Banks: "If you punish us, America gets it, do you really want to write those regulations into law?"
Blue Team: "With 18% approval, its not like they where going to vote for us again anyway. So yea why not"
Red Team: "What are you doing!? You always give up your lunch money! You never stand up to them! You're all going to get it!"
Banks: (Shoves Americas face into the nearest frozen flag pole and yells) "lick it!"
The police show up and America thinks "oh great someone is here to help".
Johny Law: (proceeds to pepper spray the protester) then says: "that's what you get for getting mad about them stealing your money and your kids money, and your grand kids money, oh and ruining the economy. We do what we want, when we want and there taint a damn thing you can do about it princess".
Then the cop points a finger at the Red/Blue team and says: "you takin notes over there Einstein? Lets get this right next time"
Red Team: "SEE... I told you..."
Blue Team: "ok ok not so loud, lets get out of here"
This thing is spreading. I'm in a fairly small town, and even though there is almost NO news coverage, people are getting informed and marching. It's about time the working class gets angry...
I was watching some live feed. Sounds like entrapment. They were attempted to be hearded unto the bridge, the ones that did not and went elsewhere could see the police attempting to do such.
Sorry, I've had a browse through the thread, and all I've gathered is that ~700 people were herded onto a bridge then mass-arrested for some reason. The morning news said something about this, so I thought I'd pop in.
Not really inclined to watch 10 hours of youtube to find out the motivations and what not.
Can I get a tl;dr version of
what happened
why there was some sort of protest
who's being protested/protesting
And why exactly 700 people were arrested.
Keep in mind I'm Aussie, so MSBVCR or whatever that TV station is called is currently meaningless to me.
Sorry, I've had a browse through the thread, and all I've gathered is that ~700 people were herded onto a bridge then mass-arrested for some reason. The morning news said something about this, so I thought I'd pop in.
Not really inclined to watch 10 hours of youtube to find out the motivations and what not.
Can I get a tl;dr version of
what happened
why there was some sort of protest
who's being protested/protesting
And why exactly 700 people were arrested.
Keep in mind I'm Aussie, so MSBVCR or whatever that TV station is called is currently meaningless to me.
They're protesting against Wall St and the corporate choke hold that there is in this country (USA) and around the world.
The guy who did the changes (Al Baker, notice him absent in the first by line) is related to a NYPD police lieutenant, imagine that!
Anyway, I don't want to wade in to the merits of the issues at hand (most can probably guess), but one interesting a friend of mine mentioned, this is one of the first protests in America where people didn't show up, chant with signs, then go home. It's got more of the staying power we saw recently in the middle east and greece/spain, which is interesting, considering the massive propaganda against the effectiveness of protesting that happens in America, and the far more violent/organized/high-tech police force.
Anyway, I don't want to wade in to the merits of the issues at hand (most can probably guess), but one interesting a friend of mine mentioned, this is one of the first protests in America where people didn't show up, chant with signs, then go home.
There were the Wisconsin protests earlier this year
There were the Wisconsin protests earlier this year
That's why I said "one of", but it sort of plays to the point that this is a recent thing that will most likely be happening with more and more frequency. (because unemployment certainly isn't going down, nor food/fuel/medical-care/housing costs)
More violent then the middle eastern police force? NYC cops being a little too loose with the pepper spray does not equal automatic weapons fire into the crowd. AFAIK the death toll is still at zero.
I was referring to the Spanish, Greek, and UK police, but I wasn't aware that the police in any of the arab spring protests were firing automatic weapons into the crowds. Could you provide a link?
I think that's the only power that this protests has; it's in the ability to stick around as long as possible, and just ignore what ever the propaganda machine will throw at it. And i do agree with justin it's not going to get as bad as it did in the middle east, at least i wouldn't expect it to.
I think that's the only power that this protests has; it's in the ability to stick around as long as possible, and just ignore what ever the propaganda machine will throw at it. And i do agree with justin it's not going to get as bad as it did in the middle east, at least i wouldn't expect it to.
the only ones i remember protesters getting fired at were the Sirian protests and Iranian.
from an American's point of view the police in the UK seem waaay more dangerous even without the use of guns. Just seems like if you protest over there you will get a pretty sound thrashing - over here getting pepper sprayed will spark national outrage.
sorry for derailing just figured I'd nip the "sheeple Americans finally marching despite the potential death by their trigger happy police force" narrative off.
sorry for derailing just figured I'd nip the "sheeple Americans finally marching despite the potential death by their trigger happy police force" narrative off.
You didn't nip anything in the bud. The entire riots in the UK were at least minorly started from a singular shooting by british police. American police shooting civilians is so commonplace it doesn't even make front page news anymore. US police are no strangers to beating people either, or using tasers. I know you have an american perspective, but you have to look at actual specifics of incarceration, gun use on civilians, number in jail, etc. Not just "go with your gut". Have you ever even been to the UK? I said police very specifically because that's who is going to be confronting the protesters in the first world nations. Besides, bringing in military violence isn't a good idea if you want to make America's military look good.
And Sheeple was a strawman. No one can deny there is a heavy social antagonism toward protesting. It's "hippy shit" or "ineffective". There isn't a proud history of protesting like there is in Greece (they are *months* into their protest with far greater numbers in total, despite having a massively lower total population). And I know you were going for "trigger happy" as another strawman, but it's in no way divorced enough from reality to function as a good one.
Personally, I feel the protest would be more effective if the people at this event were more of a crosssection of the American public rather than a bunch of hipsters. (Please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm totally basing this on the Liveleak footage I've watched).
Personally, I feel the protest would be more effective if the people at this event were more of a crosssection of the American public rather than a bunch of hipsters. (Please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm totally basing this on the Liveleak footage I've watched).
they have already gained the support of several American unions and prominents, in particular the Transport Workers Union; this union has filed suit to prevent the NYPD from transporting arrested demonstrators on the citys buses. Also unusual is the visible presence of military personnel in support of the demonstrators, something only Iraq Veterans Against the War consistently managed to achieve (and to little effect).
This is the problem with having a privately owned media, owned by people closely related in goals and ideology with the other movers/shakers of the country. They can downplay things like the Iraq war protest, or this one, or the one in Wisconsin, and make it look like "hippy shit". Just like I said earlier.
And don't forget the 700 Pilots. You also see old, young, Republicans and Democrats in the protests. I saw some Tea Party and some Hipsters. But I understand why there are a lot of younger folks because..well.. It's gonna be hard for a lot of them to find work when they get older or already is.
Besides, bringing in military violence isn't a good idea if you want to make America's military look good.
speaking of strawmen, when was I trying to make America's military look good? Compare the instances of the US military firing on it's own protesters to the middle east - 4 people were killed in Kent State 30 years ago and we call it a massacre.
Anyway, lets call it even, I shouldn't have read that much into your post and you shouldn't have included the middle east into the equation - the things they are protesting about make Europe and North America look like spoiled brats complaining about not having WiFi on an airplane.
As far as why there isn't a European style history of protest in the recent history of the US? Americans weren't protesting when we were prosperous and happy because of exactly that! Now we are starting to see what I heard an analyst refer to as European unemployment rates thus the emergence of European levels of protesting.
Why does it even have to get to that though? This is what's so frustrating about this. There are a buttload of people who are upset over the way things are. And it seems that nothing can/will be done about it, until there are people in the streets being killed by the military. The media seems to be painting it as if that's the only thing that will make change happen. Anything short of that, and it doesn't even register on the news.
Unemployment is high, not time for a change. Economy takes a shit, not time for a change. Massive protests overseas, still not quite change-time. Protests start over here, not even gonna talk about it. Police start getting violent, still not time for a change.
If anyone wants to donate to help the protesters, they are still looking for some supplies:
Metal cups
plastic reusable dishes and utensils
Hoodies etc
Non-perishable foods
Donate supplies to:
The UPS Store
Re: Occupy Wall Street
118A Fulton St. #205
New York, NY 10038
"Money orders only please, cannot cash checks yet. Non-perishable goods only. We can accept packages of any size. We're currently low on food."
Donate money here:
Also on that link there's a place where you can order the protesters food locally
Also if you go to the livefeed chatrooms, you can ask them what supplies they need and often times the mods or other chatters between all the "yay we're awesome" posts can be helpful.
I'm sending out my package tomorrow, I raided Value Village xD
And don't forget the 700 Pilots. You also see old, young, Republicans and Democrats in the protests. I saw some Tea Party and some Hipsters. But I understand why there are a lot of younger folks because..well.. It's gonna be hard for a lot of them to find work when they get older or already is.
And if they do find jobs, it will be for crap wages with zero stability and no healthcare. Their quality of life will be less than if they had taken that same job 20 years ago. That sets them way behind and leaves them with little resources to carry on when they are forced to stop working either by illness, by age or job instability.
If their parents and grandparents are freaked out about living after society has told them to stop working... and they rode the economic rocket that filled their heads with dreams of the golden years, what does that say about the future generations?
If grandma who had the years and the means to retire to Florida and spend 20+ years doing yoga and going on cruises, has to eat dented cans of cat food just to get by what does that say about those who won't have a 5th of the opportunities she did?
It's this group of people who are going to be stuck with most of the pain. They'll be on the hook paying for everything and they'll be left with no social programs to fall back on. It's nice to see some people are finally realizing it and standing up. But it's probably too little too late.
I'm part of the "sympathetic but don't care enough to participate" people in New York. Probably wasn't very sympathetic until the police brutality basically ensured their continued existence -- reminded me of some protests in Berkeley that I participated in, except those were ultimately pretty useless and were more like protest theater.
This hasn't ended as quickly as I thought it would. Still seems to be going strong.
Power to the people and change (hopefully for the better).
Yeah... this thing isn't going away.
I am scared and hopeful at the same time. I just hope that something is decided before emotions run high and all-out rioting is sparked....
This is MUCH bigger than just NY. This is currently happening in 42 cities in the country, including Seattle, WA.
That's what scares me the most. How fast it gained this much momentum.... and how effective the media blackout has been in filtering information and making this seem like it is not important.
I am scared and hopeful at the same time. I just hope that something is decided before emotions run high and all-out rioting is sparked....
This is MUCH bigger than just NY. This is currently happening in 42 cities in the country, including Seattle, WA.
That's what scares me the most. How fast it gained this much momentum.... and how effective the media blackout has been in filtering information and making this seem like it is not important.
What do you expect to happen? The powers that be aren't going to give in peacefully. They've dug themselves into their position of power and they won't entertain any notion of letting it go. There's only one of two ways this will go down. Either it will fizzle out and people will go home unsatisfied, or it will erupt into all-out, possibly violent, revolution ending in the upheaval of the current power structure.
God bless them for at least speaking out, but I think they are a little misguided. What does Wall Street have to do with this? Did the hipsters get their information wrong while they were busy facebooking on their Iphones?
Or is it about inciting a police response just so they can youtube it claiming police brutality while they are just trying to restore order and peace during the protest.
I know they are probably inspired by the recent events in north africa but bravely staring down a live tank is a whole lot different than chanting and filming the NYPD while they try to corral these idiots who are obstructing business and traffic.
Look, I know that they want to belong to a movement like the hippies did in the 60's but I am not sure these people know what they are protesting against.
"Look, I know that they want to belong to a movement like the hippies did in the 60's but I am not sure these people know what they are protesting against."
Wow. You are seriously out of touch if you don't think there is a sizable amount of the US population with genuine concerns worth protesting about.
15+% unemployment (closer to 40% among those 16-24)
1% of the population in prison
1 in 4 American kids raised in poverty
1 in 7 NYers had trouble affording food at points last year
Skyrocketing healthcare costs when it's available at all
Food prices going up up up along with fuel
Areas with 62 kids per classroom
And if you don't understand what Wall street has to do with the current economy, maybe you don't know enough about the state of the world to be weighing in as if you have something to offer.
Nah, I just think that maybe protesting against the actual Wall Street isn't quite what they should be protesting against. I am not sure they understand how it works really.
If it's against capitol hill or the world banks that's another story but publicly traded stock exchange?
Wow. You are seriously out of touch if you don't think there is a sizable amount of the US population with genuine concerns worth protesting about.
15+% unemployment (closer to 40% among those 16-24)
1% of the population in prison
1 in 4 American kids raised in poverty
1 in 7 NYers had trouble affording food at points last year
Skyrocketing healthcare costs when it's available at all
Food prices going up up up along with fuel
Areas with 62 kids per classroom
And if you don't understand what Wall street has to do with the current economy, maybe you don't know enough about the state of the world to be weighing in as if you have something to offer.
No wait, awww stupid uniformed hippies, you're so dumb!!! - This is more fun to say.
Nah, I just think that maybe protesting against the actual Wall Street isn't quite what they should be protesting against. I am not sure they understand how it works really.
If it's against capitol hill or the world banks, that's another story but wall street?
Protesting the deregulated banking system, can you think of a better place to do it than Wall St. and DC?....
Aye Capitol Hill, but protesting the stocks of the same companies that provide you with your your windows, iphones and twitter?
The fellas at wall street aren't all innocent, I understand. But it's the machine that keeps the companies that provide us with the goods and services working. If we were living simple means is one thing but we are pretty connected to the workings of the Wall street for it to stop working. The very stocks of the companies that allow us to assemble and communicate in the name of this movement.
It's an easy target I understand but maybe realigning your target would serve the movement better?
Blue Team: "With 18% approval, its not like they where going to vote for us again anyway. So yea why not"
Red Team: "What are you doing!? You always give up your lunch money! You never stand up to them! You're all going to get it!"
Banks: (Shoves Americas face into the nearest frozen flag pole and yells) "lick it!"
The police show up and America thinks "oh great someone is here to help".
Johny Law: (proceeds to pepper spray the protester) then says: "that's what you get for getting mad about them stealing your money and your kids money, and your grand kids money, oh and ruining the economy. We do what we want, when we want and there taint a damn thing you can do about it princess".
Then the cop points a finger at the Red/Blue team and says: "you takin notes over there Einstein? Lets get this right next time"
Red Team: "SEE... I told you..."
Blue Team: "ok ok not so loud, lets get out of here"
However, how much coverage will that get?
Not really inclined to watch 10 hours of youtube to find out the motivations and what not.
Can I get a tl;dr version of
what happened
why there was some sort of protest
who's being protested/protesting
And why exactly 700 people were arrested.
Keep in mind I'm Aussie, so MSBVCR or whatever that TV station is called is currently meaningless to me.
They're protesting against Wall St and the corporate choke hold that there is in this country (USA) and around the world.
Ironic, if true.
The guy who did the changes (Al Baker, notice him absent in the first by line) is related to a NYPD police lieutenant, imagine that!
Anyway, I don't want to wade in to the merits of the issues at hand (most can probably guess), but one interesting a friend of mine mentioned, this is one of the first protests in America where people didn't show up, chant with signs, then go home. It's got more of the staying power we saw recently in the middle east and greece/spain, which is interesting, considering the massive propaganda against the effectiveness of protesting that happens in America, and the far more violent/organized/high-tech police force.
There were the Wisconsin protests earlier this year
That's why I said "one of", but it sort of plays to the point that this is a recent thing that will most likely be happening with more and more frequency. (because unemployment certainly isn't going down, nor food/fuel/medical-care/housing costs)
the only ones i remember protesters getting fired at were the Sirian protests and Iranian.
Poop: you mentioned middle east in with the other links - but I see what you did there, seperating police and military acting as police - Yemen Forces open fire on protesters with anti aircraft weaponry
Google is available for more instances
from an American's point of view the police in the UK seem waaay more dangerous even without the use of guns. Just seems like if you protest over there you will get a pretty sound thrashing - over here getting pepper sprayed will spark national outrage.
sorry for derailing just figured I'd nip the "sheeple Americans finally marching despite the potential death by their trigger happy police force" narrative off.
You didn't nip anything in the bud. The entire riots in the UK were at least minorly started from a singular shooting by british police. American police shooting civilians is so commonplace it doesn't even make front page news anymore. US police are no strangers to beating people either, or using tasers. I know you have an american perspective, but you have to look at actual specifics of incarceration, gun use on civilians, number in jail, etc. Not just "go with your gut". Have you ever even been to the UK? I said police very specifically because that's who is going to be confronting the protesters in the first world nations. Besides, bringing in military violence isn't a good idea if you want to make America's military look good.
And Sheeple was a strawman. No one can deny there is a heavy social antagonism toward protesting. It's "hippy shit" or "ineffective". There isn't a proud history of protesting like there is in Greece (they are *months* into their protest with far greater numbers in total, despite having a massively lower total population). And I know you were going for "trigger happy" as another strawman, but it's in no way divorced enough from reality to function as a good one.
they have already gained the support of several American unions and prominents, in particular the Transport Workers Union; this union has filed suit to prevent the NYPD from transporting arrested demonstrators on the citys buses. Also unusual is the visible presence of military personnel in support of the demonstrators, something only Iraq Veterans Against the War consistently managed to achieve (and to little effect).
This is the problem with having a privately owned media, owned by people closely related in goals and ideology with the other movers/shakers of the country. They can downplay things like the Iraq war protest, or this one, or the one in Wisconsin, and make it look like "hippy shit". Just like I said earlier.
speaking of strawmen, when was I trying to make America's military look good? Compare the instances of the US military firing on it's own protesters to the middle east - 4 people were killed in Kent State 30 years ago and we call it a massacre.
Anyway, lets call it even, I shouldn't have read that much into your post and you shouldn't have included the middle east into the equation - the things they are protesting about make Europe and North America look like spoiled brats complaining about not having WiFi on an airplane.
As far as why there isn't a European style history of protest in the recent history of the US? Americans weren't protesting when we were prosperous and happy because of exactly that! Now we are starting to see what I heard an analyst refer to as European unemployment rates thus the emergence of European levels of protesting.
Unemployment is high, not time for a change. Economy takes a shit, not time for a change. Massive protests overseas, still not quite change-time. Protests start over here, not even gonna talk about it. Police start getting violent, still not time for a change.
It's ridiculous.
Semper Fi: Marines Coming To Protect Protesters On Wall Street
there are some good people even in the government, but what can they do?
Metal cups
plastic reusable dishes and utensils
Hoodies etc
Non-perishable foods
Donate supplies to:
The UPS Store
Re: Occupy Wall Street
118A Fulton St. #205
New York, NY 10038
"Money orders only please, cannot cash checks yet. Non-perishable goods only. We can accept packages of any size. We're currently low on food."
Donate money here:
Also on that link there's a place where you can order the protesters food locally
Sent a care package today. I don't have much, but felt obligated to send something.
You can also watch live feeds here (when they're available):
It's getting better organized, with more poignant demands...
I'm sending out my package tomorrow, I raided Value Village xD
If their parents and grandparents are freaked out about living after society has told them to stop working... and they rode the economic rocket that filled their heads with dreams of the golden years, what does that say about the future generations?
If grandma who had the years and the means to retire to Florida and spend 20+ years doing yoga and going on cruises, has to eat dented cans of cat food just to get by what does that say about those who won't have a 5th of the opportunities she did?
It's this group of people who are going to be stuck with most of the pain. They'll be on the hook paying for everything and they'll be left with no social programs to fall back on. It's nice to see some people are finally realizing it and standing up. But it's probably too little too late.
I'm probably gonna ship some food over to them.
Really bad.
This whole thing scares the crap out of me; it could tear our country to shreds.
Power to the people and change (hopefully for the better).
Yeah... this thing isn't going away.
I am scared and hopeful at the same time. I just hope that something is decided before emotions run high and all-out rioting is sparked....
This is MUCH bigger than just NY. This is currently happening in 42 cities in the country, including Seattle, WA.
That's what scares me the most. How fast it gained this much momentum.... and how effective the media blackout has been in filtering information and making this seem like it is not important.
What do you expect to happen? The powers that be aren't going to give in peacefully. They've dug themselves into their position of power and they won't entertain any notion of letting it go. There's only one of two ways this will go down. Either it will fizzle out and people will go home unsatisfied, or it will erupt into all-out, possibly violent, revolution ending in the upheaval of the current power structure.
NYPD have their batons and pepper spray in full force.
What? Why? What are you afraid of exactly? Not trolling, but curious.
Or is it about inciting a police response just so they can youtube it claiming police brutality while they are just trying to restore order and peace during the protest.
I know they are probably inspired by the recent events in north africa but bravely staring down a live tank is a whole lot different than chanting and filming the NYPD while they try to corral these idiots who are obstructing business and traffic.
Look, I know that they want to belong to a movement like the hippies did in the 60's but I am not sure these people know what they are protesting against.
The world is watching! Give me a break...
this sums it up nicely
Wow. You are seriously out of touch if you don't think there is a sizable amount of the US population with genuine concerns worth protesting about.
15+% unemployment (closer to 40% among those 16-24)
1% of the population in prison
1 in 4 American kids raised in poverty
1 in 7 NYers had trouble affording food at points last year
Skyrocketing healthcare costs when it's available at all
Food prices going up up up along with fuel
Areas with 62 kids per classroom
And if you don't understand what Wall street has to do with the current economy, maybe you don't know enough about the state of the world to be weighing in as if you have something to offer.
If it's against capitol hill or the world banks that's another story but publicly traded stock exchange?
No wait, awww stupid uniformed hippies, you're so dumb!!! - This is more fun to say.
Protesting the deregulated banking system, can you think of a better place to do it than Wall St. and DC?....
The fellas at wall street aren't all innocent, I understand. But it's the machine that keeps the companies that provide us with the goods and services working. If we were living simple means is one thing but we are pretty connected to the workings of the Wall street for it to stop working. The very stocks of the companies that allow us to assemble and communicate in the name of this movement.
It's an easy target I understand but maybe realigning your target would serve the movement better?