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Crysis 2 leaked in its entirety. ffs.

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fearian greentooth
:( This is just horrible:
I have no words. Actually, I have some words- according to a thread of the Facepunch forums (which may or may not be deleted any second depending how the Facepunch server holds up), a developer build of Crysis 2 containing the full game, multiplayer and the master key for the online authentication has been leaked, and is currently freely available from all sorts of astonishingly illegal websites. This sounds like it might be a serious tragedy for Crytek. Crysis 2 was scheduled for release on the 22nd of March, so the leaked build could be dangerously close to finished. More on this as we hear it, and thanks to RPS reader James B for letting us know.

I don't know where to begin, this is terrible. I really hope Crytek makes it through this alright.


Update edit: Killzone 3 is reported to have been leaked as well. Bad times for devs. :(


  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    God damn. Thats really fucking lame. I wonder how something like this even happens.
  • Flapjacks
    Someone must have been seriously pissed at Crytek. I've known about this leak for a day now, it must have went viral when I was sleeping;its a damn shame.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Would this make such a big difference? The PC market is so small already, I don't think the sales they lose from people who prefer to get the leaked build instead of the release version (not that many imo) will be very big. The pirate version would be out a day before or on release anyway.
    They've got console releases too, those will probably make much more money. If it turns out decent I'll buy it for 360 anyway, this doesn't affect my decision at all, to the contrary, if people say the leaked build is really amazing I might even preorder :)
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    you know I really am curious as to how these games get leaked. Is it someone on the inside of the company that leaks it or a server issue or what? And really what drives people to leak things in the first place.
  • CrazyMatt
    Well the least to say as I have no words of wisdom when it comes to PC's and the idea an internet combined can do blatant acts of idiocracy to developers..

    This time around it's a good thing they developed for consoles, so at the very minimum they can track a pirated copy, if pirated. Rather than that the impossible of finding maybe the source leak.

    My condolences though to all staff who worked diligently on this promised title.
  • NordicNinja
    Bad news indeed. I'm curious about how it got leaked as well.
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    praetus wrote: »
    And really what drives people to leak things in the first place.

    well first of all they have to be a massive cunt
    from then on it's pretty easy
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Well, after this I won't blame Crytek if they go: "You know what PC? Fuck you, fuck you and fuck you again. Console exclusive from now on, don't care if it's only some of you that did it, fuck you."

    Oh well, leakers/pirates can burn in a sea of basement sweat and smegma.
  • CrazyMatt
    It should be fairly easy to track it's source of leak. Due to the nature of the game being leaked out with the DRM Master Key. So whomever is in charge of that, will probably get canned.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    fucking assholes :(

    I wonder was it a hacker or did some ass clown from their staff leak it.
  • daphz
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    daphz polycounter lvl 14
    oh no. I really hope Crytek doesnt do anything crazy to punish us PC gamers :( although I wonder if this would have happened if they announced a PC demo coming out.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    Probably a press build. Happens more often than you'd think.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    A PC multiplayer demo is coming, they announced it yesterday on twitter :/

    Read that the leaked build does NOT include DX 10 or 11, is filled with unfinished assets and bugs and does in no way represent the finished product (duh) so at least the pirate assholes don't even get to see the eyecandy edition of the game, or experience it fully. Sucks that they got the master key to the online authenticator though.. Might mean that Crysis 2 has to be delayed so Crytek can write a new system to combat day 1 cracks :/
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Does this really matter? The people who are going to download this would pirate the final game anyway, so it's not really lost sales is it?

    Most games are leaked and on pirate sites a few weeks before they come out anyway - its a fact of life. With so many people working in the production line getting boxes stuffed with discs, retailers, reviewers, etc. It's not really uncommon.

    If it's a press build, it's likely tagged somewhere with an identifier that shows who leaked it.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    If the idiots that download this take it for the full game and start blasting around to the lowest common denominator fanclub that the game looks "crap" and "plays like shit and is super buggy" and presents footage from the build as proof? You might have a bunch of people cancelling their preorders. This WILL damage Crysis 2 sales nomatter what anyone might think.

    The entitlement gamer of today would play an alpha and be super angry that the game is so buggy and sucks, and cancel his preorder after spending weeks blasting shit on the official forums :|

    Stupid people are horribly vocal, and at least in regards to gamers, the majority :/
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    It's astonishing that this kind of shit happens still :\

    Happened to Half Life 2 just short of release, too, which didn't seem to affect sales.

    But still :\
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    this makes me happy.

    Even though the guy didnt link it its not hard to find
    You best be trolling.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    this makes me happy.

    Even though the guy didnt link it its not hard to find

    I just posted about it on Twitter. Someone instantly threw me a link.
  • Insulaner
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    Insulaner polycounter lvl 11
    Nice, several years of work just pissed away. Fuck.
  • Artifice
    praetus wrote: »
    you know I really am curious as to how these games get leaked. Is it someone on the inside of the company that leaks it or a server issue or what? And really what drives people to leak things in the first place.

    Is it too early for Julian Assange jokes? *cringe*

    Seriously, I hope the game does really well despite all this, and that people downloading it early want to slit their wrists dealing with massive bugs and issues from a pre-gold build.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Slum wrote: »
    Does this really matter? The people who are going to download this would pirate the final game anyway, so it's not really lost sales is it?

    Most games are leaked and on pirate sites a few weeks before they come out anyway - its a fact of life. With so many people working in the production line getting boxes stuffed with discs, retailers, reviewers, etc. It's not really uncommon.

    If it's a press build, it's likely tagged somewhere with an identifier that shows who leaked it.

    I am not sure myself, but reading tha thread on facepunch, aparently it's a build back from January, not a gold build :(

    Anyway, thanks all for the comments.
    It is not nice seeing years of work out there like this, that is not how we meant you to have a first glimpse of the SP campaign.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Is this thread suddenly about how to find this leak faster now? On a board filled with game devs? REALLY?

    HP: So it was leaked by someone in Crytek? That's seriously effed up :/
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    yea google tells you faster

    If you're looking for it, sure.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Judging by how this thread made Hboybowen happy, I guess he is looking for it.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Skamberin wrote: »
    Is this thread suddenly about how to find this leak faster now? On a board filled with game devs? REALLY?

    It's even worse when the forum of a game developer allowed it to be posted and be viralled all over the place especially since Facepunch is a magnet of these careless kiddo/slacker types. I'm hoping for the karma justice on those twittering warez-spreading parasites too...

    Hboybowen - you are digging yourself a grave here. Sharing joy about an unauthorized release of software on a messageboard populated by industry professionals is going to earn you the [ASS] stamp. It is not good news.
  • Ride
    Now the PC sales will go down the shitter, a couple of people will probably lose their jobs and crytek will ignore the PC for future projects. But it's alright though apparently everyone is just "Gonna test it out, and then buy it later to support the developer"...Yeah right.
  • Esprite
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    Esprite polycounter lvl 9
    I can wait for the real experience. Not just for support but because playing a developers unfinished game before they intend you to is just unfair. I'd hate it more than people pirating.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    I have to agree that most people who would download it now would do it anyway once it was released. I doubt it will translate to lost-sales. It's all conjecture, to be sure, but I just don't see the logic behind saying it's a tragedy. It's a disappointment, for sure, with all the hype that was being built up about it - but not a tragedy.
    Also, I hate when news companies tell EVERYONE about the leak. No one would really know about this leak had gaming websites and such just ignored it.
    But that's the nature of the beast, I suppose.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I really don't know why I keep clicking 'view post'..
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    this makes me happy.

    Even though the guy didnt link it its not hard to find

    imma punch you right in the baby makers you silly man!

    Be interesting to see how Crytek handles this, and here is hoping the fans who really appreciated the first game (as well as the company) will hold of downloading and pay for the real game once it's released.

    We can always hope right?
  • 3devo
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    3devo polycounter lvl 12
    you know what. i wasn't really interested in crysis 2 but now i'm definitely buying a copy.
  • Contrails
    Sure, crytek is going to learn from the leak (for better or worse, as mentioned before, it wouldn't be surprising to see them drop PC and shift focus to consoles) but that isn't a good thing.

    Anyone can tell you that having your own work over the past couple years be both leaked and widely distributed majorly sucks - it doesn't take a leak to figure this out... anyways, there are tons of places other than the dev studio itself that the leak has could've been originated from. Nothing good at all is coming out of this.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    Im not gonna change my opinion even still. You cant stop theives or pirates. It hasnt stopped since biblical times it not gonna stop now. Every studio needs to learn to keep these things in a closed circle. So yea I'm happy,they will learn a good lesson and it wont happen again.:thumbup:

    So, you see a woman get her purse stolen, you don't try to stop the thief because stealing has been around a long time and it will teach the lady a lesson about, what exactly?

    What is the lesson one can learn here? Don't trust your employees? Don't send reviewers copies of the game? Don't trust people in general? Fuck giving shit out on PC because the worst parts of piracy happens on the platform?

    The only thing likely to "not happen again.:thumbup:" is another Crysis game on PC.

    Seriously, I can see why people have you on ignore :(
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    3devo wrote: »
    you know what. i wasn't really interested in crysis 2 but now i'm definitely buying a copy.

  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Damn that sucks, I hope the losses will be slim. I think its the worst that can happen. Ruin your reputation to the public with a product that is probably very buggy... I just dont hope people who dl this starts whining all over the internet making customers change their mind about buying the game.
  • MattQ86
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Did someone hijack Hboyowens account?
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    3devo wrote: »
    you know what. i wasn't really interested in crysis 2 but now i'm definitely buying a copy.

    I was really really interested in it, which is why I'm worried - Crytek are one of the last AAA PC focused multiplatform developers, and they are really pushing games technology in great ways. If they stopped releasing to PC because of this it would break my heart.

    Plus regardless of Crytek or Crysis, you know EA is going to take this as a massive lesson in why never to publish to PC. :(
    Skamberin wrote: »
    Seriously, I can see why people have you on ignore :(
    You can ignore people? Sweet! *problem solved*
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Aaargh, fuck fucketi fuck. This is so unfair, and just.. wrong. :(
  • bizarr0
    Well if you really wanted to make a difference to Crytek and PC gaming
    you could Preorder the PC version right now and make all your friends do it too....
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    bizarr0 wrote: »
    Well if you really wanted to make a difference to Crytek and PC gaming
    you could Preorder the PC version right now and make all your friends do it too....
    Way ahead of you, but kind of waiting for Steam to list it too
  • daphz
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    daphz polycounter lvl 14
    Piracy continues to damage the PC packaged goods market and the PC development community.
  • dregoloth
    I was going to wait for the price to go down, but now I'm buying it from the start.
  • thatnumpty
    i pirated the first Crysis and loved it, bought a retail copy before finishing the campaign. i also bought a second copy and after losing the 1st.

    im 100% going to buy Crysis 2 and this is pretty tempting...

    is it wrong?
  • Nemlet17
    Man that had to really really really sucks. I hope Crytek can bounce back from this and not have it be a total loss.
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
    out of curiosity, couldn't they just spend a month or two making new passwords.

    I bought the first game because I wanted to see how the engine was but I started playing the single player game and I really liked it.
  • Barbarian
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    Barbarian polycounter lvl 13
    I'm buying a copy for sure. I hope sales do well. I hope they discover how the leak occurred.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Ouch, and so close to release date. Luckily it's not the finished build, remember that whole fiasco about 360 games getting leaked weeks before release? Something about the guy working at the factory releasing it or something.

    Still, loved the first Crysis and will definitely buy this one too :) I'm having a blast with multiplayer.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    This is why PC can't have nice things. F*cking pirates...

    And everyone who downloads this free version is going to brag to their friends about getting it early, making pirating seem that much more "awesome".
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    This really sucks. :(
    Piracy is wrong and there is no excuse for it. If you want something, go and buy it. Easy.
    Im buying this on release day for PC and i hope enough people will do the same so that Crytek dont rethink their future support for PC.

    Not cool man. Its prob. best to keep those sort of opinions to yourself when studios are closing all over the world and really talented people with families are losing their jobs over shit like this. :/

    If you have worked for 2 years on a game and someone stole it from you a month before release, and then proceeded to gave it to the world for free, would that be wrong?
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