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Have you ever fully raged at a game? If so, what game?



  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    People rage at TF2?

    Bitches don't know about my tropical diseases and detpacks in the spawn room.
  • MadnessImport
    First play through of Metroid prime 2...Boss fight: Quadraxis

    I thought it was going to be a fun challenge like every other boss but when your energy is running down at a very fast rate and your being stomped every other second plus the stiff control scheme your bound to rage some time.

    This THING was cheating!!! It used the same dam spin move back to back then shot me with the Annihilator beam repeatedly.
    After about 4 minutes of getting his first Cap off i realized his health was full and i was down to 2 energy tanks so i ripped the cords out the wall. Theres no hope for energy when fighting him youll maybe find a 10p oint replenisher here or there but compared to 14 energy tanks thats useless seeing as how one of his attacks take a chunk outa you.

    I counted up to 56 loses when fighting him after that i just gave up counting and eventually got so pissed i started crying. To keep from breaking my property i had to reroute my emotion into sadness and despair. this hazy burning rage in my chest made me want to shank my t.v and unplug my mom both options ending there life.
    But like a champ i kept playing. Once maybe 8 times every day after school for a week until i finally realized that i should find all the energy tanks instead of going in with 12. I never use game wikis or strategy guides so it took me a bit to fin all the tanks in the game. After i found them all i came back and raped the hell outa that Bot, Took his upgrade and walked out in style.

    This was the first game to make me rage cry. Super Smash bros meele: Pichu's break the target challenge was the second and Some races in Need for speed.... if im going 300mph+ how in hell am i being out ran that means there close to breaking the sound barrier which is impossible but being a stupid ass cheating game anything is possible!

    I would never Rage quit/Cry or complain when i know im rightfully being defeated. if i put in months of practice and i fight what is obviously a noob and lose its because i was being a gloating dick and deserved it but button mashers, Overly difficult games and horrible controls are a reason to rage

    I wish i could have kept the recording of this guy losing the first round of a SSBB tournament to the guy who won! he Mashed a game cube controller into 3 pieces plus some dust then lunged for the wii. the staff drug him out as he cried we all shunned him for rage quitting. My friend deleted the recording because it was "Wrong" .... I lost to a guy who is also a master of Sheik thats my only known weakness i cant win against my own character(s) it was weird because the announcer accidentally got me mixed up with someone and i wasn't suppose to fight him though it was one hell of a fight until that stupid trip function cost me a life and the match....Why is that even apart of the game?!?!/ how in hell do you trip anyway!!!
  • Talbot
    Ninja Gaiden 2. It was an issue.
  • Pegabrony
    leilei wrote: »
    People rage at TF2?

    Bitches don't know about my tropical diseases and detpacks in the spawn room.

    It's true. I've seen dumbass Engis welling at the other team's spies to quit sappin'... To hell with the Engis, it's part of the game!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    passerby wrote: »
    @JacqueChoi really i found all the THPS games really easy.

    Dude. I like... worked at Neversoft and I still thought they were stupidly hard.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Pegabrony wrote: »
    It's true. I've seen dumbass Engis welling at the other team's spies to quit sappin'... To hell with the Engis, it's part of the game!

    you obviously didnt get leilei's reference to Team Fortress Classic.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Dude. I like... worked at Neversoft and I still thought they were stupidly hard.

    well when i was younger pretty much all i did was skateboard and get high and play thps with friends, so i gotten pretty good at these games.
  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 15
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link.

    I got the game near launch day, and there's a REALLY stupid fucking epic design fail in there.

    There was a town where you had to chop down a tree to discover. And you could not progress in the game without discovering it. Problem was there's like 582904594890 trees in the game, and after you chop about 2, then enemy things come attack you thus resetting all the chopped trees.

    We discovered it by complete random fluke (after we'd long given up on ever completing the stupid game).

    The actual game was designed in a way, where you had to be in the Nintendo Power club, and get the shitty magazine which came out with this STUPID secret like 8 months after the launch.

    Stupid failboat game designers that I hope died of the clap.

    Really?!!! Man... Everytime I have played that game I got stuck. Still bothers me I never beat it.
  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 15
    passerby wrote: »
    well when i was younger pretty much all i did was skateboard and get high and play thps with friends, so i gotten pretty good at these games.

    Hah! Tony hawk games haven't been out that long man :P
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Hah! Tony hawk games haven't been out that long man :P

    im not that old either, 22, so i was talking about during high school
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Persona 3 Portable on Maniac

    Grinding in Tartatrus for more than an hour without saving. Just one floor more, just one floor more and I'm gonna go down to the entrance and save my progress.

    I'm almost there.... I just need to kill this little fucker first.

    lol no... all monsters gang up on the MC, exploit his weaknesses, game over.

  • Ahrkey
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    Ahrkey polycounter lvl 18
    Hah! Tony hawk games haven't been out that long man :P

    not that long? First game was released 12 nearly 13 years ago.

    Anyway, Brink and BF3 is the first games in a decade to get me screaming and slamming my fists into the desk. My ambition outweigh my talent.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Ahrkey wrote: »
    not that long? First game was released 12 nearly 13 years ago.

    Anyway, Brink and BF3 is the first games in a decade to get me screaming and slamming my fists into the desk. My ambition outweigh my talent.

    time is relative, guess he's up in his 40's while it seems like a long time for people in there mid 20's since it is almost half a life ago.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Audiosurf Ninja Mono'ing Boston - Foreplay/Long Time
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    leilei wrote: »
    Audiosurf Ninja Mono'ing Boston - Foreplay/Long Time

    ah come, play a real character in AS, Pointman and Eraser is where it;s at.

    though they have a lot of raging potential too, like getting a real good run and losing chain during the breakdown of the song when it is a really long song, or missing the seeing red bonus by 1 block.

    also it dosnt sound that hard to do a boston song on mono in AS.
  • milesokeefe
    Mirror's Edge.
    At times I would get stuck hanging on ledges and the only way to dismount them or even kill myself to restart the level was mashing my keyboard until it eventually bugged out and I dropped.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Mirror's Edge.
    At times I would get stuck hanging on ledges and the only way to dismount them or even kill myself to restart the level was mashing my keyboard until it eventually bugged out and I dropped.

    i thought shift or what ever crouch was on, let you drop off of things you were hanging on?
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Tenchu 1 and 2. Those controls >_< A split second of restraint was the only thing that kept the controller from being hurled across the room.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    im surprised at the sheer number of people raging about newer games (3D days on) and not so much people raging at older games of the 8-16 bit time frame?

    Seems alot of people rage at new games because there more popular and people ruin the experience for them? (TF2?)
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Probably because we aren't little whiny pussies? I can still get through allegedly "hard" games like Contra and Battletoads without a sweat of rage, and some of the new games are actually freaking hard.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth fight.


    I remember raging at Donkey Kong Country when I was six. I learned how to internalize it fast though, because every time I did, my Mom would be like NOPE, that's enough for you for today!

    TF2... definitely raged a bit there.

    I used to rage a lot more in League of Legends, but I've stopped pubbing with less than three friends now and if I do I only join ranked games where the people are generally smarter. I don't really rage when I lose or am doing poorly, it's just when I have people on my team who cry and bitch yet can't focus the hard hitters or have no map awareness. It's the ones that are the loudest and the most wrong. Like, "Ban Lux, OMG SHE'S OP" and then when I don't (because she's not...) they have a hissy fit and threaten to sit in spawn the whole game. Honestly though, I don't give a shit anymore. Dota 2 is coming out soon and I won't be stuck in matches for 20 minutes, forced to afk because my team's raging and feeding.

    Great thread by the way!
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    seforin wrote: »
    im surprised at the sheer number of people raging about newer games (3D days on) and not so much people raging at older games of the 8-16 bit time frame?

    Seems alot of people rage at new games because there more popular and people ruin the experience for them? (TF2?)

    That could also be because the newer games rage is more fresh in our minds? I raged hard at the NES Ninja Gaiden, but the Psychonauts rage was the last time I raged hard so it's easier to remember.

    It's not a new school/old school thing, or young vs old thing. Just it's easier to remember what happened and how you felt last week, than last year
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    Snowfly wrote: »
    Tenchu 1 and 2. Those controls >_< A split second of restraint was the only thing that kept the controller from being hurled across the room.

    Haha, definitely. And then you had to start the entire level over. Ugh..
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    I get really mad at games that tout player control and options (I'm looking at you Deus EX)
    but then take control away from the player at key moments in the storyline, usually forcing the player to do something he would not have done.
    specifically the part at the end of the china mission where your talking to that asian bitch whose trying to distract you with her Wiley ways, and tricks you into letting her escape. I predicted this would happen, but was not in control of my character, and then had to deal with the consequences of an action I did not take
  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    I remember I had really hard times at Homeworld 2 campaign.It was Level 12 thought.It took my weeks to pass it.

    Also no need to mention the UT99 final boss Xan.He drove me insane.Hehe I was a kid and when I beaten him that was the most glorious moment I've ever had.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    igi wrote: »
    I remember I had really hard times at Homeworld 2 campaign.It was Level 12 thought.It took my weeks to pass it.

    Also no need to mention the UT99 final boss Xan.He drove me insane.Hehe I was a kid and when I beaten him that was the most glorious moment I've ever had.

    ya HW2 and it's cheating AI with no restrictions on how many things it can build.

    in the later missions they AI can get 4 times more ships than your even aloud to build.

    i remember the last missions where the AI gets 6 BC's and you can only build 2.
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Back in the days i also raged about MegaMan X, now i can beat it in about an hour xD
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Bonebrew22 wrote: »
    I get really mad at games that tout player control and options (I'm looking at you Deus EX)
    but then take control away from the player at key moments in the storyline, usually forcing the player to do something he would not have done.
    specifically the part at the end of the china mission where your talking to that asian bitch whose trying to distract you with her Wiley ways, and tricks you into letting her escape. I predicted this would happen, but was not in control of my character, and then had to deal with the consequences of an action I did not take

    Wow dude, so well put! That kind of things leave a strong something's-wrong-here feeling on me but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The other example would be Read Dead where you have to take missions from the mexican general. I was going "wtf rockstar?%&#^" all the way because I didn't want to work for that son of a bitch.

    I used to rage at Mortal Kombat as a kid. And much less playing against computer, then my friends, because sometimes your pal just finds some super kick that you can't seem to dodge or block and then he just uses this one hit for rounds and rounds making you want to smack him with the keyboard or call mum.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    If it was game(s) I had a huge list of the ones I really raged out at.

    The first one was, Prince of persia 1 (the very old one that I used to play on CGA computer in black and white)
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Super Mario Kart - SNES

    I threw many a joypad at the wall with that one. The game cheats so much!
  • azarkiowa
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    azarkiowa polycounter lvl 8
    Resident Evil 5. Run... check. Shoot... check. Both at the same time? Nope.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Rayman 2 on the Dreamcast. Frustratingly hard. I broke my VMU in nerd rage.
  • achillesian

    Punched a hole in the wall next to the computer. Yeah, I'm fucking hardcore.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    Goraaz wrote: »
    I imagine you sitting there pushing the wacom pen so hard it's about to break, with an angry look on your face. Seriously though, how can you get your rage out by painting a picture? I can barely work when I'm angry.

    @uncle: The game itself wasn't hard really, but it was cheating at times and that's what frustrated me.
    The cutscene was however skip-able as opposed to common belief.

    @ZacD: Speaking of sc2, I just had some guy(teammate) private message me "fuc king noob" after a lost a game in random 3v3 ;). I find these moments really funny.
    The best comments are when people with a boiling psycho rage tell me to uninstall the game and never play it again(happened a few times in HoN). I find that very ironic.

    I don't know anymore but oddly I think a lot of things I do are built out of hate and strife. I would listen to Pantera/Slipknot/Dillinger/Fear Factory/Converge and just work away. That image in particular is one of those things that pops in my head and has to get out.. I saw it in my head and just picked up the tablet. But ofcourse while i'm working on it I'm not like actually physically going "FUCK YOU!" i'm more laughing like "I hope this gets sent around the internet.. lawlz" Troll style. So no pen breaking really.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20

    Punched a hole in the wall next to the computer. Yeah, I'm fucking hardcore.

    DUDE! I saved myself from this one!!!

    I was working full time and going to college full time. I was playing CS non-stop, fully addicted. I picked up Everquest and payed for 3 months. Luckily after 1 month I quit. VERY smart move. i chose CS and my life over that game.

    It all happened around level 8, or was it 9, or was it 8.. or was it 9... or was it.. OH!!! thats right. I went back and forther between those 2 levels over and over and over. Then i was forced to join up with random folks on the internet? A social experience you say? No. Not at all. I would have rather come across a band of gypsys because even if they brain fuck me into thinking what I bought was actually made out of silver, atleast i'd actually go home with a story and a steel pendant that I would have to this day. Everquest was novel and I saw this and bailed FAST. Just as the rage started to come in.

    Winners quit that game early. Sorry, no offense to anybody. I know it was a lot of fun at times. The novelty felt super amazing! The world was massive. I even talkd to a dude on there that was really cool... once...

    Thanks for reminding me of this. I think I burried it deep in the back of my brain. The last week of that month of play was crap. I lost and gained the same things over and over. People left me for dead all day long (I was a "tank" as they called it).
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