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Gears of War 3



  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I can't get out to the store to buy it any time soon. I swear, even though I saw a lot of hype for this game, I had NO idea it was out today. I would have pre ordered it if I knew the release date was so close. Biggest title to ever sneak up on me. ;)
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    picked it up today and started playing it
    loving it so far
  • Spitfire
    this game is the shit, been playin it like crazy all day1
  • Talbot
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    great video! nice to see the a few polycounters on there
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    Dear Internets.

    My name is Mike Kime. I turn 32 years of age in January. I'm the guy with the beard and the disheveled hair in this video (yeah, i wore a hat that day and then left it at my desk.... yikes... why am i balding!!!! NO!!!). I look like fuck-pie :( . It was another day at work.

    This video is cool. Sure. I guess a bit chopped up in areas...

    I would like to say this. Just a fact. Just going to throw this out there.

    In early 2009 I bought a used 2006 Nissan Altima for about 15,000$.
    This is the first real car i've owned with power windows and A/C! WOO! And its black! Finally!
    Before that I had a 1994 Isuzu Rodeo that lasted me for about 8 years. 6000$. No AC no power nothing. 8 years.
    Before that I had a 2400$ 1989 Ford Escort that took me from late high school through college and to the Rodeo. well over 200k miles on the Escort!

    I recently bought a second car.
    A 1968 Dodge Coronet 440. For about 5500$ (you can imagine the quality) So I could try my hand at body work and rust removal. Interior design.

    I, Do not, Own a Lamborghini.

    If any of you, especially new kids who want to get into games or know about games, want to know about getting into the industry and what it is like just let me know. Video creators often care about the sensational. People do a real good job of.. well.... getting what they want. I've got random posts around the internets, some about getting into the industry blah blah. And how I got to where i'm at.

    Enjoy the game. It is great.
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
    Hah, nice rv_el.

    Congrats on such a kickass game, few people checking it out here at work (damn spoilers). From what I've seen, it looks great. Can't wait to see the next insane thing you guys are cooking up! :)
  • Electro
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    Electro polycounter lvl 19
    Haven't got a copy myself yet, definitely will be asap though.

    Great job guys at Epic, you're very lucky to have a game that you're proud to have worked on and reap the rewards of seeing others enjoy it so much too.

    Well done :)
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Just started with a few rounds of Team Deathmatch and it's awful nice. I was a pretty hardcore gears 1 and 2 player and I was doing terrible the first match and didn't know what was up. After I got used to the new movement and such it's pretty fancy though.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    Heh, I think what Mike's trying to say is that no one but Cliff drives the Lambo, the rest of us don't make that kind of money. It's not the pursuit of the Lambo that should lead you into the industry, its the hope that you can be part of an amazing game you are proud of and want to play after its done because thats sweeter than the car.

    Glad folks are liking the game... I'm a hopeless addict, I had to take the day off work today because when I noticed it was 5.30am this morning i realized I would be useless.
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    It's not the pursuit of the Lambo that should lead you into the industry, its the hope that you can be part of an amazing game you are proud of and want to play after its done because thats sweeter than the car.


    So Epic doesn't shut down for a week or something once you guys ship?
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20

    So Epic doesn't shut down for a week or something once you guys ship?

    Nope. Round 2. FIGHT!

    You start itching to work pretty quickly. Not crunching is really good. But watching a game ship from Epic makes you want to do more games.

    There have been some times recently that have been pretty laid back.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Woooooo!!! Glad people are liking it! Can't wait to play with people again once i get my xbl account back (haxored :()

    we should get a polycount game of horde, beast, or campaign arcade games goin! or Versus! Must... get... all... medals!!!

    this post has been brought to you by the exclamation point.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Got a few hours into it this evening... I'm still waiting to be impressed...

    In many ways, 3 so far feels like a step back from 2. The environments aren't as polished, and in many, trying to focus on what's going on is kind of a joke. The cover system feels sluggish, so much so that I'm barely using it. The character development (even if it's early on) feels a bit flat, and in some ways a bit rushed. It feels less like "let's develop this cool story we have" and more like "let's cram in a bunch of backstory and update everyone on what's been goin on".

    Not gonna hate that much, especially with it being early on. I'm definitely gonna play it through and enjoy it, but it's not really living up to that "epic" name just yet. Here's hopin the wow factor kicks in soon.
  • Rens
    Played straight through the game co op style last night, think it took us about 10 hours on hardcore.

    Simply amazing.
    I'm really enjoying it for so many reasons.

    The art looked really well done, so much detail in everything.
    Environment areas so pimped for character. Well done guys!
    That with the combination of the lighting, I have to say I was really enjoying it, some of the shots in the cutscenes too, hmm.
    I have no idea how you guys managed to pull this off performance wise for splitscreen, impressive.

    I loved the amount of story telling in the game, the banter between characters, you really get to know them for who they are and it delivers.
    The dialog and jokes are so entertaining.

    The AI worked so nicely, they really do their part and help where it is needed.
    Or throw themselfs right in there, Anya who went bezerk and started sawing them constantly, Sam, oh sam.. Revive me!
    So often I took a hard hit and she was around to help me up everytime, even revived me multiple times in a row cause i could not get to cover.

    Revivesystem, +1!
    Really enjoyed the teamwork that comes with it, even being able to rely on the AI.

    The music was really well chosen, when it kicked in it instantly connected.
    Did i say the scenematics and story telling was awesome?

    !! out of ammo... !! Jump .. B - B - B - B - Picks up weapon and go!
    I can keep going but I think for me, this is the game of the year.
    Boooom! Winning! Whooo!
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Played some coop last night (3 of us and AI) and was having a great time. I second the AI, though it doesn't seem to be doing anything particularly fancy, it does what it needs to do well ie. not gettign in the way and being pretty quick with reviving you which really helps with the gameplay. Also nice to seem them charge in there with the saw too :D

    Also loving the art and lighting and it's playing very smoothly.
  • Spitfire
    Rens you should come over to my place for some gears 3 lan party!
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Saw a bit of this being played at the office, looking really sweet guys. I'll try to get my arse over to a buddy's house to play this properly. :)
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Rens wrote: »
    I can keep going but I think for me, this is the game of the year.
    Boooom! Winning! Whooo!

    As much as I agree with this statement we all know halo anniversary is around the corner. Hahaha :poly009:
  • Rens
    haha, oh shii!

    spitfire, hell yeah man!

    I'm going to keep my eyes open on the new figures,
    Right now I have Dom from gears2 on my desk, need more!
    I want the whole line up of the team, hell maybe ill give it a shot myself, will be getting sculptsupplies in :D

    next up, horde mode!
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
    Played last night.

    Fucking fun. Game is just pure fucking fun.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    I think this game has in my opinion the best graphics of all releases this year. Congratulations, guys! I've always been interested in epic's art and this one has the best stuff so far.

    The deviantart video was really cool. It's good to actually see some of the artists instead of all the game designers you usually see during these kind of videos. Even better is that you guys didn't dumb it down for the less knowing audience either.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Rens wrote: »
    I can keep going but I think for me, this is the game of the year.
    Boooom! Winning! Whooo!

    Does Cole ACTUALLY say "winning"? I'm just wondering, cause Cole is EASILY the most annoying game character I've ever had to deal with, and that saying was stupid from the get go. So if he's saying it, that's a level of annoyance I'm not sure I can tolerate. I'll still buy the game, I'll still love the shit out of it, but I'm REALLY hoping that's not in there
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Jeremy-S wrote: »
    Does Cole ACTUALLY say "winning"? I'm just wondering, cause Cole is EASILY the most annoying game character I've ever had to deal with, and that saying was stupid from the get go. So if he's saying it, that's a level of annoyance I'm not sure I can tolerate. I'll still buy the game, I'll still love the shit out of it, but I'm REALLY hoping that's not in there

    Don't be hatin on the Cole Train, baby, whooooo! :poly142:
  • Rens
    he does not :P

    he is coletrain baby!! whoooo!
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Oh thank god... :D Just imagine Cole doing all of Charlie Sheen's "greatest hits" Wow. That would be horrible. But in a kinda funny way, now that I think about it.

    And I will continue to "hate" on the Cole Train for as long as I have to deal with him ;) I can't mute the tv fast enough when he comes on screen.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    what i like most about this one is the extra touch of color in all of the environments without losing the overal GOW feel.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    what i like most about this one is the extra touch of color in all of the environments without losing the overal GOW feel.

    The environments so far are neat, some of the transitions in style are a little jarring though. I am having a lot of difficulty picking out targets in some places, usually where the environment's as busy as the character textures.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    flaagan wrote: »
    The environments so far are neat, some of the transitions in style are a little jarring though. I am having a lot of difficulty picking out targets in some places, usually where the environment's as busy as the character textures.

    Did you play past Gears? I had that problem at first. I also had that problem with like Counter Strike. Telling who is on what team. Then I got used to it.

    I always felt that some of epics level of detail and everything is a learned capacity. Kind of like how certain food is an "aquired taste". At first it can be hard, but then over time you really get into it.

    Perhaps thats not for everybody though.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    rv_el wrote: »
    Did you play past Gears? I had that problem at first. I also had that problem with like Counter Strike. Telling who is on what team. Then I got used to it.

    I always felt that some of epics level of detail and everything is a learned capacity. Kind of like how certain food is an "aquired taste". At first it can be hard, but then over time you really get into it.

    Perhaps thats not for everybody though.

    Yah, I'll work my way through it. It just seems like the characters aren't quite standing out from the environment enough, at least compared to the previous ones. I don't recall having this problem with the previous two. Like I said, though, seems like I'm still kind of early in the game even after a few hours of play, so I'll wait and see how polished things get further in.

    Gotta say, gripes aside,
    the trip down memory lane for Cole was quite amusing. Whoever that chick was that apparently hated his guts could've used a bit more backstory to her, though.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Jeremy-S wrote: »
    Does Cole ACTUALLY say "winning"? I'm just wondering, cause Cole is EASILY the most annoying game character I've ever had to deal with, and that saying was stupid from the get go. So if he's saying it, that's a level of annoyance I'm not sure I can tolerate. I'll still buy the game, I'll still love the shit out of it, but I'm REALLY hoping that's not in there

    Ever played through Killzone? I'm not a fan of Gears so I don't play it, but I'd say Rico could give Cole a run for his money! :D
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    Played through the first Act today, and thought it was great. Loved the "Cole Train runs on whole grain" advertisement. Heh.
  • Talbot
    Hey guys so I'm going to be playing this for the next couple months... if anybody wants to play please add me.

    Gamertag: Deluxe Walrus

    But message me saying your are from here. :)
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    just finished the campaign. i gotta say that the last act and chapter was some of the best moments ive experienced in a game.. ever!
  • ScudzAlmighty
    One of these days I'm gonna have a job again so I can buy this brofo game :(

    I don't want any spoilers but there's a Carmine again yes?
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    yes there is a new Carmine. Clayton Carmine.

    bear witness to his badassery

  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Finished the campaign! Was great fun!!

    Grats to rv_el, K J, Moose, Jordan, and the rest of you guys at Epic! VERY Kickass game.
  • Spitfire
    Rens, im getting a new 55 inch tv, its gears time on sunday if your up for it

    I got the locust head sculpt, apparently i ordered it, i was a big chocked when i got it cause its friggin huge
    Its a 1: 1 scale,.
    Where the hell do you put a 1:1 locust drone head sculpt in your home?
  • Talbot
    Just finished the game. Loved it!

    Now time to go to bed.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I guess the one thing I found annoying, was how Ammo boxes never replenished Longshot or Torque Bow ammo.

    I usually just run around with those 2 weapons in the previous Gears Games, and had a lot more fun relying on timing and precision.

    What this forced me to do, was go standard 'Lancer/Shotgun' which feels really generic to me.

    Anyone know the reason why this was done?
  • Talbot
    Yeah I know what you mean. Like you would walk up to one of those huge piles of ammo and you wouldn't be able to pick any up...
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I dig the iron sights available on the Hammershot. I wish the Lancer had that. It would be neat to just see the engineering and improvised sights on the various weapons.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Jacque: ya... it is a little annoying, but for the greater good of the game I think. The idea for those weapons though (as i understand it) is that they are "super weapons," and we didn't want you to effectively have infinite ammo for them. If you unlock the mutator however, and play arcade, you can get infinite ammo :) In sections where sniping is important, there are a lot of sniper rifles around to give you ammo. In some sections where you can use the Vulcan, we wanted it to be a "use this while you can, but not forever" type feel. Also if there are lots of enemies using those weapons you can get a constant supply of ammo (torques, snipers, digger, boomshot), but not to the point of refreshing the super weapon's ammo supply via ammo boxes.

    I personally use hammerbust / lancer for single player, and occasionally hammerburst/ retro or gnasher.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I've found the pistols to be useless.. til I got a shield.. then they're awesome. Headshots everywhere~
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    flaagan wrote: »
    I've found the pistols to be useless.. til I got a shield.. then they're awesome. Headshots everywhere~

    Boltok = handheld sniper rifle. Watch out for enemies with it in Horde on the harder difficulties... they'll ping you from across the map!
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    domscene + mad world track = beautiful
    Gonna finish the campaign tomorrow after work ^^
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    domscene + mad world track = beautiful
    Gonna finish the campaign tomorrow after work ^^

    Seriously.. that's really about the point in the game (so far) where I had my jaw just hanging.. Kinda saw it coming, but didn't expect them to actually do it.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I love the gears of war games and Epic always does a fantastic job, but this one in particular was amazing. Maybe one of the best games I've ever played. Graphically, it's definitely at the top of it's class in this generation. Gameplay wise, it's super tight and has a ton of variety.

    It's also probably the most emotionally engaging game I've ever played. I never would have guessed a game about a bunch of guys with arms the size of tree trunks shooting monsters would be so impactful, but it sure as hell is.

    Great job everyone who worked on it.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Carmine, fuck yeah!

    That is all.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Been playing this a lot since it came out. Beat the campaign yesterday on Hardcore and started Horde and Beast today while playing some versus in between. Horde is a huge improvement over Gears 2. I can see a ton of replayability there with different maps and moving up difficulties. Beast wasn't as fleshed out as it could have been but it was still something fresh. I don't see myself replaying it again though. Overall it's definitely one of my favorite games from the last few years.

    @Shiniku, it was definitely a lot more impactful than the previous games but Half-Life 2 still holds the top spot on my list for most emotional/impactful game.
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