Joker: cheers for the help with cleaning up the clusterfuck that was around/below the subway station, looks much better down there. I've also started doing a similar thing with under the PC village, making floors so that you don't go looking in to an abyss if you venture that low down.
Will probably add a little subterranean village down there for the mobs and make use of the space depending on whether I get time to. probably be another update and a map reset by the time I finish it though!
After seeing the video about the subway and the redstone layout, I was wondering what would happen if we were to get a little bit of....RedPower mod (
It's a mod which added things like wires and compact gates, machines and more. It can make stuff a lot easier to make and more compact. Of course its not updated yet for 1.3.2
But I can recommend it if you love doing redstone stuff.
And the great thing is that she has split it up, so you don't have to install all, but if you only want the wires, you can do that. I can recommend checking out some videos about RedPower.
Joker: cheers for the help with cleaning up the clusterfuck that was around/below the subway station, looks much better down there. I've also started doing a similar thing with under the PC village, making floors so that you don't go looking in to an abyss if you venture that low down.
Will probably add a little subterranean village down there for the mobs and make use of the space depending on whether I get time to. probably be another update and a map reset by the time I finish it though!
I will give you a hand, its always nice turning a mess into something more organised and 'designed' as such.
yeah... with you gone it had proved to be obnoxious... :P and I moved it... or most of it to the desert. I left everything else tho the village sorta grew over your front lawn eventually too.
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, my mom's not gonna make it, so I've been spending most of my time with my folks. I'm still working on the video in the spare time that I have, and I'll get the schematics for the new station design to you guys when it's done. FYI I'd planned on ripping the current station out and putting a two-line station in its place.
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, my mom's not gonna make it, so I've been spending most of my time with my folks. I'm still working on the video in the spare time that I have, and I'll get the schematics for the new station design to you guys when it's done. FYI I'd planned on ripping the current station out and putting a two-line station in its place.
Hey man, no need to apologize, besides its just a game.
I'm sorry to hear about your mum. I hope for the best to you and your family and that you guys pull through.
BTW, don't go in the mens room in the food place... they are doing something, well, just strange.
BTW, don't go in the mens room in the food place... they are doing something, well, just strange.
Yeah, yeah... I... I noticed that. How long has that been happening?
It is just a game, but at the same time, it doesn't feel right falling behind schedule, even if it is my own self-imposed schedule. Thanks for the kind words, too.
Dissonance: take your time, no one would be pissed if you take a while whilst dealing with real life, end of the day the server will still be there when you're ready to come back
Btw the underground settlement is well under way, big thanks to joker for giving it a layer of polish around the upper parts. If anybody wants to join in, that would be great
Right, thought I'd add some screen grabs to show what's been happening in the assplosion that happened under the spawn village:
From above: Joker got this area worked out
Heading down- it's a bit of an obstacle course, so not for the faint hearted!
Gives you some idea of how far down we're going... and that's only about half way!
Now we're on the main staircase, leading to the subterranean settlement. Forgotten for a millennia, found only by chance.
We're now at the doorway to the main hall... looking back outwards
As we pass through the doorway....
I will get some more shots of the settlement itself, it's a bit of a maze at the moment but the thinking behind it is that the dwellers never had much space to work with and digging out caverns took time, so they ended up making do with the limited space they had.
I am hoping to start adding trip wires, spawners, etc so it plays out like an adventure plus also add treasure for those who feel brave to venture deep in to the area.
It would be great if fellow PC minecrafters could help and put their mark on the area, as long as theme wise it fits in, fill your boots!
I keep saying to other people to upload images, and yet I've not taken my own advice. Funny that for a creative bunch and a rather epic collection of builds, there aren't many pictures recently.
Here's my attempt at making minecraft blockier.
I think these were the old server, I've not found them recently, so may be pre-reset.
I wish you could place snow in creative, awaiting a flurry is infuriating.
Quick update: I have managed to change how the player goes from the main steps to the skull hall, they are re-routed so they need to go through the town itself beforehand
you guys are going to have to get used to the idea of using twitter, cause with it, you can tell me when you find the server down. i can even fix it from my phone... but not if i dont know.. cheers
Ah okay. I'm trying to get a base going, and started gathering resources and such, and just discovered that the polycount map actually HAD a perspective mode, not just top view...I hated it, because I suddenly saw better places to make my base. So might just make a little summerhome there for resources and then find another spot.
Regarding that, could you place the map link in the first post? Just nice to have everything in one place, so you don't have to look though the 36 pages for it.
Also, I take it there hasn't been much issue with people grabbing all your stuff when offline, right? Or it's time for some vault building I guess, with death know what, there is ALWAYS time for some vault building and death traps.
Also, I take it there hasn't been much issue with people grabbing all your stuff when offline, right?
No, I haven't had any theft issues, everyone seems to be well-behaved. Which isn't to say that people aren't willing to share; they are, but you have to ask first.
as far as theft and griefing... if we find someone doing it, you will lose all your polycount accounts and we are typically vocal about it too. it's happened a few times and once people saw me throwing griefers out of the community, we havent had any more issues
as far as theft and griefing... if we find someone doing it, you will lose all your polycount accounts and we are typically vocal about it too. it's happened a few times and once people saw me throwing griefers out of the community, we havent had any more issues
Bed recovery still isn't working fully Only attempts to set health to full.
GeeDave: Oh man, I hope you're not actually psychic. I do take care when planning routes to make sure that they go nowhere near magma bubbles, though.
Will probably add a little subterranean village down there for the mobs and make use of the space depending on whether I get time to. probably be another update and a map reset by the time I finish it though!
It's a mod which added things like wires and compact gates, machines and more. It can make stuff a lot easier to make and more compact. Of course its not updated yet for 1.3.2
But I can recommend it if you love doing redstone stuff.
And the great thing is that she has split it up, so you don't have to install all, but if you only want the wires, you can do that. I can recommend checking out some videos about RedPower.
I will give you a hand, its always nice turning a mess into something more organised and 'designed' as such.
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, my mom's not gonna make it, so I've been spending most of my time with my folks. I'm still working on the video in the spare time that I have, and I'll get the schematics for the new station design to you guys when it's done. FYI I'd planned on ripping the current station out and putting a two-line station in its place.
Hey man, no need to apologize, besides its just a game.
I'm sorry to hear about your mum. I hope for the best to you and your family and that you guys pull through.
BTW, don't go in the mens room in the food place... they are doing something, well, just strange.
It is just a game, but at the same time, it doesn't feel right falling behind schedule, even if it is my own self-imposed schedule. Thanks for the kind words, too.
Btw the underground settlement is well under way, big thanks to joker for giving it a layer of polish around the upper parts. If anybody wants to join in, that would be great
From above: Joker got this area worked out
Heading down- it's a bit of an obstacle course, so not for the faint hearted!
Gives you some idea of how far down we're going... and that's only about half way!
Now we're on the main staircase, leading to the subterranean settlement. Forgotten for a millennia, found only by chance.
We're now at the doorway to the main hall... looking back outwards
As we pass through the doorway....
I will get some more shots of the settlement itself, it's a bit of a maze at the moment but the thinking behind it is that the dwellers never had much space to work with and digging out caverns took time, so they ended up making do with the limited space they had.
I am hoping to start adding trip wires, spawners, etc so it plays out like an adventure plus also add treasure for those who feel brave to venture deep in to the area.
It would be great if fellow PC minecrafters could help and put their mark on the area, as long as theme wise it fits in, fill your boots!
Username: Fureloka
Here's my attempt at making minecraft blockier.
I think these were the old server, I've not found them recently, so may be pre-reset.
I wish you could place snow in creative, awaiting a flurry is infuriating.
sorry it took a while... real life.. etc etc..
Because that's what's happening
and i updated the whitelist
there isnt many.. its very vanilla... as a normal user you will find a sleep repair mod installed. when you sleep magic happens...
and the map... thats about it.
About that the sleep repair mod is not presently working.
Regarding that, could you place the map link in the first post? Just nice to have everything in one place, so you don't have to look though the 36 pages for it.
Also, I take it there hasn't been much issue with people grabbing all your stuff when offline, right? Or it's time for some vault building I guess, with death know what, there is ALWAYS time for some vault building and death traps.
the bed recovery should be working
as far as theft and griefing... if we find someone doing it, you will lose all your polycount accounts and we are typically vocal about it too. it's happened a few times and once people saw me throwing griefers out of the community, we havent had any more issues
and cookies.. when you kill a zombie it drops cookies instead of dead flesh.
Bed recovery still isn't working fully
oh and for those that asked: my twitter handle is "13throgue"