MM: fuck that's the worst part and why the world has to be suspicious of ANY negativity surrounding the OWS movement.
if there's disinformation being spread by the protesters we can be sure there's 10 times as much being fed through the media by the Conservative think-tanks and lobbyist firms
what is even more enraging is that this whole OWS movement is being used my some media outlets and being co-opted in general FOR the left wing and against the right wing.
in reality, both left wing and right wing get funded by the same problem makers of the 1%. Obama was sponsored by Goldman Sachs and Herman Cain is owned by Koch brothers. you even have members of Supreme justice getting money from Heritage foundation which belongs to Kochs. as far as i know, even tea part was once honest like OWS and got bought by Kochs.
so corruption is everywhere but the only honest thing that is the OWS movement is being hijacked to re-elect Obama. this is a shame. bring back Obama wont do shit because he and every other candidate whether left of right belongs to the 1% and dont care for welfare of the country in general.
...back in 2008 it was still apparent that the political machine we have is broken.
indeed. in fact those of us who saw the housing market collapse and equity trading spree as impending doom for the larger economy are now witnessing the inevitable fallout from the 50+ years of corporatocracy that is only now being brought into the light of day.
funny how 4 years ago if you said the banks were scamming the American people out of there livelihood you'd be dismissed as a kook.
"Polls show that me and apparently 91% of my fellow Americans have never been more frustrated with the dysfunctional nature of "our" Congress. Congress' approval rating has fallen to an abysmal 9% -- to put this in perspective, herpes is now slightly more popular than Congress."
So, a lot of people have said that the Occupy movement should find a leader and make demands. I think those people don't understand how the world works now, and why it makes much more sense to let the people in power make changes until people are happy with them, rather than try to broker some meaningless paper deal. Here is an example of how OWS is able to motivate third parties to make changes for them:
She was at the protests. But as it started getting a little out of control she was trying to escape/leave. And she was shouting she was pregnant and was trying to ask to leave. A cop kicked her, I think another hit her with a baton, and then she got pepper sprayed.
People in the comments are saying she "Deserved" it, which i find disgusting. But I feel like if she was there for a peaceful protest (like most of the protesters) I don't see the problem. Isn't killing an unborn child considered murder after a certain amount of time?
Oh. Okay, by further reading it seems she went TO a police officer and told the cop that she is pregnant and needs to be let through, in which he lifted his foot and kicked her in the stomach.
That is absolutely disgusting. Not only is the police officer who kicked a pregnant homeless teen in the stomach and pepper sprayed her a dirtbag but so is every other cop standing around doing nothing about it.
Tragic, that's fu*cked up. I really hope it was recorded and that she wasn't frothing at the mouth yelling at a cop. You could be yelling "I love puppies into a cops face and still get your teeth kicked in.
I really hope they go after that cop. They should crack down on the Seattle PD overall, they have been using pepper spray that is meant to be used on crowds from a distance, at point blank like its the key chain spray. Not only do those being sprayed get more than they should but it also gets blasted into their face so it does more damage.
With that said, if I was pregnant I wouldn't be on the front line of a protest that is more than likely going to be beaten down and pepper sprayed. There is a reason they tell pregnant women not to do dangerous things while pregnant, it often ends badly... I understand the outrage and wanting to be out there but you have to think outside of your own selfish needs to go and yell at the cops.
I'm just waiting for protestors to start spraying the cops and take off into the crowd...
Isn't killing an unborn child considered murder after a certain amount of time?
Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 9A.32.060 declares that a person is guilty of manslaughter in the first degree when he intentionally and unlawfully kills an unborn quick child by inflicting any injury upon the mother of such child.
Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 9A.32.060 declares that a person is guilty of manslaughter in the first degree when he intentionally and unlawfully kills an unborn quick child by inflicting any injury upon the mother of such child.
They can just argue that the officer had no proof that she was pregnant and was acting in self defense. They'll just always twist this so the government has control.
Recently, Mr. Meek and his roommate, another unemployed banker who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he did not want to jeopardize his job search, sat together in the kitchen filing for unemployment and drinking a bottle of Champagne.
I very strongly believe in this being a peaceful movement, but things like this are really going to push people over the edge. If this continues it is inevitable that someone somewhere will get violent.
"To protect and serve."
Who are the cops protecting and serving? Aren't riot police supposed to respond to RIOTS? You know, people running around blowing things up, catching things on fire, stealing out of stores, and people beating each other in the streets?
Oh right, for a second there I thought that's what's happening everywhere with OWS... my bad.
According to that video Alberto posted.. The Federal Reserve is pushing really hard for the cops to use military tactics. Maybe they are pushing the protesters on purpose so they snap and lose credibility to the public eye? As long as OWS stays peaceful they will have more support by the public.
Sounds like they'd rather have a civil war than peaceful protest. You push the police to use military tactics and people start to die, game over.
In regards to the banks coming up with a plan to cause OWS to disperse, I think they're underestimating how pissed off people are. I don't think people want to sweep this under the rug anymore.
Sounds like they'd rather have a civil war than peaceful protest. You push the police to use military tactics and people start to die, game over.
In regards to the banks coming up with a plan to cause OWS to disperse, I think they're underestimating how pissed off people are. I don't think people want to sweep this under the rug anymore.
They were charged with Unlawful Assembly? How can they be charged with that? First ammndment of the constitution:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Unlawful Assembly only occurs if "the persons have an illegal purpose or if their meeting will breach the public peace of the community". They weren't doing anything directly illegal (they were all paying students of that campus afaik), and unless they were yelling at passer byes I can't see how they were disturbing the peace either.
The really scary thing is that this thing has slipped under the media radar *somehow*. From what I'm hearing, the only thing that can stop it now is a veto from the White House. Anyone else following this?
Like every morning, I woke up today wondering "what does Ann Coulter think about today's issues?" Turns out, she thinks rubber bullets, batons, tear gas, and pepper spray are for wusses. She wants another Kent State Massacre...
"So at the moment anyway, I mean I don't know what's going to happen in New York today, but at the moment I'm not really worried of a movement like SDS which really swept a lot of the college campuses... taking over. Of course if it does, just remember the lesson from my book: it just took a few shootings at Kent State to shut that down for good."
if there's disinformation being spread by the protesters we can be sure there's 10 times as much being fed through the media by the Conservative think-tanks and lobbyist firms
in reality, both left wing and right wing get funded by the same problem makers of the 1%. Obama was sponsored by Goldman Sachs and Herman Cain is owned by Koch brothers. you even have members of Supreme justice getting money from Heritage foundation which belongs to Kochs. as far as i know, even tea part was once honest like OWS and got bought by Kochs.
so corruption is everywhere but the only honest thing that is the OWS movement is being hijacked to re-elect Obama. this is a shame. bring back Obama wont do shit because he and every other candidate whether left of right belongs to the 1% and dont care for welfare of the country in general.
Dead... silence.... Aaaaakward!
funny how 4 years ago if you said the banks were scamming the American people out of there livelihood you'd be dismissed as a kook.
Someone raised a good point. WHY is it dated the 24th... Thanksgiving. I mean the bank association verified it, but.. the 24th??
all the more reason not to take that document that seriously but instead think of it as a polarizing tool for the media.
here is another golden nugget from a horse's ass:
"Polls show that me and apparently 91% of my fellow Americans have never been more frustrated with the dysfunctional nature of "our" Congress. Congress' approval rating has fallen to an abysmal 9% -- to put this in perspective, herpes is now slightly more popular than Congress."
Such an appropriate choice of comparison.
Exactly, they're looking for a head to cut off so this beast will die.
A cop kicks a pregnant woman in the stomach. Woman Miscarries.
People in the comments are saying she "Deserved" it, which i find disgusting. But I feel like if she was there for a peaceful protest (like most of the protesters) I don't see the problem. Isn't killing an unborn child considered murder after a certain amount of time?
That is absolutely disgusting. Not only is the police officer who kicked a pregnant homeless teen in the stomach and pepper sprayed her a dirtbag but so is every other cop standing around doing nothing about it.
I really hope they go after that cop. They should crack down on the Seattle PD overall, they have been using pepper spray that is meant to be used on crowds from a distance, at point blank like its the key chain spray. Not only do those being sprayed get more than they should but it also gets blasted into their face so it does more damage.
With that said, if I was pregnant I wouldn't be on the front line of a protest that is more than likely going to be beaten down and pepper sprayed. There is a reason they tell pregnant women not to do dangerous things while pregnant, it often ends badly... I understand the outrage and wanting to be out there but you have to think outside of your own selfish needs to go and yell at the cops.
I'm just waiting for protestors to start spraying the cops and take off into the crowd...
Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 9A.32.060 declares that a person is guilty of manslaughter in the first degree when he intentionally and unlawfully kills an unborn quick child by inflicting any injury upon the mother of such child.
They can just argue that the officer had no proof that she was pregnant and was acting in self defense. They'll just always twist this so the government has control.
"To protect and serve."
Who are the cops protecting and serving? Aren't riot police supposed to respond to RIOTS? You know, people running around blowing things up, catching things on fire, stealing out of stores, and people beating each other in the streets?
Oh right, for a second there I thought that's what's happening everywhere with OWS... my bad.
In regards to the banks coming up with a plan to cause OWS to disperse, I think they're underestimating how pissed off people are. I don't think people want to sweep this under the rug anymore.
I'll see your funny, and raise you irony.
haha! civil wars are easier for them
just read this. irony rules.
True, but if our armed forces murder tons of the bank's members (aka US citizens), it probably wouldn't be good for business
Video here:
this is pretty cool.
sign the petition
More people letting themselves get distracted over nonsense that is irrelevant to the big picture.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Unlawful Assembly only occurs if "the persons have an illegal purpose or if their meeting will breach the public peace of the community". They weren't doing anything directly illegal (they were all paying students of that campus afaik), and unless they were yelling at passer byes I can't see how they were disturbing the peace either.
The really scary thing is that this thing has slipped under the media radar *somehow*. From what I'm hearing, the only thing that can stop it now is a veto from the White House. Anyone else following this?
Like every morning, I woke up today wondering "what does Ann Coulter think about today's issues?" Turns out, she thinks rubber bullets, batons, tear gas, and pepper spray are for wusses. She wants another Kent State Massacre...
"So at the moment anyway, I mean I don't know what's going to happen in New York today, but at the moment I'm not really worried of a movement like SDS which really swept a lot of the college campuses... taking over. Of course if it does, just remember the lesson from my book: it just took a few shootings at Kent State to shut that down for good."
I really hope she doesn't believe the mess she spews out... but on that note:
"These crab cakes are gooder than a mug! I fux with these crab cakes!" -Ann Coulter
Gotta love the Boondocks
Finally, a screenshot of Episode 3.