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TRON: Legacy



  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    pior wrote: »
    Okay time to do some Tron fanart now hehe

  • RexM
    Movie was awesome. Really awesome.
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    I thought it kicked ass! I plan to see it again in a few days. I just wish they would have done something with viruses like they did in Monolith's game. Maybe it's something they will touch on in the next film.
    So if a user is flesh and bone (can bleed) in the virtual world ... will she be "digital" in the real world?

    - BoBo
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    aww the BEPs aren't that bad

    Maybe they're one of those guilty pleasure things :( naw they aren't that bad
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Entertainingly awesome film. I rarely head out to the theater anymore, and this is one of my "must see on the big screen" movies. You could probably skip the 3D price tag and not miss out on much of anything.

    I haven't read any reviews (never do), but seriously?...people are really reviewing this poorly? They need to get their pompous heads out of their ass and learn to accept entertainment. I've enjoyed so many more movies since I've stopped being so hyper-critical of them. There's no sense in it. I will, however, always be hyper-critical of video games, because they're an interactive experience. But, a movie? Meh, mindless entertainment.
    So if a user is flesh and bone (can bleed) in the virtual world ... will she be "digital" in the real world?

    - BoBo
    Ha, I was thinking the same thing. I also thought it would be pretty funny if CLU did get his army to the exit and all the ships just fell over because they wouldn't be able to function in the "real world".
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    I really dislike 3D in general because of the glasses. They ruin it for me.

    But for this one, just watching that woman's amazing eyes in 3D was worth it. She is so incredibly pretty in that, and she has almost a CG look to her.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Geezus wrote: »

    I haven't read any reviews (never do), but seriously?...people are really reviewing this poorly? They need to get their pompous heads out of their ass and learn to accept entertainment. I've enjoyed so many more movies since I've stopped being so hyper-critical of them. There's no sense in it. I will, however, always be hyper-critical of video games, because they're an interactive experience. But, a movie? Meh, mindless entertainment.]

    maybe you're just thick

    i think this film is shit, and i haven't even seen it. That makes me better than you.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ Film was pretty much the most awesomesauce audio/visual combo this year for me.

    Loved the fact that CLU delved into the Uncanny Valley, simply because he ISNT human. So it fit. Great film I liked it a lot! Wouldn't recommend watching 3D movies if it isn't IMAX though... Regular 3D cinemas always look 'meh'

    Also; Art book is pretty nice, although its more of a 'production' and 'thought process behind decisions' as opposed to just a flurry of artwork. No real 3D in there either (which I personally preferred). I took sum pix:


  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    danr wrote: »
    maybe you're just thick

    i think this film is shit, and i haven't even seen it. That makes me better than you.

    That just makes you an uptight ass :D

    That artbook looks fuckin dope though. Must get!
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14

    its a proof that the music it well composed, even in 8 bit version it sounds so good
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Oh man, I almost forgot about the music. It's one of the awesomest things about this movie, real kickass soundtrack.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    danr: don't you hate everything?
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    danr wrote: »
    maybe you're just thick

    That's what she said.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Saw it. Was great. Better than first. I can see a Star Wars feel to some parts of it. Some were slow. It left itself open for sequels. Though I hope they go slow. Like one every decade or so. To reflect how the digital world changes.

    The only real plot hole I saw was
    Where did they get the clothes for her when they came out? Did his father have a stash in his office or something of female clothing?

    Per Uncanny Valley.
    They should have made Clue a bit more CG like versus trying to force a realism to him.. It would have fit his character better and the story.

    Oh and I haven't read this thread yet. Will ask
    What was on the flash card at the end?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Absolutely fucking loved it. Haters gonna hate.
    And the soundtrack was obviously one of the best :D

    If you're reading this thread before seeing the movie, you deserve to read spoilers.

    I think Sam made a "backup" of the grid on disk, then took it offline. He powered down the servers it was running on after making the copy.

    As for Quorra I think they just came back with the digital clothing they had on? Afterall, Sam went digital with the clothes he had on. I think when they showed Sam there are the arcade after paging his father's friend, some time had passed. I don't think it was the very moment they came out.
  • Sayanora
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    Sayanora polycounter lvl 11
    Most expensive music video I've ever seen. Nice designs and lighting, good atmosphere..it was pretty and most of the soundtrack was solid, but the entire movie was one liners :(
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Saw it in Imax 3D today!! Definitely the right way to experience it! :D

    My friend and I both thought it was really awesome--I didn't know why everyone had been reviewing it so poorly. The story wasn't the best I've seen, but I thought much better than people were making it out to be.

    Some of my favourite scenes were the motorcycle fight, and DEFINITELY the bar scene. What an awesome loon that guy was! lol And Gem was really awesome, I loved her look. And I loved her crazy shoes.

    The visuals were stunning the whole way through, and the music was really great. I don't know why they played Sweet Dreams when he was heading down near the beginning, but it made me happy :D All the Daft Punk music was really kick-ass too, I'm planning on getting this soundtrack for sure! :)

    Olivia Wilde was really good in it. She made her part really believeable, and her hair cut was super-cute :P I also noticed the uncanny valley young Jeff Bridges, but I mostly thought it was OK since it was mostly on Clu, a digital program. It sounds like its a new techinique from my understanding, so this movie seemed as good a place as any to try out this technique. I'm sure it'll be perfected over time. (Someday, who will need actors, am I right?)

    I thought it felt a little weird having a program (Quorra) exisitng in the real world. Like, how will she function? Will she age? Can she.. reproduce? (And yet, I'm oddly quite willing to accept the Flynns' being able to exist in the computer :P)
    Oh, I also thought it would be lulz if Clu and his army got through to the real world and didn't function, or were really small, or something more abstract like bits of light or something funny like that. :P

    Anyway, it was a great time! I highly suggest if you're thinking of seeing it, seeing it NOW, while it's in theatres. I can't see it being anywhere near the same experience at home.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    For sure, yeah. Quite a few points in the movie struck a cord in me. Not sure if it was the visual or audio queues in those scenes, but I got goosebumps and what almost felt like a slight adrenaline rush. It definitely got my head spinning, artistically. Feeling pretty motivated.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    I wonder if the percent of 80s-future characters in Domwar will increase significantly because of this.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Had my GF crying when he met his dad, then when his dad sacrificed himself (and wiped the grid?)

    So from that angle, this movie is still compelling for non-geeks. Which makes it a win storywise.

    My feeling about the haters is that this movie came out when a prime slice of the audience were adolescents. I was 4 but certainly got around to watching it many years later and respected the original greatly when starting to do 3D graphics.

    This gives us super high expectations.

    So you really have to admire the movie for paying very little fan service and going after the adolescent male target once again, not the jaded fans who expect too much. Which is the majority of the reviewers no-doubt. It was a brave move that allowed them to take Tron in a new direction. The digitizing scene was very short, which of course infuriates us who like the original which draws out the entry to a digital world.

    Personally, I was yearning for more abstraction through the movie. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it. I just expected the digital world to be more, digital? More lawnmower man, VR style. Many things were over explained to justify their feasibility, it wasn't needed that a bike must have an engine etc. But if that's the direction this Tron is headed, it needs to be judged on it's own merits.

    The original had many scenes where the digital world and real world are connected, it would have been nice to have more realm connection / twists.

    Some nice easter eggs in there, very much keeping the pacman tradition. The building G6 is a play on the G5 mac - they never got to make a G6 after switching to intel. I'm sure theres loads more in there.

    (I'm one of these who can't focus on the 3D, so a lot of the shots were a mess for me. Looking forward to watching again on blueray)
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hehe Hawk I noticed the PacMan thing in the original only yesterday hahah :D So awesome. Now THAT is a big door!
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    I wonder if the percent of 80s-future characters in Domwar will increase significantly because of this.

  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    I thought the movie was rather bad, or at least extremely mediocre. The production design was great, the special effects were good, the music was good, costumes were good; seems like this movie is continuing the current trend of Sci-fi films (save for a few like District 9 & Moon) where every department is doing its job well except for the story writers. During several parts of the film I started zoning out; it simply did not engage me and I left feeling totally indifferent about it. Everyone and their mother is doing awesome special effects and 3D these days, give me some god damn story and characters I actually care about.
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    oXYnary wrote: »

    Oh and I haven't read this thread yet. Will ask
    What was on the flash card at the end?
    That's what I was wondering as well. My guess is that they will use that as a way for him to bring his dad back to life for the next film. Maybe it's a copy of him in his digital form? Who knows.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Striff: That's closer to what I thought.
    I think it's the information from his Flynn's disk. They'll use the information to know everything about him and the grid. They could easily reuse it to create a digital version of his Dad.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Is it just me or did the soundtrack remind you of Philip Glass's music for Koyaanisqatsi? Time to make a youtube mashup?

    03 - The Son Of Flynn
    09 - Outlands
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    hawken wrote: »

    PC needs a better system to let people know about this kind of stuff. I had no clue at all that this was going on.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    PC needs a better system to let people know about this kind of stuff. I had no clue at all that this was going on.

    Really? It was posted on the news page when it started. There are also usually weekly updates posted there. Also, you could always just periodically check the contest subcategory of the forums.

    I agree it would be cool to have something on the main page though like "Current Contests: blah blah"
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Maybe I'm unique in this, but I never check the main page of these forums. Like just the main Polycount.com or Gameartisans.org, I never go to those. I just have the General forum always open in a tab. So unless someone mentions it there, or an e-mail gets sent, I won't see it.

    Would be cool to have competitions in the top-row rotation though, since that's site-wide.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I thought it was great.

    For some reason, I thought Daft Punk's cameo was hilarious. They reminded me of muppets in their little control room.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    PC needs a better system to let people know about this kind of stuff. I had no clue at all that this was going on.

    ~ I can relate. I literally come on here everyday and knew nothing about that competition.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Xenobond wrote: »
    Is it just me or did the soundtrack remind you of Philip Glass's music for Koyaanisqatsi? Time to make a youtube mashup?

    03 - The Son Of Flynn
    09 - Outlands

    my wife thought the same thing... need to check it out.
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Totally dug it, bar scene was ace....
  • nick2730
    loved it, bar scene was hilarious. Sheen did an awesome job lol
  • piippo
    I thought the movie was rather bad, or at least extremely mediocre. The production design was great, the special effects were good, the music was good, costumes were good; seems like this movie is continuing the current trend of Sci-fi films (save for a few like District 9 & Moon) where every department is doing its job well except for the story writers. During several parts of the film I started zoning out; it simply did not engage me and I left feeling totally indifferent about it. Everyone and their mother is doing awesome special effects and 3D these days, give me some god damn story and characters I actually care about.

    In a way I can relate to that. The story is a bore, but it's more of an experience for the other senses. It's a audiovisual feast. Everything was spot on - except for the story. I still loved it.

    Not much 3D going on, that's true.

    District 9 got a lot of praise, I had high hopes when I saw it finally. Disappointment, story didn't really tick any boxes for me. It felt mediocre. I much more enjoyed Sunshine, even with it's flaws.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    Maybe I'm unique in this, but I never check the main page of these forums. Like just the main Polycount.com or Gameartisans.org, I never go to those. I just have the General forum always open in a tab. So unless someone mentions it there, or an e-mail gets sent, I won't see it.

    Would be cool to have competitions in the top-row rotation though, since that's site-wide.

    Your complaining because the system that is in place doesnt adhere to your habits...? lol.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Muzz wrote: »
    Your complaining because the system that is in place doesnt adhere to your habits...? lol.

    No, I'm complaining because your habits don't adhere to my complaints.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    lol ^

    Only thing that bothered me about the 3D was that there was a slight ghosting to the right of everything. At the EMP IMAX we had the LCD shutter glasses. But when I saw the 30min Tron preview back in early November, we used non-LCD polarized lenses. I didn't get any ghosting with those and the image depth seemed (to me at least) to be greater than when using the LCD shutters.

    Anyone else had the same issues?
  • piippo
    Haven't used shutter based glasses to watch movies yet. Polarized lenses worked fine on Tron and Avatar. Have used Dolby 3D and XPAND polarized glasses.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    BTW, was anyone else a little disappointed that he didn't do more with Flynn's cycle? I was really expecting it to come into play more later
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    notman wrote: »
    BTW, was anyone else a little disappointed that he didn't do more with Flynn's cycle? I was really expecting it to come into play more later

    Yeah I got kind of miffed when Quorra was like "fastest thing on the grid!" then Sam gives it to a hobo...
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    You think that much money pumped into a movie, and you could get some compelling characters.

    Tron as a character was hugely under utilized. Bruce Boxleitner fucking rox, so.. bleh.

    Kinda crazy to say it but Olivia Wilde was the only character with some life in them...

    sigh. Visually amazing though. Could have used some design variation though... every element was built in a similar fashion which kinda made it hard to distinguish environments.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah I got kind of miffed when Quorra was like "fastest thing on the grid!" then Sam gives it to a hobo...

  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    moof wrote: »

    Tron as a character was hugely under utilized.

    agree, but just think of him like the stig from top gear
  • TeRRoR
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    TeRRoR polycounter lvl 8
    I thought the movie was fucking awesome guys, not only was the story pretty cool and interesting but the special effects were fucking AMAZING and orgasmic. Do I have to even mention the soundtrack? Haha, seriously stop getting so damn disappointed when theres nothing to be disappointed about... This movie exceeded my expectations by a longshot!

    Also, it was really cool how they had a CG Jeff Bridges, I thought they did a really good job on that. Its almost as if they went back in time and got the younger him to play the part or found an identical double.
    indian_boy wrote: »
    haha, i might catch a second showing then.

    @Dreamer - one of his eyes has perfect vision, the other one sees nothing but a blur. He barely has any sense of depth perception, at all.

    Unfortunately I couldn't make it to the midnight showing. Did you see any people dressed up as programs or anything?? Haha, not sure how hardcore some of the TRON fans are :)
    piippo wrote: »
    It was good, not great. Visually very nice, story wise bland. Music was great all around. Saw it in 3D, but 3D was used sparingly.

    Actually if I'm not mistaken, and correct me if I'm wrong, but most of the movie was in 3D. I actually took my 3D glasses off periodically, just for a second or two at a time, to check and see how much of it was and whenever I did, it got blurry, thus that segment was in 3D.
    pior wrote: »
    I dunno guys, obviously I had huge expectations - but the 3D really didnt work for me. Even in Imax 3D, it just didnt add much to the movie at the cost of making it quite weird an unfocused. If Tron-type visuals dont make 3D work, then nothing can! I remember LCD shutter glasses at amusement parks - they worked soooo much better than this cheap polarized thing.

    Were you wearing 3D glasses? I don't think its supposed to be blurry at all if you have them on and its a 3D segment, is it?
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    TeRRoR wrote: »

    Actually if I'm not mistaken, and correct me if I'm wrong, but most of the movie was in 3D. I actually took my 3D glasses off periodically, just for a second or two at a time, to check and see how much of it was and whenever I did, it got blurry, thus that segment was in 3D.

    No. Thats not how it works. There was a note in the beg to keep the 3d glasses on even though some parts where in 2d. If they hadn't made all the video polarized if not 3d, there would be a sudden jolt going from 2d to 3d, or having to constantly put on and off your glasses.

    Ok flaw time.
    Didnt he say the portal/laser was open for like miliseconds in the real world? But it was like 8 hours in the digital world? Lets say for a second that Flynn still aged the normal rate even at this accelerated time line inside the grid.

    Do you realize how many millions of years he would have experienced for the 20 years he was in the grid? I dont think being a guru character would have been how he ended up.

    The Bum character was out of place. It sucked as a plot device. You could have had a chase with that motorcycle. But beyond that CLU would have never allowed a bum in his perfect world to so openly (even alley way) drink away. The more I think about it it probably was a last minute change in the script because of budget constraints.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    oXYnary wrote: »
    The Bum character was out of place. It sucked as a plot device. You could have had a chase with that motorcycle. But beyond that CLU would have never allowed a bum in his perfect world to so openly (even alley way) drink away. The more I think about it it probably was a last minute change in the script because of budget constraints.

    ~ Agreed. I thought the exact same thing, it was clearly a race of some sort that had to be removed due to budget.

    After reading the Art book, it's pretty clear that the director was like 90% concerned with architecture, design, aesthetics, and basically worked a storyline around the visuals. Which probably explains a lot.
  • indian_boy
    Yeah, when the bum thing happened, i couldn't help but say out loud: "are you shitting me?"

    Overall, I thought the movie was awesome. Visuals were, obviously, insane. I'd love to get a hold of this artbook. Also, it may have been mentioned before, but I think that Clu should have delved deeper into the Uncanny Valley. It'd be fitting. Also curious as to which was pulled off better: Arnold in Termie 4, or Clu? [I vote Arnie, though granted, he had less screen-time]

    My one major crit for this movie is that it tries to be plot heavy, but doesn't actually have a decent plot. There's a lot of time spent explaining things that feel irrelevant. Don't get me wrong - I love plot-heavy movies, but only if there's something unique / compelling within them.

    Still: contemplating rewatching in 3d...
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Arnold was better. I think Clu was as bad as many video games. His mouth movement alone, should have been WAY better.
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