I don't know, I'm not feeling this one. Before people freak out, I WILL be buying it, and playing it, and probably enjoy the living shit out of it, but so far I can't care. I've tried to care, I've searched out news, and what not, but I just can't care about Gears 3. I don't know why.
Maybe Cole's irritating personality, and voice, has killed the series for me. Maybe there's just a bunch of other games that are kinda outshining this one. Maybe I'm just stupid, and will have to get hit in the head by it's glorious awesome before I can enjoy the series again. Either way, there's a hole in my heart where my love of Gears was. I cry
single player looks like yet another boring run-and-shoot-in-a-straight-line-until-a-cutscene-appears game, but multiplayer seems decent at least. visually i think it looks pretty good too, it's not as greebly as some of the previous stuff that epic has put out.
ye this 'epic boss' is not even run-n-shoot, its sit-n-shoot, i mean... uh... the only
"cool" stuff that i see there is the fact there's a black guy demoing it while wearing sunglasses
The premise of Gears 3 is that in the aftermath of Gears 2 and the Lambent plaguing the world, "everyone is stranded now." Everyone picks up arms to fight, so humanity can survive. Doesn't matter if they're sterile or not, everyone's fighting.
super stoked to get this stuff out into the world! There is plenty of bigger and badder stuff in the game than what was shown in the demo There is a lot of run,gun,stop&shoot gameplay, its gears of war - the formula isn't changing a lot, however there is a lot of more creative and badass stuff throughout the game than 1 & 2.
Horde 2 info today! Base building, leveling up/upgrading structures, bosses (brumak, berzerkers[many], lambent zerker [in broll below]), wider pools of creatures! Waves 1-50 are intense now, less of the same, more varied and crazy.
re: SP, its the longest campaign we've shipped so theres a lot of value for your money there. I wouldn't worry about being let down on the fun quota either.
re: MP focus... its the best MP epic has every shipped in any game imo. I was addicted to the MP beta, I sat drunk for 7 hour sessions often, it was like we made our own crack and I smoked it. I haven't enjoyed a MP game as much since Quake1... and thats just regular MP.
Plus, universally we were dinged for our MP in Gears2, with reason; the extra time for development allowed us to get Dedicated servers up and running and do a beta for community feedback. Cliff put it simply in one of his interviews ' Gears3 MP, this time it works'
Can you fight againts other players in horde and beast? Or just cpu?
Horde & Beast are 5players vs cpu. They're both completely different gametypes, Beast isn't 'horde as locust,' its a different gametype with different mechanics and strategy.
I just got that xbox live email saying what I played the most last month. 37 out of the 40 hours online was spent play the gow3 beta. Thanks again moose! It was sick.
Still got to finish Gow2 campaign, but have had good fun with horde. Really looking forward to Beast mode in particular from GoW 3. But I'm sure new horde with bosses will be awesome too.
I remember being one of the haters for the gears series, then i played gears 2 on horde mode...and was hooked, after i played through the campaign with my nephew, i was in love, fantastic game made me enjoy gaming again, after a long time and a can't wait o play the third.
Not when you make custom shaders. You can make UDK look like Cryengine.
The only thing making up an engine's default look is the stock shaders.
Change those and you change that 'default engine' look.
Nah, a certain engine will always have a particular look and feel to it. Even if you use custom shaders, which is what 90% of people use. :P
This doesn't only apply to game engines, it applies to rendering engines as well. You can sometimes tell the difference between Mental ray and Vray. Not to mention Scanline (yuck). Gears and Unreal Tournament 3, even Mass Effect 2 (to a certain extent) all have a very "unreal" look to them. It's not always blatantly noticeable, but the similarities are there.
Nah, a certain engine will always have a particular look and feel to it. Even if you use custom shaders, which is what 90% of people use. :P
This doesn't only apply to game engines, it applies to rendering engines as well. You can sometimes tell the difference between Mental ray and Vray. Not to mention Scanline (yuck). Gears and Unreal Tournament 3, even Mass Effect 2 (to a certain extent) all have a very "unreal" look to them. It's not always blatantly noticeable, but the similarities are there.
True, since there are rendering aspects that can't be changed through shader coding alone, and engine programmers from each company could all do the same thing with different code.
Orly? I love Mass Effect's look, though, as well as Bioshock. Must be a company to company thing.
I had no idea, really. Epic impresses me consistently!
UDK's shader programming is like programming with HLSL but with flowgraphs. Actually, it IS programming with HLSL, just with flowgraphs instead of huge lines of text.
Ok, I'm back on board. Day one purchase, followed by 3 days of NO productivity. That trailer was pretty good, but why is Anya an artist now? That was kinda lame.
Ok, I'm back on board. Day one purchase, followed by 3 days of NO productivity. That trailer was pretty good, but why is Anya an artist now? That was kinda lame.
How do you know she wasn't an artist in her off hours already?
You Don't, that's how.
Seriously though, cool trailer, mad props, yadda yadda. Why'd you have to make Markus look like a douche with the bare arms???
I hope everyone enjoys it. I'm about to go check out our local Best Buy's midnight launch. I'm really proud of the work everyone at Epic has done, this is certainly the best, most polished game I've ever worked on.
So glad it is out on the shelf. I hope poeple dig it. Lots of polish went into the game. Be sure to play Horde Mode. Its now got more bells and whistles than a mexican stepside. Its really (to me) its own game now. We had to step it up because ever since Gears 2 its been more like "whored-mode" lol . Just j/k. I like to say that whenever a game comes out with a new bad ass horde mode option. lol.
I just woke up. Bleh.
I'd really like to hear how people like co-op the most. Especially 4 player! i'm curious where it sits. Ok I need to sleep a little bit more.
I hope everyone enjoys it. I'm about to go check out our local Best Buy's midnight launch. I'm really proud of the work everyone at Epic has done, this is certainly the best, most polished game I've ever worked on.
Yeah. Ditto.
This is the best product I've ever made (been a part of) for a major game release. MP is really really polished. I like MP and I never really would play it before. I'm more of a Counter Strike type of guy. But the new MP is a bit more furious feeling and has more going on. Cover Kicking is the shit. Damn people are so much better than me. I've played it so much and I still suck badly. Damn shotgun.
Jordan wont take credit, that little turd. But he has a whole lot to do with the polish.
Somewhat related, did anyone see the trike that was made on American Chopper by PJD? I thought it turned out pretty badass, though would've been cool to see some raised paneling on the sheetmetal pieces.
Maybe Cole's irritating personality, and voice, has killed the series for me. Maybe there's just a bunch of other games that are kinda outshining this one. Maybe I'm just stupid, and will have to get hit in the head by it's glorious awesome before I can enjoy the series again. Either way, there's a hole in my heart where my love of Gears was. I cry
"cool" stuff that i see there is the fact there's a black guy demoing it while wearing sunglasses
The premise of Gears 3 is that in the aftermath of Gears 2 and the Lambent plaguing the world, "everyone is stranded now." Everyone picks up arms to fight, so humanity can survive. Doesn't matter if they're sterile or not, everyone's fighting.
super stoked to get this stuff out into the world! There is plenty of bigger and badder stuff in the game than what was shown in the demo
Horde 2 info today! Base building, leveling up/upgrading structures, bosses (brumak, berzerkers[many], lambent zerker [in broll below]), wider pools of creatures! Waves 1-50 are intense now, less of the same, more varied and crazy.
shoulder cam w/ silverback
re: MP focus... its the best MP epic has every shipped in any game imo. I was addicted to the MP beta, I sat drunk for 7 hour sessions often, it was like we made our own crack and I smoked it. I haven't enjoyed a MP game as much since Quake1... and thats just regular MP.
Plus, universally we were dinged for our MP in Gears2, with reason; the extra time for development allowed us to get Dedicated servers up and running and do a beta for community feedback. Cliff put it simply in one of his interviews ' Gears3 MP, this time it works'
Horde & Beast are 5players vs cpu. They're both completely different gametypes, Beast isn't 'horde as locust,' its a different gametype with different mechanics and strategy.
Not a gears fan meself, but I do think that looks cool.
Er.... you must be talking about the Gears' of War artstyle, as no engine 'looks' a particular way.
You can make Unreal 3's rendering look however you want, limited by only your skills and imagination.
Not when you make custom shaders. You can make UDK look like Cryengine.
The only thing making up an engine's default look is the stock shaders.
Change those and you change that 'default engine' look.
This doesn't only apply to game engines, it applies to rendering engines as well. You can sometimes tell the difference between Mental ray and Vray. Not to mention Scanline (yuck). Gears and Unreal Tournament 3, even Mass Effect 2 (to a certain extent) all have a very "unreal" look to them. It's not always blatantly noticeable, but the similarities are there.
True, since there are rendering aspects that can't be changed through shader coding alone, and engine programmers from each company could all do the same thing with different code.
UDK's shader programming is like programming with HLSL but with flowgraphs. Actually, it IS programming with HLSL, just with flowgraphs instead of huge lines of text.
Gone Gold! Opening Cine for those interested (some gears 1 & 2 spoilers)
Time for a well deserved rest Moose ?
How do you know she wasn't an artist in her off hours already?
You Don't, that's how.
Seriously though, cool trailer, mad props, yadda yadda. Why'd you have to make Markus look like a douche with the bare arms???
you Epic guys are Epic!
Congrats. can't wait to play
damm you!!
Congrats to everyone that worked it for 3 years, I can't wait to play it.
1 sitting.
Add me to XBLA: Jacque Choi
You're covered.
A bit basic, clearly directed toward those not as involved as us in the art, but interesting none the less! Made by DeviantArt.
I just woke up. Bleh.
I'd really like to hear how people like co-op the most. Especially 4 player! i'm curious where it sits. Ok I need to sleep a little bit more.
Yeah. Ditto.
This is the best product I've ever made (been a part of) for a major game release. MP is really really polished. I like MP and I never really would play it before. I'm more of a Counter Strike type of guy. But the new MP is a bit more furious feeling and has more going on. Cover Kicking is the shit. Damn people are so much better than me. I've played it so much and I still suck badly. Damn shotgun.
Jordan wont take credit, that little turd. But he has a whole lot to do with the polish.
Fingers crossed!