They aren't used for the kind of workout to make you look like a bodybuilder, more like a compact/toned athelete. Look up images of folk that use them to get an idea. If you can, take a class to learn some of the basics and/or look up lots of information on how to do the exercises, as they can be more complicated than they look. The kettlebell swing for example, which is probably one of the main exercsies, just looks like someone swinging the bell between their legs then up infront of them, but there is more to it than that, and as always you want to ensure you don't injure yourself.
That's good, because I have no interest in a bodybuilder bod.
I don't think they have classes for kettlebells around these parts but I'll keep a look out.
But yes, straining or injuring yourself would be bad, especially when hauling around a 50lb ball of solid steel.
When I get home I'll look up some of the videos I found useful for some of the exercises. The main one to start with seems to be the swing, then work from there. Not done classes myself, just did a lot of research beforehand and practiced. Read that if your back hurts when swinging (giggidy?) you're doing it wrong, so far my back (and everything else) has been completely fine. Well, the forearms did take a knocking to begin with and some bruising, but it didn't take long for that to pass. Still sometimes get knocked pretty hard but it doesn't hurt anymore.
Got a 16kg bell myself as that seemed to be the standard one men usually start with, according to the various sources I looked at.
yeah the thrust is the base movement of a few different ones. gotta get that right first or everything else is wrong and you will injure yourself. I train with an albanian that knows them inside out. like mongrel the forarms do hurt to start but got used to that after a couple of weeks.
16kg (russians call it 1 pood or something) is the standard mens but Imma pansy, the lighter ones are good for practicing the form of the exercise before using the 16kgs. I do the turkish get ups with the 8kg, its easier and lets me do more reps.
My gym does Bodypump classes which I planned to start last month. Hopefully I can get started next week. Looks like light/medium weights crossed with aerobics. Don't think my gym does any classes with kettlebells so it looks like a good alternative.
Kettlebells have an odd bit of fanaticism around them, especial with fans of Pavel Tsatsouline. I've probably read dozens of kettlebell specific workouts, most of which hype the gear a bit much. Kettlebells are just dumbbells with the handles on the side, and you can get from them just what you can with standard freeweights. I find that Turkish get-ups are easier with a standard dumbbell, as you don't ever have the weight pressing against the back of your wrist/forearm. Kettlebells are very handy for snatches and the like, the handle position is really useful there.
Regarding BodyPump, my ex-girlfriend did that for years and thought it was great. It's really more aerobics than anything, though - the weights are very light. Not that you can't add muscle with lighter weights (or even bodyweight exercises), but BodyPump is geared towards fat loss and cardiovascular fitness much more than strength.
True, there is an awful lot that paints them as some wondergadget, where it's really more about how they're used, and a dumbbell can often be substituted. But things like the weight being offset from where you grip it (so you can't balance it in your hand like a dumbbell) which make exercises more difficult are part of what helps. Though it probably would be best to start with dumbbells for something like a turkish getup as there's a fair bit going on already.
Yay Kettlebells! I love them for olympic style lifts in high repetitions. Those are as much fun as the Turkish Get-up (exercise in that video). I've shown it to people to try and they say "NOPE!"
H'ok. Trying this again. G/f and I have decided to see what we can lose by the holidays, after hearing on the radio today is the best day to start. haha.
And, ive decided on three main things im going to change in my life to help.
1- no more pop. even diet pop. We constantly have diet coke at my house, and i drink it alot. no more. I drink water all the time at work though. usually 2 or 3 gaterade bottles worth.
2- no more eating after 830
3- only drinking beer once a week. whether its friday or saturday, for whatevers going on that week with friends. But no more during the week. Too often, Ill go out with friends and just have 1 or 2 beers at dinner or something. Unnecessary calories, seeing as im not actually going to get drunk off it.
Hopefully, those 3 little changes will help. Its only the start though. baby steps. Ive done the lose weight, gain it back dance too many times. Its time to figure out how to change my lifestyle to keep it off.
I have a rowing machine in my house, which is what i usually use for excersize. Ill keep at it for usually a month or two, lose alot of weight, but then my body starts hurting in a weird way. first time was my back. second time was my leg. Does anyone have a suggestion for something else I could do? at home, preferably
on a side note, you guys that have kept at it, and have lost weight. Kudos! Im so glad my thread got people doing this. even if i didnt stick with it.
Diet soda gives me migraines. I didn't realize it until I gave it up. Now I think it tastes like shit.
My foot is healing up, but still not up for jogging on it. I still have been getting to the gym though.
I have been going easy on my diet for about the last month. Dropped maybe a pound since my last update. Feeling good about ramping it back up though. We'll see how that goes.
ninjas i'm kind of in the same boat as you. I can't stand the taste of cola these days.
I ran 25km two weeks ago and ended up hurting my left foot somehow, i only felt it the next day when i tried to run. So i havn't been able to run but i have been pretty steady on working out with weights. But i think i'll be able to jog again this weekend.
I did have a feel good moment this week when i found some old pictures from when i was at my highest weight. Guess i'll share the before and after pic here too because this thread was the one that got and kept me going to begin with.
I haven't focused on loosing weight (still at the 78~79kg range) but I can see about another 2~3kg left and it just ain't going away. Need to work on mid section more. I changed my workout... 3 days a week I do:
100 x 20kg bicept (one rep)
100 x 30kg pec/trap (one rep)
100 x 30kg back (one rep)
50 x 20kg triceps (one rep)
6 rounds heavy bag (each round is 3 mins)
6 rounds jump rope
3 rounds mit
3 rounds sparring
3~6 rounds shadow boxing
6km run (25 mins)
Not going for muscle mass, just strength to deliver harder punches over shorter distances (and take punches). My aerobic ability/stamina is much improved since my first fight. My heart rate drops down to almost normal between rounds when I'm fighting.
3 more weeks till my next fight, and 6~7 more weeks till the test.
Chris: Now, that shake looks much nicer. Will give it a go. I'm loving my porridge oats in the morning. One good thing about winter is hot porridge!...wonder what a hot smoothie is like...hmmm.
Lamont: You wouldn't happen to be a T1000? Awesome workout. I used to be able to do that kind of thing but I'm probably too old now and will never reach that level of fitness again.
so i tried that smoothie out this morning. not bad. im not really too big a fan of the oatmeal, but mostly because of the texture. i may try to mix and match things, maybe a bit less oatmeal.. more fruit.. different fruits, etc. ultimately though it was pretty good and its simple enough to make for a quick, on the go, breakfast.
well, ive been battling it out with the same 10 lbs ive been trying to get rid of since the start of this. i lose it. i gain it back. lose it. gain it back. im finding it harder and harder to keep a steady flow of workout and dieting.
how have the rest of you been doing with diet and exercise, especially when you're in a crunch at work or just too caught up to remember not to eat a burger or skip a day at the gym. its frustrating, but i gotta keep on keepin on. i think i may try to expand on my workout a bit. instead of going to the gym for an hour each day.. i may do a bit of working out in the morning before work (simple cardio and whatnot), and then at night after work i can hit the gym for maybe a hafl hour or so.. possibly even squeeze in some time during my lunch break (which i plan to do today).
ive been having my brother's girlfriend also give me some ideas for good smoothies. she works at whole foods so she has a general idea of health food.
she made me this shake yesterday. it was banana, pineapple juice, spinach, and kale. DELICIOUS! never expected id like it but wow. it was amazing. so i may end up replacing one of my meals a day with some sort of fruit/veggie shake.
I had been thinking about going to the gym again for a long long time but kept putting it off and chuggin down Dr. Pepper like crazy. I used to be an athlete but I topped out at 275 lbs not so long ago and decided enough is enough. And to give a little credit where its due, mr. Cholden and his mate on their podcast talking health was some nice outside inspiration that took me by surprise
Been going to the gym daily for about a month and a half now. Tracking what I eat, but not depriving myself of delicious food. I actually really enjoy cooking so been recreating some restaurant favs at home and sometimes cutting the calorie damage in half. Boggles my mind how restaurants can take some dishes and make them 1200+ calories when I can do it in 400-600 haha.
Anyway. Progress report so far is noticeable muscle growth and approx 18lbs lost and not slowing down yet.
Ive found the biggest key has been holding myself accountable. I still treat myself but I make up for it later! My wifes joined in also, so that helps a lot also. Good luck to anyone else trying to lose a few pounds/kilos
awesome josh! just keep at it and the pounds will keep dropping ^^
today i hit my -30kg (66pounds) mark i set up for myself 23 weeks ago.
No starvation or crash dieets just not eating too much crap , some jogging and persistence !
and this thread of course also kept me going
Now i'm going to focus some more on muscle training and drop a few more kilos.
if anyone wants a pretty decent workout routine to get in some extreme shape i'd might as well post it here. Just some of the weekly workout routines I do running for my high school team. This will take tons of motivation for anyone to do but the results are there and you will feel so good once you get into it.
every running day: half mile warmup, can start at about 10 minute mile pace but continue to up the pace until you reach 8 minute pace. Then bump it up to a mile warmup. Strech, but no stretches that overwork the muscle. Certain stretches can actually tighten up certain muscles unintentionally. It's a good idea to get a rope and learn some basic streches with that first.
now we get more specific.
mondays: workout. find a street with a decently sized hill or rolling hills. Practice going up these hills at about 80 percent with a walk return which can turn into a jog once you get better at it. Do this 3 times, ideally you want to hit five.
tuesday: recovery day. A light day to recover from the previous workout, still do the warmup, and go about for about two miles at 9 minute mile pace. Eventually you want to reach doing 2X two miles at 7:30 minute mile pace.
wednesday: workout day. This is more along the lines of an easier workout, but can get challenging. It's called the circuit. Basically you run 400 meters at 90 second pace, and then you do a set of drills as a recovery, and then run another 400. Do this five times.
some drill ideas.
active: do these for about 15 meters then come back
Skipping while doing arm circles (forward backward)
skipping while swinging both arms (bearhug style)
skipping whilen swinging one arm (left and right)
pogos (hopping using the front of your foot) 5 then a stride
wide outs (bring your feet wider then closer together) 5 then a stride
star jumps (jump and bring out your arms and legs) 5 then a stride
you can probably look up those last three I'm crappy at explaining them.
non-active: just stay where the hell you are
lunges: simple. just do forward lunges and sideways lunges even diagonal if you're feeling adventurous.
eagles: lay down on your back and then bring your leg over your groin (damn I might just do a video because I can't explain these for shit)
prone scorpion: laying on your belly with both arms out to the side bring one leg over your body to try to touch the opposite hand.
Russian hamstrings - cross your ankles and then hold yourself up with your elbows stomach to the sky. then just thrust away at the sky.
swimmers: on your stomach, bring your arms and legs up and kick like your swimming and do a flat circular motion with a bent arm.
Eventually, you'll want to do 600 meters for the running portion instead of 400. Keep the same pace. you'll just come in at around 135 seconds instead.
Thursday: Recovery yet again, do the same thing as Tuesday.
Friday: Probably the most difficult workout. Called the 2, 2, 4. Basically, you run 200 meters at 45 second pace. Then rest for 45 seconds. Then another 200 at the same pace same rest. Then run a 400 meter back at the same pace and once you get back wait about two minutes and start that up again. Do that three times, eventually you want to rack that up to five times and make it gradually more difficult as it starts to get easier.
Saturday: recovery!!! same shit
Sunday: rest day. dont do a damn thing.
Following this will get you into an insanely good shape, just make sure after every day you eat a gronola bar or something after you're done running, and always do a ten minute recovery jog after you run every day. always make sure you eat a good breakfast, no bagels, they're hard to digest and therefore give cramps. And um yeah you will be so fit and so damn healthy if you keep with this its an amazing routine to get into. But somewhat time consuming. Can take up to two hours a day at most pretty much. But you know even if you dont do all of the routine you can probably use some things here or there, seriously every kid that joins the team becomes so much more healthy and athletic its crazy. Sorry for the wall lol
Funny thing about workout advice, you can almost always find someone whose method is 180 degrees the opposite of yours. Mark Sisson, author of the Primal Blueprint, used to be an endurance runner but now he's dead set against it.
Personally, I don't bother with running as I don't care for the results. If I've got an hour a day to devote to my fitness, I prefer do something that makes me stronger rather than thinner. I'll do the occasional 80-100 meter sprints, but that's about it.
yeah I see what you're saying, but running can be the first step towards that, because generally the more you run, the more healthy and physically fit you get overall, which in turn will allow you to workout harder. just my two cents
so ive finally hit a milestone. im down to 190.5 lbs (from about 198 a few weeks ago). and thats simply from cutting down my diet. ill eat a half portion of what i regularly eat, but i make sure to include more fruit/vegetables in my daily eats. i try as hard as possible to stay away from sweets, but theres always temptation.
my girlfriend found some weightloss shakes (and reasoning behind how they help) one day while browsing through pinterest, so im gonna try some of those out. most are just fruit and frozen yogurt but specific combinations for specific things, adding whey protien n such.. so we'll see.
this is such a huge step for me, as the last time i saw that number on the scale.. i was shocked to see that it was an increase in weight, now im reluctant to see it. kinda interesting when you put that into perspective. so now with this plan, and some exercise worked into the routine, im hoping to be at least around 180-185 within the new year. its kinda hard around the holidays because of all the massive amounts of food consumed, but ill just have to keep a strong will.
yeah I see what you're saying, but running can be the first step towards that, because generally the more you run, the more healthy and physically fit you get overall, which in turn will allow you to workout harder. just my two cents
I second this. I hate running, im bad at running, but every athlete can run. Humans were born to run. It's a fundamental physical skill. I'm not talking marathons, but if you can't run a few miles, you aren't ever going to be fit -- aim toward that goal. No excuses -- if you want to be healthy, become physically well rounded. If you dont want to be healthy, do what you enjoy!
My wife and I take a "boot camp" class at our local gym that runs for 6 weeks at a time (3 days a week). It's a ton of body weight stuff, endless running, TRX bands, etc. Last session I lost 11 pounds and this time I'm tracking to lose about 8. So, down to 229-ish now and really happy with the results! If I can reach the 2-teens in some capacity by summer time I'll be absolutely thrilled!
I did very little excersize over the holidays. Ate alot of fatty foods, desserts, etc and I drank ALOT.
So, I was very suprised to find that when I weighed myself last week I discovered I had lost 7kg!!...weird. So I now weigh 86.7kg Thats 3.2kg gone since I started at the gym about 4 months ago.
Also, beat my PB on the treadmill. 3km in 16.mins 19secs.
Need to start working on getting rid of this beer belly next. Anyone got any good "belly off" excersises?
Well, I've been struggling alot with my weight again. Im the worst at staying with it. I think my only "saving grace" is that since my dad was recently diagnosed with diabetes, my mom has been cooking healthy at home. But I still managed to get myself up to 295. my all time heaviest. fack.
Anyways, I made a thread about sleep apnea, and in it, Haiasi posted about juicing. Thought id bring it over to this thread. The movie he mentions, "Fat, sick and nearly dead", is really good. Worth a watch.
Im not going to do the 10 day challenge just yet. Im gonna start with 1 in the morning, and maybe 1 for lunch. Ive started with a friend though. We are going to force each other to walk for an hour, at least 2 times a week. its not much, but its a start. And having someone there will help.
Haiasi on 01-06-2012 09:33 PM
From who I've known that has this, they're all overweight. I can't urge enough how important it is to be within the proper weight range. So many problems happen to your body when you're overweight.
The breathing machine should only be a temporary fix. The REAL fix is getting more active and healthy. Stop eating fast food, increase vegetable intake, and go for walks. This documentary was pretty awesome. My fiance and I decent shape (slightly athletic), but when we started doing this we felt and explosion of energy that was almost unreal.
Mean Green Juice (original) (the one my fiance and I use)
This is the official recipe used by Joe Cross and Phil Staples according to the Reboot Program.
6 Kale Leaves
1 Cucumber
4 Celery Stalks
2 Green Apples
1/2 Lemon
1 piece of ginger
Mean Green Juice #2
handful spinach
3 stalks of kale
2 golden delicious apples
small handful parsley
1 lemon
1 cucumber
Mean Green Juice #3
2 stalks celery
1/2 cucumber
1/2 apple
1/2 lemon
small piece ginger
1/2 green chard leaf
bunch cilantro
5 kale leaves
handful spinach
Mean Green Juice #4
1/2 pear
1/2 green apple
handful spinach
handful parsley
2 celery stalks
1/2 cucumber
small piece ginger
slice of papaya
Need to start working on getting rid of this beer belly next. Anyone got any good "belly off" excersises?
It's important to remember that when it comes to fat loss, you can't target it (despite what infomercials may say). You lose fat wherever your body feels like giving it up. Just keep exercising and the belly will shrink.
The last few months have been tough, but my foot healed up and I am jogging again. This last week or so I have also been avoiding solid food during the day (AKA starving)-- usually I have some carrot juice or some coffee with milk until dinner. Then I have kind of a light dinner.
At 265.6 this morning. Hoping to take that a bit lower by the end of the week.
Here are a few things Ive found. Im gonna give em a go. ESPECIALLY the bead in a jar thing. I think thats a brilliant idea. Ill probably try the fitness at home one first.
Also, I finally got back in the pool this week. Started lane swimming. Man was I feeling it the next day. I only did 425m, and about 10 minutes of treading water (with breaks). So im SUPER out of shape. But its a start, and as that one pic says. Im still lapping everyone on the couch.
I have to say that Crunch killed my workout for beginning 2012. Hope I can get back into it once I have a normal schedule. however, I am avoiding the crunch food that we've been getting, and opting on eating healthier things instead
today was a pretty big milestone for me. ive been trying as hard as possible to manage my diet and keep shedding pounds but no matter what i eat (or dont eat), i was at a solid 2 weeks or so without any weight change. today i stepped on the scale and saw for the first time in a long time, 188.5lbs (a drop from my stable 190-193 for the past month). it was a great feeling to see something not in the 190+ category, since that is where i had been stuck for nearly a year. guess i must be doing something right.
i have also come across this the other day and im definitely gonna give it a go.
its the belly off plan (goes with this thread!) from mens health. what i really like about this is 1. its free. and 2, they give you everything you need for the plan. weekly food shopping lists. videos and pdfs (with charts) for workouts. the biggest thing to me is the weekly food shopping lists and daily meal plans. if i have something definitive that tells me what to eat, ill do it, rather than "here's a list of 500 food items, pick and choose what you want"
so im gonna get started with this on sunday to keep with the plan. btw that bead in a jar thing sounds great. i may just do that as well.
Nice finds Slipsius! Gonna give them a try this afternoon.
I've been doing 3 rounds of Tabata intervals every morning after a 9 month layoff. The fat's been melting off like crazy. I've been losing 0.5~1.0 kg a week since starting.
The Tabata protocol is a bad motherfucker. The first time you hear about it, you can't believe you could possibly get results from a 4-minute workout. And then you try it, hopefully not puking or passing out, and you understand exactly why it works!
I've done it both with stationary cycling (not too awful) and with dumbbell thrusters (please kill me now). What kind of exercise are you doing with it, Snowfly?
My friend who does MMA suggested pushup burpees-mountain climbers-high knees-jumping jacks, so I've been sticking with, and mixing up upper and lower bodyweight exercises for the second and third. I figure as long as you keep the pace up, any exercise that doesn't involve a lot of resistance works fine.
Also got myself a Tabata timer on the iPod so I don't cheat..
Any workout without deadlifting isn't a workout! Uses every muscle in your body except Biceps and pectorals (very minor). I always start a workout with some light deadlifiting to warm up. Then try and push a failure at the end.
I tried this yesterday. I thought before starting that hey, this should be easy. Everything is only a couple of them. its not like you`re doing 20 pushups in a row. I got the first burpees and was dying.... Yes, im THAT out of shape. But holy. lol. High knees with shoes on is killer. Specially since the day before, I went to the gym for the first time in about 2 years, and I did 30 minutes on the bike, and 30 minutes on the elliptical. My legs were burning.
The way I think about it is a good body and healthy lifestyle start in the kitchen. If you're eating shit then its fair to say you're not going to be losing a lot of body fat anytime soon. Having said that, I don't know if others feel the same but I'm one of these people who can't restrain themselves very well when it comes to snacks, e.g. I could easily go through a pack of Maryland cookies, other people can have one or 2 and feel that's enough.
Best thing I find is to go cold turkey on junk. Yes its tough and for the first few weeks you'll prob get major cravings, but you feel a lot better once you're not eating all that crap XD Running at least half an hour - an hour a day helps, but everyone's got a different excercise regime, do whatever works for you and gets results
Also, (can't believe I'm gona say this on a game art forum) but don't let playing games get in the way of your workouts, they're not that important! Stay Healthy :thumbup:
I'm not sure how good the above advice is. But since I started having a proper breakfast I've noticed a huge difference. And chocolate can be part of any well balanced diet no matter what time of day you eat it, apart from just before bed.
Anyhoo. Monthly update. Had a bit of a slack month. Not been able to get to the gym as much as i'd like.
shaved 10 secs off 3k p.b. now = 16.09secs
weight only down 0.2kg (86.5kg)
haha. the radio show i listen to in the morning was talking about that as well. they mentioned that it pretty much just gets your sweet tooth craving out of the way for the day as well as using your metabolism all day to break it down.
I'm really curious about that one. I've gone on the low carb diet a couple times and in the end there I always cave in and start eating some kind of dessert or something, I've got too much of a sweet tooth. Maybe this morning ordeal is exactly what I'm looking for. No harm in giving it a shot!
I don't think they have classes for kettlebells around these parts but I'll keep a look out.
But yes, straining or injuring yourself would be bad, especially when hauling around a 50lb ball of solid steel.
Got a 16kg bell myself as that seemed to be the standard one men usually start with, according to the various sources I looked at.
16kg (russians call it 1 pood or something) is the standard mens but Imma pansy, the lighter ones are good for practicing the form of the exercise before using the 16kgs. I do the turkish get ups with the 8kg, its easier and lets me do more reps.
Has anyone tried Bodypump?
Regarding BodyPump, my ex-girlfriend did that for years and thought it was great. It's really more aerobics than anything, though - the weights are very light. Not that you can't add muscle with lighter weights (or even bodyweight exercises), but BodyPump is geared towards fat loss and cardiovascular fitness much more than strength.
Lately I've been loving the yoga. Some of you's might dig this article
found this list of tips. decent enough list.
And, ive decided on three main things im going to change in my life to help.
1- no more pop. even diet pop. We constantly have diet coke at my house, and i drink it alot. no more. I drink water all the time at work though. usually 2 or 3 gaterade bottles worth.
2- no more eating after 830
3- only drinking beer once a week. whether its friday or saturday, for whatevers going on that week with friends. But no more during the week. Too often, Ill go out with friends and just have 1 or 2 beers at dinner or something. Unnecessary calories, seeing as im not actually going to get drunk off it.
Hopefully, those 3 little changes will help. Its only the start though. baby steps. Ive done the lose weight, gain it back dance too many times. Its time to figure out how to change my lifestyle to keep it off.
I have a rowing machine in my house, which is what i usually use for excersize. Ill keep at it for usually a month or two, lose alot of weight, but then my body starts hurting in a weird way. first time was my back. second time was my leg. Does anyone have a suggestion for something else I could do? at home, preferably
on a side note, you guys that have kept at it, and have lost weight. Kudos! Im so glad my thread got people doing this. even if i didnt stick with it.
My foot is healing up, but still not up for jogging on it. I still have been getting to the gym though.
I have been going easy on my diet for about the last month. Dropped maybe a pound since my last update. Feeling good about ramping it back up though. We'll see how that goes.
I ran 25km two weeks ago and ended up hurting my left foot somehow, i only felt it the next day when i tried to run. So i havn't been able to run but i have been pretty steady on working out with weights. But i think i'll be able to jog again this weekend.
I did have a feel good moment this week when i found some old pictures from when i was at my highest weight. Guess i'll share the before and after pic here too because this thread was the one that got and kept me going to begin with.
(hooray for trollin yourself :P)
this is 26/27 kg down from my starting weight and i still hope to loose another 10kg
100 x 20kg bicept (one rep)
100 x 30kg pec/trap (one rep)
100 x 30kg back (one rep)
50 x 20kg triceps (one rep)
6 rounds heavy bag (each round is 3 mins)
6 rounds jump rope
3 rounds mit
3 rounds sparring
3~6 rounds shadow boxing
6km run (25 mins)
Not going for muscle mass, just strength to deliver harder punches over shorter distances (and take punches). My aerobic ability/stamina is much improved since my first fight. My heart rate drops down to almost normal between rounds when I'm fighting.
3 more weeks till my next fight, and 6~7 more weeks till the test.
Lamont: You wouldn't happen to be a T1000? Awesome workout. I used to be able to do that kind of thing but I'm probably too old now and will never reach that level of fitness again.
how have the rest of you been doing with diet and exercise, especially when you're in a crunch at work or just too caught up to remember not to eat a burger or skip a day at the gym. its frustrating, but i gotta keep on keepin on. i think i may try to expand on my workout a bit. instead of going to the gym for an hour each day.. i may do a bit of working out in the morning before work (simple cardio and whatnot), and then at night after work i can hit the gym for maybe a hafl hour or so.. possibly even squeeze in some time during my lunch break (which i plan to do today).
ive been having my brother's girlfriend also give me some ideas for good smoothies. she works at whole foods so she has a general idea of health food.
she made me this shake yesterday. it was banana, pineapple juice, spinach, and kale. DELICIOUS! never expected id like it but wow. it was amazing. so i may end up replacing one of my meals a day with some sort of fruit/veggie shake.
I had been thinking about going to the gym again for a long long time but kept putting it off and chuggin down Dr. Pepper like crazy. I used to be an athlete but I topped out at 275 lbs not so long ago and decided enough is enough. And to give a little credit where its due, mr. Cholden and his mate on their podcast talking health was some nice outside inspiration that took me by surprise
Been going to the gym daily for about a month and a half now. Tracking what I eat, but not depriving myself of delicious food. I actually really enjoy cooking so been recreating some restaurant favs at home and sometimes cutting the calorie damage in half. Boggles my mind how restaurants can take some dishes and make them 1200+ calories when I can do it in 400-600 haha.
Anyway. Progress report so far is noticeable muscle growth and approx 18lbs lost and not slowing down yet.
Ive found the biggest key has been holding myself accountable. I still treat myself but I make up for it later! My wifes joined in also, so that helps a lot also. Good luck to anyone else trying to lose a few pounds/kilos
today i hit my -30kg (66pounds) mark i set up for myself 23 weeks ago.
No starvation or crash dieets just not eating too much crap , some jogging and persistence !
and this thread of course also kept me going
Now i'm going to focus some more on muscle training and drop a few more kilos.
Ran 3K in 16.28 today, a new PB
also weight down from 87.7kg to 87.2kg
Slow but steady progress. I hope I start getting narrower at some point :P
every running day: half mile warmup, can start at about 10 minute mile pace but continue to up the pace until you reach 8 minute pace. Then bump it up to a mile warmup. Strech, but no stretches that overwork the muscle. Certain stretches can actually tighten up certain muscles unintentionally. It's a good idea to get a rope and learn some basic streches with that first.
now we get more specific.
mondays: workout. find a street with a decently sized hill or rolling hills. Practice going up these hills at about 80 percent with a walk return which can turn into a jog once you get better at it. Do this 3 times, ideally you want to hit five.
tuesday: recovery day. A light day to recover from the previous workout, still do the warmup, and go about for about two miles at 9 minute mile pace. Eventually you want to reach doing 2X two miles at 7:30 minute mile pace.
wednesday: workout day. This is more along the lines of an easier workout, but can get challenging. It's called the circuit. Basically you run 400 meters at 90 second pace, and then you do a set of drills as a recovery, and then run another 400. Do this five times.
some drill ideas.
active: do these for about 15 meters then come back
Skipping while doing arm circles (forward backward)
skipping while swinging both arms (bearhug style)
skipping whilen swinging one arm (left and right)
pogos (hopping using the front of your foot) 5 then a stride
wide outs (bring your feet wider then closer together) 5 then a stride
star jumps (jump and bring out your arms and legs) 5 then a stride
you can probably look up those last three I'm crappy at explaining them.
non-active: just stay where the hell you are
lunges: simple. just do forward lunges and sideways lunges even diagonal if you're feeling adventurous.
eagles: lay down on your back and then bring your leg over your groin (damn I might just do a video because I can't explain these for shit)
prone scorpion: laying on your belly with both arms out to the side bring one leg over your body to try to touch the opposite hand.
Russian hamstrings - cross your ankles and then hold yourself up with your elbows stomach to the sky. then just thrust away at the sky.
swimmers: on your stomach, bring your arms and legs up and kick like your swimming and do a flat circular motion with a bent arm.
for more ideas and better explanations for some of these go here
Eventually, you'll want to do 600 meters for the running portion instead of 400. Keep the same pace. you'll just come in at around 135 seconds instead.
Thursday: Recovery yet again, do the same thing as Tuesday.
Friday: Probably the most difficult workout. Called the 2, 2, 4. Basically, you run 200 meters at 45 second pace. Then rest for 45 seconds. Then another 200 at the same pace same rest. Then run a 400 meter back at the same pace and once you get back wait about two minutes and start that up again. Do that three times, eventually you want to rack that up to five times and make it gradually more difficult as it starts to get easier.
Saturday: recovery!!! same shit
Sunday: rest day. dont do a damn thing.
Following this will get you into an insanely good shape, just make sure after every day you eat a gronola bar or something after you're done running, and always do a ten minute recovery jog after you run every day. always make sure you eat a good breakfast, no bagels, they're hard to digest and therefore give cramps. And um yeah you will be so fit and so damn healthy if you keep with this its an amazing routine to get into. But somewhat time consuming. Can take up to two hours a day at most pretty much. But you know even if you dont do all of the routine you can probably use some things here or there, seriously every kid that joins the team becomes so much more healthy and athletic its crazy. Sorry for the wall
Personally, I don't bother with running as I don't care for the results. If I've got an hour a day to devote to my fitness, I prefer do something that makes me stronger rather than thinner. I'll do the occasional 80-100 meter sprints, but that's about it.
my girlfriend found some weightloss shakes (and reasoning behind how they help) one day while browsing through pinterest, so im gonna try some of those out. most are just fruit and frozen yogurt but specific combinations for specific things, adding whey protien n such.. so we'll see.
this is such a huge step for me, as the last time i saw that number on the scale.. i was shocked to see that it was an increase in weight, now im reluctant to see it. kinda interesting when you put that into perspective. so now with this plan, and some exercise worked into the routine, im hoping to be at least around 180-185 within the new year. its kinda hard around the holidays because of all the massive amounts of food consumed, but ill just have to keep a strong will.
I second this. I hate running, im bad at running, but every athlete can run. Humans were born to run. It's a fundamental physical skill. I'm not talking marathons, but if you can't run a few miles, you aren't ever going to be fit -- aim toward that goal. No excuses -- if you want to be healthy, become physically well rounded. If you dont want to be healthy, do what you enjoy!
Eating tons of vegetables and fruit and weight lifting only.
I did very little excersize over the holidays. Ate alot of fatty foods, desserts, etc and I drank ALOT.
So, I was very suprised to find that when I weighed myself last week I discovered I had lost 7kg!!...weird. So I now weigh 86.7kg Thats 3.2kg gone since I started at the gym about 4 months ago.
Also, beat my PB on the treadmill. 3km in 16.mins 19secs.
Need to start working on getting rid of this beer belly next. Anyone got any good "belly off" excersises?
Anyways, I made a thread about sleep apnea, and in it, Haiasi posted about juicing. Thought id bring it over to this thread. The movie he mentions, "Fat, sick and nearly dead", is really good. Worth a watch.
Im not going to do the 10 day challenge just yet. Im gonna start with 1 in the morning, and maybe 1 for lunch. Ive started with a friend though. We are going to force each other to walk for an hour, at least 2 times a week. its not much, but its a start. And having someone there will help.
Haiasi on 01-06-2012 09:33 PM
From who I've known that has this, they're all overweight. I can't urge enough how important it is to be within the proper weight range. So many problems happen to your body when you're overweight.
The breathing machine should only be a temporary fix. The REAL fix is getting more active and healthy. Stop eating fast food, increase vegetable intake, and go for walks. This documentary was pretty awesome. My fiance and I decent shape (slightly athletic), but when we started doing this we felt and explosion of energy that was almost unreal.
You can watch it on Netflix instant if you have Netflix.
You should watch some of these videos:
Here are recipes for some drinks:
Mean Green Juice (original) (the one my fiance and I use)
This is the official recipe used by Joe Cross and Phil Staples according to the Reboot Program.
6 Kale Leaves
1 Cucumber
4 Celery Stalks
2 Green Apples
1/2 Lemon
1 piece of ginger
Mean Green Juice #2
handful spinach
3 stalks of kale
2 golden delicious apples
small handful parsley
1 lemon
1 cucumber
Mean Green Juice #3
2 stalks celery
1/2 cucumber
1/2 apple
1/2 lemon
small piece ginger
1/2 green chard leaf
bunch cilantro
5 kale leaves
handful spinach
Mean Green Juice #4
1/2 pear
1/2 green apple
handful spinach
handful parsley
2 celery stalks
1/2 cucumber
small piece ginger
slice of papaya
At 265.6 this morning. Hoping to take that a bit lower by the end of the week.
Also, I finally got back in the pool this week. Started lane swimming. Man was I feeling it the next day. I only did 425m, and about 10 minutes of treading water (with breaks). So im SUPER out of shape. But its a start, and as that one pic says. Im still lapping everyone on the couch.
Today we have pizza, I have a veggie plate:P
i have also come across this the other day and im definitely gonna give it a go.
its the belly off plan (goes with this thread!) from mens health. what i really like about this is 1. its free. and 2, they give you everything you need for the plan. weekly food shopping lists. videos and pdfs (with charts) for workouts. the biggest thing to me is the weekly food shopping lists and daily meal plans. if i have something definitive that tells me what to eat, ill do it, rather than "here's a list of 500 food items, pick and choose what you want"
so im gonna get started with this on sunday to keep with the plan. btw that bead in a jar thing sounds great. i may just do that as well.
The mens health belly off is where I got the thread name for this one
I've been doing 3 rounds of Tabata intervals every morning after a 9 month layoff. The fat's been melting off like crazy. I've been losing 0.5~1.0 kg a week since starting.
I've done it both with stationary cycling (not too awful) and with dumbbell thrusters (please kill me now). What kind of exercise are you doing with it, Snowfly?
Also got myself a Tabata timer on the iPod so I don't cheat..
Best thing I find is to go cold turkey on junk. Yes its tough and for the first few weeks you'll prob get major cravings, but you feel a lot better once you're not eating all that crap XD Running at least half an hour - an hour a day helps, but everyone's got a different excercise regime, do whatever works for you and gets results
Also, (can't believe I'm gona say this on a game art forum) but don't let playing games get in the way of your workouts, they're not that important! Stay Healthy :thumbup:
(heres a random article I found about it)
more stories here:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=a9beea2a38a46666&biw=1105&bih=766
I'm not sure how good the above advice is. But since I started having a proper breakfast I've noticed a huge difference. And chocolate can be part of any well balanced diet no matter what time of day you eat it, apart from just before bed.
Anyhoo. Monthly update. Had a bit of a slack month. Not been able to get to the gym as much as i'd like.
shaved 10 secs off 3k p.b. now = 16.09secs
weight only down 0.2kg (86.5kg)