I really admire what you are doing here, and how much work you are putting into this but be careful with how far you go. Its one thing to do fan art, but its a whole other thing to actually make a playable game using an IP you do not own. I cannot imagine Activision would be to trilled if they stumbled upon this thread or your gameplay video at some point.
Not trying to take away from your amazing work, but just a little warning.
Thanks man! Yeh I am planning to do the N.Sanity beach from start to finish.
I know its dangerous ground :P But from a legal standpoint I don't think I'm breaking the law any more than I would be if it was just a non-playable level.
From what I have read all fan art is illegal but the IP holders are usually okay with it (as long as they aren't making any money) because its free advertising or to pursue any legal action could mean negative press.
I would think activision already know about this project as well as the others that are out there and until they become whatever they perceive as a "threat" they are happy to let them continue. But that's all just assumptions :P Either way its an interesting topic And thanks for the warning.
Omega89 -
Thanks, its been so difficult to get a model that works and people are happy with
NuclearAngel -
Thanks man I played it so much when I was a kid. I have been going through it again recently and I don't know how I managed to complete it when I was younger :P
Azzamat, all I can say is keep going especially since you are a huge fan of Crash Bandicoot. I love the game too. Keep working it. I am looking forward to seeing the final point where you warp out and you see him stretch as the fruits get counted. How will you do that? I don't know, but I am looking forward to your progression. The game looks awesome with Unreals lighting. I dont know what others are saying. Pure genius. I love this. Awesome entry in VG Remix too bud. Good luck with your Art and Game Design Journey. Looking forward to your work.
@William21984 - Thanks I will get it done eventually :P I will use morph targets to create the warp animation blended with some particle effects. Im glad you liked my entry =D
@HDaniel999 - Thanks yeh we are pretty happy with it
Looks great! I wouldn't worry about legal issues at all if I were you. At the most, you'd get a cease and desist but you would more than likely still be able to put anything you made in your portfolio if that did happen. The worst that could happen is that Activision will tell you to take down the download link to the playable build(s) assuming you were to release them to the public, but even that is unlikely.
Love the work you have done, it's so beautiful. Keep it up!
The crash model is really good, however, i do have some suggestions, a few things that i would change based on these two images:
I would recommend lowering the right puppil just a little, and tweaking the eyes so that they would look like this -> oO like the images above.
Anyway, love your work, keep it up!
Azzamat how are you creating those nice highlights and cracks on the shell? What texture resolution are you using just on this shell? Looks wonderful by the way. As well as the Crash Sketchfab.
Thanks coresplendor. We probably will do that in animation. I still need to change the eyes a bit.
william21984 The shell is a 1024x512 which I will half once it goes into engine. The cracks are done by making a brush with some hard edges. Turned on high scatter and angle jitter. Then I spray it on with some dirty matching colours. Set the layer to multiply and then with a very small hard brush I paint in the highlight conforming to the light direction on another layer set to screen. Its really quick to do but I think it looks alright
Not trying to take away from your amazing work, but just a little warning.
Thanks man! Yeh I am planning to do the N.Sanity beach from start to finish.
I know its dangerous ground :P But from a legal standpoint I don't think I'm breaking the law any more than I would be if it was just a non-playable level.
From what I have read all fan art is illegal but the IP holders are usually okay with it (as long as they aren't making any money) because its free advertising or to pursue any legal action could mean negative press.
I would think activision already know about this project as well as the others that are out there and until they become whatever they perceive as a "threat" they are happy to let them continue. But that's all just assumptions :P Either way its an interesting topic
Omega89 -
Thanks, its been so difficult to get a model that works and people are happy with
NuclearAngel -
Thanks man I played it so much when I was a kid. I have been going through it again recently and I don't know how I managed to complete it when I was younger :P
Created a new backdrop for the forrest.
Brings back some good memories btw.
@HDaniel999 - Thanks yeh we are pretty happy with it
Started a new texture.
Crit on any of the work so far will be appreciated!
the youtube stuff is amazing
First pass for the cave. I just knocked up the texture quickly to get the basic colour down.
Anyway, keep up the good work!
Looking much better than the first crash though!
The crash model is really good, however, i do have some suggestions, a few things that i would change based on these two images:
I would recommend lowering the right puppil just a little, and tweaking the eyes so that they would look like this -> oO like the images above.
Anyway, love your work, keep it up!
william21984 The shell is a 1024x512 which I will half once it goes into engine. The cracks are done by making a brush with some hard edges. Turned on high scatter and angle jitter. Then I spray it on with some dirty matching colours. Set the layer to multiply and then with a very small hard brush I paint in the highlight conforming to the light direction on another layer set to screen. Its really quick to do but I think it looks alright
I managed to get a little bit more work on the turtle done between new year,
Also forgot to post this little bit of blockwork i'm working on.
As always, any critique is appreciated!
I think that this area is very confusing, the camera and the lighting doesn't help finding where you have to jump,
in the original you can clearly see the gaps.
Waiting to see more
he is using UDK