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Polar Science Facility - UDK



  • riddlaz
    Gannon and Walrus, here are some high res screenshots as requested :)


    roosterMAP, I didn't have a reflection cube before, I just added one for the following screens. As for adding shell the the glass, I did, but maybe it needs a slightly higher amount...




    Constructive feedback welcomed.
  • riddlaz
    Here is a breakdown of the floor and walls.


    Best Regards,
  • riddlaz
    MaVCArt wrote: »
    how do you get your lights to glow like that? (with that stretched out bloom) looks really nice :D

    The stretched glows are lens flares in UDK. These always face the camera, and appear to increase in size as you move away from them. If you want to make one, just look for lens flares in the content browser. Then grab a template and modify it, the most noticeable thing about mine is that they are stretched along the x axis. You should be able to change many other things in the editor.


    Hope it helps :)
  • ayoub44
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    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    Great work .. those models look cool but i have a little question why when you bake your
    normal map you leave it the same . you dont add details to it from photoshop ? :) thanks
  • riddlaz
    Ayoub44. I did do cleanup work in the normal maps, as well as duplicating some details. I didn't want to disturb the surface of the metals to much by adding the dirt, or the rust in a normal layer. I figured that by increasing the contrast of those two on the specular map would be enough. Goal was to avoid making the metal look like a concrete by adding to much disturbance.

    Specular map:


    In the end, I did end up adding a slight amount of normal detail to the models via UDK Material Editor.

    Hope it answers you're question.
  • Envelope
    Hi, I like this a lot. I was thinking you could use a little more bluish tint on your flares. Its an easy thing to change and experiment with... you may like it.

  • riddlaz
    Good suggestion :)..

    Which one do you guys think is best:


  • Envelope
    Personally, I like 1 and 3. Reasons? 1 looks intentionally tinted... to match your scene. 3 Looks like the color that you would usually see in anamorphic flares in film (real or not real). 2 looks underexposed.

    Nice !
  • riddlaz
    Thanks for the input. :) What about this one? It's a combination of 1 and 3.


    Both the new one and one of the early ones so its easier to compare.

  • IxenonI
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    IxenonI interpolator
    I´d stick with the same color for both lamps.... Maybe turn the intensity of the lamps down a little bit and have the sun illuminate more of your scene through that hole in the wall?
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    I would say the orange one in the last screenshot fits better in the scene, contrqsting with the cold tones of the environment and snow lighting.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I agree - I much preferred the orange, and I'd keep those lamps consistent.

    Also just wanted to say:

  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Simply beautiful work.

    This will be a solid reference thread for those (including myself) who need to push their story telling within their environments.

    Bookmakred :)
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
  • riddlaz

    Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely keep one style of flare for the environment, I may vary it slightly for the sun light. I'll experiment with lowering the intensity, while increasing the illumination through the openings to see if it comes out better.


    Thanks :)


    Thanks for taking the time to respond to my thread, I appreciate all the advice. You have a good point with the color, I might just keep that and add a gradient to it so its not just a solid color.

    Thanks for the advice,


    Thanks for the kind words :) . I've been trying to push the storytelling to a new level with this piece. I'm currently speaking with a sound designer to collaborate on the final video. We where thinking of putting sounds from the 'past' while the camera flies though key areas. For example, we'll place a sound of the glass breaking, followed by screams and alarms, when the camera focuses on the broken tank. Once we exit the destroyed room, we'll add footsteps of the creature and sound of it breaking the wall to get out of the facility. I'm Very exited to conclude the project.
    Two Listen wrote: »
    I agree - I much preferred the orange, and I'd keep those lamps consistent.

    Also just wanted to say:


    Cheers man! I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this one.. It really does look like a robot! XD
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    That actually sounds like a great idea :)
  • riddlaz

    Video is intended to show the story sequence and to give a general idea of the sounds that will be placed. General sound descriptions appear as orange letters in the bottom of the screen, these sounds are being designed by Bohdan Chaffee.

    Constructive feedback welcome. I need input on the timing of the video sequence, if anything is unclear, or what can be implemented to give the sequence more impact.

  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    This has become one of my favorite threads in recent weeks. I love how efficient your UVs are.

    Regarding the lighting: I think the previous lighting was much better. If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
  • riddlaz
    Thanks Minotaur :).

    The lighting near the end gets this reddish color through post process. It haven't changed the lighting much in the UDK file. The intention was to show the view of the creature after it stands up (Second 37), the fov and pace of the camera also change.

    Was that apparent when you saw it the first time?

    Maybe the post process was a little to much.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    I have nothing at all to add. I just got to say that this is so pretty my eyes bleeds. Love it.
  • riddlaz
    hahaha.. cheers man :) I was looking at your portfolio, really like the pieces there. Esp. the tavern, it was also making my eyes bleed from the prettiness.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    holy crap julio! this keeps getting better and better!
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Looking great. Where's the tutorial?
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    I speak for everyone here when I say thank you for the breakdowns and the texture flats you've posted. Seriously outstanding work. This has been one of the most informative threads in a long time, probably since Adam's Evil Genius project. All the changes you've made since page 1 have pushed this project even further and I absolutely love every drop of it. Every. Drop.
  • riddlaz
    jeffro wrote: »
    Looking great. Where's the tutorial?

    Thanks, I'll be working on a tutorial once it's complete. What are do you feel would be best to show? Lighting, texturing, modular building, water effects, snow?
  • riddlaz
    I speak for everyone here when I say thank you for the breakdowns and the texture flats you've posted. Seriously outstanding work. This has been one of the most informative threads in a long time, probably since Adam's Evil Genius project. All the changes you've made since page 1 have pushed this project even further and I absolutely love every drop of it. Every. Drop.

    Thanks friend, You've inspired me to create a texture breakdown of the construction models. This will explain how textures where used, and re-used throughout the scene. I'll post it relatively soon. :)

    Oniram, Cheers! glad you liked the updates. I'm currently working on making some improvements to the sequence. Goal is to get it finalized soon to send to the audio designer.
  • riddlaz
    Here is the texture breakdown I promised:


    List is intended to show how 26 assets where textured with 4 textures. The breakdown does not include supporting textures such as decals, water, foliage, snow, masks, or especial effects textures. It is only intended to show hard surface construction.

    Important notes:
    -Some props use two textures via material ID's, those props are highlighted and color coded to show which textures they use.
    -One if the textures has some unused space (BLUE), something will be added there eventually.

    Best Regards,
    Julio Juarez
  • G3L
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    G3L polycounter lvl 9
    I hadn't popped up in this thread yet but I will say awesome stuff!

    And :O Awesome texture breakdown! You really went all out with that one! Thank you so much for that! It's always nice to see people's workflows and how they go about things in their scene whether it's the model, texture, lighting, etc. Thank you so much for the time you've invested in the thread not only breaking down and teaching but also taking people's suggestions into consideration! Definitely bookmarked! :D
  • PHArt
    Impressive workflow. This goes in my secret box of motivation.
  • jimmypopali
    Saw this on FB - really great to see and the texture to model comparisons is really interesting, thanks!
  • riddlaz
    G3L, you're welcome. Glad to be able to contribute to the community :) . We're all learning together. Feel free to ask if you want me to clarify something in the scene.

    PHArt, cheers! Glad you liked the environment so far :).

    jimmypopali, Happy to know you found the image useful! Facebook community is great, I found it's very easy to communicate with people there :).

    I'm currently working on the end sequence, and I wanted to add a gun to the camera in FPS style. Here is a weapon WIP:


    Textures are the same ones the environment uses.

    Constructive feedback welcome :).
  • shawnell3d
    ok guy....YOURE pretty beast to create a cool looking gun from those textures:)

    i like
  • riddlaz
    shawnell3d, thanks for the kind words. This started as a challenge to myself, just to see if I could creating a weapon from the textures I already had. :)

    This is the work in progress of the end sequence. Its right after the creature breaks through the walls and disappears... Video starts when the player is assigned to check the facility.

    Picture of girl and HUD are placeholders at the moment.

    Constructive feedback welcome.

    Best Regards,
  • airage
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    airage polycounter lvl 14
    Great stuff and thank you a lot for sharing all the breakdowns and information. I learned a lot from this.
  • Bart
    Kickass man ! Kick... ass :D Getting better and better each day ! Reuse of textures is mindblowing. That's some serious skills !
  • riddlaz
    Airage, pleasure to be able to help. :) I was looking at you're port. I really dig you're concept work. Keep it up!

    Bart, cheers! . You have some very tight skills yourself man . Look forward to seeing more updates on you're wip :).
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 8
    This whole thread is WIN! thank you so much for taking the time to explain some of your process!!! Such inspirational work!
  • sltrOlsson
    Offline / Send Message
    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Amazing reuse of your textures and meshes man! I'm in awe!

    What did you concept look like and how did you go about planing this puppy!?

    Again, amazing! ;)
  • Spitfire
    Wow, very impressive!
    I love everything with this, the only thing is i can think of is i want moar!
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Grammar crit cuz thats all I could see wrong with it! Awesome work dude this is comming out slick. Just fix the grammar so that people will not be thinking, mm foreign game :P

    Jacob, I need an update.
    It tore the place apart.
    Have you located the creature.
    Negative, no sign of it.
  • riddlaz
    toxic_h2o, thanks. I really like teaching people what I learn, its a win win situation :). I firmly believe that if you help others, you'll become better as well.

    sltrOlsson, I wish I could post the concepts but I'm not allowed to. Many things changed from the concept stage such as the story line, design of the models, and destroyed room. Those where inspired by games like Dead Space, Mass Effect, as well as conversations that I've head with people critiquing my work. This community has been very helpful in taking this project to the next level. :)

    Spitfire, you're wish is my command, here's a screenshot of the weapon, and a video to show it's shader. Cheers!

  • riddlaz
    Xaltar wrote: »
    Grammar crit cuz thats all I could see wrong with it! Awesome work dude this is comming out slick. Just fix the grammar so that people will not be thinking, mm foreign game :P

    Jacob, I need an update.
    It tore the place apart.
    Have you located the creature.
    Negative, no sign of it.

    I'll take note of that, though in the final video I want to use voices and not text. I just have to get a couple of friends together that are good for the parts. :D
  • Spitfire
    Awesome dude, what i really love with this is that you pull one of the hardest plementary color grades, being red to orange vs green. Often that style looks fake and or cartoony, but you really nailed it!

    One thing id love to see if for you to use the moduels you have created to make the installation feel bigger, make longer corridors for example, it doesnt have to have huge rooms, just a little more scale. I know you might want to keep the detaillevel by keeping it small, but if you make it larger just by adding a few extra segments of modules, you will make this feel like its alot bigger than the work was behind it, and you will get more "enivronment" for you buck
  • chrisavigni
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    chrisavigni polycounter lvl 12
    Sick! One of the best threads over here!! Tanhk you a lot for the breakdown (again!).
    Every time I look at this scene, I realize how much work and learning I still have ahead!
    Scenes like this are my motivation!
  • riddlaz
    Spitfire, I learned many things about the lighting as well as post process while putting this scene together. While experimenting with both is when I stumbled upon this combination which I instantly fell in love with.

    I'll take into consideration making the installation bigger. I feel that the expansion could be beneficial on these two key areas. Any thoughts? I just added black to them so you could see:


    Some contrasting lighting could also help in highlighting them.

    Chris, you're welcome and thank you for the kind words. :) . I wish you the best in you're endeavours.
  • Spitfire
    The black areas are definately good places to expand the environment in, you could create corners that "hint" on a larger installation and what not.

    You could also extend the main corridor before the room, just add an extra segment to it to make it longer, its another easy win in size.

    Btw, ive been working on my own sci ffi environment , you got any tips on how to create cables like that and unwrapping them quickly with clean uvs, im getting really annoyed by the fact that i always end up doing sloppy workarounds to their uvs.
    Love how you got them all over the place, i love cables in these kinds of scenes!
  • riddlaz
    Spitfire, cables can be a little tricky but I did as follows using 3D Studio Max:

    1. Created a spline, and made the shape of the cable that I wanted.
    2. Under the rendering tab, make the spline a physical object by enabling it in the view-port and renderer, then gave it thickness.
    3. Made sure 'Generate Mapping Coords' was checked. (this will create very good starting uv's)
    4. scaled the uv's so the texture density was correct.

    In my case, I just overlapped the splines into an area of the texture that tiled good for them. If the area of the texture you want to use is not very large, you can always split the long spline into several small parts, and overlap them into the desired uv space.

    Hope if helps!
  • schoenrock
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    schoenrock polycounter lvl 9
    every time i see this thread pop up on the first page im like, YESSSSS. you have incredible work and incredible skills. love your work!
  • riddlaz
    schoenrock, Thanks for the kind words :) . Truly appreciate it, if you have any questions on any part of the environment feel free to post.

    Here's a screen that shows one of the expanded areas. I want this area to look open as well, so it has windows on both sides. (lighting is not baked)


    I'll post more updates as soon as I get a chance.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    nice addition of the gun. that looks super sweet
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