~ Kinda interested to know the age of Polycounters whether you are:
currently in the industry
a student
trying to get IN the industry
trying to get OUT of the industry
saw the team fortress package and decided that you want to make hats for a living now
accidentally ended up here after researching polygamy communities etc
I just wonder these things... And I couldn't find a thread on it ^ ^
(I'm 24 btw, I first got hired at 23)
Nah, fo serious. My answer is "I'm in the industry". Been here for 4+ years.
Considering doing anything other than what I do now. Not because I want out of the industry but because the current job I've got could be considered the lowest form of game art on the ladder, and its the only thing available in my area atm....But needs must when bills need paying.
This site is a pure treasure.
Planned to study and then to get in the industry..
~ Yeah noticed that myself. I wrote '21 and under' incorrectly
Need to get into AAA asap.
and job since August last year.
though not games related but more rendering for ads and stuff
have been modding wc3 for about 4 years before that and had a bit over a year pause (studying something totally different and having a gf didnt let me have time anymore for my hobby then)
.....riiiiight on the eeeddgge of the industry...looking in....breathing heavily on the glass...
Ha, I like this. :poly121:
says the guy with 93 posts^^
maybe a little offtopic, but how fast did you all realize its not only some hobby like ice curling but the stuff you want to earn your money with?
Quit my industry job in Feb - but tryin to get my foot in the door again...haha
First industry gig at 25 after working a bit of freelance and working in Print for 5-6 years.
I've only stayed in this long because I've only worked 2 super stable jobs for 5+ years each and they've not required me to move. It's fun, but if your employer is going to constantly pull the rug out from under you every 6mo to a year, then screw it.
Never had a game gig, but currently looking.
As for the gaming industry dream I did want to break in as a concept artist, but I found that I loved to hold visions together and make sure everyone was reaching that and nothing fell out (During mod work). It was fun trying to construct something new and made sure everyone stayed within those parameters. Art Directoresque?
But hopefully this will spur something on to full time, just have to have faith that something will be stable!
Went back to Uni almost 2 years ago after working for Walt Disney Theatrical for almost 7 years and ending up despising it
Time for a change!