller predators of the jungle, their main purpose is to assist the Grappler in getting fruit directly from the trees. Rearing on its backlegs it simly uses its big curved claws to hook into the tree trunks for stability, making retrival of the fruit a simple task.
A few of the sketches I did over the last few days. Mostly a bunch of quick 30 sec figure sketches thats not worth putting up (and half of them I didn't bother to add), but I figure its good for me to put it up for myslef.
Day 41 2015, working on my interpretation of the weekly theme "Watcher in the dark" Hopefully il be able to turn it into, and finish it as a big painting this weekend.
For now, some sketches, trying to figure out the character:
Even tough it might look vicious, the Green Grappler's ("Crinis Nasus"), diet largly consist of tropical jungle fruit. It moves through the jungle like a big sleepy bear, using its snout-tentacles to search for fallen fruit or other eatables on the forest floor. Its sense of smell is excellent, and even though its eysight is not the best, it makes up for it by combining smell and the sensetive tentacles to feel and smell its way through the forest.
While the claws are good defence and deterrent against the smaller predators of the jungle, their main purpose is to assist the Grappler in getting fruit directly from the trees. Rearing on its backlegs it simly uses its big curved claws to hook into the tree trunks for stability, making retrival of the fruit a simple task.
- Unknown Xenobiologist.
i should do studies as well... your amazing stuff is really inspiring!
02 2015
Started browsing your pages and had to drag my self out of them, inspiring!
03 2015:
tests for an oil painting:
Collaborated on with Simon Gunnarsson:
07, 08, 09, 10 2015:
Knightey, maybe il come back to this one someday.
Day 11, 12 2015:
Day 14 2015:
I love how the green grappler concept turned out
Love the way you light stuff
Day 29:
day 35 2015:
I really like your sketchbook. It's very inspiring :-)
Days 37, 38, 39 and 40 2015:
For now, some sketches, trying to figure out the character:
Day 45:
Day 46 2015 - Weekly theme - Watcher In the Dark:
Day 48-49 lunch Study 2015.