http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEviX32HvJM[/ame] [ame]

Pre-order Collector's Edition.
Miyazaki also touched on the name Dark Souls, a game that was previously known as Dark Ring and Dark Race. Why did they drop those names? Because Dark Ring is, apparently, slang for anus and Dark Race... well, that just sounds so racist.
Yes, Demon's Souls was known for its incredible difficulty [laughter]. With Dark Souls, there is no intention to decrease the difficulty at all. Actually, we intend to increase the difficulty of the game. (Sid: !!!) But not simply by making the game more difficult, but by giving players the freedom to strategize freely and conquer that difficulty, and to be rewarded accordingly.
One more aspect is the difficulty based on repetitiveness. We don’t want users to have to constantly carve away health from enemies. We’ve created all characters — including enemies and the player — to have high attack power but low defense. We don’t want users to hack and hack and hack away to defeat an enemy. It’s more strategic. We want users to think, “if I avoid this enemy, maybe I can overcome him.” We don’t want players to be frustrated by doing the same things over and over.
We want to keep dual wielding special. It’s a very unique strategy that will hopefully give a new experience to the player as well as those watching him.
Dark Souls is the next game in the Demon's Souls series and I am very much looking forward to it. Anyone else?
Gameplay Slideshow Video: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gameplay-slideshow-dark-souls/710112Actual Gameplay Footage: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-02-02-dark-souls-plans-late-2011-release-date
Pictures: http://kotaku.com/5750116/first-look-at-dark-souls-the-demons-souls-successor-in-action
Q&A Article: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/02/04/dark-souls-qa-variety-is-the-spice-of-death/Video Interview Containing Details About Game: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/ignite-11-dark-souls/710266
Article About Design Decisions and Name Changes: http://kotaku.com/#!5755183/new-details-on-dark-souls-reveal-some-embarrassing-facts
Kotaku article about difficulty and new game mechanic: http://kotaku.com/#!5781915/you-are-going-to-be-responsible-for-making-dark-souls-even-harder*NEW* Story Game Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-dark-souls/714546
I believe they are doing just that. Have you noticed the player who is glowing white? We know the blue phantoms are back but is white the feature above? Perhaps it's as simple as use the white stone to turn into a white soul which enables you to join a game without having to go through the process of dying.
It'd also be nice to play with the 360 people but I doubt it'll happen.
im glad they said they are going to make it harder!
Love that the world is more open, and they're going for more exploration. If they can somehow capture some of the magic that the world in Shadow Of The Colossus had, along with the dark theme/the way multiplayer worked in demon's souls, it would be really exciting from an artistic standpoint, IMO.
man, loved this game. or did i hate it? or... did it hate me and i couldn't stop loving it... OH GOD I WAS SO CONFUSED!
really stoked on this. the first one was an unforgettable experience. never has PvP caused me to erupt off the couch and shout victorious nonsense at my television.
and another thing, this badboy was pushed through goddamned word of mouth! hows that for a hit! really glad the devs are giving it another shot , and the name makes sense now!
When i first bought the game, i bought it right before halloween, and started playing that weekend - when they had the all dark world event.... i got really pissed and thankfully had my "FUCK THE WORLD" book handy with some fuck stickers:
After my first night i was so pissed, but gave it another go the next day and fell in love
I cant wait for the new one... and for a 360 version! woo!
yea! I can't wait
got to my 3rd play through as a wanderer (no shield, all light armor, 2h'ed the sword from the 4-2 boss) and had to stop at the 3rd Maneater, fuck taht guy! may return to it with this news, it gets me all jazzed up again!
I tried a new game as a Royal after that, and beat the game in a few hours haha. I'm all for making it more challenging
I once invaded a game and the player and his friend Mr Blue Phantom tried to gang up on me. They got me down to nearly 0 health when I rolled out of the way (this was 4-2) and hid around the corner that leads to a cliff.
The dummies were already heading in my direction while I was casting...GOD'S WRATH. So funny, the lag and angle somehow made them fly in the opposite direction of the blast and fall off the cliff.
I was a good little demon
One of my best moments was 4-1, zoned in, was fighting someone for a good 5 minutes of cat & mouse in the spawn area, he summoned a friend was 2 on 1, then aother 3 on 1. I nearly got them all dead after about 15 minutes, until they pinned me with the wall shields and poked me to death through it
Griefing on the 3-3 boss was great too, remember killing someone in one hit there once. What goes around comes around tho, i got my fair share of 1 hit nuke kills dealt to me
When I saw they entered the game, I would switch to my scraping spear...
...I would poison+plague them, and run+dodge till they had to cure themselves (most people did not bother carrying Widows Lotus, unless they were in world 5).
If they went in to cure themselves of the poison, I would attack with the scraping spear, and destroy their armour in 3 hits... then keep poisoning+plagueing till they ran out of lotus flowers, or healing.
Most of the time, I found they would just disconnect out of the game.
3-3 is awesome. When I started playing it again in December I made a character that focused on being evil and for invading. I made that giant axe weapon and when I got my chance at a 3-3 battle I hid next to the door. The poor sap ran straight on in and WHAM I hit him from behind, he rolls in a panic but I manage to hit him mid roll and he's dead.
Funny thing is I laughed my ass off but it wasn't very satisfying. Every other match after that, I tried to make it last longer. However quite often the cowards would summon 2 blues and I'd get raped.
You know I always wanted to try the stealth approach like in this vid:
Perhaps if Dark Souls lets me, I'll do that. Actually it focuses more on classes so that not everyone can be magic wielding royals with good strength etc. A thief should remain a thief and a mage should only use magic and small weapons.
I havent had a game tickle so many emotions in a very long time. I wanted to hate it, then I loved it, then never wanted to play it again, only to find the controller back in hand playing and then completely addicted... then back back to hate... butmostly love... i think... yeah.
Totally looking forward to this. No world tendancy in this version though... hmmmmmmm
Awesome. My favorite part of that game was getting so pissed off at dieing, but saying to myself that I wouldn't let the game defeat me like that.
A million times.
Here is a page from the article. I will remove the link if this breaks the Polycount rules. I cannot find any such rules.
New Trailer.
website online
Love how the age indicator on their website starts at 1901 btw.
Not one of those games can match my excitement for Dark Souls. SO STOKED!
whens it ship?
I would, at this point, seriously not doubt it.
God damn that's so badass. Spy from TF2 style.
akjl;sdf;lasdfklj;! fucking wow
those first 3-4 creatures they show look amazing
Why did we never end up playing this game together moose ? same as monster hunter tri man !? god damnit this shit aint right son!!!
Meanwhile, this looks freaking awesome as well!!!! So much awesomeness - E3 is always an awesome time of the year!!!!
I know right?!?
i got a mail from amazon that made excitedededed:
More pictures. Loving the creativity in the NPC designs.
Microsoft don't allow that shit.