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Crysis 2 leaked in its entirety. ffs.



  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah if the industry was thriving and studios weren't closing every other week I'd have a different view on this situation, its very bad news for the studio, who knows if they can take a heavy hit like this, crytek has done an amazing job at pushing other studios to improve their graphics, it'd sad to see low pc sales on this game.
  • Ben Apuna
    This sucks for so many reasons :(

    Hopefully Crytek isn't damaged too much by this. It will be very sad if they give up on PC development.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I really hope they dont give up on PC development, since this leak was done internally.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    Your right. I believe I should apologize since some of my words were misinterpreted by all and I feel clarifying wouldnt do justice. Sorry guys for what its worth.:(

    Your words weren't misinterpreted, you practically said "OH YAY NOW I CAN DOWNLOAD IT"
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    It was always going to get pirated it. Early or not. Those who were going to bootleg it, are going to bootleg it. Those who always planned on buying it, are still going to buy it.

    Move along, nothing to see here.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    great. another reason for crytek to leave the PC market.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    It was always going to get pirated it. Early or not. Those who were going to bootleg it, are going to bootleg it. Those who always planned on buying it, are still going to buy it.

    Move along, nothing to see here.
    Common misconception there that "those who were going to buy it would always buy it" etc. This is people getting a taste of the game before it's release. This is an unfinished version of the game in the hands of the masses. Word of mouth is powerful, loud gamers are often ignorant, they will treat this like the full version, get angry at bugs/missing features and tell their circle of dumb friends not to get this "stupid buggy crappy "consolified" game"

    Crytek will loose a lot of sales for this, there is no denying it.
  • N3KTYR
  • thatnumpty
    Of course 99.9% people who download this will not buy a retail copy and thats wrong but its not my point.

    not really, it could have been someone working where the discs are being pressed. another forum i frequent is full of shitheads who pirate console games and they get them early most of the time.
  • 00Zero
    ooph. man. thats horrible. i would feel so fucking bummed if that happened to a project i was working on.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17

    I can dig what you're saying, there's an old saying, "never show a fool half a job".
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    It was always going to get pirated it. Early or not. Those who were going to bootleg it, are going to bootleg it. Those who always planned on buying it, are still going to buy it.

    Move along, nothing to see here.

    This is entirely different.

    This isn't a pirated released game. These are leaked source files, the SP & MP game, the master auth keys and the game editor - All 48 days before release, giving any keygen makers and .EXE crackers a massive headstart before Crytek have even released it. The build that is leaked is so close to release that it's pretty much a finished product. It's supposed to run, and look, great :\
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    That certainly sounds worse, but....not really. Do these crack teams really need 48 days to find a workaround? Seems to me like that shit is all over the web almost immediately after a game comes out. I don't know enough about any of that to really say, but it seems to me like a few weeks or days doesn't really matter in the long run.

    Either way, the real losers are legal PC gamers.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    maybe if they released a demo on PC (like they did on xbox) earlier, then there would have been less demand for a stolen copy? what do you guys think.

    I truly think that there would be less piracy if demo's were made available to PC gamers.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Crytek wont start ignoring the PC because of this, they make a good chunk of their income from simulation type work last I heard. And the fact that its an incomplete build will mean it shouldn't dig too deep into the retail sales, as least not as much as it would have if it was a gold build.
  • xk0be
    Skamberin wrote: »
    If the idiots that download this take it for the full game and start blasting around to the lowest common denominator fanclub that the game looks "crap" and "plays like shit and is super buggy" and presents footage from the build as proof? You might have a bunch of people cancelling their preorders. This WILL damage Crysis 2 sales nomatter what anyone might think.

    The entitlement gamer of today would play an alpha and be super angry that the game is so buggy and sucks, and cancel his preorder after spending weeks blasting shit on the official forums :|

    Stupid people are horribly vocal, and at least in regards to gamers, the majority :/

    To be honest, it kind of disappoints me and says a lot about most videogames now that your mind goes to people will tell others how bad it is, leading to worse sales. Are you saying that you'd prefer no one discussing it, keeping it under wraps until everyone buys it and have them realize its not a good game?

    I actually don't know if its bad, I didn't like the beta and I don't have any modded consoles or w/e to dl it, but it was just a little funny to see where your mind went. Oh no, they'll know its bad before they pay!

    I heard the marvel vs capcom 3 game was leaked as well, like some others have said I really don't understand how this happens.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Well I'm sure the designers got paid already, then they leaked it... because they already got paid.

    Its still funny how most people here instantly go into a state of "supr furious" while they have probably pirated something or another in their life.

    It was going to get pirated anyway, it's just like an early release really. Every game out there gets pirated these days.

    XBOX already has pirated games, and PS3 does as well (it's a bit tougher).

    Yes it's sad people are loosing jobs and businesses are closing down, but what do you expect? People work in a field where their knowledge can't do much to help a world in crisis. If there is a global disaster the fact that someone can make a good looking 3d model wont help. Anyways... always good to have a plan 2, our current world is only going down and down while we make it seem like it's better than ever. [I could have put that worst that it seems (doesn't do that much to help or advance society in need, blah, blah, blah) but you guys know what I'm talking about].
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    xk0be wrote: »
    To be honest, it kind of disappoints me and says a lot about most videogames now that your mind goes to people will tell others how bad it is, leading to worse sales. Are you saying that you'd prefer no one discussing it, keeping it under wraps until everyone buys it and have them realize its not a good game?

    I actually don't know if its bad, I didn't like the beta and I don't have any modded consoles or w/e to dl it, but it was just a little funny to see where your mind went. Oh no, they'll know its bad before they pay!

    I heard the marvel vs capcom 3 game was leaked as well, like some others have said I really don't understand how this happens.

    This has nothing at all to do with the content of the finished game. This is about people judging the full game based on the unfinished dev build and presenting that as "proof" that the game is bad.

    It's like stealing a barely put together car and when it breaks down tell everyone you know how shitty the car is.

    I would prefer the ignorant gamer (and all other gamers) to keep their mouth shut until they play an official release from the people that made it, because then they could base their opinion on something the devs actually felt like giving out, instead of something unfinished.
    Well I'm sure the designers got paid already, then they leaked it... because they already got paid.

    Its still funny how most people here instantly go into a state of "supr furious" while they have probably pirated something or another in their life.

    It was going to get pirated anyway, it's just like an early release really. Every game out there gets pirated these days.

    Read the rest of the thread Xeno, this isn't a simple "copy" that has been leaked, this is far worse.

    As for people who have pirated before being angry about this: People can't change now? Everyone ever has pirated something, that doesn't mean they should accept piracy when they stop doing it.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah, this kinda sucks to hear/read. I know those guys have been working hard and to have some assclown put it out like this is pretty sucky.

    Doesnt change a thing for me though. I still intend on purchasing the steam or maybe PC retail release whenever that happens!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Not really sure if this changes anything.

    When the game gets released it'll get pirated that day anyways.

    I bought Crysis first day (even though I didn't have a computer that could run it).

    I really think game devs need to stop making single player games. Private servers are the only way to stop piracy.
  • Turbosmooth Operator
    roosterMAP wrote: »
    maybe if they released a demo on PC (like they did on xbox) earlier, then there would have been less demand for a stolen copy? what do you guys think.

    I truly think that there would be less piracy if demo's were made available to PC gamers.
    I know I've pirated titles that didn't provide demos. If I liked it, I purchased it. If not, I deleted it.

    Wrong or not in other people's eyes, not really concerned.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Well, visited the Gametrailers forums.. People are already blasting the game for its visuals and blaming Crytek for selling out to consoles because they can't get above dx9, fully discussing design and comparing it to existing games.

    They steal an unfinished copy of the game, play it, get angry about it being unfinished and starts giving the developer shit for it. Giving the game a bad reputation, getting people to cancel their pre-order and decide to not buy the game at all.

    Someone really needs to beat these fucking kids with a brick. The arrogance here is fucking unnatural and is infuriating to no end. If this were to happen to something I worked I'd rage for days.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Well..gametrailers hasn't always been known to have intelligent users :P
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Entity wrote: »
    Well..gametrailers hasn't always been known to have intelligent users :P
    True, but they and sites like theirs, such as IGN and Gamespot, represent a pretty large part of gamers :/
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    I really think game devs need to stop making single player games. Private servers are the only way to stop piracy.

    ...seriously? That's like saying they should stop making cars and everyone should just ride buses/trains instead, sense only cars get stolen.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    There has to be a way to monetize the file sharing of PC games that makes everyone happy, so shit like this doesn't make it bad for the developers and the fans. I guess what I'm saying is, what can we offer that's better than what the infringers offer? What incentive will get people to pay and not treat them like criminals? If you know a person's incentives, you can guess what they will do. I guess there will always be those that get their jollies by pulling stunts like this, but they don't really matter to devs. I really want to find a way that gets the developers paid and gives the fans their beloved games. Shame on those that leaked a sub-par, unfinished version that only serves to hurt Crytek's reputation. At least if they waited until the official release was out, those sharing it around would be at least giving publicity to the game. This just makes the team look bad.
  • Arcanox
    Pirates will be pirates. They'll crack and tear down any sort of protection that you try to embed into your software.

    What you have to offer instead is something akin to Xbox Live where all of the online functions, patching, and user interaction are handled behind one unified platform. If you try to pirate software, then you exclude yourselves from the full benefits of the game.

    I realize Steam is pretty much the same thing, but it's a little disappointing how some publishers refuse to associate themselves with that platform. Personally, if the industry really wants to tackle piracy on a grand scale, they actually have to work together rather than resorting to all sorts of authentication that takes most pirates a few hours to circumvent.
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    that raises a question, at least for me, does a dev make more $ from things like steam with no need for a physical copy, i would think so but i may be wrong.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    that raises a question, at least for me, does a dev make more $ from things like steam with no need for a physical copy, i would think so but i may be wrong.

    If the product is self-published.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    how much of a cut does steam take, hosting and having downloads for 8 gig games isn't cheap.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    sad news is sad :(

    also where is that ignore feature?
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Not really sure if this changes anything.

    When the game gets released it'll get pirated that day anyways.

    I bought Crysis first day (even though I didn't have a computer that could run it).

    I really think game devs need to stop making single player games. Private servers are the only way to stop piracy.

    ~ OBJECTION! Jacque I barely play games, but when I do all I want to do is play single player titles. Beginning - Middle - End. Just like the old classics like Mario, and Sonic :(
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    Your right. I believe I should apologize since some of my words were misinterpreted by all and I feel clarifying wouldnt do justice. Sorry guys for what its worth.:(

    it's worth fuck all.
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Dreamer wrote: »
    ~ OBJECTION! Jacque I barely play games, but when I do all I want to do is play single player titles. Beginning - Middle - End. Just like the old classics like Mario, and Sonic :(

    did you play the latest sonic on ps3? they raped the heart out of it :(

    @topic: manuel give your copy back, seriously man - not nice to give it away ;)

    man this really sucks, it would have been priated anyways but at least in the final version
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    Neox wrote: »
    did you play the latest sonic on ps3? they raped the heart out of it :(

  • MattBradley
    I work at Crytek UK. This is bad news for all of us :(
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Just wanted to say I feel sorry. I hope Crytek goes unaffected. You guys are doing an amazing job.

    There are very little non-pirated games where I live, because no one in their sane minds would do business here. And even if someone imports original games they are inappropriately expensive for the level of life here.
    But if I see Crysis 2 I'll buy it, just to express my solidarity.
    Keep rocking, Crytek!
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    I really hope that they get the shithead who released it and beat the shit out of him.
    Every real pc gamer should buy a game he likes.
    There are enough legal ways to play it like demos or video rental stores(don´t know if thats the right word for it).

    Hopefully there will be many people who don´t download this version and wait for the real release.It´s just plain unfair for developers if you really enjoy gaming on pc.
    It´s like shooting your best friend in the back.
  • Belias
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    Belias polycounter lvl 14
    I think the company leaked it to create some buzz & advertisement.
    ps: i hate FPS games, they are boring.
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    No company would be so freakin stupid to leak a nearly finished game with a masterkey just for buzz&advertisement.
    They spent money and time for it and that way they wouldn´t get it back.It will most likely decrease the numbers of people who would buy it for numerous reasons.

    PS:You are not the center of the world you know?There are many people who enjoy playing fps games and regardless of that, like i said it´s a hell lot of work, so please don´t talk like that because you don´t like that specifi genre, that´s not nice.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Belias wrote: »
    I think the company leaked it to create some buzz & advertisement.
    ps: i hate FPS games, they are boring.

    Why in the would any company release an unfinished game with the DRM master keys, no dx 11 and full SP and MP capability to the world as a publicity stunt?
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    Belias wrote: »
    I think the company leaked it to create some buzz & advertisement.
    ps: i hate FPS games, they are boring.

    nice to see well informed and mature responses
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    Rick_D wrote: »
    nice to see well informed and mature responses

    Well, it has pretty much gone viral. So it could be an attempt at viral marketing.

    I didn't care very much for the first Crysis even though I bought it day one, wasn't all it was hyped up to be in my opinion. And I don't really have any plans on buying the second installment, not even with this leak around.

    But I can't really see why this should hurt sales that much... People who downloaded the leak would also download the full game. Hopefully this event will force Crytek to up the security.
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    it's definately a good idea to leak a broken build, with master keys, editor, full sp campaign and mp, i can see how you would think that.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    I imagine it'll affect them a bit, I wonder if it's release will have to be delayed now?
    Rick_D wrote: »
    nice to see well informed and mature responses

    I've seen your posts in this thread :susp:
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Zpanzer wrote: »
    Well, it has pretty much gone viral. So it could be an attempt at viral marketing.

    I didn't care very much for the first Crysis even though I bought it day one, wasn't all it was hyped up to be in my opinion. And I don't really have any plans on buying the second installment, not even with this leak around.

    But I can't really see why this should hurt sales that much... People who downloaded the leak would also download the full game. Hopefully this event will force Crytek to up the security.

    You are only thinking about people who wouldn´t have bought it either way.

    Right know there are some people who downloaded the leaked version and are complaining that it runs like shit, looks bad and stuff and people who
    don´t really know that it´s leaked or think that it´s the full version in regards of beeing finished, will most likely not buy it, because of the bad reputation of the leaked version.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    just want to point out that people seem to be confused over two different arguments entirely.

    Piracy is illegally copying something and distributing it. that's only a small part of what's happened here.

    the real issue is that some douchebag from within crytek leaked the game. i could understand if everyone was arguing about piracy and stuff AFTER the game was released. but really the focus here should be on one thing and one thing only: finding the cockface responsible, and blackballing him.
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    SpeCter wrote: »
    You are only thinking about people who wouldn´t have bought it either way.

    Right know there are some people who downloaded the leaked version and are complaining that it runs like shit, looks bad and stuff and people who
    don´t really know that it´s leaked or think that it´s the full version in regards of beeing finished, will most likely not buy it, because of the bad reputation of the leaked version.

    While I can't say anything about how the final release will be, if it will have perfomance issues or anything like that, but if people can't defriantiate(I think that's what it's called) between the experiences from a leak and a final version, then I don't think they would have the brain capacity to even buy the game.

    Now, I will give Crytek the benefit of doubt, but I will say that Crysis 1 was one the few games I've played that was so badly optimized(this list would also include GTA IV(PC version) and Saints Row 2(PC version)) that it was even unplayable on a great gaming rig back when it was released. So I don't need to hear from people played the leaked version to make my own expectations for Crysis 2.
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