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A new modeling tool released



  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    @storm3 charging for every new version prolly isn't a great idea either, since people wont upgrade every-time if they dont see things in the changelog that can help them, so you will see some people only upgrading every few months.

    maybe yearly major updates, and if you pre-order next years versions you get access to all the pre-release updates leading too it. (still supporting the previous version with bug fixes of-course)

    if you did that you could charge maybe around $100 for it each year, or maybe you could buy the app for a bit more or have reduced prices for upgrades, kinda like adobe and autodesk, where the app is quite expensive but you can upgrade every year for a fraction of the price.

    the idea is to just keep the price at a good medium, enough to make a living, but nothing to scare people away, since VW isnt a do everything tool, and will prolly always be more a niech tool, that people would add to the workflow, but not use it to replace there workflow.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12

    Would you like my to look into maybe adding donations via paypal to the site to see if there is any possible income from that while you figure out how your going to sell and market the product.
  • walreu
    Ever considered focusing this 3d app to certain feature? Like low-poly game asset creation? Character modeling (maybe integrate tech like Make Human to 3d app, would be awesome)? I think this kinda point of view would allow to spend time on less different features, and would also make the program more interesting to certain audience. I think going for the "do-all" 3d app is crazy when theres mosters like 3ds max and blender out there..
  • polyxo
    IStonia wrote: »
    polyxo, passerby: I feel SubD is more of a technical term. What do you think of this, Trilobite?

    Well, I personally prefer the Term SubD as it is so short and snappy.
    I do not think it has a nerdy, too technical touch.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    walreu wrote: »
    Ever considered focusing this 3d app to certain feature? Like low-poly game asset creation? Character modeling (maybe integrate tech like Make Human to 3d app, would be awesome)? I think this kinda point of view would allow to spend time on less different features, and would also make the program more interesting to certain audience. I think going for the "do-all" 3d app is crazy when theres mosters like 3ds max and blender out there..

    the app is already designed for a 1 use thing, purely meant for modeling polygon and subdivision modeling.
  • walreu
    passerby wrote: »
    the app is already designed for a 1 use thing, purely meant for modeling polygon and subdivision modeling.

    Well your homepage says:

    VoidWorld is a 3D modeling and animation tool.
    • UV unwrap models.
    • Bake various maps, like normal maps, AO maps etc..
    • Paint models in 3D environment.
    • Create skeleton animations.
    In my opinion, it does more than just modeling polygon and subdivision modeling.

    But if this is the way you want to go, i think it would be important to try to convince people that your program has better tools and workflow than any other program in that area. And considering that area, thats one huge goal.
    Im not trying to diss you here, just saying my opinion :)
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    walreu wrote: »
    Well your homepage says:

    VoidWorld is a 3D modeling and animation tool.
    • UV unwrap models.
    • Bake various maps, like normal maps, AO maps etc..
    • Paint models in 3D environment.
    • Create skeleton animations.
    In my opinion, it does more than just modeling polygon and subdivision modeling.

    But if this is the way you want to go, i think it would be important to try to convince people that your program has better tools and workflow than any other program in that area. And considering that area, thats one huge goal.
    Im not trying to diss you here, just saying my opinion :)

    the site is pretty outdated, most discussion is taking place on this topic and here http://voidworld.cmcproductions.co.uk/

    he started off making a app that does more but after getting user input, it started focusing on modeling and subdivision, which is why if you noticed the UV tools havent gotten any attention in a long while and are pretty far behind the curve compared to it's modeling tools, which are very good.
  • walreu
    passerby wrote: »
    the site is pretty outdated, most discussion is taking place on this topic and here http://voidworld.cmcproductions.co.uk/

    he started off making a app that does more but after getting user input, it started focusing on modeling and subdivision, which is why if you noticed the UV tools havent gotten any attention in a long while and are pretty far behind the curve compared to it's modeling tools, which are very good.

    Thanks for the heads up, didn't know all that :)
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    walreu wrote: »
    Thanks for the heads up, didn't know all that :)

    ya the dev is just working on the app and hasnt touched the site in years, you should also download the latest version from those forums too, since there was actually a new release today.

    istonia is really olny starting to talk about things like branding and polishing the product now, so maybe sometime in the future a proper and updated site will go, but for now, im hosting those forums for discussions on VW, and for posting bug/feature requests.

    hope the information helps.
  • giakaama
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    giakaama polycounter lvl 9
    Hi, I've been watching this thread for a while now and I've downloaded several times the versions IStonia uploaded here and what can I say, great progress keep up the good work, still I have some observations and I hope you take them as a constructive observation and not like a bashing !

    Impressive how many options and menus and slide menus are, but too much information displayed at once is bad too !

    The Grid

    I stil think the best grid is Maya's grid ( I'm a Modouser and a Modofan :) ) but I still thing Maya's grid is great, and the best thing about it is that the user can configure where are every lines that it can display !
    The only thing I've found to configure the grid in VW was in Edit-Preferences/Floor grid interval :( !

    When I'm in perspective mode I should be o the same grid verticaly too not only on the floor !



    I've tried to make a box, first thing I've seen is that U can construct the box, then push enter a bit strange but not that workflow breaking !

    What bothered me is that after I've built the box I've been searching for a way to center it into the scene, I think it would be easy if you have X Y Z in the creation panel !

    In Modo Ctrl+Click ( on any primitive is making 1 meter primitive at the centre of the scene a preety easy thing )

    After I've made the box but didn't press enter I should still be able to change the shape visualy not only from numbers !


    Another thing I've tried to make the box snapping to the grid ! When I select snap to grid I only want the cursor to snap only to the grid points not showing the default cursor and when I get to a grid point to transform into a snap cursor ! ( hope I don't get missunderstood :D) !

    I'll play with VW when I have time but for now this is what I've seen !
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    try going to view>floor settings, there are some more options for grid scale there.

    but ya i wish it was as flexable as the setup in maya also.

    for centering a object, just click create on the creation panel when making it, the reason why it seemed to be random spot is if you hit enter or q to confirm while the mouse is in the viewport it places it on the mouses location.

    i also tend to keep the manipulation panel docked to the bottom of the screen so i can quickly 0 the location of something out of needed.

    and for snapping it can work how you wanted. There is just a lot of snapping modes so you might of had it on grid line by accident and not grid point. VW's snapping is more similar to max's where you have to get so close to the point before it sticks and changes the cursor icon, if your looking for how it works in maya, try using stepping which can be set to the grid or to any unit you want in the manipulation panel.
  • IStonia

    Thanks for the grid setting suggestions! I already have the plan for this but I have to deal with performance issue first which is VoidWorld's biggest weakness.

    To create a box right at the scene center, There are a few possible ways
    1. Right click to activate radial menu. Then Tools > Box.
    2. In the Box tool creation panel, click the Create button to create the box. Change the box parameters if its size or segments are not what you want. Click Enter key to finish it.
    3. In the Box tool creation panel, check the Drop option. Set snapping option to Grid_Point. Move the cursor over the grid center point, now the grid point should be highligted so I don't think it is neccessary to change curor. Left/Middle click, or hit Enter/Q key.
    4. While the Box tool is opened and Grid_Point snapping is set, move the cursor over the grid center point, hit Enter/Q key.
    This may help, Help > Contents > Modeling > Object Section > Create Primitives.

    If you have created a box and want to move it to the scene center, you can either set its position in the Manipulate window, or set Grid_Point snapping and then drag the move manipulator at its center point and move the box.
  • IStonia
    new update.

    Summary of changes:
    * A bug in dae export is fixed.

    polyxo: I feel there are some advantages for Trilobite. It can be interpreted as triangle faces in bytes. That's the way digital art works are built and stored. Your art works can be enjoyed by people or maybe alliens even after many many many years, who knows how many, just like trilobites. This matches my domain name digitalFossils.com perfectly.

    passerby wrote: »

    Would you like my to look into maybe adding donations via paypal to the site to see if there is any possible income from that while you figure out how your going to sell and market the product.

    That can be helpful. The website and payment model setup may take quite a while. The address is: info@digitalfossils.com.

    VoidWorld Forums: http://voidworld.cmcproductions.co.uk/index.php
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    I like the idea, but trilobite reminds me of horseshoe crab, and by definition this specie didn't evolve in a veryyy long time. Could be bad omen.

    Anyway I like subd more problem is you can't use it as a brand it's a common technical name I'm pretty sure you can't ask for copyright (and so stop name abuse)
  • giakaama
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    giakaama polycounter lvl 9
    Me again ! :)

    I've tried to make 2 videos how Modo handles snapping and box creation compared to VW !

    The snapping in Modo is only ON the grid points even when you move the object ( Maya and Softimage work similar too ), in VW i'm struggling a bit with the snap to grid, and verticaly there is none :) !

    Hope it helps ! :)



    And about a new name :) hmmm how about " Modilium, Modium, Modalus " :)
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    you can just enable the work plan and snap to it for snapping vertical, and to make things move how you want, just enable stepping and set it to grid, which wont work during creation of a object, but one you manipulate the object with the transform widget it will only move by grid increments.

    i will post a vid of the methods i use for primitive creation.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVrS_vsBvXw"]Primitive Creation - YouTube[/ame]

    also a better location for your feature request and bug reports would be here http://voidworld.cmcproductions.co.uk/
  • giakaama
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    giakaama polycounter lvl 9
    Thx for the video :) ! Still I find it a bit unintuitive !
  • polyxo
    BeatKitano wrote: »
    I like the idea, but trilobite reminds me of horseshoe crab, and by definition this specie didn't evolve in a veryyy long time. Could be bad omen.

    Anyway I like subd more problem is you can't use it as a brand it's a common technical name I'm pretty sure you can't ask for copyright (and so stop name abuse)

    Hi Beat,
    that's why I also proposed to write SubD like this <d.
    This would solve the problem of mixing the Program-Name up with the Name of Modeling Paradigm.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    I don't think that solve the legal issue from using a common tech name. It's about past use and I don't think you can claim the term as your own brand... that would cause tons of legal potential issues. I may be wrong, copyright laws are different in countries.

    You could however probably use something along the lines of "subdy" (and subdy still means something in english, damn :\)
  • polyxo
    I'm not sure whether protecting the name is required and also feasable for Kun. Such can easily cost a lot of money. So I would doubt that Blender, Silo and the likes are actually protected Brand-Names.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    i don't like the subd name, in conversation it could be too hard to tell it apart from the term vs the app.
  • helldiver
    Call it: Vortex

    It's simple, catchy, has kind of a techy feel to it, and it makes you think of Vertex.

    "Yeah I modelled this in Vortex".

    The logo could be a stylized tornado thing (put Vortex Logo or Tornado Logo on google image search and you'll get tons of examples).

    Later on when you release addons you could keep it with the same theme:

    Tornado (special renderer for Vortex)
    Hydra (the sculpting tool for Vortex)
    VoreWare (the Vortex scripting language)
    Tsunami (special effects tool for Vortex)

    You get the idea.
  • Paradan
    hi, random lurker, really like this app and its slowly replacing wings3D for my most used modeling app. thank you for all your hard work. also glad to hear your gonna update your webpage.

    Trilobites are cool and all, but they're bottom feeders. You need something with more sexy to it, like...Mesonyx or Okapi (its like a gazelle with a bitchin paint job).
  • polyxo
    Call it: Vortex

    It's simple, catchy, has kind of a techy feel to it, and it makes you think of Vertex.

    Yes, that's nice. Whatever it ends up with I it should be short. No longer than 2 syllables.
  • IStonia
    new update.

    Summary of changes:
    * Two new features for primitive creating. While the tool is opened, Ctrl + LMB to create the object and remain the tool opened, Ctrl + MMB to create the object and close the tool.

    giakaama: Thanks for the naming suggestion and the videos. I can see Modo has some axtra functions to shape and position the box during the creation. These features require quite some coding, but I'll give it a try when I have the time. Right now in VW, once the box is created, you can use the snapping or step tools to achieve the same result although it is less convenient.

    Many thanks for helldiver and all of you who have made suggestions on the app name. I feel sorry that only one name can be taken.
    I just make a list of the names that are suggested and those which I can think of myself.
    Kea A native bird in New Zealand, same as Weta. They evolve well to cope with harsh conditions, they are so clever that they know how to use sticks to pry out foods inside containers through narrow passages, possibly the most clever bird of all birds. They don't fear people and some times they behave like brats to people.

    VoidWorld Forums: http://voidworld.cmcproductions.co.uk/index.php
  • ArchieVision
    I would not do a reoccurring renewal type of license. I would do a licence like Zbrush. You will get allot more customers that way. Except only 1 free upgrade, and then a small upgrade fee. It would work allot better and you would retain the customers you get originally. There is allot of competition in the 3d market. I hope you are able to make it. From what I see this program has allot of potential.

    I have a question. Is it free to use commercially right now? If it is, I might see if my team can give it a test drive. This would give you some insite on changes, and fixes that are needed.

    Also, how do you pull up the Render window.? I could not find that one.


  • IStonia

    As I said before, you can use any of the free versions for any purpose you want.

    Can you explain more about "pulling up rendering window". I hardly know other apps work.

    Also can you explain how Zbrush handles the licence.

    Thanks in advance!
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    by render window, i think he is expecting there to be something like scanline render or mental ray, and to ansswere your question ArchieVision you cant, VW is purley meant for modeling no rendering, so to render a scene move it to a other package or use a standalone renderer
  • storm3
    I have a new name suggestion:




    Small, easy to remember, and represents the core spirit of the app, experiments in new 3d modeling technology..

    Just an idea.. BTW: Istonia, thanks for the pass... ;')

  • IStonia
    new update.

    Summary of changes:
    * A bug in spline-vertex type radial menu activation is fixed.
    * Object Mode > Geometry > Combine(Merge Meshes).
    * View > Display > Heads Up Display > Horizontal Style.

    storm3: Both Tek3D and 3DTek have been widely used. The Same to Vortex.

    VoidWorld Forums: http://voidworld.cmcproductions.co.uk/index.php
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    the data center my server is in, is haveing a few issues today, so the vw fourms may be a bit slow and may not be responding at all for a few hours.
  • paulrus
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    paulrus polycounter lvl 6
    I've been following this thread for a while, so sorry if this has been answered before, but how do you add thickness to an object?

    And... can VW add thickness to splines?

    One of the coolest features of Hexagon when it first came out was the ability to extract an edge as a curve, then apply thickness to the curve. It made for very quick pipes, wires, etc. on your models.


  • IStonia
    paul: For object thickness, could be this one Help > Contents > Modeling > Mesh Section > Mesh Shell.
    I am not familiar with Hexagon at all. Can you explain the spline thickness with a picture or video?
  • paulrus
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    paulrus polycounter lvl 6
    I see. Am I correct that you have to be in polygon mode to make Shell work? It would be great if it worked in object mode as well, since I quite often want to add thickness to an entire object versus just some polys.

    As far as Hexagon's tools. I don't unfortunately have it installed anymore, but it had some really great tools.

    Essentially imagine you're working on a poly model, you select an edge loop or just a bunch of edges. You then use "extract selected edges as a curve" and it creates a new curve from the edges you've selected.

    Then you can apply a thickness operator to the curve (shell in VM's case) and you end up with a tube in the shape of the curves. It makes it really easy to add wires, pipes, etc. to the surface of a model.

    Hexagon was a pretty nice modeler back in it's day. It's unfortunate DAZ bought it and basically abandoned it.

  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12

    ya would love the curve/spline from edge selection thing you mentioned, one of my fav things from maya.

    but ya to do what you want currently is a pretty involved thing, would need to make a spline around the edge loop, than make a other spline in the shape of a circle to use the slide tool with to follow the original spline.

    in blender you can also give curves thickness in there properties, or use them for a path to extrude a other shape accrouss.
  • paulrus
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    paulrus polycounter lvl 6
    Ok - I had some time after lunch so I re-installed Hexagon and made a quick video. Forgive the fact that I can't find my way around it anymore - I haven't used it since DAZ bought it.

    Anyway, this should explain what I meant:

  • memag
    Few name suggestions:

    - STRONG
    - MANULO
    - PABLO
    - ANVIL
    - FLEXI
    - NEW LAB
    - BIG BAG
    - MAORI
    - MANU
  • IStonia
    paulrus, passerby: I will add a feature shortly which will create a spline object from selected edges.

    memag: Thanks for the name suggestions! I like the word Zen. It has the meaning of void, original source, art, most basic element and perfect. Very abstract. ZenCore, Zen3D, 3DZen are all heavily used. How about Zeny(Too feminine?) and TriZen(three perfect elements, try me, perfect triangle face world)?
  • Visioneer
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    Visioneer polycounter lvl 8
    IStonia, I'm not sure if this helps at all, but I have a mild name suggestion (which really takes yours and pushes it a little further)


    In Zen Buddhism, the zen-dō is a spiritual dōjō where zazen (sitting meditation) is practiced. A full-sized Zen Buddhist temple will typically have at least one zen-dō as well as a hon-dō ("main hall", but sometimes translated as "Buddha hall"), which is used for ceremonial purposes, plus a variety of other buildings with different functions. However, any place where people go to practice Zen can be referred to as a zen-dō. (From Wikipedia)

    The reason I say "TriZenDo" is when I open VoidWorld to start woking in it, I almost fall into a meditative state, surrounded by polys and tris, and the program is almost... A "meditation room of 3D."
  • ghib
    I'm a fan of zen somewhere in the name also (and like the zen-dō sound; it rolls off the tongue) but is zen-do too close to modo, silo maybe.. shame.

    Trizendo sounds too convoluted to me, but I can see where you're coming from Visioneer.

    I also really don't like zen3d or 3dzen, to me it cheapens it somewhat.

    it's a puzzle.

    how about:

    zenith : 1. The point above the observer that is directly opposite the nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial*bodies appear to be projected
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    I think we should first get the concept and imagery we want to convey with the name down first.

    just so were all working off the same thing for possible name ideas.

    the name can actully seem far off and still fit the concpet too.

    look at Valve, they got the name valve from 2 concepts "Open Your Eyes" and "Open Your Mind", in there case they took a concept and found a object that could represent part of it, instead of find words that repersnet whole concepts like the majority of the suggestions.
  • paulrus
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    paulrus polycounter lvl 6
    This naming discussion reminds me of the arguments I had when Andrew was changing 3D Brush to 3D Coat. He's not a native English speaker and unfortunately a lot of the people on his forums had no education in advertising/marketing so he chose one of the worst possible names. Coat certainly can be used to mean "a coating" of something, but when I hear the word "coat" I think of a winter jacket first. So 3D Coat sounds like 3D winter jacket to me.... So I would caution you to really be careful when choosing a name.

    Of everything suggested so far, Anvil is the one that got my attention the most. The only negative I can see is that it sounds & looks a little like Advil, which is a pain reliever. But it's short, sounds powerful and conjures up the image of a blacksmith bending metal and creating something.

    I agree with ghib on anything with Zen in the name. While it's a cool concept and something I can relate to (my wife is Japanese) it's been used too much in a redneck way in the United States. So my gut feeling whenever I see anything that has "zen" in the name is - cheap, tacky, low-budget, etc.

    As far as "Zenith" - that's the name of a television manufacturer.

    Overall you need to remember - the name doesn't necessarily need to be a "real" word. It needs to be easy to pronounce. It does not need to have "3D" in the name. I think Luxology did this perfectly in both their company name and naming Modo.

  • polyxo
    What Paul says makes a lot of sense to me. We non native speakers (including Istonia :) )should consider that we can't judge on the connotation of certain english names. It certainly would not hurt if some guys with strong Text skills got involved.
  • paulrus
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    paulrus polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you! I appreciate the vote of confidence.

    I actually was just reminded of another naming issue. As I mentioned, my wife is Japanese. Well, there is a car here in the US that's name actually means "toilet seat" in Japanese.

    Every time she sees one of those cars, she just starts laughing.

    So, that's another thing to think about with names - be careful not to name it a word that has a totally different meaning in another language!

  • polyxo
    So, that's another thing to think about with names - be careful not to name it a word that has a totally different meaning in another language!
    That's something one will not be able to prevent entirely. Brand names will always sound silly at least in one language. The Autopo-Feature in 3DCoat sounds like Car-Ass in German...
    I guess the Focus should be that the Application-Name works in English.
  • JoseConseco
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    JoseConseco greentooth
    How about naming VoidWorld -'IStonia' -short and easy to remember I think.
    I have to admin Anvil shound smooth too. I like it a lot.
  • IStonia
    Jose, I don't want to feel like I am being used. It seems Anvil is getting more votes. I like it myself.
  • Julmust
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    ya i do like Anvil only bad thing i see with that for a name is that a Anvil is seen as a very heavy object, when voidworld takes a stripped down approached to things, but everything else fits.
  • polyxo
    passerby wrote: »
    ya i do like Anvil only bad thing i see with that for a name is that a Anvil is seen as a very heavy object, when voidworld takes a stripped down approached to things

    Yup, that and it its utter unrelatedness to what the program actually does would make Anvil a less than optimal choice.
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