hello, a friend notified me that this person is claiming work done by myself and my classmates as his own. he said he found the website from CA, which means it is possible he is an active part of this community as well. i am posting this as a warning to those who may have been considering hiring him for work.
the first image are screencaps of the website for proof, and the second image is a collection of our classwork.

So this guy stole a whole classes work? Is there a blog or something the students were posting their work on that he could have gotten this from?
@Jungsik: i posted it on our class blogspot, and will probably be taking it to the school in general. it seems he's attended CDA (which would be the only way he could have access to our blogs), and i highly doubt they would appreciate this kind of behavior.
I'd suggest that you should email this guy you are talking about and notify him of his doings. Also it's better if you tell him that you have told this theft of his to the major game art communities. If he fails to submit to you, you should speak with your professor, student councilors and find the best possible solution for it.
It's also best if you and your class mates dont post any art under your school blog (unless it is an assignment)
I am seeing this happened fourth time just for the 2d/3d arts.
Seriously I cant think anyone would be getting an interview based on someone else's work. I mean in my course one professor was really pissed off about this subject of stealing the assignments and all he said was "people who take part in plagiarism shall be pissed on and then get shot"
Actually I think the penalty of this false act is that the person wont get admission in any art college or any college in general. =\
Daryl Mandryk (Turok)
regarding posting, we are only posting our schoolwork on the blogs. the fact he still has access after he's long gone means he knows how to go about this.
Maybe its just me but when you go to his blog, and look at the very last image
one of my classmate said that that looks very familiar with the 'the ark' concept from brink.
we compared it and its quiet similar, I do not know how much of a plagiarism that is but its obvious his style of concept work changes dramatically from each one.
Anyway, I took your advice and sent him a note on facebook asking him to take down our work (for starters) and to no longer claim future student work as his own.
If he doesn't respond within a day or two, will send a Cease and Desist.
To everyone else, thank you for your support and advice!
so kind of you.
But have a second opinion from your professors and see if they agree on this action.
Personally I would feel pity for someone who has done this accidently for example you create an art and suddenly someone emails you and tell you that your art is similar to the art that person x has made. I would feel pity for him because he would have to go back to his work desk and rethink or something else. Which isn't much of a work but it is enough for him to earn people's sympathy.
If the person has done this intentionally then he hasn't earned anyone's sympathy, because he wasn't innocent to begin with.
Its kinda funny you know, you can think of countless art, take time and draw them out. The imagination is infinite in terms of doing that. But its a real ass hard work to copy someone's work and getting away with it. Its hard and pointless =\
but unfortunately with our friend, i don't think that's the case. although i suppose we should be flattered he took our work, hmm? it's just very hard for me to comprehend how someone can go, 'i'm going to take this which is not mine, and make it mine.' maybe this is karma for when i stole fish food for my fishies as a kid
You still need to pass the art test.
One of the more concerning ones was, another team at the studio i then worked for had just signed an outsourcing studio based on a particular art test. I just happened to view said test a few weeks later and it was pretty obvious where most of the test had come from.
Anyway long story short, majority of said test ended up being from one of Bobotheseals qf3 (engineer model i think it was) models.
You can just imagine, signed contract, pressing deadline, big money , high profile port, ugliness followed.
Hey, i've seeen something like this before:
Anyway, good luck solving it. Hope he learns a REAL lesson.
I like where this is going....
Blog is now invite only, but site is still there for me. Though i don't see the stolen artwork, just the ripped off pieces.
On one of my uni projects we have a folder of other peoples concept art, but it's a folder marked 'REFERENCE' and has the artists name as a file name for each piece. If we ever used them in a presentation we would reference each image used or get done for plagerism.
Basically, no. And passing it off as your own? Hell fucking no.
edit: In terms of painting from someone else's concept as reference, its very bad practice not to give the original artist credit or mention its a remake. It's not as serious as outright plagerism, but when its noticed you're going to look really bloody stupid for it.
in hell
: O
It's OK to use someone else's concept (and follow it exactly) to make a model for your portfolio right? Obviously NOT passing the concept off as yours, but just the model, and linking to the other persons concept.
Of course people do it in pimping+previews all the time and I've just started my own model on someone else's concept. Clearly that process is different as a concept artist is supposed to be coming up with original stuff right?
I just want to make sure it's not frowned upon as I want to be able to show that I can follow a concept closely and model it well.
If the concept artist doesn't like that I'm using his concept art for a model should I then not use it?
Legally he doesn't have leg to stand on though right? As I'm not using my model for commercial purposes.
For instance if a 3D character artist created a Batman model for his PORTFOLIO and posted the model on his website he wouldn't be in trouble regarding licensing etc......Right? (OK Batmans an extreme example but it's still someone else's art).
If stealing someone else's art got him laid. Then yes; he should be applauded for it and immortalized in stone as a prime example of the male species.
That said I'm off to a party. Let Pior know that I'm borrowing his folio and identity for the night...
You can model anything inspired by anyone else work, like snake/batman/aliens/gears of war, etc. But if you are going to "copy" a piece of concept art into 3D, you better ask permission, legally, its a bit iffy, but its still a dick move to model something that someone doesn't want you to model.
And the community is pretty small, if that character artist or any of his friends are working at a studio you apply at, and you did one of his concepts without asking or him saying no, you might not get the job.
I would like to buy you a Zima good sir.
"Deviantart made me do it"
He seemed very sceptical and was trying to get me to buy a license to use his concept.
I get the impression from his other work he's just a hobbyist artist and that the concept wasn't used for anything else but his own art making pleasure.
What I'm thinking is it's ok for me to use the concept for my model anyway, and say in my portfolio the concept isn't mine, and link to the image on Deviant Art, but NOT show his concept image in my portfolio.
Of course, the chance of that is nihil, but it's a small industry - best to keep on everyone's good side. I'd advise you to look for some other concept, since most artists would be honoured if you'd model something after their concepts.
if you contacted him and he was acting sketch, then i would be the bigger person and say that you understand their position so you are not going to proceed with modeling from their concept art.
don't model it. find something else that inspires you and go from there. there's tons of concept art out there to inspire or model from to show off your skills.
regardless of how awesome you think the concept is, respect their wishes and move onto something else.
I guess there is a lot of (concept) fish out there and it's just finding one that bites.
Also - I'm going to play devil's advocate here for a bit. On some of the pieces, like the Turok one, it looks as if he's splicing work together to make his own work. Similar to the way we splice images from CGtexture together into nice whatevers. So It's possible that he believes those pieces (like turok) are okay to call his own work. He doesn't see them as stolen work, he sees them as collages.
He should still be firmly informed that this is not how it's done, though.
If you look at the screenshot of his blog the OP posted, you'll see that the background of "his" turok concept art is the same as the one on the front page, with a different figure instead of the guy with a gun.
And regardless, that's one piece of work. The one's where he painted over are really the stinging point.