29 soon to be 30. Worked in outerwear fashion design off and on for years, decided to pursue game art about two years ago. currently a cook, but soon to be applying for some entry level art position somewhere...anyone need an artist?
Did games for about 5 years. Brief foray into CG film FX for 3 months or so. Currently working on life sized animatronic dragons. Would probably have another crack at games given the chance (maybe unlikely given the state of the industry over here).
Left school at 16, straight into Graphics design. Fairly tumultuos late teenage years of touring about as a Trance DJ, getting my glowstix on @ bubble raves, driving fast cars, and having easy sunday bbq's, I cleaned up my act. Went back to school, got my diploma in Games Programming ( i know right.. wtf ? )
First freelance gig as a character artist in 2004. First Inhouse Gig at 2006, been freelancing and inhousing as a Character Artist for about 7 years now I guess
29 think its five years studio time a bit longer with on off contract work...got an offer straight out of school...decided to go to uni and study fine art....took another two years at polycount uni to get my first contract works
I have been doing 3d since I was 13, I worked on a few mods before doing industry work, notably Urban Terror for Q3, doing mostly weapons, when i was 14-15 or so. However I didn't really take it seriously, as in looking for work, until I was about 18. Roughly 13 years experience modeling, 8 years in the industry.
Oh nice, I was just curious, so I can kind of see where I'm at compared to others. I didn't start 3D till I was 18, and I just turned 21. Had a few freelance jobs so far, and work as a 3D guy at a military sim company, but no real game job yet.
Went straight from highschool to full-time at 18. Stayed a handful of years, moved to Japan, freelanced for a while, got another job. Gonna keep on making games I think
EDIT: and no, can't effing believe how young some of the talent here is. stop it!
Currently 31. been doing 3D since I was 18. I work in 3D Architect Visualizations now and have been for 7 years. Aside from wishing I was more in the game market, I am always working on my project at www.quake-rebellion.com
I'm 33 (this thread makes me feel like a dinosaur, hehe - at 33 ). I've been in the industry for 3 years. I didn't get into the cg field until I was about 26. I worked freelance for low end commercial cg and motion graphics stuff for awhile until I became incredibly broke. Then I took an unrelated job, and worked on my stuff until I got into games.
18, had an internship at Georgia Tech Research Institute since I was 15 making models and such for them.
Not specifically game industry, but my current lineup is doing some stuff with Unity.
Oh, been doing 3d since I was 12 or 13 though that was crazy basic. Still, learning nonetheless
currently 29, started with 3d being 14 (3d studio dos yay) then with 16-18 the quake mod era (also most notably urbanterror with EarthQuake). First freelance work during university, i.e around 21 or so. Changed to programming with university. Had some little freelance work on that end and researcher position at university until last year, now full-time industry job (non-game).
I'm 20 right now. I got my first gig in April, but it was a short term contract thing, and now I'm looking for work. Oh well, got my foot in the door at least. I was 16 when I started learning how to do this.
25 right now, got my first in house gig about 3 months ago. Like many others i've done 3D since i was about 13-14, lots of mods for carmageddon, quake3, halflife2, elder scrolls and other things. I never really took it seriously as a job prospect till i was 19 or so working fast food and wanting something better. I didn't get a job till now because i erroneously thought a uni games course would be a good idea.
I did Technical Illustration courses after school. Around 1998 I used Photoshop and a 3d package called Form Z for the first time. I remember using the college's most powerful computer, 25 MHZ! and a whopping 256 meg memory! In January 2001 I got my first games job in the UK. In 2004 I went to work in America, been there ever since.
32 - In and out of the fringes since 2000 I guess - working just to pay the bills in a non graphics/3d job at the moment though.
Things are really looking up on the indie front though, especially with so many more tools/engines available for very low prices these days and the mass availability across so many mobile platforms.
Technically I guess I got in at 19 [got really lucky] and then got out a couple years later to continue my schooling. That job never felt like a real industry job to me though so I don't really count it. It was for a government contractor doing serious games stuff and whatever other work they felt like throwing at me. I'm 23 now. Still in school, gnawing at the bit to get out and into the real world to get a real game job.
Trying to get into the Game industry.
yeah... we'll see if that happens.
Did games for about 5 years. Brief foray into CG film FX for 3 months or so. Currently working on life sized animatronic dragons. Would probably have another crack at games given the chance (maybe unlikely given the state of the industry over here).
How awesome is that!
32 years. Started when I was 19. Contracting/on my own since 29.
Left school at 16, straight into Graphics design. Fairly tumultuos late teenage years of touring about as a Trance DJ, getting my glowstix on @ bubble raves, driving fast cars, and having easy sunday bbq's, I cleaned up my act. Went back to school, got my diploma in Games Programming ( i know right.. wtf ? )
First freelance gig as a character artist in 2004. First Inhouse Gig at 2006, been freelancing and inhousing as a Character Artist for about 7 years now I guess
~ omfg. best job evar
now 23
Hoping to get in the industry within 5 years.. that'd be cool.
Definitely looking for full-time position again but being able to work from home and spend time with family is a nice change of pace.
Went straight from highschool to full-time at 18. Stayed a handful of years, moved to Japan, freelanced for a while, got another job. Gonna keep on making games I think
EDIT: and no, can't effing believe how young some of the talent here is. stop it!
Not looking to get out anytime soon.
Not specifically game industry, but my current lineup is doing some stuff with Unity.
Oh, been doing 3d since I was 12 or 13 though that was crazy basic. Still, learning nonetheless
I don't think there's a grim reaper or whatever, i think most people who have been doing this for awhile simply don't post on polycount
I have found this to be the case at both studios I have worked at. The older gents who have been around for awhile don't really post here.
trying to get IN the industry
In industry.
Secretly into polygamy communities.
I did Technical Illustration courses after school. Around 1998 I used Photoshop and a 3d package called Form Z for the first time. I remember using the college's most powerful computer, 25 MHZ! and a whopping 256 meg memory! In January 2001 I got my first games job in the UK. In 2004 I went to work in America, been there ever since.
Things are really looking up on the indie front though, especially with so many more tools/engines available for very low prices these days and the mass availability across so many mobile platforms.
Terminal procrastination. :poly127:
but i work at a consulting company for about 2 years