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Have you ever fully raged at a game? If so, what game?



  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    A fight resulted between my brother and I over Abadox. TMNT water levels bring out rage I think.

    Double Dragon 2!!! I love the game. But I would quickly and swiftly shut off the console BEFORE it could play its final -game over- music. I couldn't listen to it. This was in teh conveyor belt area 99% of the time :). i just was NOT good at that one part of the game.

    NES saw some pretty shitty games with horrific controls. Robocop 2. Wizzards n Warriors.


    Most recently. Deus Ex Human Revolutions "If you tell people the truth, they will all recoil from science and become hippies" vs "if you sink the truth, people actually have free will and history tooootaly doesn't repeat itself!!!" Canadian contrived idiots. I walked around my house beat red wanting my money back. Fruit-cake sensationalist contrivance for children. This is the most recent rage. Then I settled down and Its ok. There are better endings to choose from. But those 2 were retarded and very forced.

    Half Life 2's stuttering made me angry. I even made a cartoon making fun of it.
    Jesus I forgot about this until right now! I dont know that i've ever posted it out on the internets. The image shows DJ Gordan Freestyle cuttin it up on the hard drives at tha club. Re-mixin' yo HL2 For ya. The actual sentences in the background were what actually happened in the game. I made this image smack in the middle of playing the game. Rage... is best served cold as ice :).
    But it embodies how pissed off I was at the stuttering. It was so bad i would yell at the game. I LOOOVED the game. so much. But it would stutter and i would be like F F F F F F FUUUUUCK YOU!!!!!! So I had to make that image to get the rages out.

    GTA 4 Had so many bugs on PC. It crashed during the credits! That was rage inducing.

    Oh, I guess i've kinda rage quit fighitng against Shao Kahn. I can beat him but he's such a cheap peice of crap. Street fighter games can be cheap-o.

    I've never thrown a controller in my life. I always concidered kids who did when I was a kid to be spoiled. I never understood how my friend Ross "threw controllers and broke them". For me thats like throwing 7 days of paper route or lawn mowing at the wall. Plus I guess I just never really get that mad. Yelling cuss words is common. Breaking things is uncommon.

    I think I usually quit before the rage....:/ I'm sure theres quite a few that i've Rage-Quit in though. Its just hard to think of them off the top of my head. I thought this would be easier :)
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    once I played ridge racer revolution, and got lost from mysterious black rider (the only way to win is to block his way), I punched my bed frame until my hand bleed.

    game back then game difficulty is so rewarding that you refuse to not play the hard mode to earn the secret thing

    counter strike ... of course, the most dangerous game in my area. it cause real fist fight. especially during the lan-game internet cafe era. im glad now i dont have to go to internet cafe to play multiplayer game ( well often its fun when we do it with friends tho )
  • Sean VanGorder
    This game taught me how to rage.

  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Shinobi on PS2

    The last boss.

    Not only is he incredible difficult and cheap, but every time you try again you have to endure an overly long unskippable cutscene and then fight him for a short time before the 'real fight' starts.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    rv_el wrote: »
    Half Life 2's stuttering made me angry.

    mabbey u should stop playin a pirate version of it and buy an real hl2.</fanboy>

    .....yeah the bugs made me rage as well (and the constant quickload bad game design high damage hitscan enemies sudden moments), worse is dealing with the deniers of them

    also geese howard
  • uncle
    Snacuum wrote: »
    Shinobi on PS2

    The last boss.

    Not only is he incredible difficult and cheap, but every time you try again you have to endure an overly long unskippable cutscene and then fight him for a short time before the 'real fight' starts.

    I had kinda similar experience with that kraken boss in Witcher 2 (it wasn't mady hard, my poor gaming rig just sets difficulty high ;)). The cutscene was realy getting on my nerves... I was determined enough to finish it eventually.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    leilei wrote: »
    mabbey u should stop playin a pirate version of it and buy an real hl2.</fanboy>

    .....yeah the bugs made me rage as well (and the constant quickload bad game design high damage hitscan enemies sudden moments), worse is dealing with the deniers of them

    also geese howard

    Trolls!!! I bought the game day one. I wanted it so bad that when Steam was having issues (as both basically launched at the same time) I ran out with my roomate Sean and bought the game on disk despite being poor and wanting to heavily support the advent of downloadable PC games. Frys Electronics in Tempe Arizona. You think I would actually get pisseed over a pirated game?! GTFO.

    HL2 is one of the best games I ever played. Which is why the stuttering was so annoying. Everybody had the stuttering in our circle of friends. Some just had it worse than others depending on their specs and setup. Valve fully acknowledged the issue. Why am I explaining this.....

    Mabbey u should stay in skool and lern how to spel. </GrownMan>
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I never encountered any stuttering in HL2. Was it really that widespread - only on certain setups? I played it on my old Dell with both a 9800 Pro and an x850xt and don't remember any issues.

    Edit: Just did some google searching. Sounds like I just got really lucky. Damn that really would've made me mad.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20

    Actually I should post the image of me recently in my HL shirt with the broken street date that we sat in line at E3 for ALL day just to see the game and get the shirt. Its very wore out.

    Oh snap I found it.

    Incoming >Fanboi

    Online dating pic. I'm not even kidding. (the fact that I was wearing that shirt was pure coincidence. I didn't realize it was 2 Valve things until I saw the pic later posting it up on the site(s))

    Headcrab rides the unicycle

    This is discounting my other valve crap. L4D stuff. more TF2. Counter-stike out the ass. Wow I didn't realize how much I was into this crap!! LOL!!!

    Two Listen: I guess its neither here nor there. Its kinda swamping this thread now. But yeah. I had a nice machine wiht an "average" video card. Radeon 9700??? I think. And the guy upstairs had a better video card. He had stuttering but I watched him play and his machine would "power through it". So the stuttering was just shorter and faster or something. His was better, but present. Some people didn't really have it. I was not below spec at all. But having normal specs wasn't the best for getting away from the stuttering.
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    Batman Arkham Asylum. I think it's only game that I really wanted to and loved to play, but caused me so much grief in combat.

    This is what I wrote after having been killed in one of the challenge modes for the 56th time. And what I felt in any of the group combat area's. Especially the first one

    Dear Batman Arkham Asylum,

    We're done. No amount of achievement points is worth you.

    I'm tired of your backwards decisions of deciding I need to throw a batarang at the guy who's standing literally one foot in front of me trying to shiv me in the sides, as opposed to disarming him and then breaking his legs.
    I'm tired of enemies teleporting from 10 feet away to punch in my skull.
    And I'm extremely sick and tired of having you randomly deciding that the unarmed douche coming at me is more of a threat than . . . say . . . his friend standing next to him shooting me with an AK-47. Not to mention previous random crashes to desktop whenever you decided I was doing to well against your arbitrary combat system and needed to be taught a lesson in humility. You have caused me a great deal of aggravation and swearing bouts.
    So we're done. I'm sorry to have met you. Please die. Preferably in a slow motion explosion. Of napalm.

    Also, taunting me every time I die with an unskippable five second clip of how much I suck does not fall into even the broadest definition of fun, or engendering it. Unless it's given by Poison Ivy.

    Deus Ex: HR's boss fights also annoyed me to no end, since Adam would stroll into a room that was obviously a trap with nary a consideration to stealth, and would have to fight a guy with a minigun in his arm, with a taser.
    Until I discovered that I could just drop 5 mines on an enemy's path, cloak, and watch the fun ensue :)
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Playing Mirrors Edge with a keyboard. You would think with a FP perspective they would make the controls more inline for keyboard...

    But mostly?


    I don't mind teams and friends games, but don't take a ringer team to play against random people and think your all badass.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    L4D2, I don't think I need to explain. we've all experienced the horrors of the type of community it has.
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    When I was maybe 8 years old I had a couple of Nintendo Game and Watch games (Mario Bros and Goldland) that pissed me off so much that I took them out behind my house and smashed them to pieces with a hammer! I've never done anything else like that, but when I was deep into Mario Kart DS addiction I did drop the cartridge down the drain outside my house after I'd come back drunk from the pub early in the morning and started playing online, only to realise that putting so many hours into the game was a waste of time. I still love Mario Kart though...
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Oniram wrote: »
    !!! i agree with that completely. i forget which level it was but there was one where you had to take out 3 artillery cannons as you assaulted an endless amount of enemies with little to no cover around, whilst they lobbed endless grenades at you! i spent so much time trying to beat that level.

    Yeah mortar crews or something? or maybe that fortress? i don't know, I remember the level I got stuck on (like 2 nights of trying the same checkpoint for an hour) wasn't rated as the most difficult one by this guy's guide. I just said fuck it and sold the game lol.
    That game just epitomized the "move forward to stop enemy spawning" frustrations. I absolutely hate ti when a game does that, it's silly, annoying and destroys the immersion.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    This game taught me how to rage.


    ARGH!!!! dood i bit the snes controller, i broke it, i shed tears... worst single experience of my life. I spent a month just on the first level dying on the tidal wave part!!!!! oh god the memories!:poly118:
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I rage all the time :p haha I don't throw stuff, but I just shut the stupid thing off. Last game I raged at was Red Orchestra 2.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    That hover bike area in Battletoads annoyed the heck out of me.

    Then those alternating disappearing blocks in the various Megaman games annoyed me a ton.
    Get through one screen of disappearing blocks after messing up a ton of time and falling to the ground and starting over. Get to next room and find out its disappearing blocks again, but this time it's with a fan!, get through that, then you gotta do it again, but this time with a fan blowing at you and a bottomless pit! Then you get through that only to end up having to do it again over a bigger bottomless pit. I hated so many Megaman levels because of those stupid blocks.

    That and I would always die in Golden Axes on my last continue right at the beginning of the level where you go down the stairs into the dungeony area, right after beating Death Adder the first time (who was also annoying with his unblockable magic). And knowing I would have to start back from level 1.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Call of Duty World at War Veteran Mode.

    FUCK THAT SHIT. There's a point between the game being hard and the game just fucking cheating.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Playing Mirrors Edge with a keyboard. You would think with a FP perspective they would make the controls more inline for keyboard...

    But mostly?


    I don't mind teams and friends games, but don't take a ringer team to play against random people and think your all badass.

    If you're playing with randoms in L4D you're doomed to begin with. It shouldn't be that hard to pull together 3 friends together to go zombie stomping. 7 is even better as you're less likely to get people dropping out if they start to lose.

    One thing that does upset me about L4D is people kicking new players for being incompetent. If they're unpleasant or working against the progress of the team then fine, but if they're trying their best and are just getting dog piled by zombies then kicking them isn't cool. Everyone starts off there. Much better and indeed more fun for all parties to help them get better.
  • Sean VanGorder
    There's a point between the game being hard and the game just fucking cheating.

    Speaking of cheating. Mario Kart and any of the Madden games have had me raging many times from their "come from behind" bullshit. I can even count how many times I've been winning an entire round in either game and have lost in the last few seconds.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    sc2, other people make be rage more than games :X
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I kinda miss l4d2, thank god I'm off the versus addiction, now for some tf2.

    Most recent rage is Dead Space 2 hardcore mode. A whole week wasted just raging till I finished that. pew pew pew.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    rv_el wrote: »
    So I had to make that image to get the rages out.

    I imagine you sitting there pushing the wacom pen so hard it's about to break, with an angry look on your face. Seriously though, how can you get your rage out by painting a picture? I can barely work when I'm angry.

    @uncle: The game itself wasn't hard really, but it was cheating at times and that's what frustrated me.
    The cutscene was however skip-able as opposed to common belief.

    @ZacD: Speaking of sc2, I just had some guy(teammate) private message me "fuc king noob" after a lost a game in random 3v3 ;). I find these moments really funny.
    The best comments are when people with a boiling psycho rage tell me to uninstall the game and never play it again(happened a few times in HoN). I find that very ironic.
  • DeeKei
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    DeeKei polycounter lvl 13
    FIFA 11. The passing was supposedly more 'fluid' compared to 10. I playing the demo of FIFA 12, its a bitch to tackle people. I'm expecting to get a new controller soon after I buy FIFA 12. D:
  • RexM
    I find that when I just have fun with the game instead of taking the outcome so seriously really helps limit those times when rage can set in.

    We've all raged though. We've all rage quit as well. xD L4D2 brings back many memories.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Not much to rage at right now as all I have is my old PS2, a very old PC and an iPod touch.

    Puzzle Fighter II on iPod is pushing me a little though :P
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    CoD Modern Warfare II....
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Saints Row 2, the driving drove me insane. (oh ho ho).
    Game for Windows is also a serial offender, its ruined so many fun games for me
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    Street fighter 4, COD when i lose to the same player many times. Thats when i rage hahaha
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    When I use to play wow. Raids and Areas. Never threw or broke anything, just swore and cursed a lot, but then so did others over Vent haha :)
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Jackablade wrote: »
    If you're playing with randoms in L4D you're doomed to begin with. It shouldn't be that hard to pull together 3 friends together to go zombie stomping. 7 is even better as you're less likely to get people dropping out if they start to lose.

    Not if you only play realism versus....
    One thing that does upset me about L4D is people kicking new players for being incompetent. If they're unpleasant or working against the progress of the team then fine, but if they're trying their best and are just getting dog piled by zombies then kicking them isn't cool. Everyone starts off there. Much better and indeed more fun for all parties to help them get better.

    I used to feel that way until I kept loosing matches because the one person who was a n00b. I now only play realism versus as I feel more excused kicking the noobs since they shouldnt be playing that (especially without a mic).
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Left4Dead on the expert levels. Don't think I ever shouted so many profanities until having played that game XD
  • MiAlx
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    MiAlx polycounter lvl 10
    Amongst a number of games I rage(d) at, is Bad Company 2. I wonder why nobody else mentioned the game in this thread :D. The game is awesome don't get me wrong, but man.. sometimes I get real angry at certain situations in the game.

    For instance, when 3/4 of your team are snipers and camp back at the spawn area and you inevitably lose the round.

    Or when a Heli or Tank sits way back somewhere at its respective spawn point and shoots across the map at the mcom and said vehicle is way too far away, so you miss and cant get close enough to destroy it.

    Or when you shoot at someone, you obviously hit him lethally (blood sprays, you know), but for some reason the game decides you werent even close to scraping him (due to lag, I guess?) and he smoothly gallops around killing you in his dear time because you had to reload. :D

    Ah good times.. :D
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3.

    Completely Unforgiving.

    I couldn't spell COMBO on the airport level, Had no idea how to get the secret items.

    But damn if H O R S E_ _ _ _ wasn't one of the most fun I've ever had playing a game with friends. Right up there with Goldeneye.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Arcade level 38 on Shoot Bubble Deluxe on android

    Fucking thing
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    @JacqueChoi really i found all the THPS games really easy.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Not if you only play realism versus....

    I used to feel that way until I kept loosing matches because the one person who was a n00b. I now only play realism versus as I feel more excused kicking the noobs since they shouldnt be playing that (especially without a mic).

    I've honestly never tried Realism. I'm guessing it's more or less like the Expert mode from L4D 1, right? Taken down by a couple of friendly fire bullets etc.
  • Jeremy Tabor
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    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 14
    Normally I'm pretty mellow gamer, but sports games bring out the beast in me. Especially ones that try to claim 'realism.'
    This particular example wasn't something that I did, but I helped make happen i guess, but I had a friend growing up that went all Samson over an NBA Hangtime match and tore a N64 Controller in half... just yoked it up by the wings and twisted until it shattered. Absolutely hysterical. But me and my friends were super competitive, so often those games boiled over into some form of physical combat. :D

    Also, anything from the Dynasty Warrior franchise were the only games which I recall consistently compelling me to punching myself in the neck. I'm the kind of guy who likes to play everything on the hardest difficulty, and Chaos Mode in those games.... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!
  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    The Specialists was a fast paced shooter that made Q3 look easy. It developed the poor habit of slamming my fists onto my desk and throwing my mouse. I broke a lot of desks, and even more mice.

    Natural Selection was much the same, only to a greater degree. I played it competitively, so instead of just dying in some round of deathmatch, I was failing my team and causing us to lose. So yea, many more desks and mice during those years.

    Luckily, I moved past that adolescent phase of smashing things. That, plus the fact games are rarely as gripping now has helped me save money.

    Red Orchestra 2 definitely comes to mind as a modern game I will rage at, though. It has that pacing that grips you and the atmosphere to immerse you. When choosing to remain prone or stand up can cause you to win or get sniped from across the map, it becomes very hard not to get caught up in the moment! So yea, getting blasted through a wall by a machine gun or getting sniped or having a grenade land at your feet can all be very rage-worthy. But the good kind of rage, where you are fueled to do better next round. Not the smash desks and throw your mouse kind!
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    SFII on the SNES.. omfg..
  • z0ltan
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    z0ltan polycounter lvl 14
    I was in a WoW arena match and my headset was kind of broken and slipping to one side of my head. I fat fingered the wrong button and died which led to grabbing my headset and tearing it into 2 pieces.

    that and playing a shooter for a while, leaving it for a few months, then coming back to it and being all rusty always drives me nuts.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    I don't think I really raged much until I started playing with or being around people who were raging more at games. I'd rage a little at Halo and CSS, but I think I rage more at starcraft 2 most of the times I lose. One match the other day I was preparing to hold off a zergling rush on sc2 and forgot to put my probe on hold position, so it moved out the way when it was attacked and I lost instantly =/. I start off a game doing the usual "glhf" but rarely end with a "gg" when I lose...
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    Angry Birds... Fucking it up with 1 bird left is like ARHHHGHHHh
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Halo 2 MLG matches. Dear lord I've never raged so much in my life. The noob combo also pissed me off (Plasma pistol + battle rifle).

    Still, the years I spent playing Halo 2 were one of the best, for me. :)
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii, as a monster hunter beginner you are bound to rage.So damn unforgiving.
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
    Surprisingly no. Got a dumb level of tolerance. :\
  • Mrskullface
    SpeCter wrote: »
    Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii, as a monster hunter beginner you are bound to rage.So damn unforgiving.

    I super agree! i'm playing it now and the first boss giant naggi thing took me 50 times to beat. I would have never survived back then : [
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    I recently got the GoW Collections 2 on PS3 and the first game Chains of Olympus was pretty good but there were a few moments where the enemy was f*cking unfair and raped me on the floor over and over. I had to overuse the R1 Triangle move a lot just to break free :D

    And just a moment ago in Ghost of Sparta there was a puzzle where you had to climb a ladder, pull a lever that lowers a platform, jump down, run to platform and ride it back up. However the timing was unforgiving in that if you didn't carefully jump back down you'd end up climbing the ladder again and doing so meant don't bother, retry. But it didn't make me rage that much, just a little evil.

    Oh but speaking of God of War, I dare anyone to try the spikes of death near the end of the first game without raging. I dare ya. I also dare ya to try it without getting hit to earn the achievement which by the way I somehow got due to a glitch XD
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    actually totally forgot about aion,

    miragent quest chain to get the armour set.

    the pants part require you to craft an item
    The fail rate is spectacularly high which makes it
    spectacularly shit seeing as getting all the items together
    for a single craft can take a few weeks.

    my spiritmaster is on the 12th attempt..... rage..? oh yes...
  • Pegabrony
    During my first days of TF2, I kept getting burned as a Spy by this Pyro named Oncoi. After 2 dayts raging quiting, I played again, was kept backstabbing Pyros. THE GHOST OF PEGABRONY HAUNTS THE OTHER TEAM! xD

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