29... been 'in' the industry for 3 years. By 'in', I mean on the fringes as I work in a very small team within a University making educational software.
turned 27 a month ago, being doing 3d for 2 1/2 years. I did freelance for an advertising agency that does stuff for games. then some stuff for a game cinematic, and recently landed a fulltime gig at a vfx film studio, doing high res environment.
"This thread would have been more interesting if it where entry age only, not current age. In other words, respectfully, if you're not in the industry, you need not reply."
I know you're being sincere, but read that back to yourself and see if it feels good.
Been doing 3d since I was 11.
Trying to fit in with the kool kidz.
And I'd like 3 slices of bacon plz.
I know you're being sincere, but read that back to yourself and see if it feels good.