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What Are You Working On? 2011 Edition!



  • Av7xrocker97
    Just wondering daphz, why does almost all of your stuff have the floaty upside-down crossy thingy?
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15

    I'm finishing up an old scene. Still a long way to go; water shader needs to be touched up a bit (it's a modified version of the shader made by Chris Albeluhn), my terrain's vertex blending material needs another lerp segment (I'm planning to add some wet looking texture around the river) and empty areas need to be filled with grass, bushes and rocks.

    Adding grass is gonna be the worst part; I'm using the november beta and a static mesh as a terrain. I have to place the grass by hand and for some reason, the grass doesn't snap properly to my terrain. Anyone got any tips? There must be a better way of doing that; I like the new build way too much to go back :).
  • Pix
    Really nice work, maybe you'll be able to add something behind the river (hill, trees) it is up to you, it would be nice if you could add some small laying branches around, and dead leaves on the ground just to add more variation and colours, for the water and vegetation there you can add "Pałki Wodne" :)
  • Mike Yevin
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    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    Just wondering daphz, why does almost all of your stuff have the floaty upside-down crossy thingy?

    its because daphz is a metalhead, and hes badass like that :)

    daphz - nice work on the self portrait, its good to see you coming back to these older projects, keep it up :thumbup:
  • krisCrash
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    krisCrash polycounter lvl 9
    What a beautiful setting! Makes me want to explore it.
    Being random! Should I 3D it, or leave it to the concept tag thread? :'D
    there's a dick version too :B but I think that might be over the line around here.
    Holographic Goldfish Vessel Bot
  • Mike Yevin
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    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    worked on this fella some more yesterday, decided to make him more "cowboy"

  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    Some really nice stuff last few pages.
    hntrluc> cool chick! Some rough bits on her backside, but that's it.
    swizzle> I really like that octopus head, think it's going awesome.
    Drew++> that gun is tight. Nice modeling.

    Moving on with this thing.

    And a link for anyone interested in seeing what the (more or less) finished tex on this:
  • JR
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    JR polycounter lvl 15
    Man, this thread is full of win! A lot of sexy jobs! Congrats for everybody posting here.

    Here goes my attempt to paint an Orc. It's not finished yet.




  • Medestruit
    Dicking around with some stuff...

  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    This thread is ON FIYAH!!!
  • Shaffer
    Crazyfool- That’s looking awesome, would love to see some crazy color on her.

    Jackwhat/jramauri- I’m going to be saving all your paintings for reference and

    color dropping, You have a way better understanding of color than I. Thanks again guys

    Daphz- Nice! My self portrait has a similar getup, loved you last two chars in here.

    Finished this concept today and I'm going to start sculpting and such tomorrow. Tell me if you what you guys think
  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    Worked on this Base Stone Diffuse Texture for my Environment.


    I think it looks pretty good for being 100% photo-free.
  • AtlusZMH
    Finished(For now) That Groza from a week or so back!

    For my first attempt at a game ready gun, i think it turned out alright :) Probably will revisit and lower the scratches by a bit though.

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master

    I wish more games had that much style, looks awesome.
  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    Atlus, your scratches are way too long and it's pretty out of control atm. Scale them down a bit and go for slightly more grunge in the spec map. Less scratches, please :)
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    AltusZMH> Think about how the scratches ended up there. Give them a reason and a story. You can't have one continuous scratch going across 270 degree angles unless someone sat down took a sharp object and carefully added them with great detail :)
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Well damn, there is a lot of hottness going 'round in here!!

    Medestruit - Wow, that line quality is about as delicious as a hot fudge sundae. Very, very nice!! Only thing to watch for is the perspective under the helmet; his face is looking a bit off in the sketch atm.
  • Medestruit
    Mezz wrote: »
    Well damn, there is a lot of hottness going 'round in here!!

    Medestruit - Wow, that line quality is about as delicious as a hot fudge sundae. Very, very nice!! Only thing to watch for is the perspective under the helmet; his face is looking a bit off in the sketch atm.

    Thanks. Yeah, I almost never sketch out things like this, there certainly won't be anything that wonky going on for the face. The sketch was more to get an idea of how much detail I need to do on/around the chest area, since I plan on having the beard/hair cover a vast amount of that region.
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    For the groza I would remove the scratches entirely. The way they cross all those forms in a way that is clearly a projection flattens everything out. Also your edge highlighting is way too hot and uniform.

    When painting
  • xenaxis
    Hi everyone !
    that's the first time i post in this thread and i feel kinda anxious.
    awesome posts, i'm amazed !

    Teaandcigarettes > this is totally awesome !
    Medestruit > your line is so clean.

    So here is what i'm worling on : (hope the pic is not too big)

  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14

    I'm finishing up an old scene. Still a long way to go; water shader needs to be touched up a bit (it's a modified version of the shader made by Chris Albeluhn), my terrain's vertex blending material needs another lerp segment (I'm planning to add some wet looking texture around the river) and empty areas need to be filled with grass, bushes and rocks.

    Adding grass is gonna be the worst part; I'm using the november beta and a static mesh as a terrain. I have to place the grass by hand and for some reason, the grass doesn't snap properly to my terrain. Anyone got any tips? There must be a better way of doing that; I like the new build way too much to go back :).

    Love it! You have to start a thread for this dude! You HAVE to :P Would love to see wires and some more up close shots on stuff!
  • ralusek
  • Yavi
    the first gun I've ever made, it's frustrating, but kinda fun :P a glock-21, only highpoly so far. feedback is much appreciated :)

  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth

    teaandcigarettes, That looks wheely good. Really kicking it up a gear! Ok I'm getting tyred of the puns now.
    Whoops I guess I spoke too soon!
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    moof- I don't know what the hell it is but I want one!
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    quick lunchtime update, this time with a tupee®

  • TheDarkKnight
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    TheDarkKnight polycounter lvl 15
    Finally had some time to work on this guy some more, made him some shoes, think I might call the high poly done


    Was thinking about doing the CGWorkshop by Katon Callaway, anyone done that?
    Did the one by Jon Rush and that was awesome, might just do this one aswell
  • okkun
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    okkun polycounter lvl 20

    I'm finishing up an old scene. Still a long way to go; water shader needs to be touched up a bit (it's a modified version of the shader made by Chris Albeluhn), my terrain's vertex blending material needs another lerp segment (I'm planning to add some wet looking texture around the river) and empty areas need to be filled with grass, bushes and rocks.

    Adding grass is gonna be the worst part; I'm using the november beta and a static mesh as a terrain. I have to place the grass by hand and for some reason, the grass doesn't snap properly to my terrain. Anyone got any tips? There must be a better way of doing that; I like the new build way too much to go back :).

    Looking pretty good. Slightly over the top on the post maybe. Check your Terrain LOD's.

    I can't remember what the fix was but we worked on a project pretty recently in UE where the grass ended up snapping to the lowest terrain LOD.
  • Tom Ellis
    Slightly intimidated by some of the awesome env work going on here but cracking on with mine, ground plants / trees next... slightly anxious about those!
  • Sean VanGorder
    teaandcigarettes - That looks great man. I love the grass and ground textures.

    You may want to try to make the river pop out a bit more, whether it be through the shader or through your lighting. I honestly didn't even notice it the first time looking at the image.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    Another thing, this time a fast colored concept with one of my little babies.

    And here's the wires of the hydrant if someone wanted to see them.
  • Pedro Amorim
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks a lot for all the comments and suggestions guys :) I'm really happy to get so much positive reception. I will try to pimp it out a little bit more and post an improved version shortly.
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    ear study/kid sculpt

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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    heres my first pixel fun

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    nice kid sculpt, Id love to see more casual/ kid oriented games have proper fully normal mapped characters :)

    heres one from my sketchbook

    jan11th - elemental being

  • AtlusZMH
    @Blaizer - Love that lizard guy o.o and excellent modeling on the hydrant :)

    I took into consideration the crits on that groza and came up with this today!

    I think its a huge improvement, thanks a ton for the help :)


    Think I'm gonna move onto modeling a grenade launcher next.. learned a lot from this model!

    Always, please crit!
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Nobody probably cares much about this sorta stuff, so definitely not gonna make a thread or anything:


    My own car. The texture is 100% handpainted, shader set to display diffuse only. Back to the old school stuff I used to do 4-5 years ago. I've gotten a lot better.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Nice and clean. If you won't make a thread, can you show wires?
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Hey man, here ya go:
  • tesher07
    AtlusZMH wrote: »
    @Blaizer - Love that lizard guy o.o and excellent modeling on the hydrant :)

    I took into consideration the crits on that groza and came up with this today!

    I think its a huge improvement, thanks a ton for the help :)


    Think I'm gonna move onto modeling a grenade launcher next.. learned a lot from this model!

    Always, please crit!

    Looking way better now that you toned down the scratches. I would recommened darkening the hue of the metal very slighty, and as for the wood, the grain looks kind off odd, maybe because the normal/bump is to much?
  • AtlusZMH
    I like it :) Its super clean. Modeling, texturing, and display.

    EDIT: The wood actually doesnt have a normal beyond the smooth one from the bake, i think it just looks super contrasty and bright..

    My girlfriend thinks i need to darken it a bit too, from texture sheet > Marmoset, it did seem to lighten up a lot..
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    AtlusZMH wrote: »
    Always, please crit!

    Understand that I've never seen a metal finish on a gun that looks anything like that; you're missing all the quirks and variations that come in color and tone with metal. Metal sings, it has personality, not a flat gray--not even on a flat grey park. Take a little time to look up basic chemical finishing processes that are involved with treating the metal on most rifles--bluing, parkerization--and know that it means very different things for how the actual piece ends up looking. Guns get older, certain parts wear more than others, etc. etc. If you want your model to feel like the genuine article it's going to need a lot more color.
    Pay attention to the details, the subtleties, and you'll do well. There's a good base here for elaboration, but you have to push it.

    //end comment from some gun guy who has been drinking
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    @ hntrluc : Excellent ! I agree with the others about the face though !

    @ teaandcigarettes : Really nice environment. But why so much desaturation ? :(

    @ moof : Excellent as always ! Is this possible to see the specular/gloss of this ? It seems that something's missing with the specular (maybe some white scratches here and there or some highlights on edges (for the specular) and the gloss seems a little bit too uniform on the overall object)). Or maybe it's just the lighting :D

    Robot Leg (changed the design a bit :D).


    And a video


    I'll have to rig it because for now I don't have any interactions between the blue "handle" (in the back of the ankle) and the foot.
  • BuLL
    AtlusZMH wrote: »
    @Blaizer - Love that lizard guy o.o and excellent modeling on the hydrant :)

    I took into consideration the crits on that groza and came up with this today!

    I think its a huge improvement, thanks a ton for the help :)

    Think I'm gonna move onto modeling a grenade launcher next.. learned a lot from this model!

    Always, please crit!

    Some added ao shading over the diff and spec will enhance the weapon bud.There`s not alot showing currently...
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Should probably have posted in the speed sculpt thread but that's pretty much dead and I want some honest feedback. Critiques, paintovers and whatnot wanted, please.

  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    Striker: nice sculpts

    Xoliul: clean painting, i don't recall seeing a handpainted car with that resolution from you before. Maybe the transition from side to roof could use a very subtle gradient?

    felt like painting today, it's a semi selfportrait :D

  • paulsvoboda
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    paulsvoboda polycounter lvl 12
    Xoliul: Nice stuff man. Just a quick question, by handpainted do you mean no photo sources or done without high poly - low poly transfer?
    Also, is the Audi sign on an alpha?
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    been doing some memory exercises-attempted "attractive" female head with no ref
  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13

    Lighting and Texturing This Scene, Also testing my first decal...

    The scene is loosely, based on South Clocktown from Majora's Mask, and as such I've taken some personal liberties with the architecture, going for a more real world feel. The clock is based on a 24 hour medieval clock, although I've taken liberties on the size because this IS Clocktown.

    After finishing the main structures of this, I will move on to prop'n out the place.

    How does my lighting work with the sky? Does it feel like it could be real?
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