I dont mean to highjack
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84476 but, Ive recently starting getting back into the whole weight loss thing as well, and that thread made me think it would be fun to do a PC belly off thing. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining. Keep track of peoples progress. Share your tips. Shed a few pounds. Post pictures if you`d like, or not. doenst matter. But, in a community (gaming, not PC) that isnt exactly well known for fitness, I think this would be a great idea. Just post your starting weight and go from there! Post weekly updates.
Im currently 275. size 40 waiste
My heaviest was 293, I dropped down to 243 over a period of 10 months, but after my vacation to AUS and NZ, I put on 32lbs again. Im done with that.
Im currently 198, size 36 waist. the weight may seem a bit slim for some.. but im only 5'6"
edit: 198 is the heaviest i have been. its a personal goal of mine to not reach 200. id like to get myself back to a stable 175. ill probably follow most of the diet portion of what Rod Ferguson has posted, since i have no clue how to diet.
also a very helpful book my chiropractor recommended to me is called Eat This Not That. i havent gotten the book but there is a website for it.
its very helpful in decision making for meals n whatnot. and since i am mostly not at home, i dont have time to make food all the time, so when eating at restaurants this is a good consult.
plans for workout are swimming for 30-60 minutes a day until i can get back in my habbit of it (i used to swim for 3 hours a day when i was in high school). weight lifting about 3 times a week, nothing too strenuous but enough to help build some of my muscle back and burn some extra calories.
this is actually a really great idea.. something for people to keep pushing others with their own progress. i guess weight loss n that has a lot of mental capacities and if people here see that others are making an effort to lose weight, they will also. thx for postin this
With any kind of regimen you need to be very mindful of what you're taking in and how your body is using it. 3 bagels and smoothie sounds like a great healthy breakfast but if you're sedentary that's damn near close to all of the calories you need to consume for the day in one meal...
So be mindful of what you take in and plan things out a little more than I'm hungry...
Diet wise I follow alot of the stuff in Tim Ferris' 4 hour body book which says basically eat a certain amount of protein at every meal, and cut out "fast carbs" ie:rice, pasta, sugar, potatoes etc... Most importantly I eat breakfast soon after waking up, which I would tend to just skip before. The "cheat" day gives me something to look forward to and supposedly doesn't let your metabolism adjust to the lower calorie diet. I don't follow the diet fully, I will have some rice or bread every now and then but at least I have a plan, so I can't convince myself otherwise.
I had been around 250 for a long time about 6 years ago and then dropped down to 225lbs and ever since that point I just gradually put all of this weight on.
So hopefully I can keep this up long term, and soon be under 300, hopefully closer to 250, and in time less
I shed my belly by eating constantly, like, even while working
If your putting on muscle then thats going to happen.
Lost 33lbs so far (since feb), down to 188lbs now and still going down (6'2"), and I didn't even have to work much for it~ Once I reach 170lbs I'll try and get some proper types of exercise in a gym of sorts in and stay fit, or something. At the moment the weights going down slowly due to a collection of birthdays and holidays during the last 2 weeks :P, but now it's back to going down
Might not seem like much to eat twice a day, but I've cut out eating "low fat this" and "diet that" for REAL stuff, the result is a few more calories per meal, but I get pretty well fed and don't feel hungry at all for a LONG time. But that's just me :0
I also found that feeling thirsty often feels the same as being hungry, so hydrating works well on that pesky hunger too.
Absolutely NOT a going to end up feeling energetic doing it like this though, this is just an easy way of loosing weight quickish without having to do much of anything for it. It's kind of lazy and maybe not the best ting to do to your body, unless you're smart and mix in some fruits and veggies in those meals along with vitamin capsules.
I recently moved and had to give up my treadmill due to living on the second floor and haven't gotten around to running outside yet... A miserable winter/early spring certainly didn't help.
I've actually been thinking a lot recently that my diet has been slipping or that I need to get out and run. Thanks for the thread to re-motivate me.
Here's to continuing to lose.
I'm 7'2", 160 lbs.
http://fleekyflux.com weeee
WTF? 7'2" 160?! That doesn't sound healthy ...
I lost 50 lbs by doing that and continuing to sit on my ass... as it got thinner and thinner.
Well, being a hairy guy, I can't really afford to be thin. As soon as I lose some weight, my body hair clumps up together, not having enough skin and fat to stretch out and cover, so I look like a hairy Yeti, who can use a PC...
By the way, if you see a Missing Link walking down the street in Canada, that's probably me on a diet.
ya, im 6'2. my goal is to be around 200, so 74lbs to go! . apparently, 180 is "healthy" for my height, but even that i think is TOO thin. my buddy is my height and down to 210, and i think even he looks thin. I dont wanna be a twig!
what i do, try to be active. I do have a rowing machine at home, so i do that. But mostly, I just drink lots and lots of water, drink rum and diet coke instead of beer whenever i do drink, cut out all the junk food, like chips and pop (besides when drinking), and most importantly, dont eat after 9pm! Im notorious for eating till im full just before bed. it kills ya! Oh, and I do let myself have cheat meals, once or twice a week. If you cut out everything bad all together, if you do have something bad sometime, your body doesnt know how to handle it and will store it all. If so if you have small amounts of stuff, at least, for me, I actually lose weight faster because my body thinks, hey, im still getting this, I can burn it off.
Ill row when I can. I wanna start doing it 5 times a week, but the hardest part is getting back into it, since the first week or two, I cant even last 30 minutes.
Actually, I was 275lbs two weeks ago. last saturday, i weighed myself in the afternoon, after lunch, and after drinking lots of water that day, and I did lose 1lbs. so I guess for ease of reading, ill start a format.
Week 1 - 275 > 274
Lookin forward to seeing the results!
Either way if you wait until your thirsty to drink, then you're dehydrated. Your stomach should never growl and you should never be thirsty, if those two things are happening its not funny ha ha my body is talking to me, its clear signs your body is in the wrong mode and you're going to store fat instead of burn it.
If you look at the calories in a "Value meal" you get more than what you need in a day. Add to it that people starve themselves all day, so their body is in storage mode, then they pound this down and sit around then fall asleep..
740 calories, Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese (half of the calories you need in a day, in one sandwich).
500 calories, Large Fry.
310 calories, Large Coke.
1,550 calories, one meal. 300 of those calories are liquid.
Then look at whats in those calories, salt hardens arteries and then you line them with more cholesterol than you should consume in a month. Brilliant... and people do this 2-3-4 times a week.
Cut the drive thru out or cut it down to every few weeks. Spread your calories through out the day and I think people should stop eating around 5-6pm. Dinner should be a snack if not skipped all together.
One other thing to think about, is that all kinds of crap gets stored in fat cells, especially the fat you can't see, the fat surrounding your vital organs, "visceral fat". You could be living in a pretty toxic environment, anyone who sits in traffic sucks down toxins and stores them in fat, if they're body is in storage mode, instead of dealing with now, it sits and waits.
The visceral fat that surrounds your liver and other organs can pump a lot more crap into your body as you start to lose weight, it dumps it right into those organs as they're trying to deal with their regular load, your past double downs on your future. Which is another reason people should be pounding down the water.
Your body eats muscle before it eats fat. Muscle is important because it burns calories. So go crazy at the gym, got it. No... muscle that is rebuilding consumes the most calories yes, but remember that the more you work out the longer it takes to reach the muscle tear down stage where you start building new muscle, which is where you want to be. So do just enough to keep your body in muscle building mode so it keeps you out of storage mode but don't go crazy because then its easier for your body to slip into storage mode.
The crazy thing is... moderation in calories and moderation in exercise...
I've heard a few folks say this sort of thing, eat small amounts of healthy food regularly throughout the day. Have a bowl of nuts/fruit near your desk and eat it as you get hungry.
Apparently this is a good way to persuade your body that it doesnt need to store fat.
would anyone be interested in doing a weekly check in. kind of an enforced motivation
ive also heard the whole "skip the drive thru" thing. basically if i do grab fast food, ill try to at least sit and eat inside. eating while driving causes you eat faster i guess and the faster you eat the more you can eat before you feel full, so naturally going to a place like burger king ill figure.. well i can eat quite a bit so ill get a double stack, chicken nuggets, sm fries, and sm soda. i could do without the double stack or chicken, but i figure since im on my way to school or something i can just eat it all real quick before i get there.
ive also started making a chart of good and bad foods, with some nutrition content on it. so it can be something i will follow. ive been hearing from multiple people about eating a lot throughout the day, which i definitely need to do, since i used to eat mostly once or twice a day. so a friend told me to remember the rule of 3. every 3 hours eat 300 calories. seems like its pretty steady. as far as working out, here's my plan.
Monday: Run(15min) Weights(3 sets of chest/triceps) Swim (30min)
Tuesday: Swim (30min-1hr)
Wednesday: Run(15min) Weights(3 sets of back/biceps) Swim (30min)
Thursday: Swim (30min-1hr)
Friday: Run(15min) Weights(3 sets of back/biceps) Swim (30min)
Saturday: Run(30min) Swim(30min)
Sunday: Day Off
on tuesdays and thursdays im usually at school all day.. 8 or 9am to 10pm, so i can only get a morning workout in there around 6:30. ill hope to maybe increase all of my amounts of dist/weight every couple of weeks, since im only focusing on weight loss, not gaining mass.
as far as eating.. i just bought some slim fasts and balance bars. i may look into those Fresh Select meals from the epic blog, and we'll see. ive got a smoothie shop near me for when im at school, so ill take a look into their nutrition stuff and see how that goes.
good place to track your food..the free service is enough....it will breakdown how many calories you should eat based on how much weight you want to lose..also does a exercise plan for you..you can also set chalenges for friends and stuff.
my name is lowodor if anyone wants to join and friend.
plus, weekends are usually when people splurge, so if you do it saturday morning, then you dont have to worry about blowing your weigh for the next day. and have the rest of the week to knock out what you put in your body that night.
I dont think its necessary for everyone to have the same day. just pick a day, tell us, and we`ll hold ya to it? though, the more people on the same day the better. Im good to do which ever day people decide on.
just created a dailyburn.com account. - slipsius
already added lowodor
It's pretty long (1 1/2 hours) I believe its a professor giving a lecture... anyways:
It's not difficult to maintain your weight when your nutrition and physical activities are an integral part of your lifestyle.
cobb salad: $3
banana $.27
balance bar $1
greek yogurt. $1.50
payed about $6 for my meals.. when normally id spend more than that on just 1 meal eating at a restaurant.
I feel like 3 pounds heavier today.
it's literally just "eat 3 meals a day, and portion properly". no snacking in between, or huge portions.
also, a little back history:
i joined the royal marines some years back, and weighed 196 pounds, i was a rugby player in school, i'm 6'1" and have always had a big frame.
at my "peak" fitness, i weighed in at 231lbs, just about all muscle, never had that "ripped", or lean look. but never wanted it either.
i was hit by a car, fucked my knee, was medically discharged... and then got insanely depressed and stopped exercising and started eating, which has gotten me into my current state.
i know i'll never be as physically fit as i used to be, and that 231lbs will still be more fat than muscle, so i'm aiming for ~210lbs.
i have a feeling that the up and coming polycount meeting in london might be a small roadbump for this though hahaha!
I needed this. I have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol (All from bad eating habits). The thing that has helped me the most is that I've drastically cut sugar (sodas and starches), I’m watching my calorie intake, and am being as active as I can. I play Ultimate Frisbee 3 times a week and trail jogging 4 times a week. I'm feeling great!
I've also been getting more into organic food and general nutrition. Read labels, you will be surprised how hard it is to avoid corn based ingredients.
Good luck everyone!
- BoBo
yeah. since i spend a lot of time at school, i usually eat out ALL THE TIME! which i can imagine lead to a lot of my weight gain. ill buy some things for home like deli meat but i typically only eat that when im home.. which is basically just weekends.
I wanted to do the eating plan alongside it, too - seems like it's not as punishing as some other eating plans out there. I'm 5' 10", and about 210lbs right now, and I'd like to get down to about 180-190lbs with more muscle and less body fat.
Weigh-in is on the 27th, so 79kg here I come.
Can't believe I used to weigh 115kg (250 lbs) :P
week 2
274 > 270.2 (.2 cause i bought a new scale that has decimals)
Careful with the nuts Rob... and avoid almonds like the plague! Go to lidl and pick up one of those buckets of greek yoghurt and a bag of those frozen berries, sorted!
Running is the best way to lose weight and improve overall fitness and stamina.
I am 5'9 and weigh about 150. I more or less eat as I please, a lot of big meals, but mainly rice based. I eat bread/milk etc, just cut down on junk food as much as possible.
I go for a quick run with my dog everyday, and do some light boxing training most days.
When training for a fight, most fighters don't eat after about 6 o clock. The earlier you eat, the more time you have to burn calories.
I usually eat dinner at 10 or 11pm, but I am very active. If you're looking to lose weight, 6 or 7 is better.
It's important to stay active too. Try to run as much as possible, but also just do some light, regular exercise at home. Situps/crunches etc. No weightlifting though
I've always been fairly slim, but I went to stay with my grandmother in NY for about 3months and gained like 40 pounds. All the food that tastes any good over there must be packed with with the ingredient: "let's kill this guy". Its actually pretty fucked up. As soon as I came back i was back down to 170lbs in like no time.
He's wearing a full protection headguard for sparring, that bar is pretty solid, it protects your mouse and nose well. Especially your mouth.
yeah.. its super easy to gain weight here. i used to be at a pretty stable weight in high shcool, but thats because i didnt really eat anything out of the ordinary. once college hit and i started buying my own food is when i started gaining weight.. my girlfriend from colombia actually has gone through the same thing.. in her country almost everyone is thin.. and she couldnt believe that she and her sister both gained about 35 lbs being here. (her sister went back to colombia and within a couple months she was back to her original weight)