Some people are such chickens. I invade their game and they run away from me and enter the boss room. Still I got a few of them thanks to R2 which sends them flying.
There was this one guy that invaded me that was incredibly powerful. He used a bunch of spells and I was poisoned / had my health decimated in seconds and unlike everyone else I only did 100 damage vs the usual 600-1000.
Oh and has anyone gone down the Hollow Tree and into Ash Lake? I missed it for a while but while invading in Blight Town I noticed a fog gate I hadn't seen before so I checked it out after I returned to my world and there's this huge lake. Quite an eye opener.
OMGI went to 3.1 in demon souls.. wtfbbq tentacle face arrgghh..
bought dark souls today.. LIM ED version comes with a pretty little concept art book.. Ive got the mrs to hide it... and can only get it back when demon souls is finished..
I've spent like 200 hours on this so far and haven't completed it. I like to wait to be summoned for bosses and help them, that's quite fun. Also I love pvp, it's pretty addicting. I used to use the fog ring but I felt pretty bad for winning so easily so I stopped and rely on throwing the talisman so that they can't heal and hoping that they panic and run so I can backstab them. I use the spear so I can attack them with my shield up. Also if they play defensively I use the Shotel which can hurt them even with their shield up with it's R2 attack.
I invaded 2 guys in new londo and I ended up running on the thin bridge and kicked the host off lol.
On ng+ I'm going to learn pyromancy for pvp. As I accidently poked the trainer in the barrel and then he attacked so I killed him. Also I will go into the forest as a human and take on the forest covenent invaders.
I'm loving everything about this game. The art is incredible, instantly blown away in Darkroot Gardens. Just Finished Quelaag's domain, was the hardest boss for me so far, but I'm not really sure what order I'm playing the game in, which I also love. Was in Blighttown, saw an orange message for a fog wall and and saw the amazing graphics at the bottom of the Great Hollow...WOW. Didn't go in yet though, had 6 humanity haha. Currently dying in Sen's fortress with my wanderer.
Oh yeah, also accidently woke up Ceaseless Discharge, but the gold-hemmed armor was worth it.
been getting invaded more and more in demon souls.. I usually shit myself and die in 30 seconds but then this guy comes in and so begins an epic battle that lasts a good 20 minutes holy hell.. what a tense fight.. the jammy bastard beat me by the slimmest of margins.. he had a spell that looked like a constant stream of firebombs.. my purple flame shield.
Finished last night after getting everything I could in play through 1, about 70 hrs. Ng+... Got the lord vessel in about 3 hrs and am working towards 4kings for dark wraith cov! Made sure to have phantoms invade this time, have been playing as a human for the most part.
Pvp and mp feels fucked atm. It's all fog ring & tranquil walk... So stupid. Had a dude invade me three times in anor, all of which ended in 1 hit kills on me. No strategy , no cat and mouse, everything is just cheese and 1 hit kills. Joined darkmoon in Ng+ hoping for more easy action, but the blue orb has failed 100% of the time. Have had 20 failed cracked red eye orb invasions. Have only been summoned once, and rarely see marks to summon others. Tried drake cov... But was only summoned once, to someone who was exploiting. No one does forest cov stuff anymore it seems either
A lot of the rules in the game feel too harsh IMO. Darkmoon cov members can't look at the book of guilty, must be human to invade, voluntary Pvp reqs for faction gain (dragon) - or 8 playthroughs, etc. should have done away with the restrictions and let covenants define invasions instead of hollow vs human. With the population fragmented between consoles, the restrictions really dull the game out.
I love this game, and am going for 100% chievos... But ffs it feels broken half the time. Hate!
Playing dark souls now.. stuck on the torus boss,lowest I got him down to was 40%... and the black knight is unkillable at my level >____< (15)..might just grind to 20..
its so pretty compared to demon souls.. and hella lot less brown too.. its almost too colourful
Erich: ya, there is a patch for fog ring & tranquil walk. think it came out for the japanese game, but not other regions. also nerf to fire, gold hemmed set, buff to soul drops & huge buff to humanity drop rate.
and i was wrong about darkmoons not being able to view guilty book... though its functionality isn't that great. Wish i could filter "my friends" and invade them! ah well.
only missing 1 sorcery spell, need more int so i can use the white dragon breath from Logan!
I'm still fairly early in. between forza 4 and my xbox on it's way out I've been using my xbox somewhat sparingly.
I've just progressed into the undead parish. I was fighting the hellkite drake on the bridge, got killed and the bugger vanished. I hope he's not dead because that's 10k in souls I could have used.
We might get the patch soon, but people are saying it's made the online Matchmaking worse.. From is apparently looking into pushing a 1.05 to fix those.
This means they might just delay ours a little longer to give us the 1.05 instead.
Although I wish they'd just fix the strong shield magic spell...It makes people invincible!
the black knight is unkillable at my level
Level has nothing to do with it. It's all about backstabbing. I took on a knight with a spear at level 1 on a narrow cliff. All I did was block his attack and run behind him and backstab. Took about 6 minutes.
Try beating the first boss (Asylum) with yours fists, now that's hardcore. I haven't tried it but I did fight the second one in the basement with nothing but the drake sword. No armour. Never sweated so much.
I was actually kind of pissed off to find out there is no level restriction when invading. A while back I started a new character with the sole purpose of low level invading but with good equipment.
Now I'm nearly 600 and kicking ass in Kiln of the First Flame.
I have defeated the crocodile-ribcage boss and advanced through blight town where I found the key to Londo ruins (through valley of drakes).
Defeated the butterly boss in the forest and found the key from the forest to undead burg. Killed the knight inside the watch tower shortcut to undead burg.
Can advance quite a distance in New Londo ruins until I come to the tower that's surrounded by water and instant spawing ghosts. When I go inside I get killed by 1000 ghost knifes thats shoots out from the walls.
Was grinding for a long while and ding more Pvp to try to be able to compete. Sid well vs forestbros but the dark Anor people fuck my shit up. Was always 2:1, and always a rapefest. Going against people in full Havel + shield and great dragon axe with strong miracles is not fun
Hopefully 1.05 makes it here soon... Would much rather pve than Pvp at this point.
I've never had luck with PvP (well, one time it was almost balanced). It's typically just been me again one or two people who can whoop my ass no problem.
She's at the very bottom of Blight Town, if you just walk into the mud, she'll be on your far right up a little hill and in a spider cave.
The easiest way into Blight Town is through The Valley of the Drakes, it's a cave with a few ogres you can just run past.
I made it to the spider. however, i have the same problem as anywhere else in the game - can't kill anything
Sure, i can kill the small bugs easily but i do 20 dmg against the boss... by the time i have used all my estus and die, the boss still has 85%hp left.... No one wants to summon me either.
She'll only be there if you kill her first tho, so kill the invading phantom!
have you been upgrading your weapons, and what are you using? I think fire is very weak vs quelagg,may be best to go full physical with at least a +5 weapon. If you're having trouble still, could go farm souls in the forest and level up some!
I recieved a humanity which I used. Then like you said, a black phantom appeared who I defeated and then took my side. Together we slayed the spider
Then I played for a long time and defeated the tower knight and got taken to New Londo!
There I summoned a super powerful player who was orange instead of white and he killed every enemy by himself and showed me all the tresures. He even killed the boss at the end for me!
Now I talked with the godess and can now warp between bonfires. I also noticed that some yellow barriers disappeared but I don't know where they are...
I Purchased the seal for the gate in the forest but there is a transparent knight inside who I cannot attack.
The weapons I'm using are raw long sword +3 and raw hillebard. Spider shield and some gold-something something robe (i look like the reaper).
You can attack the transparent knight. You just can't lock on. Also you can talk to the cat in that forest and join the covenent which is quite fun because you get summoned to fight other people.
Ya synergy. While human, If you see a white sign you can summon that player to help. If you want to play with friends you have to e similar levels (+ - 5 I think) and get te luck of the draw and be able to see the signs.
Are any of you guys getting success with red eye orbs? If so.. Where? I joined the darkwraiths tonight, have 50 red eye orbs, and have had 20 of them fail in areas I thought would be bumpin (Anor Londo, forest)... But no. 60k souls wasted....
i wonder what there point was for making it harder to play with known friends.
Its not like friends made it easier in Demons souls. Bosses did about 300-600 more damage on NG++++ With friends for me. As they said it gets harder in Multiplayer
Now the hard part is waiting until your both in the same server to play together
Sorry to resurrect this old thread but this game made me work too hard not to post and brag about it.
This one's done!
One of the hardest games I've ever played. It really made me work for it. Took me 2 1/2 play-throughs to get all achievements. Very addictive and rewarding.
As you can see I went for Brute Strength and muscled my way through the game.
There was this one guy that invaded me that was incredibly powerful. He used a bunch of spells and I was poisoned / had my health decimated in seconds and unlike everyone else I only did 100 damage vs the usual 600-1000.
Oh and has anyone gone down the Hollow Tree and into Ash Lake? I missed it for a while but while invading in Blight Town I noticed a fog gate I hadn't seen before so I checked it out after I returned to my world and there's this huge lake. Quite an eye opener.
bought dark souls today.. LIM ED version comes with a pretty little concept art book.. Ive got the mrs to hide it... and can only get it back when demon souls is finished..
I invaded 2 guys in new londo and I ended up running on the thin bridge and kicked the host off lol.
On ng+ I'm going to learn pyromancy for pvp. As I accidently poked the trainer in the barrel and then he attacked so I killed him. Also I will go into the forest as a human and take on the forest covenent invaders.
Oh yeah, also accidently woke up Ceaseless Discharge, but the gold-hemmed armor was worth it.
3.1 is a total bastard..
Finished last night after getting everything I could in play through 1, about 70 hrs. Ng+... Got the lord vessel in about 3 hrs and am working towards 4kings for dark wraith cov! Made sure to have phantoms invade this time, have been playing as a human for the most part.
Pvp and mp feels fucked atm. It's all fog ring & tranquil walk... So stupid. Had a dude invade me three times in anor, all of which ended in 1 hit kills on me. No strategy , no cat and mouse, everything is just cheese and 1 hit kills. Joined darkmoon in Ng+ hoping for more easy action, but the blue orb has failed 100% of the time. Have had 20 failed cracked red eye orb invasions. Have only been summoned once, and rarely see marks to summon others. Tried drake cov... But was only summoned once, to someone who was exploiting. No one does forest cov stuff anymore it seems either
A lot of the rules in the game feel too harsh IMO. Darkmoon cov members can't look at the book of guilty, must be human to invade, voluntary Pvp reqs for faction gain (dragon) - or 8 playthroughs, etc. should have done away with the restrictions and let covenants define invasions instead of hollow vs human. With the population fragmented between consoles, the restrictions really dull the game out.
I love this game, and am going for 100% chievos... But ffs it feels broken half the time. Hate!
Playing dark souls now.. stuck on the torus boss,lowest I got him down to was 40%... and the black knight is unkillable at my level >____< (15)..might just grind to 20..
its so pretty compared to demon souls.. and hella lot less brown too.. its almost too colourful
and i was wrong about darkmoons not being able to view guilty book... though its functionality isn't that great. Wish i could filter "my friends" and invade them! ah well.
only missing 1 sorcery spell, need more int so i can use the white dragon breath from Logan!
I've just progressed into the undead parish. I was fighting the hellkite drake on the bridge, got killed and the bugger vanished. I hope he's not dead because that's 10k in souls I could have used.
We might get the patch soon, but people are saying it's made the online Matchmaking worse.. From is apparently looking into pushing a 1.05 to fix those.
This means they might just delay ours a little longer to give us the 1.05 instead.
Although I wish they'd just fix the strong shield magic spell...It makes people invincible!
Level has nothing to do with it. It's all about backstabbing. I took on a knight with a spear at level 1 on a narrow cliff. All I did was block his attack and run behind him and backstab. Took about 6 minutes.
Try beating the first boss (Asylum) with yours fists, now that's hardcore. I haven't tried it but I did fight the second one in the basement with nothing but the drake sword. No armour. Never sweated so much.
Now I'm nearly 600 and kicking ass in Kiln of the First Flame.
I have no idea where to go now...
Valley of drakes - Insta death. Actaully, I can't hurt anything...
New Londo Ruins - Gangbanged.
I killed the butterfly boss but I only got a lousy key to undead burg
Did you go down to the depths yet?
If not, it's the locked door between the Sunbro and the Drake, before you get to the bridge.
What've you completed so far?
I have defeated the crocodile-ribcage boss and advanced through blight town where I found the key to Londo ruins (through valley of drakes).
Defeated the butterly boss in the forest and found the key from the forest to undead burg. Killed the knight inside the watch tower shortcut to undead burg.
Can advance quite a distance in New Londo ruins until I come to the tower that's surrounded by water and instant spawing ghosts. When I go inside I get killed by 1000 ghost knifes thats shoots out from the walls.
Where do I get there?
The easiest way into Blight Town is through The Valley of the Drakes, it's a cave with a few ogres you can just run past.
Thanks I'll check it out next time!
Yeah, there are a lot of goodies down in the mud, if you can handle it.
If you ever see the summon sign of Toasticus, well ring-a-ling me up man. Got a ~70ish sorcery/pyro and a lv40 cleric.
edit: Forgot to say I was on PS3 Dark Souls, although my tag is same on both systems.
Hopefully 1.05 makes it here soon... Would much rather pve than Pvp at this point.
I made it to the spider. however, i have the same problem as anywhere else in the game - can't kill anything
Sure, i can kill the small bugs easily but i do 20 dmg against the boss... by the time i have used all my estus and die, the boss still has 85%hp left.... No one wants to summon me either.
feels like i cant advance anywhere
have you been upgrading your weapons, and what are you using? I think fire is very weak vs quelagg,may be best to go full physical with at least a +5 weapon. If you're having trouble still, could go farm souls in the forest and level up some!
I recieved a humanity which I used. Then like you said, a black phantom appeared who I defeated and then took my side. Together we slayed the spider
Then I played for a long time and defeated the tower knight and got taken to New Londo!
There I summoned a super powerful player who was orange instead of white and he killed every enemy by himself and showed me all the tresures. He even killed the boss at the end for me!
Now I talked with the godess and can now warp between bonfires. I also noticed that some yellow barriers disappeared but I don't know where they are...
I Purchased the seal for the gate in the forest but there is a transparent knight inside who I cannot attack.
The weapons I'm using are raw long sword +3 and raw hillebard. Spider shield and some gold-something something robe (i look like the reaper).
Fun game
Are any of you guys getting success with red eye orbs? If so.. Where? I joined the darkwraiths tonight, have 50 red eye orbs, and have had 20 of them fail in areas I thought would be bumpin (Anor Londo, forest)... But no. 60k souls wasted....
Its not like friends made it easier in Demons souls. Bosses did about 300-600 more damage on NG++++ With friends for me. As they said it gets harder in Multiplayer
Now the hard part is waiting until your both in the same server to play together
havent played this half as much as demon soulds.. Id like to but skyrim has eaten me alive
This one's done!
One of the hardest games I've ever played. It really made me work for it. Took me 2 1/2 play-throughs to get all achievements. Very addictive and rewarding.
As you can see I went for Brute Strength and muscled my way through the game.
Hardest Fight = Ornstein and Smough
- BoBo
Made a new character since I wanted to wield big burly swords and axes.
I'm dreading four kings. That's my next step. My old char got whooped bad.
I still havent finished it as Im procrastinating around in skyrim