Welcome to forever ago. He's been steadily losing his fucking mind over the past 10-15 years culminating in the piece of shit that is Holy Terror, which makes DKR2 look like a masterpiece.
Yeah fuck that guy..somewhere along the line he started to believe his own hype..He's done some cool things..Dark Knight Returns was awesome..and Sin City was a breathe of fresh air in it's time..But he's done a lot of shit too..no more cash from my wallet for this guy..not that he has done anything worth paying for in a very long time...
yea....he just sounds kinda brainwashed into "gotta find the terrorists!" and super ignorant overall in that post. it just sounds sooo dumb im wondering if its supposed to be sarcastic, but probably not.....just stupid.
The Tea Party was initiated as a political protest against the unlawful and in fact unconstitutional usurpation of power from the Congress and The People in the form of extortion-led bailouts of enterprises that had engaged in acts that I, and many others, believe were at least civilly actionable and in many cases crossed the line into criminal activity.
This indictment is not limited to the nations large banks, although it certainly starts there. The corruption of our economic and monetary systems runs the gamut from Fannie and Freddie through their ties to Congress (including literal sexual encounters in some cases), banking interests selling trash securities to everyone from pension funds on down, judges who dont judge but rather protect monied interests on Wall Street, The Federal Reserve intentionally debasing our currency and monetizing government debt, government spending that is running 40% above revenues and much more.
In short, The Tea Party was and is about the the corruption of American Politics and the blatant and outrageous theft from all Americans that has resulted. It is about personal responsibility and enforcement of the law against those who have robbed, financially ****d and pillaged the nation.
Yet today we hear literally nothing about these issues among the so-called Tea Party candidates and their backers. Sarah Palin has not said one word about locking up the banksters that brought up on the housing bubble and economic collapse. Not one word about Bernankes out-of-control Fed and the arguably unlawful monetization of Fannie and Freddie paper, not to mention the monetization of the Federal Debt.
Its a stark reminder that occupy cannot allow itself to be lead by special interests and dilute the force of the combined.
probably when people that are ACTUALLY protesting realize that 3/4 of the people they are with every day are just there becuase cops arent telling them to sleep somewhere else....
Videos of police brutality keep popping out on youtube. Repression is too harsh out there, is the movement gonna be diminished because of the casualities? Anyone knows whats happening out there?
Irony Alert: The House is holding hearings on sweeping Internet censorship legislation this week -- and it's censoring the opposition! The bill is backed by Hollywood, Big Pharma, and the Chamber of Commerce, and all of them are going to get to testify at the hearing.
But the bill's opponents -- tech companies, free speech and human rights activists, and hundreds of thousands of Internet users -- won't have a voice.
You know what's depressing about the people accusing the protesters of not knowing what they're talking about? A major tenant of their arguments is that the government caused the housing bubble by forcing banks to provide loans for people who could not afford them. The fact remains that only around 20 percent of the banks regulated by the CRA committed sub prime fraud.
For example, BOA's Merrill Lynch is not insured by the FDIC, hence not regulated by the CRA, yet it at least attempted to transfer it's derivatives bets to another subsidiary that is insured by consumer deposits.
It feels like every time you point out something that makes no sense the opposition moves the goal posts, or throws them out, subsequently accusing you of something entirely different. I think a lot of people really don't mind getting shafted.
Yep, it is very sad. It has also became incredibly transparent to me lately which makes it agonizingly frustrating to converse with some of the more hard-headed folks.
So you guys already heard about Zuchotti's eviction last night (no doubt to head-off upcoming NYSE actions that are scheduled). Well, guess what?
BAM! Judge orders a restraining order against the POLICE in support of OWS, and orders the city allow them back into occupation!
Better-explained excerpt from an Occupy Boston post:
"Occupy Wall Street has obtained a temporary restraining over against the NYPD to stop eviction actions (though protesters report the police seem to be ignoring it). The link below take you to the actual restraining order. The New York Times reported: "The order by Justice Lucy Billings set a hearing date for Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. and said that until the matter was considered at that hearing, the city and Brookfield Properties, the owners of Zuccotti Park, would be prohibited from evicting protesters or "enforcing 'rules' published after the occupation began or otherwise preventing protesters from re-entering the park with tents and other property previously utilized."
probably when people that are ACTUALLY protesting realize that 3/4 of the people they are with every day are just there becuase cops arent telling them to sleep somewhere else....
With unemployment benefits running out for people in droves, OWS will be able to continue to grow with 100% homeless protesters.
I simply couldn't help myself from posting this photo of last night's "eviction" of Zuchotti Park
Also, it turns out that the NYPD restricted the airspace over the camp during the eviction so news choppers could not record anything. Luckily, personal cameras are now the norm in our society so lovely gems like this one are captured.
What was their excuse for restricting news cameras?
I can't find any "official" words on it, but I'm seeing that the NYPD turned away news choppers by closing the airspace (do they even have jurisdiction there???) and telling doormen of nearby businesses to lock their doors shortly before the eviction. Curious....
I'm also hearing that the NYPD BURNED (I repeat) BURNED all 5,000 books that were held in OWS'es free public library!!! Burning Books?! WTF
I'd love to say that these reports arn't from "credible resources", but I'm afraid I'm starting to lose confidence in what that statement actually means. Who's credible these days???
""The unexpected raid was accompanied by an attempted media blackout, as the police prohibited reporters (including those with press passes) from entering Zuccotti, closed the subways leading to downtown Manhattan, and even prevented news helicopters from flying in the airspace over the park.
Neither were politicians spared. Ydanis Rodriguez, a city council member representing New York City's 10th district visiting the park, was reportedly injured and arrested by the police.
Congressman Jerrold Nadler and State Senator Daniel Squadron, Democrats who both represent Lower Manhattan, responded to the latest developments in a joint statement issued to the press early Tuesday afternoon.
The Citys actions to shut down OWS last night raise a number of serious civil liberties questions that must be answered," they said. "Moving forward, how will the City respect the protesters rights to speech and assembly? Why was press access limited, and why were some reporters credentials confiscated? How will reported incidents of excessive force used by the police be addressed?""
"They just shoved me to the ground for no reason!"
Yeah lady, that's what the protestors have been saying for a long time now. Have a sip of water with that dose of perspective. Welcome to reality.
Yesterday's march in response to the recent Zuchotti eviction. This is Brooklyn Bridge. I saw estimates at 35,000 people
*edit - Turns out this isn't the Brooklyn Bridge (duh). Misinformation is one thing I'm beginning to become quite critical of this movement about. When you are purposely misleading the public about something, you are no better than the mainstream media which has been ridiculed since day 1 for misrepresenting the protests. This was not smart
Primarily because using false images to portray the "success" of a march is disturbing to people (namely me) who feel betrayed by news media nowadays. It also makes me wonder how much they fact-check the things they post, since anyone who has spent a significant amount of time in NY (or just took a few moments to think about it objectively) would instantly recognize that there are no buildings and trees on the Brooklyn bridge. I reposted it as a factual event, which made me look like a doofus for not fact-checking it myself. Guess I learned a lesson...
It's not even NY. This photo is of Athens.
In short, it puts credibility in question regarding the admins of the official FB page for OWS. Not a huge blow to the movement, but it changes the way I look at every bit of information posted, and I know I'm not alone. This picture pissed alot of people off, making them feel like someone was trying to "trick" them.
No way would it pass the current congress. Its more a political stunt than anything. We the People are going to have to push this from the state level. Hence.
It would have taken nothing for those cops to take those kids one by one, zipline them, throw them in the paddy wagon....but some chubby pig has got to rub his cock all over them, and show them who's boss...
"Police used batons to try to push the students apart. Those they could separate, they arrested, kneeling on their bodies and pushing their heads into the ground. Those they could not separate, they pepper-sprayed directly in the face, holding these students as they did so. When students covered their eyes with their clothing, police forced open their mouths and pepper-sprayed down their throats. Several of these students were hospitalized. Others are seriously injured. One of them, forty-five minutes after being pepper-sprayed down his throat, was still coughing up blood."
Welcome to forever ago. He's been steadily losing his fucking mind over the past 10-15 years culminating in the piece of shit that is Holy Terror, which makes DKR2 look like a masterpiece.
Yeah fuck that guy..somewhere along the line he started to believe his own hype..He's done some cool things..Dark Knight Returns was awesome..and Sin City was a breathe of fresh air in it's time..But he's done a lot of shit too..no more cash from my wallet for this guy..not that he has done anything worth paying for in a very long time...
Dont fall for it.
Its a stark reminder that occupy cannot allow itself to be lead by special interests and dilute the force of the combined.
Occupy Portland wins a standoff with Portland Riot Police!
This past weekend was tough for occupations across the country apparently. "Evictions" all over the place.
Also as an aside that is related as it shows the unbalanced political system we have.
After reading his quote the other day, I'm pretty sure he got angry because the protestors had gotten in his way when he was driving home.
Causing him to be late for his 7pm raid event in World of Warcraft.
Yep, it is very sad. It has also became incredibly transparent to me lately which makes it agonizingly frustrating to converse with some of the more hard-headed folks.
So you guys already heard about Zuchotti's eviction last night (no doubt to head-off upcoming NYSE actions that are scheduled). Well, guess what?
BAM! Judge orders a restraining order against the POLICE in support of OWS, and orders the city allow them back into occupation!
Better-explained excerpt from an Occupy Boston post:
"Occupy Wall Street has obtained a temporary restraining over against the NYPD to stop eviction actions (though protesters report the police seem to be ignoring it). The link below take you to the actual restraining order. The New York Times reported: "The order by Justice Lucy Billings set a hearing date for Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. and said that until the matter was considered at that hearing, the city and Brookfield Properties, the owners of Zuccotti Park, would be prohibited from evicting protesters or "enforcing 'rules' published after the occupation began or otherwise preventing protesters from re-entering the park with tents and other property previously utilized."
edit* It seems that I'm the only guy who didn't know how much of a prick he was, lol.
With unemployment benefits running out for people in droves, OWS will be able to continue to grow with 100% homeless protesters.
People's Republic of the USA?
Also, it turns out that the NYPD restricted the airspace over the camp during the eviction so news choppers could not record anything. Luckily, personal cameras are now the norm in our society so lovely gems like this one are captured.
I can't find any "official" words on it, but I'm seeing that the NYPD turned away news choppers by closing the airspace (do they even have jurisdiction there???) and telling doormen of nearby businesses to lock their doors shortly before the eviction. Curious....
I'm also hearing that the NYPD BURNED (I repeat) BURNED all 5,000 books that were held in OWS'es free public library!!! Burning Books?! WTF
I'd love to say that these reports arn't from "credible resources", but I'm afraid I'm starting to lose confidence in what that statement actually means. Who's credible these days???
""The unexpected raid was accompanied by an attempted media blackout, as the police prohibited reporters (including those with press passes) from entering Zuccotti, closed the subways leading to downtown Manhattan, and even prevented news helicopters from flying in the airspace over the park.
Neither were politicians spared. Ydanis Rodriguez, a city council member representing New York City's 10th district visiting the park, was reportedly injured and arrested by the police.
Congressman Jerrold Nadler and State Senator Daniel Squadron, Democrats who both represent Lower Manhattan, responded to the latest developments in a joint statement issued to the press early Tuesday afternoon.
The Citys actions to shut down OWS last night raise a number of serious civil liberties questions that must be answered," they said. "Moving forward, how will the City respect the protesters rights to speech and assembly? Why was press access limited, and why were some reporters credentials confiscated? How will reported incidents of excessive force used by the police be addressed?""
Here's a nice timeline I just found:
...and he was just arrested.
"They just shoved me to the ground for no reason!"
Yeah lady, that's what the protestors have been saying for a long time now. Have a sip of water with that dose of perspective. Welcome to reality.
*edit - Turns out this isn't the Brooklyn Bridge (duh). Misinformation is one thing I'm beginning to become quite critical of this movement about. When you are purposely misleading the public about something, you are no better than the mainstream media which has been ridiculed since day 1 for misrepresenting the protests. This was not smart
It's not even NY. This photo is of Athens.
In short, it puts credibility in question regarding the admins of the official FB page for OWS. Not a huge blow to the movement, but it changes the way I look at every bit of information posted, and I know I'm not alone. This picture pissed alot of people off, making them feel like someone was trying to "trick" them.
Which Athens are you talking about?
I grew up in Athens, Georgia...I take it this was in Athens, Greece?
More photo fun
Retired Police Captain from Philly being arrested. Ain't that a bitch?
well in the video he said they'd arrest him and they did...
No way would it pass the current congress. Its more a political stunt than anything. We the People are going to have to push this from the state level. Hence.
"84-year-old Dorli Rainey pepper sprayed in the face by police at an Occupy Seattle protest."
"Police used batons to try to push the students apart. Those they could separate, they arrested, kneeling on their bodies and pushing their heads into the ground. Those they could not separate, they pepper-sprayed directly in the face, holding these students as they did so. When students covered their eyes with their clothing, police forced open their mouths and pepper-sprayed down their throats. Several of these students were hospitalized. Others are seriously injured. One of them, forty-five minutes after being pepper-sprayed down his throat, was still coughing up blood."