So I've been pumping some hours into this since yesterday..and I have to say.. this is beyond harder Than Demon's Souls already. There are like 3 insanely tough enemies in Undead Burg and I can't get past any of them..haha
I'm loving it. The world is huge and frustrating but sweet whenever you figure out it's traps and fight through it. Most of the traps and things that kill you are in plain sight if you think about it..but we as gamers are so used to hand holding we just don't notice it. But if you take your time and look above you, ahead of you, under you with open eyes you see that what is going to kill you is right there.
The combat is exactly the same, though counter attacking is still hard for me.. but there is this sweet new mechanic where you can jump off ledges and attack enemies under you which leads to an entire new mess of strategies where elevation and location sometimes matter more when dealing with enemies. Sometimes I lure out a grip of enemies to a ladder where I jump off and kill them all because going head to head is too risky.
But seriously..this world is massive and is an insane maze. If you even sort of enjoyed Demons will love this. I'm loving this game so much, I'm not going to Pick up Batman, Battlefield or Skyrim until around december when I've had my fill of this. . .and Uncharted.
Oh yea. This game is way harder than Demons Souls.
You lose all your souls and return to the most Recent BoneFire you rested at. But you can recover your body at your bloodstain and get your souls back. But if you die before you get to it, it's all gone.
Preordered for PS3. I've bee so conflicted with this game, everything I heard about the previous was basically that it was the most horrible thing ever, but was amazing and you need to get it.
I tried to get into Demon's Souls again last night to finish it and couldn't do it. I played Dark Souls today at lunch at work and was totally sold. Going to skip the unfinished bits of DS and just jump right in. I only played for an hour but really enjoyed what I had. The open world makes a big difference for me.
It was actually sold out on all platforms at two stores I went to today!
Was up super late last night playing my new Wanderer (shieldless 2h scimitar hoooo!!), its awesome. Feels very similar to Demon's Souls, with some much needed improvements - campfires for healing, regenerating health flasks (OMG!!), life/death cycle, leveling up accessibility, balancing of offensive spell use, and some weapon attack animation changes. Got through an armored pig that i stabbed repeatedly in the anus before calling it a night. Overall it doesn't feel much harder than what was talked about, but definitely still has the controller-gripping tension moments of low HP, no elixirs, and 3000 precious souls on hand.
was reading up today on the Covenants in the game, that stuff is going to make the MP very interesting!
my only gripe is that it has gotten prettttyyy framey on the xbox in spots, especially when arrows are on screen, otherwise its pretty buttery! May do an install to speed up load times if possible.
Excited to play more, as i know i've only scratched its surface... or rather scratched a small line in my flesh.
It's out tomorrow here in Sweden, I'm grabbing it + RAGE. I will probably finish RAGE this weekend and then spend the rest of the time playing Dark Souls. I hope the Xbox 360 version if good. I usually don't mind some bad framerate here and there as long as it doesn't interefere in critical moments like in fights. (which are most likely ofc)
Picked up the xbox version as well 2 days ago and I am totally hooked. Had a few facepalm moments already where I made some stupid decisions ^^. I love the way this game hates you.
Although I haven't got it yet, I hear many people are pissed off with the flame souls that buff your flask because they consumed them instead of going to the person who you give them to.
Started a new guy who can actually dodge and beat Taurus (first real boss on narrow ramparts of Undead Burg).
Tips for beating him in melee:
1. Buy the residence key from the merchant in Undead Burg
2. Use that key to find the resin that adds lighting to your weapon.
3. DON'T lock on, the camera system can't handle this fight.
4. Dodge through (or next to) his legs and hit him from behind with your lightning buff.
Pretty easy that way, although I still got hit once.
Started a new guy who can actually dodge and beat Taurus (first real boss on narrow ramparts of Undead Burg).
Tips for beating him in melee:
1. Buy the residence key from the merchant in Undead Burg
2. Use that key to find the resin that adds lighting to your weapon.
3. DON'T lock on, the camera system can't handle this fight.
4. Dodge through (or next to) his legs and hit him from behind with your lightning buff.
Pretty easy that way, although I still got hit once.
different easier way:
run to ladder
climb ladder
face plunge! hits for 1/3 of his HP
run to opposite end of bridge
wait, run back to ladder
repeat! 2 times, and stab him once on ground
Handy for invasions me thinks I think I'm gonna roll pyromancer cause a stranger said it kicks ass. Anyone got an egg in their head that takes 50% of your souls? I hear it hatches and gives you a maggot attack instead of the kick.
found a store that had the collectors edition and couldn't resist picking up the game. So far I'm enjoying the game and the difficulty. Started with a knight and then restarted with the pyromancer and am enjoying it more.
I just got it for 360 aswell. Looking forward to try it out even tho i got no patience at all.
Big question. What is most noob friendly? Wanderer or Cleric? I'm leaning towards cleric. I usually always go for those holy types.
This game is awesome. It's hard but in a good way. It's really epic.
I invaded one chaps world with a cracked red eye orb and tried to ambush him but he could see I was coming. He seemed to be a higher level and killed me quick. But it was a pretty awesome experience. I just wish I could invade more because I used up all 4 of my cracked red eye orbs.
Finding myself getting less frustrated and hard to keep away from the game, despite it slapping my face.
Had many goes at the belfry gargoyles but couldn't quite do it. Turned human and summoned an NPC phantom and had a crack, then the game juddered at a key point due to many particle effects and I ended up dying. Went to try again and ended up summoning two players. The three of us whooped some ass.
Some of the creatures in this game are epic, partly due to them actually being very tough, not standard fare 'shoot the weak spots' type deal. Found some.....thing in Darkroot, not even sure how to get close to the thing as it one-shotted me from miles away with a big AE attack.
I'm loving every second of this game too much. I also struggled like crazy with the bell gargoyle and died up towards 10 times before defeating it. But the best part is that dying actually feels like it's your fault, even if it's insanely hard.
I just love the fact that you're not babysat and coddled like most games today. Putting a dead hard skeleton grave yard next to starting area? Hell yes.
The mood and everything in this game really lives up to it's predecessor. Can't wait to invade someone, haha. And to get invaded.
I love this game, the first 10 minutes or so in the tutorial area i was very worried i might not like it but I sinked around 9 hours into it this weekend and I'm hooked. (was out almost all day yesterday so this is quite alot for being me).
So yeah. This game is fuckin awesome. I find the level design quite lovely and interesting aswell with all the shortcuts and what not. I ended up rolling a wanderer after not doing a very good job at being a cleric.
I'm kinda at a standstill right now, getting my ass handed to me left and right by the bosses. oh and yeah. Guys. Go get the drake sword. Holy mother of 200damage! Used a spear and shield combo for ages until i got this sword. Now I do the spear/sword or shield/sword thing.
Aye the Drake sword is awesome, and increases the souls you get (20% I think). I just spend 20 thousand souls on some key to some place, a guy's tomb or something. I hope something good is in there cos it took quite a while.
Pimped up a halberd and a winged spear some. As the Drake sword doesn't scale with stats eventually other weapons will be stronger, and those two seem pretty good.
I'm hoping the pyromancer's spells upgrade some, and/or get new ones. All I have is the fireball which is not much use to me now.
Really like melee combat in this game, and some great detail in the animations. I think it's with the halberd, when you do a thrust you character lunges forward then there's a small shift of his left foot as works to maintain his balance.
Fuck Blight Town. . . . Well sorta. I love the level design and the atmosphere and the enemies. It's so fucking hard to survive and everything is so narrow and you can fall to your death at any minute and it's all one insane chaotic maze.. but the Framerate. My god. Takes the biggest shit ever. The entire level like falls to 15-20 fps and is REALLY hard to handle.
I'm quite enjoying the enemies being somewhat competent from the start. The fact they'll dodge attacks and wait for an opportunity to strike is quite a refreshing feel from the standard brainless enemies that just attack without any strategy.
Never turn your system off by power button after a good play use the quit function if you don't already. After doing this in demons souls for so long it just became the default thing to do
Me & My friend got 3 days straight of play in using the Deprived class and got VERY far (Only because of this "Special" weapon) And out of the blue we got a corrupted data message. Now its hard to accept your data being corrupted but its harder when the system says YOU must delete all your progress to continue.
After seeing this thread I went and dug out demon souls , I stopped playing it after the first castle, and its got me laughing again at how hard it is. I like it..
Will try to finish it before proceeding to dark souls which I do want to play.
Sucks to hear. Well my copy finally arrived this morning and to fill the gap I replayed Demon's Souls so I'm all pumped.
I made two characters, a melee and a mage and while the mage was more effective due to my knowledge of Demon's Souls level layouts, I'm wary of starting as one in Darky so I think my first character will be melee only and I'll kill the tut boss for his sexy hammer
edit: If anyone in EU sees a red haired, big nose looking idiot with the name Trolololol then that be me.
edit2: Never mind, turns out it uses your PSN username. I wondered why Demon's Souls still had my internet session score even though it was a new PS3.
Anyway Dark f*cking amazing. More so than Demon's Souls. I think it's because it's mostly new to me whereas I studied Demon's Souls (Yes, studied) and I knew how to get through it all. It's the whole exploration that just pwns though because you can find some really awesome weapons
My favourite part had to be when I defeated the gargoyle on the bell tower roof and then I went back down, saw an outside bit and followed the path thinking oh great, a big ambush or something because there were loads of user messages. To my surprise they said "Blacksmith" "This way". I smiled and ran to that special place and was finally able to upgrade my armour. Then I went down stairs to a giant monster that shoots lightning, wtf I said
Can't wait to get back into it. That Drake Sword is the end all of this first section.
I decided to start from scratch with demon souls and last time round I was a priest which was kinda pants.. now Im a templar knight with long sword and shield. Got almost to the end of the castle and and decided to be greedy and try and loot bodies when the dragon was near the bridge it flew back and did a george foreman grill master on me .. ass.. now my blood stain is right under where the dragon sits.. crap..
Found a sweet grind spot, probably pull in about 6-8k souls every 10 mins. And my halberd +5 currently does just under the damage of the drake sword.
I like how I can take out some badass things, but even a basic enemy that I can kill with one hit can get the better of me (almost kill me with one hit) if it manages a riposte. Even some pissy little zombies, can take down 4 with one hit, but if they all start wailing at the same time it eats through the stamina fast, leaving you open to a smacking.
I keep seeing messages at the edge of cliffs and other such places saying things like "treasure" and "try jumping". I've taken them to just be people trying to get others to kill themselves, but I've heard that there are some invisible paths in the game...
@ErichWK - There is a suit of Shinobi gear, think it's called Shadow Armor, that you find on a corpse in Blight Town. It's light leather with low defense but it has huge poison resist which makes dealing with the swamp area a lot more bearable. Also you're lighter so running through the muck is easier. But yea, the poison and toxin is terrible, I carried a ton of plants with me going in the first time. Love this game so much.
That shinobi suit can lick my ass! I am a man! I built pyramids and flew to the moon, I can handle a little bit of mud and mosquitos. j/k
Plus I went back to the undead asylum and got this rad rusty ring that makes me run in water! Right now I'm obsessed with trying to kill the stray demon.. I got a Dark Knight Sword and am wondering if I should upgrade that or upgrade my halberd.
I use the Dark Knight Sword because it scales moderately well without too slow of a swing timer. Strength scaling weapons are kind of poorly itemized, and if you're doing a strength build your best weapon is going to be the Dark Knight Great Axe which unfortunately has no guarantee of dropping (Dark Knight in the Catacombs). The next best is a Dark Knight Sword, a Longsword+Lightning or something else that scales with strength.. can't remember. I personally like the dark knight sword, but I'm a methodical fighter and it fits my play style of slow heavy strikes as opposed to quick hits with a fast weapon like Drake Blade.
Also yea, that ring is awesome for the swamp. Also really good for the Hydra fight.
edit: Actually not sure about that Longsword. But I do know the Dark Knight Axe is the only weapon in the game with a B in Strength that I have found. And it takes the same requirements as the sword.
I saved a guy then when I went to poke some barrels I accidentally did a massive sweeping attack which hit pretty much everything in the small room, including the guy. He attacked me, I ran outside, he followed. Figured since I can't load and he's going to attack me, I'll off him. Got some nice gear. Between him and the room I got a ring that increases my equipment load, so despite wearing nearly full elite knight armour I'm at 50% (or just above) load, and a ring that makes me completely silent.
I just went back to the asylum and met that demon by did not go well.
Really love the character designs in the game. Also really happy that they are making Dark Souls harder!!
I can't bloody wait!
One more week!
I need to reclaim my Dozer Axe and Bramd
so stoked for this game, somehow i need to manage to finish Spacemarine and el shaddai between now and tues! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The combat is exactly the same, though counter attacking is still hard for me.. but there is this sweet new mechanic where you can jump off ledges and attack enemies under you which leads to an entire new mess of strategies where elevation and location sometimes matter more when dealing with enemies. Sometimes I lure out a grip of enemies to a ladder where I jump off and kill them all because going head to head is too risky.
But seriously..this world is massive and is an insane maze. If you even sort of enjoyed Demons will love this. I'm loving this game so much, I'm not going to Pick up Batman, Battlefield or Skyrim until around december when I've had my fill of this. . .and Uncharted.
Oh yea. This game is way harder than Demons Souls.
He/She who uses game guide does not play game as intended.
Tomorrow then! Blorg!
Gonna be epic though.
Taurus demon is kicking my ass all over the place and I'm lovin' it.
It was actually sold out on all platforms at two stores I went to today!
was reading up today on the Covenants in the game, that stuff is going to make the MP very interesting!
my only gripe is that it has gotten prettttyyy framey on the xbox in spots, especially when arrows are on screen, otherwise its pretty buttery! May do an install to speed up load times if possible.
Excited to play more, as i know i've only scratched its surface... or rather scratched a small line in my flesh.
Looking forward to it.
I wonder how many of you have done that :>
Tips for beating him in melee:
2. Use that key to find the resin that adds lighting to your weapon.
3. DON'T lock on, the camera system can't handle this fight.
4. Dodge through (or next to) his legs and hit him from behind with your lightning buff.
Pretty easy that way, although I still got hit once.
different easier way:
climb ladder
face plunge! hits for 1/3 of his HP
run to opposite end of bridge
wait, run back to ladder
repeat! 2 times, and stab him once on ground
didnt take any damage fighting him
To kick press "foreward" + "R1" at the same time quickly
To Lunge press "foreward + "R2" at he same time quickly.
Did you know theres a ring that turns you into a vase???
You can see it here @48 secs: [ame="
Messed up after the tutorial level, then started the game again and nearly breezed through that part, so I'm learning a bit.
In summary:
Big question. What is most noob friendly? Wanderer or Cleric? I'm leaning towards cleric. I usually always go for those holy types.
PS: My gamertag is the same as my username here.
I invaded one chaps world with a cracked red eye orb and tried to ambush him but he could see I was coming. He seemed to be a higher level and killed me quick. But it was a pretty awesome experience. I just wish I could invade more because I used up all 4 of my cracked red eye orbs.
Had many goes at the belfry gargoyles but couldn't quite do it. Turned human and summoned an NPC phantom and had a crack, then the game juddered at a key point due to many particle effects and I ended up dying. Went to try again and ended up summoning two players. The three of us whooped some ass.
Some of the creatures in this game are epic, partly due to them actually being very tough, not standard fare 'shoot the weak spots' type deal. Found some.....thing in Darkroot, not even sure how to get close to the thing as it one-shotted me from miles away with a big AE attack.
I just love the fact that you're not babysat and coddled like most games today. Putting a dead hard skeleton grave yard next to starting area? Hell yes.
The mood and everything in this game really lives up to it's predecessor. Can't wait to invade someone, haha. And to get invaded.
So yeah. This game is fuckin awesome. I find the level design quite lovely and interesting aswell with all the shortcuts and what not. I ended up rolling a wanderer after not doing a very good job at being a cleric.
I'm kinda at a standstill right now, getting my ass handed to me left and right by the bosses. oh and yeah. Guys. Go get the drake sword. Holy mother of 200damage! Used a spear and shield combo for ages until i got this sword. Now I do the spear/sword or shield/sword thing.
Pimped up a halberd and a winged spear some. As the Drake sword doesn't scale with stats eventually other weapons will be stronger, and those two seem pretty good.
I'm hoping the pyromancer's spells upgrade some, and/or get new ones. All I have is the fireball which is not much use to me now.
Really like melee combat in this game, and some great detail in the animations. I think it's with the halberd, when you do a thrust you character lunges forward then there's a small shift of his left foot as works to maintain his balance.
Awesome game.
Never turn your system off by power button after a good play use the quit function if you don't already. After doing this in demons souls for so long it just became the default thing to do
Me & My friend got 3 days straight of play in using the Deprived class and got VERY far (Only because of this "Special" weapon) And out of the blue we got a corrupted data message. Now its hard to accept your data being corrupted but its harder when the system says YOU must delete all your progress to continue.
Will try to finish it before proceeding to dark souls which I do want to play.
I made two characters, a melee and a mage and while the mage was more effective due to my knowledge of Demon's Souls level layouts, I'm wary of starting as one in Darky so I think my first character will be melee only and I'll kill the tut boss for his sexy hammer
edit: If anyone in EU sees a red haired, big nose looking idiot with the name Trolololol then that be me.
edit2: Never mind, turns out it uses your PSN username. I wondered why Demon's Souls still had my internet session score even though it was a new PS3.
Anyway Dark f*cking amazing. More so than Demon's Souls. I think it's because it's mostly new to me whereas I studied Demon's Souls (Yes, studied) and I knew how to get through it all. It's the whole exploration that just pwns though because you can find some really awesome weapons
My favourite part had to be when I defeated the gargoyle on the bell tower roof and then I went back down, saw an outside bit and followed the path thinking oh great, a big ambush or something because there were loads of user messages. To my surprise they said "Blacksmith" "This way". I smiled and ran to that special place and was finally able to upgrade my armour. Then I went down stairs to a giant monster that shoots lightning, wtf I said
Can't wait to get back into it. That Drake Sword is the end all of this first section.
fun though.. frustrating fun..
I like how I can take out some badass things, but even a basic enemy that I can kill with one hit can get the better of me (almost kill me with one hit) if it manages a riposte. Even some pissy little zombies, can take down 4 with one hit, but if they all start wailing at the same time it eats through the stamina fast, leaving you open to a smacking.
I keep seeing messages at the edge of cliffs and other such places saying things like "treasure" and "try jumping". I've taken them to just be people trying to get others to kill themselves, but I've heard that there are some invisible paths in the game...
~ Why does embed never work for me on a Tuesday? WTF
Dreamer..that video is god damn hilarious. That entire ending around the 11 minute mark pretty much sums up Dark Souls
Plus I went back to the undead asylum and got this rad rusty ring that makes me run in water! Right now I'm obsessed with trying to kill the stray demon.. I got a Dark Knight Sword and am wondering if I should upgrade that or upgrade my halberd.
Also yea, that ring is awesome for the swamp. Also really good for the Hydra fight.
edit: Actually not sure about that Longsword. But I do know the Dark Knight Axe is the only weapon in the game with a B in Strength that I have found. And it takes the same requirements as the sword.
I just went back to the asylum and met that demon by did not go well.