Joining in on this. Has anyone tried out green smoothies? I just started drinking them, I need a quick solution to breakfast, I'm never hungry in the mornings and I always want to rush out the door.
got the wife one of these for Mother's day...really good for smoothies on the go..with not a lot of clean up..thinking about getting one for my desk once (and if) I get into another studio gig...instant delicious appetite curb
My work out consists of 3 min sessions with one minute rest periods in between. I do this for 2~2.5 hours straight.
Stretch, then 10 rounds with a heavy rope, followed by 10 rounds heavy bag, immediately after 10 rounds speed bag, then while waiting for my turn for sparing, as many rounds of shadow boxing I can get in. Then I do 3~5 rounds of sparing. After I do 2~3 rounds of training with kai cho.
aim for afterburn interval training, meaning high intensity in a short time (max 40 mins) mix weights with high intensity aerobic moves. Get rid of donuts, sodas, burgers...etc etc...
Because if you do this your body keeps burning calories 48 hours after you finished training, treadmill and running wont trigger this, only really intense training will.
I also went through p90x and liked it a lot, now mixing p90x plus series and rock climbing. So far I had awesome results. But the key is to be very disciplined with yourself and set yourself long term goals.
Also something ultra important is sleep. Nowadays I sleep at 11-12pm maaaax, that if not going party...haha.
and if you train dont only rely on the balance, it might seem you havent lost a lot of weight some times, but that is because you gained muscle as well, so I will shoot more for the mirror, that doesnt lie.
and forget supplements... I took them long time...not a waste of money completely, but seriously smart eating is enough not to mention all supplements are chemical. Real food is thousand times better.
Best post in the thread. Intense exercise with an emphasis on resistence training, plenty of rest, eating smart and focusing on body composition rather than scale weight. Do that = win.
I didn't really notice a difference with P90x until towards the end, then when I stopped and was taking a break I still lost a bit more weight (which was nice).
I'd suggest trying complexes for those wanting to add some resistance to cardio (different weight lifting exercises with a relatively light weight with no breaks). 'Light' as in a barbell with about 50 pounds on it (to start with, then work your way up). Though better to put on less if you're new to lifting.
I tried a slightly modified version of "Awlyn Cosgrove's Evil Eight" (I think that was the name anyway)
8 reps of each exercise then move straight onto the next with no break
Straight Leg Deadlift
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Good Morning
Rest for 90 seconds
Repeat twice more. Should take around 12 minutes.
You alternate the muscle groups worked so they are able to recover a bit before the next time they are worked, but your heart is thumping away the entire time. Very short workout and very intense, don't need much equipment or space either.
205 lbs / 93 kg - ~5'8 / 176cm joining in. Aiming to get down to ~170 lbs. I exercise quite a bit because of my hobby Tricking [look it up in youtube and a name you might know Anis Cheurfa (tricker who played Rinzler in Tron Legacy)] and MMA sparring with a friend. So I guess I just need to lose the habit of drinking lot of soda (and maybe I should drink less milk ) and eating after 9pm
And to Andreas on page 2 about Boxing. I'd say you better take up some Martial Art or MMA since Boxing has higher chance of brain damage because of the added weight in the gloves.
there is no problem eating after 9pm, the problem is the overall calories you consume during the day, distribute them as you wish. I usually eat a lot late after training hard and havent got any fatter. Also dieting is the worst idea, because when your body starves it doesnt burns calories as it should.
The best is simply eating frequently and HEALTHY, and again training REALLY hard.
I suggest to consult a nutritionist and a good trainer instead of following all the advice in this thread. No point in hurting urself kids. ^_^
Only a trained specialist knows how to move around or eat! Consult a specialist before wiping your ass-- you could accidentally tear your colon if you don't do it properly.
Same here, Troy and I are on a similar diet of whole foods and juice.
Four things I made a note of after I read Gerson's book:
1. Sodium retains water in your fat cells. Not good if your are looking to shed kilos. Also slat inhibits the absorption of enzymes. So lay off as mush salt/sodium as you can
2: Eat as much raw whole foods as you can. Anything that comes in a packet, a can, a jar or a tub is processed. Processing food destroys many enzymes and is usually got a crap load of sodium and other stuff in it that isn't really that good for you. Stick with raw whole foods like Veggies, nuts, fruit and grain.
3: Eat organic. Just by switching your food for organic stuff will make you feel much better. Organic food not only means No Pesticides, but means you food was grown in soil that was full of many natural nutrients, not grown on a handful of elements of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen like most chemical fertilizers.
Eating organic means you get the most nutrients out of your food. You won't need to eat as much because you body is getting the stuff its needs from the natural food.
4. Try to eat less cooked food. Juices are great! If you can get a good cold press juicer and juice much of your veggies, its a great way to get enzymes into your body faster. Heating over 60C (140F) starts to kill enzymes, so eating more raw foods gives more enzymes to your body.
We've been juicing for about 2 months now and even though we didn't get on this diet to loose weight, we have noticed we have lost a few inches around our waist.
It makes sense though; you eat shitty food, you body doesn't get the enzymes and nutrients it needs, so it goes "I'm Need More Food!" and consequently always feel hungry because your body isn't getting the stuff it needs to feel 'full'.
Might be an idea to put recipes (or maybe another thread for that) of foods that fit with the idea of this thread. I've been experimenting myself trying to make healthy versions of things like cakes and cookies and had some decent results (and some....less than decent results...).
Also been trying to eat healthier foods. Switched to organic/free range/whole foods on most of the stuff (still sometimes, when money is tight have to buy the regular stuff).
For past 2-3 months been working out, gaining some weight and so far its been great progress. From what I've read and from my own experience gaining weight or loosing it is in the balance of how much energy you put it and how much you put out. If you want to gain muscle weight you need to have calorie surplus if you want to loose weight you need exact opposite - calorie deficit. For me diet comes before exercise.
To loose weight cut out fizzy drinks, white bread, fast food. Eat wholemeal bread, veggies, fruits, lean(er) meat and try to cook more at home. But you should generally loose weight without any exercise by just cutting out stuff I and others mentioned before. I don't think you should cut sweet stuff out, but consider it more of a treat. I still drink coke and eat a burger from time to time, but much rarer and so I think of it as a treat.
At the moment trying to loose a bit of extra weight, but I've got shin splits which makes running nearly impossible and I hate bike and stepping exercises at the gym which leaves me with rowing. Any experience with treating shin splits?
If you struggle to gain weight, the general advice I've read for such people is very little cardio and focusing more on weight training (8-12 rep range). Then adding in more cardio once you've put on some weight.
And as stated above, calorie surplus (still healthy food though). The typical guidline for building muscle is a gram of protein per pound of lean body mass you have. So it's generally around 20-30g of protein a meal.
But you'd be better off talking to a trainer about that sort of thing, these are just the typical things I've read about this that I've stumbled upon when reading up on things about losing weight heh.
Also one big thing I forgot - snacks. Loads of people start counting their calories for their meals, but will almost never include snacks. I personally love those small raisins (sultanas I think) and so I get one of those dried fruit mixes and snack on them. Super healthy and good for your digestive system. Can also have some fruits, veggies, nuts etc.
For your weight gaining workout remember to not overdo it. Don't do more that 3 workouts per week and if you do don't work too much on one part of your body. Remember, your body grows in sleep and it also burns most of the calories you've burnt in the gym while its sleeping few hours later. Basically you are burning calories hours and hours after your workout.
Also don't spend hours in the gym. Maximum time should be 1h 45m to 2 hours. After that you're just punishing your body.
while i agree on eating more organic food, this is not entirely true, there are ways to fight insects and diseases also on organic farming, heck there are plants you cannot grow profitable without anything, and they totally are not healthy at all. Organic farming is also about the profit, otherwise organic supermarkets would be either much much more expensive or non existent because no one would buy the food.
If 80% of your crops are crap because you just let it grow, you'd be broke in no time.
Organic is totaly not the solution to everything and not every organic food is healthier than stuff from "traditional" agriculture.
i'm also trying to lose some weight currently while i usually kept my weight for quite some time now, working solely from home (hopefully this will change once we have a new office) definitely made a big change for me, and a lot of family and friends festivities lately did their part :X
81kg now, want to be back on 74
Ninja, take it easy boy, I am just making a suggestion, train or eat as you will son
Okay child, but I would point out that I have yet to meet a nutritionist who has lost much weight. It is like asking a virgin how to get laid, lad. He will tell you something like "put the penis in the vagina". It is a bit more complicated than that champ.
Here are some specific things I do that I find helpful:
-I look at food closely when I eat it. If it looks awesome, I appreciate it.
-I eat in small bites and pay attention to how the food tastes and smells. I don't eat anything that has flavors I am unhappy with. I don't eat a lot of food that is just filler, like pasta, potatoes or bread, unless I am really craving those -- then I make a special trip to eat the best fries, pasta or bread I can get.
-I try to put myself in a situation where exercising is easy and/or pleasant. When I lived in the city, I got rid of my car because I could walk everywhere. Going to the supermarket meant walking for an hour and carrying 30 pounds of groceries. It was easy since I didn't have any choice.
-I read an article ( about milk drinkers losing more weight that I found interesting. Since then I have replaced my usual breakfast with a latte, which I sip for a few hours every morning. I find it does a really great job of suppressing my appetite. I am currently making my latte with 2% milk and end up drinking 8-16 oz. of milk a day. I am producing the shots using a Bialetti stove-top espresso pot and frothing the milk with an Aerolatte wand. Depending on the beans you use, you can get results that are better than many coffee shops. I have been developing this habit for a little over a year now -- it was not hard since I already liked coffee.
-My new habit is working on always counting everything. A lot of people will "treat" themselves with food now and then. I think this is great, but I always count the calories. Some days I cut loose and pig out, but I always keep track. I have a spreadsheet on Google docs with daily calories consumed and weights. I have a graph and averages computed. I try not to get worked up about the numbers. The numbers are just numbers, and it is mostly about how I feel, but having the numbers can give better insight into why I am feeling the way I do. I have been working on this habit for only a few months (despite becoming obsessed with numbers during previous diets).
All the things listed above fall into the "lifestyle change" category. These are things that I will continue to do even after I reach my goal weight. Although I worked to internalize some of these habits for years, they don't take much willpower, and in many cases, once cultivated take no willpower. Why would I eat food that tastes bad? I don't know, but I did it for years.
My first major diet I did was a crash diet where I lost around 90 pounds. In college did another diet where I lost around 80. More recently I have lost around 60 pounds over the last 2-3 years mostly through lifestyle/perception/preference changes. I'm still learning how to keep weight off, but I think I am starting to figure it out! I still have a ways to go before I reach my goal. Good luck everybody!
So you lost 230 pounds overall, no matter if you lost it from one weight to your current or if you regained and lost 80 again, thats pretty much insane :O
I think there is a big difference between losing weight following a diet, and losing weight by simply eating healthier + doing sport. Both will probably lead to the same results in the short term (losing weight) But I can bet you wont be following a "diet" all your life, that because it will truly suck for your health and because its boring (therfor you'll probably win that weight back if not more with time). The key is simply switching eating habits in the really "long term" ,eating well, good protein sources, lots of veggies/fruit etc... train, and again sleep well.
You want to be stronger/healthier. Not just look skinnier/weaker.
Dieting slows your metabolism, sport increases it.
So you lost 230 pounds overall, no matter if you lost it from one weight to your current or if you regained and lost 80 again, thats pretty much insane :O
230 pounds - amazing, can't believe it
Yeah I gained the weight back each time. Sometimes I kept it off for years, or gained it back slowly, but life changes or injuries would often set me back a lot. It helps to lose large amounts of weight if you are big and very overweight. Here is a photo of me (in the middle) from about 40 pounds ago:
The guy on the left is right around 6 feet tall I think.
This will sound a bit arrogant, but I am quite good in living healthy. I will talk a bit about how my way of living is at the moment. Maybe it is useful for some people. But remember, this works for me, but it does not mean it will work for you. I would suggest try it out and see if it makes you happy.
- Try to go as much as possible by foot when you have to go somewhere. Take stairs, not elevator.
- Try to minimize the eating of snacks. But don't stop either. Use it to motivate you to eat more healthy. This way you can build up the healthy eating at your speed. This is more about having the best of both ways.
- Try out a lot of different sports and find the one that makes you the most happy. Find friends who do the same or maybe even ask them to join you. Losing weight is not doing hardcore fitness. When you don't have fun with sports, everything will feel like a lot of work without result.
- Drink a lot of water. The best thing is to keep a bottle of water as big as possible next to your desk. because we work so much at the computer, we have the tendency to eat or drink while we are working. Use this feeling to drink more water.
- I am always having having some vegetables in house to eat as a snack or on you sandwich. In the beginning this is going to be strange, but after a while those vegetables are starting to taste really good. It feels like I did not tasted them well in the past.
- Losing weight can give a big boost in your self confidence. Use this to motivate you for things you would normally not do. Starting is the hardest part.
- If you are bored or you have too much on your mind. Do some exercises in your room. Do some research on the net about what you want to try out. When I am frustrated I do 3 sets of crunches. This way I kinda forget what I was frustrated about and the energy of the frustration helped me to do the sets.
This can all sounds a bit weird. But it worked for me
I hope this is useful for someone.
If you have an iPhone, I recommend checking out the Full Fitness app for 99 cents (last I checked). It has pictures/descriptions of a lot of workouts and video for the more complex ones. It also comes with predetermined fitness programs based on your goals, whether that's losing weight, gaining muscle mass, etc. There is also a custom routine and schedule builder, as well as a progress tracker for weight, calories, BMI, etc. There's a lot in there.
I personally use it for weight training and gaining and it has proven to be quite useful.
2kg to go by next week. Easy mark to hit. Then the goal is to keep it between 78~80kg till the next spar/fight (so I can jump to 79 again). I was at 81 after I had some food, so I am closer than I think.
i'll keep plugging it in these similar threads. THESE guys are giving up a ton of great information for free. don't let the kinda fruity name put you off
necro post, because i feel like this needs to keep going.
so again, i've not been exercising at all. just cutting down on portion sizes. this monday gone was the end of week 3/start of week 4.
at the end of the first 3 weeks i've dropped from 272, to 265lbs. which is a total of 7 lbs, or 2.57% which i think is great!
now don't get me wrong, i'm not starving myself. in fact i actually eat more often now than i was before. i never used to eat breakfast or lunch, and would tuck into a massive dinner. and quite often snack during the day.
instead, i'm now eating a decent breakfast... by decent i define by "size". so rather than a full english, just a bacon sandwich. or if it's cereal, i'll usually do the same amount as you'd get in one of those small veriety boxes. i'm eating a sandwich for lunch, usually ham/salami + cheese + light mayo. and for dinner, i've made sure my portions are cut right down... doing my best where possible to "just say no" to that extra sausage (although it kills me to do it sometimes...).
i do still treat myself though, i have ben and jerrys ice cream from time to time... small tub only, as i haven't learned the self control needed to stop eating once i start a tub haha! and of course on days out like the polycount meeting, i'll eat more than i do at home, but that's fine too.
but am i noticing it? personally i don't SEE a difference yet, but i suppose that's normal. my girlfriend says she sees it on my chest and cheeks, which is cool. but more importantly i feel it. while i can't move down a jeans size yet, i do need a belt to keep my current size up!
so yeah, it's going good, in my opinion!
next week is the end of week 4, and so my exercise starts next week. just cycling/jogging/swimming. no muscle build or anything, purely aerobic.
Good job. And your GF is right, it will show up first in the chest and cheeks.
I hit 80.5kg for my fight Friday (goal was 79kg flat). I'll hit 79kg by late next week. Then just hold it around there, if I dip too low, lift weights to get back up. Next Fight Night is in the Fall !!!
I dropped 8lbs in a couple weeks, then gained 3, and have hovered at that for a week or two now due to alot of life stuff going on that involves eating. going to other peoples houses (i cant seem to portion control when im not at home. everyone always says "have more!" and i cave), and i had a wedding with a buffet, so ive been blah.
I dropped a few pounds this week. I am eating higher protein than usual and focusing on different exercises. I think I will reach a major milestone this week, so I was going to hold off on posting until then, but now you know I am still at it!
I finally hit my milestone of getting under 300 pounds. It took me a little longer than I hoped, but still making consistent progress. I still have a lot I would like to lose, but I have not been this light for about 10 years.
Keeping a spreadsheet is great because without it it would be hard to know I am really losing weight otherwise. My daily weights can fluctuate a lot, so it is only easy to tell I am losing weight by looking at the long term trend.
Even slow weight loss is not so bad, since I am still mostly eating what I like, and making improvements at the gym. I think I can keep this up as long as it takes.
dropped about 5 pounds in the first 2 weeks. but my diet slipped a little and i changed my workout routine to be more heavy weights than cardio, and im now at about 2lbs under where i started. still keepin on with it tho.
Been busy myself too. Last week i started watching my food and jogging every day for a half hour after work + doing some weights.
I eat normal now so it's something i can keep up.
I've also been drinking water and unsweetened coffee for a little more then a month now, once or twice a week i drink a cola zero (used to drink a few liters a day)
A year back or so i was at 231 pounds (still about 45 pounds too much for being 6') after losing 34 pounds but over the last year i gained them again because of old bad habits and a lack of exercise.
anyway lost 3 kg (6.6 lbs) this first week so i'm pretty happy so far but i do realize it won't keep dropping so fast from earlier weight loss attempts .
Yeah went out with some friends on Friday and ate pretty much junk haha. Been losing weight without going to the gym (just exercise on the way home from work and at work) Going to start hitting the gym this week and figuring out how Im gonna make an energy shake without milk/havent tried it with water (sounds disgusting haha, might just get juice)
@Raven: Those coke drinks are crazy. Trying to cut back on the sugar in my tea and find that I finish 3 or 4 bottles of water.
As of today Im a member of Soho gyms in london.. I have a personal trainer too and at the weekends I have a personal buddy that looks like Marv and has his own gym at home and he delights in tryna break me in two.
after the first couple of sessions Im hurting so bad and whining like a pansy.
The plan is to body build, I will stick .. I bought a years membership .... fuck..
oh yeah protein drinks taste like ass..
cold water protein powder and raw oats in a food processor .. like slurry from a sewage treatment plant..
Best motivation to get slim, look at grotesquely fat people eatting, puts you right off that mars bar your half way through. I remember being in tesco and seeing a guy who was about 5'7 and near 20 stone ( about 18 kg?) buying all kinds of crap, a came out with probably the healthiest shop in a while.
I tend to get 3 portions of fruit in the morning raisins on porridge or muesli with probably a dried fruit then a bannana. In the afternoon I will normaly have something more filling and in the evening a small meal.
I go running every evening at about 10pmish I love running at night, cant stand it in the morning.
Best motivation to get slim, look at grotesquely fat people eatting.
Sweet. I will keep a mirror handy for when I eat asshole. Maybe you can save the fat person put-downs for the threads that are not about losing weight?
Ouch. Don't really think he was putting anyone down. Just making an observational remark. Fat, skinny people do it.
I do however think that loads of people eat shit and then go around complaining about their weight. So I agree, some people buy everything that comes in carton boxes and say they eat healthy but then are surprised about their weight gains.
Ninjas I meant what martinszeme said, it came out wrong, I should of read it through. I didnt want to affend people who genuinely care about having a good lifestyle.
Here is an observation for you: Only fucking morons would post in a weight-loss thread unless they are fat and trying to lose weight, but hey bro, nothing personal. I don't mean you specifically.
cold water protein powder and raw oats in a food processor .. like slurry from a sewage treatment plant..
Only tried a couple of different brands myself, but I get boditronics express whey, which is also quite low carbohydrate. I think it tastes great even in water, and I tend to use it in other things too. Would recommend giving that brand a go.
Here is an observation for you: Only fucking morons would post in a weight-loss thread unless they are fat and trying to lose weight, but hey bro, nothing personal. I don't mean you specifically.
I realise it was an arsey comment I wont delete becaouse that would be cowardly. My family has a history of obesity which I am now working to avoid, by not gaining unnecessary weight eating crap and leading a healthy life.
I've never really liked the idea of being healthy to lose weight as when you get to your desired goal your liable to put it on again, athough apparently yo-yo diets good actually be good for you
Yer I know its the daily mail, couldnt find another online paper with the article atm.
I just throw some protein powder in the blender with a bunch of frozen blueberries and a frozen banana with some skim milk, it tastes awesome. Make sure you put enough milk in there, otherwise it'll come out in icecream consistency instead of a milkshake.
Here is an observation for you: Only fucking morons would post in a weight-loss thread unless they are fat and trying to lose weight, but hey bro, nothing personal. I don't mean you specifically.
Or if they actually got some tips on how to loose weight, because they managed to do it before and want to help people? :P Im not fat at all, but I do know how to loose weight :P Doesnt make me a moron for posting here :P
Also, protein drinks does NOT taste like ass, it totally depends on the brand, and what you mix it with, some brands go well with water, some requires milk. :] Syntha-6 for example taste AWESOME, even though that is a bit high on the calorie-count, but its atleast a brand you can get anywhere, the only other tasty ones i know are swedish, haha ^^
Or if they actually got some tips on how to loose weight, because they managed to do it before and want to help people? :P Im not fat at all, but I do know how to loose weight :P Doesnt make me a moron for posting here :P
Yes, sorry about that. I should have been more specific.
All the protein powders I have had tasted like shit compared to properly cooked eggs or meat. I'm not sure why you would eat the stuff unless you have some insane schedule, or are trying to eat 200 grams of protein a day or something. I am kind of picky about what I eat though.
Try stuff like syntha-6 chocolate, it tastes more or less like a milkshake, so thats not too bad. And yes, i DO have an insane schedule, and when you want to gain musclemass, or just keep the one you have, proteinshakes is a bit easier than always carrying around a chicken dont know the english word for it, but i guess its light cottage cheese, is killer for loosing weight. Its almost only protein, and mix it up with something that gives it flavour (like fruit suryp, frozen berries, or whatever) and you can eat tasty stuff with shitloads of protein, that keeps the hunger away :] Also very easy to vary the taste of it. I eat it all the time when im dieting.
got the wife one of these for Mother's day...really good for smoothies on the go..with not a lot of clean up..thinking about getting one for my desk once (and if) I get into another studio gig...instant delicious appetite curb
Stretch, then 10 rounds with a heavy rope, followed by 10 rounds heavy bag, immediately after 10 rounds speed bag, then while waiting for my turn for sparing, as many rounds of shadow boxing I can get in. Then I do 3~5 rounds of sparing. After I do 2~3 rounds of training with kai cho.
Best post in the thread. Intense exercise with an emphasis on resistence training, plenty of rest, eating smart and focusing on body composition rather than scale weight. Do that = win.
I'd suggest trying complexes for those wanting to add some resistance to cardio (different weight lifting exercises with a relatively light weight with no breaks). 'Light' as in a barbell with about 50 pounds on it (to start with, then work your way up). Though better to put on less if you're new to lifting.
I tried a slightly modified version of "Awlyn Cosgrove's Evil Eight" (I think that was the name anyway)
8 reps of each exercise then move straight onto the next with no break
Straight Leg Deadlift
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Good Morning
Rest for 90 seconds
Repeat twice more. Should take around 12 minutes.
You alternate the muscle groups worked so they are able to recover a bit before the next time they are worked, but your heart is thumping away the entire time. Very short workout and very intense, don't need much equipment or space either.
And to Andreas on page 2 about Boxing. I'd say you better take up some Martial Art or MMA since Boxing has higher chance of brain damage because of the added weight in the gloves.
The best is simply eating frequently and HEALTHY, and again training REALLY hard.
Only a trained specialist knows how to move around or eat! Consult a specialist before wiping your ass-- you could accidentally tear your colon if you don't do it properly.
Same here, Troy and I are on a similar diet of whole foods and juice.
Four things I made a note of after I read Gerson's book:
1. Sodium retains water in your fat cells. Not good if your are looking to shed kilos. Also slat inhibits the absorption of enzymes. So lay off as mush salt/sodium as you can
2: Eat as much raw whole foods as you can. Anything that comes in a packet, a can, a jar or a tub is processed. Processing food destroys many enzymes and is usually got a crap load of sodium and other stuff in it that isn't really that good for you. Stick with raw whole foods like Veggies, nuts, fruit and grain.
3: Eat organic. Just by switching your food for organic stuff will make you feel much better. Organic food not only means No Pesticides, but means you food was grown in soil that was full of many natural nutrients, not grown on a handful of elements of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen like most chemical fertilizers.
Eating organic means you get the most nutrients out of your food. You won't need to eat as much because you body is getting the stuff its needs from the natural food.
4. Try to eat less cooked food. Juices are great! If you can get a good cold press juicer and juice much of your veggies, its a great way to get enzymes into your body faster. Heating over 60C (140F) starts to kill enzymes, so eating more raw foods gives more enzymes to your body.
We've been juicing for about 2 months now and even though we didn't get on this diet to loose weight, we have noticed we have lost a few inches around our waist.
It makes sense though; you eat shitty food, you body doesn't get the enzymes and nutrients it needs, so it goes "I'm Need More Food!" and consequently always feel hungry because your body isn't getting the stuff it needs to feel 'full'. has a good book you can download for a small sum which has a great detox plan in it if anyone is interested.
Good luck to all who aspire to be healthy. I'm rooting for ya!
That shit is evil. It's in almost everything these days.
For past 2-3 months been working out, gaining some weight and so far its been great progress. From what I've read and from my own experience gaining weight or loosing it is in the balance of how much energy you put it and how much you put out. If you want to gain muscle weight you need to have calorie surplus if you want to loose weight you need exact opposite - calorie deficit. For me diet comes before exercise.
To loose weight cut out fizzy drinks, white bread, fast food. Eat wholemeal bread, veggies, fruits, lean(er) meat and try to cook more at home. But you should generally loose weight without any exercise by just cutting out stuff I and others mentioned before. I don't think you should cut sweet stuff out, but consider it more of a treat. I still drink coke and eat a burger from time to time, but much rarer and so I think of it as a treat.
At the moment trying to loose a bit of extra weight, but I've got shin splits which makes running nearly impossible and I hate bike and stepping exercises at the gym which leaves me with rowing. Any experience with treating shin splits?
And as stated above, calorie surplus (still healthy food though). The typical guidline for building muscle is a gram of protein per pound of lean body mass you have. So it's generally around 20-30g of protein a meal.
But you'd be better off talking to a trainer about that sort of thing, these are just the typical things I've read about this that I've stumbled upon when reading up on things about losing weight heh.
For your weight gaining workout remember to not overdo it. Don't do more that 3 workouts per week and if you do don't work too much on one part of your body. Remember, your body grows in sleep and it also burns most of the calories you've burnt in the gym while its sleeping few hours later. Basically you are burning calories hours and hours after your workout.
Also don't spend hours in the gym. Maximum time should be 1h 45m to 2 hours. After that you're just punishing your body.
good job! 2lbs a week is a healthy amount. Im personalyl happy with anything over 2 or 3.
while i agree on eating more organic food, this is not entirely true, there are ways to fight insects and diseases also on organic farming, heck there are plants you cannot grow profitable without anything, and they totally are not healthy at all. Organic farming is also about the profit, otherwise organic supermarkets would be either much much more expensive or non existent because no one would buy the food.
If 80% of your crops are crap because you just let it grow, you'd be broke in no time.
Organic is totaly not the solution to everything and not every organic food is healthier than stuff from "traditional" agriculture.
i'm also trying to lose some weight currently while i usually kept my weight for quite some time now, working solely from home (hopefully this will change once we have a new office) definitely made a big change for me, and a lot of family and friends festivities lately did their part :X
81kg now, want to be back on 74
Okay child, but I would point out that I have yet to meet a nutritionist who has lost much weight. It is like asking a virgin how to get laid, lad. He will tell you something like "put the penis in the vagina". It is a bit more complicated than that champ.
Here are some specific things I do that I find helpful:
-I look at food closely when I eat it. If it looks awesome, I appreciate it.
-I eat in small bites and pay attention to how the food tastes and smells. I don't eat anything that has flavors I am unhappy with. I don't eat a lot of food that is just filler, like pasta, potatoes or bread, unless I am really craving those -- then I make a special trip to eat the best fries, pasta or bread I can get.
-I try to put myself in a situation where exercising is easy and/or pleasant. When I lived in the city, I got rid of my car because I could walk everywhere. Going to the supermarket meant walking for an hour and carrying 30 pounds of groceries. It was easy since I didn't have any choice.
-I read an article ( about milk drinkers losing more weight that I found interesting. Since then I have replaced my usual breakfast with a latte, which I sip for a few hours every morning. I find it does a really great job of suppressing my appetite. I am currently making my latte with 2% milk and end up drinking 8-16 oz. of milk a day. I am producing the shots using a Bialetti stove-top espresso pot and frothing the milk with an Aerolatte wand. Depending on the beans you use, you can get results that are better than many coffee shops. I have been developing this habit for a little over a year now -- it was not hard since I already liked coffee.
-My new habit is working on always counting everything. A lot of people will "treat" themselves with food now and then. I think this is great, but I always count the calories. Some days I cut loose and pig out, but I always keep track. I have a spreadsheet on Google docs with daily calories consumed and weights. I have a graph and averages computed. I try not to get worked up about the numbers. The numbers are just numbers, and it is mostly about how I feel, but having the numbers can give better insight into why I am feeling the way I do. I have been working on this habit for only a few months (despite becoming obsessed with numbers during previous diets).
All the things listed above fall into the "lifestyle change" category. These are things that I will continue to do even after I reach my goal weight. Although I worked to internalize some of these habits for years, they don't take much willpower, and in many cases, once cultivated take no willpower. Why would I eat food that tastes bad? I don't know, but I did it for years.
My first major diet I did was a crash diet where I lost around 90 pounds. In college did another diet where I lost around 80. More recently I have lost around 60 pounds over the last 2-3 years mostly through lifestyle/perception/preference changes. I'm still learning how to keep weight off, but I think I am starting to figure it out! I still have a ways to go before I reach my goal. Good luck everybody!
230 pounds - amazing, can't believe it
You want to be stronger/healthier. Not just look skinnier/weaker.
Dieting slows your metabolism, sport increases it.
Yeah I gained the weight back each time. Sometimes I kept it off for years, or gained it back slowly, but life changes or injuries would often set me back a lot. It helps to lose large amounts of weight if you are big and very overweight. Here is a photo of me (in the middle) from about 40 pounds ago:
The guy on the left is right around 6 feet tall I think.
This will sound a bit arrogant, but I am quite good in living healthy. I will talk a bit about how my way of living is at the moment. Maybe it is useful for some people. But remember, this works for me, but it does not mean it will work for you. I would suggest try it out and see if it makes you happy.
- Try to go as much as possible by foot when you have to go somewhere. Take stairs, not elevator.
- Try to minimize the eating of snacks. But don't stop either. Use it to motivate you to eat more healthy. This way you can build up the healthy eating at your speed. This is more about having the best of both ways.
- Try out a lot of different sports and find the one that makes you the most happy. Find friends who do the same or maybe even ask them to join you. Losing weight is not doing hardcore fitness. When you don't have fun with sports, everything will feel like a lot of work without result.
- Drink a lot of water. The best thing is to keep a bottle of water as big as possible next to your desk. because we work so much at the computer, we have the tendency to eat or drink while we are working. Use this feeling to drink more water.
- I am always having having some vegetables in house to eat as a snack or on you sandwich. In the beginning this is going to be strange, but after a while those vegetables are starting to taste really good. It feels like I did not tasted them well in the past.
- Losing weight can give a big boost in your self confidence. Use this to motivate you for things you would normally not do. Starting is the hardest part.
- If you are bored or you have too much on your mind. Do some exercises in your room. Do some research on the net about what you want to try out. When I am frustrated I do 3 sets of crunches. This way I kinda forget what I was frustrated about and the energy of the frustration helped me to do the sets.
This can all sounds a bit weird. But it worked for me
I hope this is useful for someone.
I personally use it for weight training and gaining and it has proven to be quite useful.
i'll keep plugging it in these similar threads. THESE guys are giving up a ton of great information for free. don't let the kinda fruity name put you off
so again, i've not been exercising at all. just cutting down on portion sizes. this monday gone was the end of week 3/start of week 4.
at the end of the first 3 weeks i've dropped from 272, to 265lbs. which is a total of 7 lbs, or 2.57% which i think is great!
now don't get me wrong, i'm not starving myself. in fact i actually eat more often now than i was before. i never used to eat breakfast or lunch, and would tuck into a massive dinner. and quite often snack during the day.
instead, i'm now eating a decent breakfast... by decent i define by "size". so rather than a full english, just a bacon sandwich. or if it's cereal, i'll usually do the same amount as you'd get in one of those small veriety boxes. i'm eating a sandwich for lunch, usually ham/salami + cheese + light mayo. and for dinner, i've made sure my portions are cut right down... doing my best where possible to "just say no" to that extra sausage (although it kills me to do it sometimes...).
i do still treat myself though, i have ben and jerrys ice cream from time to time... small tub only, as i haven't learned the self control needed to stop eating once i start a tub haha! and of course on days out like the polycount meeting, i'll eat more than i do at home, but that's fine too.
but am i noticing it? personally i don't SEE a difference yet, but i suppose that's normal. my girlfriend says she sees it on my chest and cheeks, which is cool. but more importantly i feel it. while i can't move down a jeans size yet, i do need a belt to keep my current size up!
so yeah, it's going good, in my opinion!
next week is the end of week 4, and so my exercise starts next week. just cycling/jogging/swimming. no muscle build or anything, purely aerobic.
I hit 80.5kg for my fight Friday (goal was 79kg flat). I'll hit 79kg by late next week. Then just hold it around there, if I dip too low, lift weights to get back up. Next Fight Night is in the Fall
But im still trying to get rid of it!
hope others are still going.
Keeping a spreadsheet is great because without it it would be hard to know I am really losing weight otherwise. My daily weights can fluctuate a lot, so it is only easy to tell I am losing weight by looking at the long term trend.
Even slow weight loss is not so bad, since I am still mostly eating what I like, and making improvements at the gym. I think I can keep this up as long as it takes.
Been busy myself too. Last week i started watching my food and jogging every day for a half hour after work + doing some weights.
I eat normal now so it's something i can keep up.
I've also been drinking water and unsweetened coffee for a little more then a month now, once or twice a week i drink a cola zero (used to drink a few liters a day)
A year back or so i was at 231 pounds (still about 45 pounds too much for being 6') after losing 34 pounds but over the last year i gained them again because of old bad habits and a lack of exercise.
anyway lost 3 kg (6.6 lbs) this first week so i'm pretty happy so far but i do realize it won't keep dropping so fast from earlier weight loss attempts
@Raven: Those coke drinks are crazy. Trying to cut back on the sugar in my tea and find that I finish 3 or 4 bottles of water.
after the first couple of sessions Im hurting so bad and whining like a pansy.
The plan is to body build, I will stick .. I bought a years membership .... fuck..
oh yeah protein drinks taste like ass..
cold water protein powder and raw oats in a food processor .. like slurry from a sewage treatment plant..
I tend to get 3 portions of fruit in the morning raisins on porridge or muesli with probably a dried fruit then a bannana. In the afternoon I will normaly have something more filling and in the evening a small meal.
I go running every evening at about 10pmish I love running at night, cant stand it in the morning.
Sweet. I will keep a mirror handy for when I eat asshole. Maybe you can save the fat person put-downs for the threads that are not about losing weight?
I do however think that loads of people eat shit and then go around complaining about their weight. So I agree, some people buy everything that comes in carton boxes and say they eat healthy but then are surprised about their weight gains.
Only tried a couple of different brands myself, but I get boditronics express whey, which is also quite low carbohydrate. I think it tastes great even in water, and I tend to use it in other things too. Would recommend giving that brand a go.
I realise it was an arsey comment I wont delete becaouse that would be cowardly. My family has a history of obesity which I am now working to avoid, by not gaining unnecessary weight eating crap and leading a healthy life.
I've never really liked the idea of being healthy to lose weight as when you get to your desired goal your liable to put it on again, athough apparently yo-yo diets good actually be good for you
Yer I know its the daily mail, couldnt find another online paper with the article atm.
Or if they actually got some tips on how to loose weight, because they managed to do it before and want to help people? :P Im not fat at all, but I do know how to loose weight :P Doesnt make me a moron for posting here :P
Also, protein drinks does NOT taste like ass, it totally depends on the brand, and what you mix it with, some brands go well with water, some requires milk. :] Syntha-6 for example taste AWESOME, even though that is a bit high on the calorie-count, but its atleast a brand you can get anywhere, the only other tasty ones i know are swedish, haha ^^
Yes, sorry about that. I should have been more specific.
All the protein powders I have had tasted like shit compared to properly cooked eggs or meat. I'm not sure why you would eat the stuff unless you have some insane schedule, or are trying to eat 200 grams of protein a day or something. I am kind of picky about what I eat though. dont know the english word for it, but i guess its light cottage cheese, is killer for loosing weight. Its almost only protein, and mix it up with something that gives it flavour (like fruit suryp, frozen berries, or whatever) and you can eat tasty stuff with shitloads of protein, that keeps the hunger away :] Also very easy to vary the taste of it. I eat it all the time when im dieting.