Looking at doing Haggar right now. I'm super busy lately. I have some ideas brewing though, but I will get into it more later.
BTW Haggar Wears haggar pants and has a big ass mustache! What. is not. to like!
(Damnit, Vega is enticing as well.)
Here is some really quick reference for Mike Haggar.
looking forward to this one.
Shit just got real yo.
I am not going to jump the gun on what exactly I'm going to do, but as the refridgerator shows I'm thinking mostly a classic look. "Prohibition Era Mike Hagger: Mayor of Retro City." Built like a fridge. Mustache. Willing to punch cripples.
Lots of good stuff from the 20's-40's era which is my favorite fashion-era anyways and a pretty good setting for a control-hungry mayor during a time with out much technology.
He's got my vote.
Subscribed, looking forward to this one and hoping you get time to finish.
And there I was thinking I was finally going to be able to see a beefed up mustached fridge...
Nah, sounds great man! Subscribed.
Can't wait to see it!
Don't let me down!
Looking forward to it...
edit: My Wacom tablet is hard booting my machine by shorting it out.. So i'm all mouse today. Gotta do some max stuff. Going to have to order a new wacom fast. to Amazon!
Nothing as satisfying as seeing an all quad model!
Bah. I was thinking up of finish my haggar after dominance war. I was going class final fight though with the long legs. Kind of intimidated now that your doing a version...
"Class final fight" What do you mean?
Thanks guys.
i'm going "stylized" as I originally planned. But that can be 1 million different things though
Yeah he's a truly Iconic character. Supposively one of the most recognizable capcom chars or video game chars or something. Arcade helped that a lot. I played Final Fight in a burger joint. There was only like Final Fight and a Pinball Machine! Quarter to play I think. Final Fight had a way of showing up in the most oddball places.
Some early on stuff. I dont like explaining it. But you can see where i'm going. Hooks in the hat. Chum!! Waders. The list goes on..
Coastal (shallow waters) shark stuff. Haggar piledrives Bull Sharks sharks for practice... if you have not seen the famous awesome image. So its sort of a ~30's shark fishing/piledriving Haggar.
The lower half of his legs may change around. I'll eventually play with that. Get some more "wader" action going on.
I hate showing stuff early.. But its Brawl so. Thats what I got so far.
EDIT: Btw i'm using quite abit of Don Frye reference. At one point he looked quite a bit like him in Zbrush. He looks differnet in ZB vs Max. I think the FOV changes that.
I think stock in ZB is "50"
A fisherman!!! Haha, you're brilliant! You're going to eventually have to make this guy a tug boat... the manliest manly tug boat there ever was.
Only crit is the shoulder belt seems a little too thick, even for these stylized proportions. Probably just wip though. Whatev.
Things are only going to get more ridic. Shoulder belt will probably get thicker in some areas if I can manage it
I've been having a blast working on the shark! I'm a long time fan of sharks. Grew up fishing and have done some Shark Fishing. I grew up reading about sharks and learning about them. When your a kid you really are a sponge... I retained a lot of it. I have a weird knowledge of them I guess. My favorite is the Mako.
Berf.. kinda looks like a coy fish from the bottom... I'll eventually get it though. I want him to have as much character as Haggar does, in the end.
Thing about the Bull Shark. You've probably seen it many times. It lives well in captivity and is commonly seen in aquariums that have sharks. Lots of your favorite sharks just don't live in captivity. They die. But the Bull Shark not only lives in captivity, but it swims upstream, in fresh water, and attacks children!
I learned this when I was a kid, which is jacked up. I was a little kid reading about it and looking at an artists pencil rendition from sharks eye view of a Bull Shark movign in on some kids legs.. They will go upstream. Given their average size and what not and the fact that they do go close to land makes it a good choice for Haggar. (I did'nt chose that.. but its a good choice). Sharks typically are not fond of warm water close to land.
The bull sharks teeth are awsome. They are kinda like the Makos. More of the spiney curl look, not the triangle serrated look. Creepy.
When doing hte shark I tried to keep it as low poly as possible and just pull out some lines and shapes that I thought were good/needed. Then in Zbrush my frist division was with SMT turned off. And then I work at low ddivisions. I do not have to do these things, but I like it. I like getting the geometry quads, but try to get SOME flow in there, so that working low poly feels really nice. I'm a big fan of that. A lot of the things I want come out naturally and easily (with out effort) and also keep me in check. While some of the things like wedging.interlocking the forms on his side near the fin are a little more tricky at lower levels... going against the poly grain. Get things looking solid as low poly and with as simple moves as possible. Then jump up high to higher division to detail and marry things - try not to stay in the middle too much and fuck it up. Thats how i do some things. Might not work for everybody, but figured i'd talk about it. *shrug*
Sharks are easy to talk about like this because they don't have any real pinching geometry like us overly complicated humons.
The thought process you put behind your art is really something to behold.
This is turning out to be 'Guile + M.Bison" quality.
Can't wait to see the next update.
no shit. Cammy needs her own contest.
It is my thread.
I hope I have time.
POWER: Bad ass man! I've never seen your work before and its fuckin awesome. Your entry is looking cool! I don't know how i've missed it until seeing it through your post here. I like your creativity man.
Here is some random inspirational music for anybody who cares: