I'll buy it, watching some of the gameplay videos from the leaked version has made me want to. I liked the first one well enough. Though, i'll probably have to buy it for consoles cause I don't think my poor laptop could handle it.
sorry, but how anyone can come on this forum of all places, and even remotely try to justify the leaking or piracy of computer games is fucking beyond me.
sorry, but how anyone can come on this forum of all places, and even remotely try to justify the leaking or piracy of computer games is fucking beyond me.
Extreamly sorry to hear this Helder and to all the other guys at Crytek. When I read this at work it was just super depressing. So much hard work just to be pirated away. Hopefully the launch still gose well. Im sure it will, been a big fan of Crytek ever since Far Cry and will get this too. Will prob even get 2 copy's, 1 for my PS3 as I like shooters on console more and one PC for the engine which looks sick
Even if games like this were not on the PC it still dosnt mean it wouldnt get pirated. Im sure most people know by now that the PS3 has been hacked and the Xbox has been plauged by pirates for years. It really is a sad state of affairs.
Halo Reach was pirated a month before it went live on Xbox so I know how the guys up at Crytek must feel. It really is a shitty feeling, especially when people on a forum like this are over joyed and brag about pirating it. Just more names to add to the never hire list I guess lol.
But seriously, I hope the launch goes well, the game looks visually stunning!
It really is a shitty feeling, especially when people on a forum like this are over joyed and brag about pirating it. Just more names to add to the never hire list I guess lol.
I honestly hope nobody here has, would be incredibly upsetting.
But seriously, I hope the launch goes well, the game looks visually stunning!
This is sad to hear. I played the demo for the 360 and thought it was amazing.
I'll be buying this for the console as I don't really play PC games.
Other than TF2, and HL2.
thanks for the post ZacD, it looks like the game is amazing even on DX9. I can't wait to play it. If anything, this has increased my anticipation for the game.
My bit: Piracy hurts the industry regardless of good intentions - when 'Big Publisher' see's that x% copies of 'Big Game' are pirated, they don't care about your intentions, they see evidence that the PC is unprofitable and are less inclined to develop for it in the future, and studios loose support.
I think that's part of the problem. Nobody has been able to definitively prove that x number of copies downloaded equates to x*y dollars of lost profit. It also doesn't mean that the PC is unprofitable. It just means that they no longer hold a monopoly on the distribution of the games despite what laws are written. I think it's far worse for Crytek that an inferior, unfinished, and buggy version was leaked instead of the more polished and completed version. It's a mistake for the publishers to assume that there's no profit to be had in the PC market just because they can't be the only one distributing copies of these games. It just means that new and more adaptive models need to be implemented that aren't defeated by the mere fact that copying and sharing is easy. I'm sure there's even a way to take advantage of the fact that people copy and share this stuff (and that doesn't mean threatening to sue everyone).
In the mean time, I think Crytek will bounce back from this when the official release comes out.
How much can I spend on a graphics card and still afford rent.
That's not a question. I've heard it should be faster than Crysis though.... they've got it running on those so-called 'nextgen' consoles that could have never run the first game.
Belias...words just don't do you justice...
Ignore list is awesome btw. lol :P
Certainly shit news for those who worked hard on it however take comfort knowing if the game is looking that good running only DX9 then it will sell like cocaine coated lady bits when people see it running in DX11.
I'm certainly buying it...although I might need to upgrade my video card.
For a unpolished and unfinished game Crysis 2 is looking GREAT! :O
No matter what the outcome of this all is, all those who worked on Crysis 2 (except the bastard who leaked it :poly127:) should be very proud of what they've accomplished.
Provided I have money when it's released on Steam it's a definite buy for me too, otherwise I'll just have to wait for a sale of some sort.
Unfortunate, but not surprising. While I'm against the idea of pirating I can't help but wonder why something being leaked before it's intended release date is still considered shocking. Again, pirating is contemptible, but I personally can't think of anything that can't be pirated or hasn't been leaked early these days, I can't even count the amount of times I've heard of an artists album leaking months in advance.
But even with the leak I have a feeling Crysis 2 will do far better than the first, it certainly won't be stopping me from supporting the franchise. From what I've heard they fixed a great many things game-play wise that held it back in the first, and the multiplayer looks more robust and refined. Couple that with some great visuals (again) and some great sound design and I bet Crysis 2 will do fine.
This is really disgusting, I hope people who download it's pc melts, seriously! Pc games are so cheap nowadays theres almost no excuse for it. As for the leak it could easily be a hacker, I remember hearing some guy doing the same to halo 2, hacking into their server and downloading the whole product. if it's an in house job then it's seriously lame. Being pirated a whole 2 months before release will definitely damage sales, I hope they realise it's not a finished build and end up purchasing the full release but I seriously doubt that when they could get it for nothing aswell. Im 100% buying this for ps3 on release, hopefully the console releases sell well and cushion the blow somewhat. I know it was going to get pirated anyway like everything else out there but its so early that it's sure to cause problems. It's like the wolverine workprint leak all over again. Piracy had a huge effect on that films final profits.
We should have a thread of shame to name all the pirates on these boards, how you can make games and support piracy is beyond me.
Just pre-ordered at a bargain £26.99, for the limited edition!
For me, getting a game on release day adds to the excitement of the product so i am more than happy to wait for March 25th and then spend xx hrs playing it through to completion
As for the DRM Master Key, I don't know much about that sort of thing. Is it possible that they could just make a new one?
For me, getting a game on release day adds to the excitement of the product so i am more than happy to wait for March 25th and then spend xx hrs playing it through to completion
Yes! There's something nice about preloading a game and franticly waiting for it to unlock, then spending all night barreling through it.
I was gonna grab it anyway, regardless, if not just for the technical show case. Crysis 1 was one of those games I hated for years, it was basic, boring, totally pointless, until I got a rig that could play it all maxed out smooth all the time. Then I sat down with the SP, and was so hooked I had to beat Warheard right after. I ended up beating Warhead in two sittings.
If Crysis 2 single player is anything even close to what fun the first gave me, it will be epic... I just hope they haven't ripped off COD too much...
When you take a step back and look at this situation it's not actually the huge deal that you might immediately think. In reality the vast majority of people who would download a leaked version to play a game early/without paying for it are the same people who will sit refreshing torrent sites waiting for the first working cracks and download it illegally anyway. The only "business" that crtyek will lose from this are just those who aren't going to pay for it anyway. If anything it's more free publicity for those that will pay
That said, it's still a shitty turn of events. Now i have to try even HARDER to avoid spoilers before it's released!
And for the people out there saying that it will make them more likely to ignore PC, really? Do you really think they would be satisfied with the resources that a console gives them, to create awesome looking games? I doubt it. Its the PC that pushes the envelope.
And for the people out there saying that it will make them more likely to ignore PC, really? Do you really think they would be satisfied with the resources that a console gives them, to create awesome looking games? I doubt it. Its the PC that pushes the envelope.
Look at stuff like GOW though. Epic, didnt release GOW 2 on PC because of the apparently massive rates of piracy on GOW, so its always an option unfortunately.
Here is hoping they don't can PC as a platform to play on.
Dayum that video looks nice. Gameplay and design wise it looks like such a leap especially when you look at the difference between Killzone 2 and 3. Will the PS3 version have graphics on par with the DX11 PC version does anyone know? Cause I only have a 2 year old laptop Those deals on amazon look nice andy, thanks for the link; even the PS3 version is reduced. But I would just worry that it wouldn't arrive on the release day then I'd be the whole weekend without it I'm gonna shell out for an eagle eye converter for my PS3 because of all the shooters coming out for it this year, does anyone know where I can get it for the cheapest amount? Its kinda pricey.
And for the people out there saying that it will make them more likely to ignore PC, really? Do you really think they would be satisfied with the resources that a console gives them, to create awesome looking games? I doubt it. Its the PC that pushes the envelope.
yeah but at which cost? how large is the pc market compared to the console market? it doesn't help your company to push the envelope if there is just no big enough target audience to refinance the development costs - and i somewhat doubt even though crytek is pretty stable because of their military deals, that they keep at it just for the joy of pushing the envelope without any pay back.
Look at stuff like GOW though. Epic, didnt release GOW 2 on PC because of the apparently massive rates of piracy on GOW, so its always an option unfortunately.
Here is hoping they don't can PC as a platform to play on.
I think Microsoft's wallet was more the decision to keep it exclusive to the 360, rather than claiming the ole piracy route. Bulletstorm's coming to PC so why the sudden change of heart from Epic?
Do you believe crytek has the financial power to maintain 6 studios around the world for years with either the massive sales of crysis 1 or the cryengine? How many game studios are there to use the cryengine? How often did Crysis or maybe Farcry sell to support hundreds of people over quite some time? The engine market for games is in Epics hand, the unreal engine is everywhere.
On the other hand Crytek since years licensed its engine to serious games productions - like arch vis fo instance but a lot of these are training programs for military clients, like the german or the us army, heck they even have a 7th studio in orlando just to deal with the us military needs.
This is really disgusting, I hope people who download it's pc melts, seriously! Pc games are so cheap nowadays theres almost no excuse for it. As for the leak it could easily be a hacker, I remember hearing some guy doing the same to halo 2, hacking into their server and downloading the whole product. if it's an in house job then it's seriously lame. Being pirated a whole 2 months before release will definitely damage sales, I hope they realise it's not a finished build and end up purchasing the full release but I seriously doubt that when they could get it for nothing aswell. Im 100% buying this for ps3 on release, hopefully the console releases sell well and cushion the blow somewhat. I know it was going to get pirated anyway like everything else out there but its so early that it's sure to cause problems. It's like the wolverine workprint leak all over again. Piracy had a huge effect on that films final profits.
We should have a thread of shame to name all the pirates on these boards, how you can make games and support piracy is beyond me.
Wolverine was a poor film in general. That's what hurt its performance in the box office. It was just bad. It broke canon, it had an inconsistent story, and it took many liberties with the characters that just made them really suck.
As far as the Crysis 2 leak, I think you're making a huge unsubstantiated assumption that this will damage sales. You have no way of knowing how sales would perform had this not been leaked, so how can you definitively claim that it will be less than that? Your crystal ball be cloudy me thinks. I think the old saying applies, "There's no such thing as bad publicity". The fact that the game is getting around and people are seeing what an unfinished copy looks like, stirs a lot of buzz about it. Good or bad comments don't matter as much as the fact that it is getting talked about. A hotly discussed game is a game that will stay in the minds of the prospective customer longer than one that wasn't surrounded with as much controversy, or is the popularity of People Magazine a farce? I'd prefer to wait to see how it pans out before I pass any judgment on how this affects Crytek financially.
If you want a list of "pirates" on the board, why don't we also have a list of people who work for companies that treat their paying customers like criminals too? Can you honestly claim that you have never in your life downloaded a song, movie, book, image or game that you didn't pay for? Hell, the laws make it illegal for you to break the encryption on a DVD so you can make a copy for your own personal use, which is protected under your fair use rights. Try to make a copy of your legally purchased movies and you automatically become a criminal. Help others do it and your a criminal as well.
You can't just pile all of the blame on people that just happen to be on the other side of the law. They may be breaking the law, but that doesn't mean they are 100% wrong. Back in the early 1800's, it was illegal to aid and abed run-away slaves. Were those people wrong to help blacks escape? The law was intended to protect publishers from other publishers, because at the time, publishers were the only ones who had the power of distribution. Now individuals have it too and the law just doesn't fit the social organism that is the internet.
I think depending one what Crytek does because of this will indicate whether they are business people or emotional reflexive children.
They will if they are business people have estimates(good estimates) of how many units they will likely sell for the pc, they will also have data for how many they need to make a profit all kinds of stuff like that. If they make any profit(a reasonable good profit), then they have to be stupid or angry petulant children to stop releasing games for the pc.
Fuck I wasn't planning on buy till I just saw that...My god...We got the engine too right?.. Thats just beautiful. We need to buy this game if we want quality things like this to keep being produced!
Cross posting this from mapcore, since I feel like some trolls are around here as well:
What does this Leak mean to the regular employee?
We don't get to show our stuff in the best shape - not to go into detail but I've seen alot of content that is out of date in this build.
In the up to three years some of us have spent with the project this is not just the next game we ship, it's our portfolio, our sweat, our blood, our pride, our sleepless nights, our days not spend with family or friends, our shifted vacations, our 3am in the morning chicken nugget in front of the screen sessions, our fights for certain features.
After spending so much time on this, it should be up to us to decide when the public gets to see it and in what shape. As a customer, tempted by a pirated leak, please bring the patience and wait for our delivery. Customers have a responsibility and a code of conduct as well. For each developer "grunt" it's a special relationship with every gamer out there, and just like in every relationship you should respect and wait for the other and not abuse his weakness and take advantage.
Financially it means that our current Project might sell less copies. - I've read a good hundred posts these days of people who state they preordered the game now and it makes me feel good that these people could be convinced to buy the game.
On the other hand there's enough people who will refuse to pay for what they can get for free and even worse, people who start bitching about the quality of the build and project it on the finished product. Less copies means less income for everyone who stays for the next project, since the bonuses are based on sales. By pirating the game and seeding on a torrent (therefore helping others to pirate it) you cut a few seconds of the next vacation of someones family inside the company, a slice from someones bread for dinner, a few bricks out of a house someone is building.
Future wise - even if you buy the full game in the end, as long as the big bosses at the publishers see the amount of pirated copies they will more likely cut fundings for other projects all across the industry. It will be harder for everyone to find a new job that is financially secure and it will keep shareholders from investing into new projects and companies.
Sure, "XBox games can be leaked and pirated as well" is what everyone says. Truth is, it's much harder, thanks to new Disc-Formats, new Console Cycles etc.. So apart from general distrust in the industry, the PC will be seen as it's worst part.
Motivation loss. Especially comments like Seldoon's
"Hey idiots, you couldn't even keep your game safe" or
"It's not our fault you put it on the internet for free" or
"Oh, guess this is their newest PR trick" and
"This is how they baild out of PC Market".
Because someone in a 500+ people production leaked the game (or even a hacker or whatever), we get blamed all together by our customers.
And especially if people here or on polycount do this it's disappointing. One would expect everyone around here knows how much work this is and all of the above reasons. Obviously we take it personal here if someone gives us shit or tries to justify piracy.
One more point: People claiming we deserve this/it just happened because we didn't deliver the PC-Demo yet. This is totally bullshit - obviously we want to give everyone a fair look at the game, but it's up to us to deliver a sneak-peak at the point where we feel like it. Getting a demo at the time where you feel like it is not a birth-given right.
it's terrible to hear about this. My heart goes out to all who worked on the game. If anyone's looking for a positive in all of this though, you can really get a sense of how many people actually appreciate all the hard work you guys have put into the project.
Just check out the comments section of the Youtube vid ZacD linked. The top-rated comments are all condemning the piracy and/or pledging to purchase a legit copy in response to it. I wish all involved the best of luck and awesome profits.
Wolverine was a poor film in general. That's what hurt its performance in the box office. It was just bad. It broke canon, it had an inconsistent story, and it took many liberties with the characters that just made them really suck.
As far as the Crysis 2 leak, I think you're making a huge unsubstantiated assumption that this will damage sales. You have no way of knowing how sales would perform had this not been leaked, so how can you definitively claim that it will be less than that? Your crystal ball be cloudy me thinks. I think the old saying applies, "There's no such thing as bad publicity". The fact that the game is getting around and people are seeing what an unfinished copy looks like, stirs a lot of buzz about it. Good or bad comments don't matter as much as the fact that it is getting talked about. A hotly discussed game is a game that will stay in the minds of the prospective customer longer than one that wasn't surrounded with as much controversy, or is the popularity of People Magazine a farce? I'd prefer to wait to see how it pans out before I pass any judgment on how this affects Crytek financially.
If you want a list of "pirates" on the board, why don't we also have a list of people who work for companies that treat their paying customers like criminals too? Can you honestly claim that you have never in your life downloaded a song, movie, book, image or game that you didn't pay for? Hell, the laws make it illegal for you to break the encryption on a DVD so you can make a copy for your own personal use, which is protected under your fair use rights. Try to make a copy of your legally purchased movies and you automatically become a criminal. Help others do it and your a criminal as well.
You can't just pile all of the blame on people that just happen to be on the other side of the law. They may be breaking the law, but that doesn't mean they are 100% wrong. Back in the early 1800's, it was illegal to aid and abed run-away slaves. Were those people wrong to help blacks escape? The law was intended to protect publishers from other publishers, because at the time, publishers were the only ones who had the power of distribution. Now individuals have it too and the law just doesn't fit the social organism that is the internet.
Yea, I agree over the schrodingers cat side. nobody can guarantee the outcome without the act taking place, without opening the box to see if the cats still alive, but I thought it common sense in this case. If people get it for free and hand it out to friends for nothing then they arent going to the cinema are they? people that were on the fence of seeing it would double take and rather bootleg it to save money. It was a bad film but that has nothing to do with piracy taking out a huge amount of their sales. If the pirated version wasnt there, then alot more people would have gone to the cinema to see it for themselves, common sense. Fox openly admit that they lost an estimated $28 mil due to piracy on that alone, thats not pocket change, thats whats screwing over hundreds of film studios and production houses. Its way MGM cant afford to budget their own films now.
I think you gotta be stupid to believe that people have never done something illegal or downloaded something they shouldnt in this day and age. But it wasnt the point I was making at all, the point was why would someone publically say that they pirate games on a forum that is populated by industry peeps that FUCKING hate piracy!!!! its common sense gone wrong again. Its like you going to a policeman and saying 'hey, I stole this car.' Only difference is you would be in jail for that. And dont say piracy isnt stealing just because its not in physical form cos thats BS too. people get black listed for being idiots all the time and just seems like shooting yourself in the face, would I hire someone who openly pirates? no, because they dont respect and support the industry that they so call love and are part of the problem.
The thread of shame was only a joke, the british wit seems wasted on you unfortunately
Anyway, not arguing about piracy anymore, as people know where I stand. Good luck crytek, the pre orders being made is a good sign and I hope it doesnt affect sales too much.
After playing the 360 demo for a while and watching various footage from the leaked build, I really want to learn more about the people behind the project. Is Cevat Yerli (funder) a visual guy too ? There is an awesome quality to the lighting in all the maps, that cannot come just from the engine. It looks extremely well ADed, with a great consistency to everything - not something I noticed in the first one (but I didn't play much of it so maybe I missed on some cool parts)
Now obviously I am not saying that the leak is a good thing (since to an investor mind, one pirated copy = one lost sale = less $$$) - but it makes me question to relevance of movie-like "Be the weapons" trailers. Maybe game companies should simply offer video sneak peaks of intense multiplayer matches instead of having marketing insist on making an 'awesome' trailer...
Agreed with Pior, I had no interest in Crysis 2 before this leak came out and made me aware of the very very good looking graphics... Might have to invest in it and starve for a few days
They may be breaking the law, but that doesn't mean they are 100% wrong. Back in the early 1800's, it was illegal to aid and abed run-away slaves. Were those people wrong to help blacks escape? The law was intended to protect publishers from other publishers, because at the time, publishers were the only ones who had the power of distribution. Now individuals have it too and the law just doesn't fit the social organism that is the internet.
What the ** are you on about, just ** up right now, are you kidding me?! This is the comparison you are making?
edited: sorry I need to calm down. I get your point - Copyright law wasn't written for todays copyright issues, I agree it's woefully inept and does more damage than good. But you worded yourself like pirates are some kind of internet heroes! I'm pretty sure even Cory Doctrow would agree this leak is a very bad side of piracy, and not one we want to encourage or celebrate.
should be a bannable offence or something.
Yeah I pirated it.
Yeah I'm playing it right now.
Yeah I'm awesome... :poly114:
Even if games like this were not on the PC it still dosnt mean it wouldnt get pirated. Im sure most people know by now that the PS3 has been hacked and the Xbox has been plauged by pirates for years. It really is a sad state of affairs.
Halo Reach was pirated a month before it went live on Xbox so I know how the guys up at Crytek must feel. It really is a shitty feeling, especially when people on a forum like this are over joyed and brag about pirating it. Just more names to add to the never hire list I guess lol.
But seriously, I hope the launch goes well, the game looks visually stunning!
I honestly hope nobody here has, would be incredibly upsetting.
This is sad to hear. I played the demo for the 360 and thought it was amazing.
I'll be buying this for the console as I don't really play PC games.
Other than TF2, and HL2.
sucks you guys have to deal with this bullshit
that's probably the most visually impressive game i've seen in a LONG time. +1 purchase on launch day from me!
I think that's part of the problem. Nobody has been able to definitively prove that x number of copies downloaded equates to x*y dollars of lost profit. It also doesn't mean that the PC is unprofitable. It just means that they no longer hold a monopoly on the distribution of the games despite what laws are written. I think it's far worse for Crytek that an inferior, unfinished, and buggy version was leaked instead of the more polished and completed version. It's a mistake for the publishers to assume that there's no profit to be had in the PC market just because they can't be the only one distributing copies of these games. It just means that new and more adaptive models need to be implemented that aren't defeated by the mere fact that copying and sharing is easy. I'm sure there's even a way to take advantage of the fact that people copy and share this stuff (and that doesn't mean threatening to sue everyone).
In the mean time, I think Crytek will bounce back from this when the official release comes out.
That's not a question. I've heard it should be faster than Crysis though.... they've got it running on those so-called 'nextgen' consoles that could have never run the first game.
Ignore list is awesome btw. lol :P
Certainly shit news for those who worked hard on it however take comfort knowing if the game is looking that good running only DX9 then it will sell like cocaine coated lady bits when people see it running in DX11.
I'm certainly buying it...although I might need to upgrade my video card.
No matter what the outcome of this all is, all those who worked on Crysis 2 (except the bastard who leaked it :poly127:) should be very proud of what they've accomplished.
Provided I have money when it's released on Steam it's a definite buy for me too, otherwise I'll just have to wait for a sale of some sort.
But even with the leak I have a feeling Crysis 2 will do far better than the first, it certainly won't be stopping me from supporting the franchise. From what I've heard they fixed a great many things game-play wise that held it back in the first, and the multiplayer looks more robust and refined. Couple that with some great visuals (again) and some great sound design and I bet Crysis 2 will do fine.
We should have a thread of shame to name all the pirates on these boards, how you can make games and support piracy is beyond me.
For me, getting a game on release day adds to the excitement of the product so i am more than happy to wait for March 25th and then spend xx hrs playing it through to completion
As for the DRM Master Key, I don't know much about that sort of thing. Is it possible that they could just make a new one?
Yes! There's something nice about preloading a game and franticly waiting for it to unlock, then spending all night barreling through it.
Amazon ftw
I would have got it from play but, i never seem to get stuff delivered for release day with them
If Crysis 2 single player is anything even close to what fun the first gave me, it will be epic... I just hope they haven't ripped off COD too much...
That said, it's still a shitty turn of events. Now i have to try even HARDER to avoid spoilers before it's released!
Look at stuff like GOW though. Epic, didnt release GOW 2 on PC because of the apparently massive rates of piracy on GOW, so its always an option unfortunately.
Here is hoping they don't can PC as a platform to play on.
yeah but at which cost? how large is the pc market compared to the console market? it doesn't help your company to push the envelope if there is just no big enough target audience to refinance the development costs - and i somewhat doubt even though crytek is pretty stable because of their military deals, that they keep at it just for the joy of pushing the envelope without any pay back.
I think Microsoft's wallet was more the decision to keep it exclusive to the 360, rather than claiming the ole piracy route. Bulletstorm's coming to PC so why the sudden change of heart from Epic?
Oh yeah, someone else mentioned this in another forum - I didn't know either but apparently Crytek make alot of contracted Military Sims?
Do you believe crytek has the financial power to maintain 6 studios around the world for years with either the massive sales of crysis 1 or the cryengine? How many game studios are there to use the cryengine? How often did Crysis or maybe Farcry sell to support hundreds of people over quite some time? The engine market for games is in Epics hand, the unreal engine is everywhere.
On the other hand Crytek since years licensed its engine to serious games productions - like arch vis fo instance but a lot of these are training programs for military clients, like the german or the us army, heck they even have a 7th studio in orlando just to deal with the us military needs.
Cool! I always wondered how they stayed up and running. Never felt like looking into it though.
Wolverine was a poor film in general. That's what hurt its performance in the box office. It was just bad. It broke canon, it had an inconsistent story, and it took many liberties with the characters that just made them really suck.
As far as the Crysis 2 leak, I think you're making a huge unsubstantiated assumption that this will damage sales. You have no way of knowing how sales would perform had this not been leaked, so how can you definitively claim that it will be less than that? Your crystal ball be cloudy me thinks. I think the old saying applies, "There's no such thing as bad publicity". The fact that the game is getting around and people are seeing what an unfinished copy looks like, stirs a lot of buzz about it. Good or bad comments don't matter as much as the fact that it is getting talked about. A hotly discussed game is a game that will stay in the minds of the prospective customer longer than one that wasn't surrounded with as much controversy, or is the popularity of People Magazine a farce? I'd prefer to wait to see how it pans out before I pass any judgment on how this affects Crytek financially.
If you want a list of "pirates" on the board, why don't we also have a list of people who work for companies that treat their paying customers like criminals too? Can you honestly claim that you have never in your life downloaded a song, movie, book, image or game that you didn't pay for? Hell, the laws make it illegal for you to break the encryption on a DVD so you can make a copy for your own personal use, which is protected under your fair use rights. Try to make a copy of your legally purchased movies and you automatically become a criminal. Help others do it and your a criminal as well.
You can't just pile all of the blame on people that just happen to be on the other side of the law. They may be breaking the law, but that doesn't mean they are 100% wrong. Back in the early 1800's, it was illegal to aid and abed run-away slaves. Were those people wrong to help blacks escape? The law was intended to protect publishers from other publishers, because at the time, publishers were the only ones who had the power of distribution. Now individuals have it too and the law just doesn't fit the social organism that is the internet.
They will if they are business people have estimates(good estimates) of how many units they will likely sell for the pc, they will also have data for how many they need to make a profit all kinds of stuff like that. If they make any profit(a reasonable good profit), then they have to be stupid or angry petulant children to stop releasing games for the pc.
I seriously had no idea of how good it would look. :thumbup:
Didn't like the two first but this game is a buy!
Sucks that it leaked and I hope that it wont critically affect the pc sales :poly141:
Fuck I wasn't planning on buy till I just saw that...My god...We got the engine too right?.. Thats just beautiful. We need to buy this game if we want quality things like this to keep being produced!
Just check out the comments section of the Youtube vid ZacD linked. The top-rated comments are all condemning the piracy and/or pledging to purchase a legit copy in response to it. I wish all involved the best of luck and awesome profits.
Yea, I agree over the schrodingers cat side. nobody can guarantee the outcome without the act taking place, without opening the box to see if the cats still alive, but I thought it common sense in this case. If people get it for free and hand it out to friends for nothing then they arent going to the cinema are they? people that were on the fence of seeing it would double take and rather bootleg it to save money. It was a bad film but that has nothing to do with piracy taking out a huge amount of their sales. If the pirated version wasnt there, then alot more people would have gone to the cinema to see it for themselves, common sense. Fox openly admit that they lost an estimated $28 mil due to piracy on that alone, thats not pocket change, thats whats screwing over hundreds of film studios and production houses. Its way MGM cant afford to budget their own films now.
I think you gotta be stupid to believe that people have never done something illegal or downloaded something they shouldnt in this day and age. But it wasnt the point I was making at all, the point was why would someone publically say that they pirate games on a forum that is populated by industry peeps that FUCKING hate piracy!!!! its common sense gone wrong again. Its like you going to a policeman and saying 'hey, I stole this car.' Only difference is you would be in jail for that. And dont say piracy isnt stealing just because its not in physical form cos thats BS too. people get black listed for being idiots all the time and just seems like shooting yourself in the face, would I hire someone who openly pirates? no, because they dont respect and support the industry that they so call love and are part of the problem.
The thread of shame was only a joke, the british wit seems wasted on you unfortunately
Anyway, not arguing about piracy anymore, as people know where I stand. Good luck crytek, the pre orders being made is a good sign and I hope it doesnt affect sales too much.
So yeah...:poly141:
Oh Mime, thats interesting - there's another article up there about how Crysis2 is gathering quite a bit of interest thanks to the leaked build.
Now obviously I am not saying that the leak is a good thing (since to an investor mind, one pirated copy = one lost sale = less $$$) - but it makes me question to relevance of movie-like "Be the weapons" trailers. Maybe game companies should simply offer video sneak peaks of intense multiplayer matches instead of having marketing insist on making an 'awesome' trailer...
Well.. why would this leak affect sales?
Think about it.. what is the diference in pirating the game before release or after release?
It's the same. Like someone has told before, a guy that is gonna pirate the game, will do it, before or after.
If a game is awesome enough, it will draw people attention to it, and he will buy it. If it doesn't, then he wont.
Anywho... Crytek will be just fine.
I mean.. 3dsmax and other 3d software is pirated all the time.. and they are still arround
What the ** are you on about, just ** up right now, are you kidding me?! This is the comparison you are making?
edited: sorry I need to calm down. I get your point - Copyright law wasn't written for todays copyright issues, I agree it's woefully inept and does more damage than good. But you worded yourself like pirates are some kind of internet heroes! I'm pretty sure even Cory Doctrow would agree this leak is a very bad side of piracy, and not one we want to encourage or celebrate.
Spot on , that's one hell of a broken comparison.
This is a shame for crytek, I know a lot of you guys worked damn hard on it to see it get leaked in an unfinished form.