18, I guess I would be considered a student right now as I've been self teaching myself for about a year and going to Futurepoly but later this year or sometime next year I'll start trying to break in.
21. had an internship with a crap company when i was 19. nothing came of it. got my first freelance gig about a year ago doing realtime architectural rendering in UDK. got an internship this year with an outsourcing company. still a student, graduating in september with a game-art degree that im paying waaaay too much for an not learning a damn thing from.
Hey man, it's been out there for quite a while actually. I think I've seen it mentioned here and there for years now. The point is that a lot of elderly folk(he-he:) ) looking to settle down transition to other cg industries that seem more stable. Crunching gets old after a while as does constant relocating. Those "dropouts" constitute a pretty big chunk of the workforce.
I think I've seen some companies "always hiring" senior artists even when they don't have open positions atm, which kinda speaks for itself.
Kinda interesting to imagine myself 10 years in and whether I'll get tired of this stuff or not:)
Hey man, it's been out there for quite a while actually. I think I've seen it mentioned here and there for years now. The point is that a lot of elderly folk(he-he:) ) looking to settle down transition to other cg industries that seem more stable. Crunching gets old after a while as does constant relocating. Those "dropouts" constitute a pretty big chunk of the workforce.
I think I've seen some companies "always hiring" senior artists even when they don't have open positions atm, which kinda speaks for itself.
Kinda interesting to imagine myself 10 years in and whether I'll get tired of this stuff or not:)
~ Yeah I hear ya, man.
I notice programmers seem to stick around a lot longer than artists though. I'm assuming because their general job security and paychecks are a lot better than ours!
The whole 'always hiring seniors' thing is crazy. I never really bothered to notice that ish before you just mentioned it.
19, currently a student, and like Oniram learning NOTHING, polycount has taught me more >.<. Finishing school in 5 months and currently looking for a job as an environment artist! Check out my site
34. got my first games industry job in 2005. before that it was contract stuff for ads/tv, visualisation and small programming jobs (when I needed cash desperately). Not having plans to leave the industry... I think it's still more fun than many other office jobs
33 and still haven't gotten in as a Prop/Environment Artist. Been trying for 5 years. Spent the last 6 years working as a Graphic Designer, mainly print. Thinking about pulling the plug on this obsession to become a game artist.
I notice programmers seem to stick around a lot longer than artists though. I'm assuming because their general job security and paychecks are a lot better than ours!
The whole 'always hiring seniors' thing is crazy. I never really bothered to notice that ish before you just mentioned it.
As someone trying to get an entry level position it is disheartening to see nothing but senior level position only all the time.
25...worked at a game studio not as an artist (QA) and work as an artist not at a game studio(military sim stuff). Still trying to break in. I'm doing it wrong
23 turning 24 in 6 days. I'm just about to graduate from school so the job hunt is just ramping up. I really hope I can find something, feels very grim being in LA. Despite the amount of people around me getting jobs I hear just as many stories of people losing their jobs. I'm working my ass off as we speak.
I'm currently 24, started doing paid contract work at 18, but those were all for indie things that I don't believe ever saw the light of day. So my first published game work was done when I was 20...and, that was the last time too.
23, been working at Crytek UK since graduating last year; my first games industry job. I've worked for companies in other industries before that but they don't count!
Have been working in Russian game industry as a texture/3d artist 5 years . Recently unemployed Slipgatecentral's housewife, because need an USA work visa, 26 years old.
Currently have a job as a 3d artist in the defense simulation industry while I'm in school. Hopefully getting a real game job soon.
1st game industry job at 19.
Got in August 2000.
Now get off of my lawn!
Why has this information never been shared with me before????
I think I've seen some companies "always hiring" senior artists even when they don't have open positions atm, which kinda speaks for itself.
Kinda interesting to imagine myself 10 years in and whether I'll get tired of this stuff or not:)
~ Yeah I hear ya, man.
I notice programmers seem to stick around a lot longer than artists though. I'm assuming because their general job security and paychecks are a lot better than ours!
The whole 'always hiring seniors' thing is crazy. I never really bothered to notice that ish before you just mentioned it.
Got in around 23
27 for now.... >.>
trying to get IN the industry
As someone trying to get an entry level position it is disheartening to see nothing but senior level position only all the time.
First got hired aged 21.
got hired during my internship..what, like 3-4 years ago (just worked around 1 year total..on an off, going abroad and shiznits)
came here because a friend told me this was a good page for penis porn
Well... I'm 21.
i started at 19 and now i'm 29 since a month, so i'll hit my ten years in the industry soon
I might've been able to get in sooner, but I'm a big wimp.
Graduated when I was 21
Still trying to get IN the industry...