I've had an interesting experience with Monster Hunter Freedom U this last couple weeks and wanted to hear your own humorous but equally disturbing stories on the subject of game inspired fits of psycho behaviour.
I've never been too susceptible to raging whilst gaming, but man... Monster Hunter. Actually broke my PSP through sheer frustration... and I'm 27 next week. I'm ashamed to admit it. I then went straight out and bought another one because I still wanted to beat the challenge (one of the benefits of being old enough to buy your own stuff... you feel the kick in the wallet for your stupidity).
It's only that one game though, I was playing Gran Turismo earlier, constantly attempting some race or challenge or something and didn't even beat it in the end, my stress levels barely raised at all though.
I thought it was interesting how one game can send me raging, yet others which are still maddening, are just a bit of a pain in the arse.
So, share your stories, games, difficult bosses, broken peripherals etc!
Most recent was Team Fortress 2, Demon's souls and Ninja Gaiden Black which included a lot of yelling, table smashing and controller hurling.
When I was younger and played CS I smashed my keyboard with my fist resulting with keys flying all over my room lol!
It's funny because I only have this behaviour when playing games - my favorite games
When I played WoW, often times during raids. Spending 3 hours fighting to a boss only to lose because one person out of 25 wasn't paying attention is absolutely horrible. That was, ultimately, the reason I ended up quitting. That, and it being a monumental waste of time.
TF2... all the time. I find TF2 to be a pretty easy game to grasp, yet more often than not you're stuck on a team of people who stay back/don't push the cart/don't get on the cap after you've taken out sentry nests on your own, killed multiple enemies, etc. Finally, when you lose, your score is double what the other team's best player scored. Not to mention the pocket medics with their buddy who refuse to heal your burning ass, letting you die.
I tend to take multiplayer games a bit more competitively than others, so it's pretty easy to rage when the fail is so strong.
I find it worse solo... you spend like 30 mins on a Tigrex, and his big bastard paw just brushes your head and sends you flying and then you just get stunlocked. Actually it's the lack of control thing, I remember in WoW, if a rogue stunlocked me and killed me I'd get wound up because you can't 'do anything' about it.
Most notably: League of Legends, WoW arenas (4-5 years ago), and Worms.
Man, I recently loaded this one up as it's the only one in the NES series that I haven't beaten all the way through, and I was thinking that in my experience as a gamer now I could do it...yeah, not so much. Lots of swearing at the screen.
I was much angrier in my teens as I played a lot of competitive sport and hated to lose.
I used to throw things at people lol.
Currently I am getting riled at gears 1 as I keep getting killed in a certain point
I beat it. Wasn't easy..but I did it.
A couple years back, I installed Psychonauts cause I'd never played it, and it had good reviews from artists. It was ok, a little frustrating in places, but fun, and the art was great. Then I got to the end bit where some liquid is filling up the place, and you have to jump on things before it touches you. I RAGED at that bit, died a bunch, then uninstalled. Too much rage, too much frustration, it's gotta go. Haven't raged to a game since
Heh exactly what I do... *Rage, delete game saves, delete game, never playing again*... next day.... *Googles 'Best file recovery software'*
This. When losing due to stupid mistakes i rage pretty bad on any game. Never broken anything though.
I.. can't handle it...
I hear yeah. Tf2 is the only game i've ever rage quit on. No damage to any controllers as far as i remember.
I don't rage much in games, especially not multiplayer games. There's something about there being human players that sort of stops me mentally, I don't want to give them the satisfaction.
As for single player games I got pretty damn frustrated with Witcher 2. There was this boss with tentacles that kept hitting me despite the tentacles were visually missing me. I guess it was a bug but it was pretty damn annoying. I also got pretty pissed by battles that had 45 enemies attack you at the same time and each of them taking 5 hours to kill. So you end up running from them but you can't jump down from 0,5m cliffs or stairs during battle because that's just how the game mechanics work. I finally quit playing it because I didn't want to risk destroying any of my properties.
Single. Worst. Thing. Ever.
......until ironically like 10 years later when I played the new megaman 9 and got so frighteningly frustrated at one of the levels I blured out "THE GAME CHEATS"
I havent done that since I was 12! lol
He summed up my frustrations well
I always felt really stupid thereafter, though, and it hasn't really happened since then. If something does annoy me I just do something else. The only games that piss me off these days are Mario games, largely because their mechanics and game design has hardly changed since Mario 64. Sure you've got tighter controls and text you can actually read, but I'm still walking across stuff floating above a bottomless pit for the millionth time. And I pretty much just watch my wife play those.
I've adopted these past several years a pretty simple mentality - if I'm not spending my time in-game having fun, it's probably not worth my money.
!!! i agree with that completely. i forget which level it was but there was one where you had to take out 3 artillery cannons as you assaulted an endless amount of enemies with little to no cover around, whilst they lobbed endless grenades at you! i spent so much time trying to beat that level.
After a very few short months of that, I quit WoW for aboot 2 years.
I got the game near launch day, and there's a REALLY stupid fucking epic design fail in there.
There was a town where you had to chop down a tree to discover. And you could not progress in the game without discovering it. Problem was there's like 582904594890 trees in the game, and after you chop about 2, then enemy things come attack you thus resetting all the chopped trees.
We discovered it by complete random fluke (after we'd long given up on ever completing the stupid game).
The actual game was designed in a way, where you had to be in the Nintendo Power club, and get the shitty magazine which came out with this STUPID secret like 8 months after the launch.
Stupid failboat game designers that I hope died of the clap.
Demon Souls.... there was much rage quickly followed by utter determination.
This too. zomg.
OMG YES! I raged so hard after so many hours of trying that stupid pixel wide bridge that I quit the game and uninstalled it. I was 12 at the time
Bulletstorm recently when I got stuck in a room on the last level and kept dying, RAGE!!!!
Prince of Persia on ps2 auto saved as I fell through a collision mesh so whenever I loaded it up I was falling through the floor RAGE!!!!!
Sephiroth in kingdom hearts definetly, RAGE!!!!!!! Although elation when I killed him to death haha
Whenever my older brother beats me in games RAGE!!!!!!
Oh and star circus or whatever it's called on the n64 for being the worst game I've ever played
In recent times it's Modern Warfare 2. Such a fun game for me, but so broken with the quick scoping, tubes, dual g18's and shotguns. Maddening. It's a testament to how much I still like it considering the rage it gives me.
This ! Omg the rage... I feel my blood boil anytime I think about either of these..
Its weird though because I didnt feel any rage at all while playing demon souls. I guess when I see its my damn fault I died I can live with it.
oh and people asking me to fucking trade them every 5 mins ussualy makes me jsut leave the server or mute almost everyone on the server.
It's a wonderfully fantastic hack and slash game at the start, dodge everything and you're fine. Seriously, as long as none of the people with a sword or halberd or anything ever hit you at all, you're golden.
Then when you (spoilers) discover you're the bad guy (/spoilers), it becomes a wonderful bastard simulator, invading people while they wade through the swamp, knocking them off high ledges, etc.
And then you finish them off by taking their soul and making them lose a level.
I had teeth marks in my PS2 controller from getting hopelessly stuck in God of War back in the day. It's not a particularity difficult game for the most part but there was some puzzle where you had to massacre a vast number of low level enemies before a crushing wall came through and I got stuck there for ages trying it over and over and over again.
Can't think of anything more recently. I'm generally super calm when playing games no mater how horribly incompetent my TF2 team might be.
Srsly. It's making me want to quit my favorite game.
so. much. rage.
If you get on the mic and try to help the team out...
"Get on the cart, sentry's down!"
"Shut up."
"What!? Just get on the cart man, they're all dead."
Seriously, the whole "art of trolling" in multiplayer games as of late gets me going. And I hate it... I hates it so much. ><
Aw man, I don't play TF2 but that quote rings far too familiar with me. Seems whichever MP game you play nowadays they're infested with those kinda guys.
With all the TF2 complaints about incompetence, was this mostly around the time it went free and later? Or was the entire team babies since 2007?
I have no idea, I've been playing sniper and spy the whole time.