Your paintings are gorgeous and the sculpts look great! For a the first man sculpt ever it looks really good. If anything the back of your character model's thighs could blend into her butt a little bit.
Hey Tits (or Marie-- i feel a bit odd using your moniker)
Some nice stuff here. Right now your 2d is far and away your best work; you show a solid sense of anatomy and each piece as a whole works well. On the 3d end, you have a lot of the general proportions right but there's a lot of mushy bits and muscular detail that's off.
For example, both you male and female pelvises are off: the woman's buttocks bulge oddly and the man's legs and pelvic region have a lot of weird shapes going on. His legs are too stout, the feet are too narrow and lack much of a foot's normal contours (for example the achilles tendon should taper more), and the nether region has some weird connections.
Overall, it looks like you only had side reference for the male and were just working from memory on the female. Posting your reference pics, even when you're creatively deviating from the source, helps illuminate where your mistakes are and helps us to crit your work, so post'em if you've got them.
btw, sorry I can't do a paintover right now-- I'm travelling at the moment and won't be back at my workstation for a few more days, but once I am I'll see what i can do. Until then I've got some anatomy orthos that might be of help.
Take a look, though keep in mind these are nudes and thus highly NSFW female1 female2 male1 male2 male3 Nox Illustration
anyway, keep it up-- not a bad start for first time modeling a man especially considering it's a speed sculpt. As a general note what i'd recommend doing is painting the trouble areas like the feet from different perspectives and then have another go at modelling them. You'd be surprised at how much 2d studies force you to properly learn 3d information.
oh, and welcome to the club-- glad you decided to start posting. I saw that you've had a few false starts in the other threads, but don't worry about that. The WAYWO thread tends to only draw replies on higher profile stuff, and if you want to get crits in the P&P forum it helps to have a more sustained project; a lot of people don't even bother looking at threads with less than a page of posts, so the next time you start a big project thread first make sure you have something worth showing and then post regularly and post often to make sure you get more traffic. Hope this helps, and keep it up
Hey thanks a lot for you two guys for the answers.
Obviously I know that there is still a lot of issue in my sculpt. Right now I decided to work in ''it
Hey Guys,
I wanted to post another little WIP of the character I am working on at the moment and I had fews questions... If someone can have my answer
First here is the WIP
My First question is, I often got problem like you can see on the image. I open my zbrush file and when i apply the matcap that I like to work with, sometimes some parts get stuck with a completly different matcap without any logical reason. I tried activating the M or the MRBG at top and then ''fill object'' but this time it doesn't seems to solve the problem. (on the arms traps you can see).
Other than that I know I will need to start the hair pretty soon, tho I am not quite decided on what I should do, perhaps some suggestion on that?
I've never tried working hair with planes and i was wondering if there is an easy way to achieve that technic
Looks pretty clean but I wonder how you can model all of those planes without wasting my life on it?
Anyway, thanks for reading,
Oh and by the way, I'm very sorry I know my english is far from being perfect, I speak french...
Hey guys, here's a little update,
going real slowly at the momnent, without a concept artist it's really hard to know exaclty what i'm doing, what to add, when to stop.
Still not decided about the hair, thinkinh of a low pony tail or a french braid, could be short hair too... opinion?
Gotta fix de shoes a little bit more, seems pretty flat on the inside part I think...
I want her to have a very hiuge sniper, suggestion? I dont know nothings about guns...
I like the details on your female character but i reeeeally think you should make up a few concepts before you proceed any further. if you don't do that and just keep on adding stuff as you go along, you might end up going in a less interesting direction and finding yourself trapped with lots of work done in vain. the power of making a concept before you start modelling is that you can quickly find something interesting and try out different alternatives before you put in the heavy work doing the 3d model.
simple thumbnail sketches will do the job. right now you might end up growing to love aspects of your model simply because you've put a lot of work into them rather than because they're good. some things might end up looking crude to others while you won't be able to see it because you've put so much time and energy into them that you've grown blind to your mistakes.
By starting of with some simple concept thumbnails (that you only spend a couple of minutes on) you'll dare going in many different directions and finding the most interesting one. check out some of Jason Chan's videos on youtube to get you started.
I like the details on your female character but i reeeeally think you should make up a few concepts before you proceed any further. if you don't do that and just keep on adding stuff as you go along, you might end up going in a less interesting direction and finding yourself trapped with lots of work done in vain. the power of making a concept before you start modelling is that you can quickly find something interesting and try out different alternatives before you put in the heavy work doing the 3d model.
simple thumbnail sketches will do the job. right now you might end up growing to love aspects of your model simply because you've put a lot of work into them rather than because they're good. some things might end up looking crude to others while you won't be able to see it because you've put so much time and energy into them that you've grown blind to your mistakes.
By starting of with some simple concept thumbnails (that you only spend a couple of minutes on) you'll dare going in many different directions and finding the most interesting one. check out some of Jason Chan's videos on youtube to get you started.
hope that helps!
Hey, thanks a lot for your comment.
Yeah i know I should definitly have done, or start doing concept, thumbnails and such.. The bad thing about it is that I know how to paint, unfortunatly I'm one of those person who have the hardest time in the world creating stuff/having ideas.. Impossible for me to draw some concept without going nuts, blank page syndrom that we call it in french... I've done a very basic concept at the begining but that's about it...
Might request some idea from concept artist at work, we'll see what they think.
Oh and I know Jason chan very nice artist!
Thanks a lot for your comment, highly appreciated!
you're welcome! if you have a hard time coming up with ideas you could try an application called alchemy ( it's an application used for drawing abstract shapes that you can't really control the outcome of. the good thing about this is that eventually your mind starts seeing cool stuff in the random shapes and then you can export it to photoshop and continue working on a concept there!
Hope you dont mind a quick messy overpaint, where i changed things which looked odd imho.
Belt seems to fall off.
Bags pretty small, imagine what she'd put in there, now there is not much that would fit.
Hand wrist looks to thick but maybe its just the angle.
If you run out of ideas just look around what others have made i guess. A ref sheet/mood board is never wasted time prior concepting.
One of my concept art friend told me about the eyes being too high in the face, and a little too apart, jaw a little too wide too, fixed it
I think it looks way better now
Thanks audi100 for your comment, I fixed it pretty fast so I still need to rework on it, but I made the pocket bigger and fixed the belt!!
Hey guys!
Not sure about the egg shaped head comment, I did some fixing with a concept artist, gonna post that soon,
Don't know if you're telling about the french canadian stuff for fun or you really think so, I dont really give a nationality to my face .
Tits sagging? I will try to look into that too
what? No, I didn't think you were rude. I was just concerned I might have said ticked you off because maybe you had thought I was trying to insult your work, so I wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't. what did you think you said that was rude? why would I think some one would even bother to be rude to someone they'd never met?
Hahaha I'm so sorry, as I said before I speak french and sometimes I get really worried about the way I say stuff, I always think I might have said it in an innapropriate way and it could be taken as offensive,
just a misunderstanding .
I knew you were not trying to insult my work, of course!
much better tits.
also put on a belt. then try to wear it below your hips.
Pretty uncomfortable?!..raise the belt higher up ABove the hips. it will give a sense of proportion too.
below the jaw can be a little more fleshed out too.
Hey thanks a lot SSquir33 for your comment,
yeah the belt was in a very weird spot!! I didn't realised it at all before you brought it up.
Thanks a lot it does help a lot with the proportions I think.
I did add a little bit of ''flesh'' below the jaw tho i'm not sure you can really notice it in the render,
Big thanks, I gotta fix the butt, suit is a little tight I think .
At the moment i'm working on a Sniper gun that i'm not going to show here because it is really far from being something I'm good at.
Hey there, this character is looking great so far, good job!!
Just wanted to point out that for some reason, she is looking a bit deflated in this low rez version. My eye really catches around the mid section of her, where it gives the feeling that she's missing some organs and ribs because it looks too flat and thin. I'd suggest taking a look at her profile and comparing it to some reference to see if you can spot the differences. It's hard to tell without a profile shot, but she probably needs some more curvature in the spine around there as well.
Kinda left this sketchbook alone for a little while, I posted in other part of the forums..
So here some stuff that I finish since my last post Pose attempt, thanks to Marie-Christine who's been so nice to rigg the character for me.
Some nice stuff here. Right now your 2d is far and away your best work; you show a solid sense of anatomy and each piece as a whole works well. On the 3d end, you have a lot of the general proportions right but there's a lot of mushy bits and muscular detail that's off.
For example, both you male and female pelvises are off: the woman's buttocks bulge oddly and the man's legs and pelvic region have a lot of weird shapes going on. His legs are too stout, the feet are too narrow and lack much of a foot's normal contours (for example the achilles tendon should taper more), and the nether region has some weird connections.
Overall, it looks like you only had side reference for the male and were just working from memory on the female. Posting your reference pics, even when you're creatively deviating from the source, helps illuminate where your mistakes are and helps us to crit your work, so post'em if you've got them.
btw, sorry I can't do a paintover right now-- I'm travelling at the moment and won't be back at my workstation for a few more days, but once I am I'll see what i can do. Until then I've got some anatomy orthos that might be of help.
Take a look, though keep in mind these are nudes and thus highly NSFW
Nox Illustration
anyway, keep it up-- not a bad start for first time modeling a man especially considering it's a speed sculpt. As a general note what i'd recommend doing is painting the trouble areas like the feet from different perspectives and then have another go at modelling them. You'd be surprised at how much 2d studies force you to properly learn 3d information.
oh, and welcome to the club-- glad you decided to start posting. I saw that you've had a few false starts in the other threads, but don't worry about that. The WAYWO thread tends to only draw replies on higher profile stuff, and if you want to get crits in the P&P forum it helps to have a more sustained project; a lot of people don't even bother looking at threads with less than a page of posts, so the next time you start a big project thread first make sure you have something worth showing and then post regularly and post often to make sure you get more traffic. Hope this helps, and keep it up
Obviously I know that there is still a lot of issue in my sculpt. Right now I decided to work in ''it
I wanted to post another little WIP of the character I am working on at the moment and I had fews questions... If someone can have my answer
First here is the WIP
My First question is, I often got problem like you can see on the image. I open my zbrush file and when i apply the matcap that I like to work with, sometimes some parts get stuck with a completly different matcap without any logical reason. I tried activating the M or the MRBG at top and then ''fill object'' but this time it doesn't seems to solve the problem. (on the arms traps you can see).
Other than that I know I will need to start the hair pretty soon, tho I am not quite decided on what I should do, perhaps some suggestion on that?
I've never tried working hair with planes and i was wondering if there is an easy way to achieve that technic
Looks pretty clean but I wonder how you can model all of those planes without wasting my life on it?
Anyway, thanks for reading,
Oh and by the way, I'm very sorry I know my english is far from being perfect, I speak french...
Make sure you have color and material checked.
About hair planes take a look here :
Hope that helps a bit
I'm going to check that out tonight for sure.
Thanks a lot for the link, I think it will be pretty usefull!
going real slowly at the momnent, without a concept artist it's really hard to know exaclty what i'm doing, what to add, when to stop.
Still not decided about the hair, thinkinh of a low pony tail or a french braid, could be short hair too... opinion?
Gotta fix de shoes a little bit more, seems pretty flat on the inside part I think...
I want her to have a very hiuge sniper, suggestion? I dont know nothings about guns...
simple thumbnail sketches will do the job. right now you might end up growing to love aspects of your model simply because you've put a lot of work into them rather than because they're good. some things might end up looking crude to others while you won't be able to see it because you've put so much time and energy into them that you've grown blind to your mistakes.
By starting of with some simple concept thumbnails (that you only spend a couple of minutes on) you'll dare going in many different directions and finding the most interesting one. check out some of Jason Chan's videos on youtube to get you started.
hope that helps!
Yeah i know I should definitly have done, or start doing concept, thumbnails and such.. The bad thing about it is that I know how to paint, unfortunatly I'm one of those person who have the hardest time in the world creating stuff/having ideas.. Impossible for me to draw some concept without going nuts, blank page syndrom that we call it in french... I've done a very basic concept at the begining but that's about it...
Might request some idea from concept artist at work, we'll see what they think.
Oh and I know Jason chan
Thanks a lot for your comment, highly appreciated!
Hope you dont mind a quick messy overpaint, where i changed things which looked odd imho.
Belt seems to fall off.
Bags pretty small, imagine what she'd put in there, now there is not much that would fit.
Hand wrist looks to thick but maybe its just the angle.
If you run out of ideas just look around what others have made i guess. A ref sheet/mood board is never wasted time prior concepting.
i'm not sure about what ''bag'' you are talking about?
I think it looks way better now
Thanks audi100 for your comment, I fixed it pretty fast so I still need to rework on it, but I made the pocket bigger and fixed the belt!!
-sad face-
Not sure about the egg shaped head comment, I did some fixing with a concept artist, gonna post that soon,
Don't know if you're telling about the french canadian stuff for fun or you really think so, I dont really give a nationality to my face
Tits sagging? I will try to look into that too
so to answer your question no I wasn't kidding It hit me in the head like a tonne of bricks.
Didn't get that one...!?
just a misunderstanding
I knew you were not trying to insult my work, of course!
Oh and a new screen from my french canadian (:D ) face
also put on a belt. then try to wear it below your hips.
Pretty uncomfortable?!..raise the belt higher up ABove the hips. it will give a sense of proportion too.
below the jaw can be a little more fleshed out too.
bonne continuation !
yeah the belt was in a very weird spot!! I didn't realised it at all before you brought it up.
Thanks a lot it does help a lot with the proportions I think.
I did add a little bit of ''flesh'' below the jaw tho i'm not sure you can really notice it in the render,
Big thanks, I gotta fix the butt, suit is a little tight I think
At the moment i'm working on a Sniper gun that i'm not going to show here because it is really far from being something I'm good at.
starting the low
Just wanted to point out that for some reason, she is looking a bit deflated in this low rez version. My eye really catches around the mid section of her, where it gives the feeling that she's missing some organs and ribs because it looks too flat and thin. I'd suggest taking a look at her profile and comparing it to some reference to see if you can spot the differences. It's hard to tell without a profile shot, but she probably needs some more curvature in the spine around there as well.
Hope this helps, keep it up
Not quite sure about the color yet (mostly for the top part..)
Normal map and Diffuse only,
Any suggestion, comment, critics?
Model will be rigged and have a weapon soon enough
Kinda left this sketchbook alone for a little while, I posted in other part of the forums..
So here some stuff that I finish since my last post
It's actually kind of cool to see the progression
Such an inspiration =D