looks totally badass. if i could make a suggestion, perhaps make the BINKSI logo a little worn. and ive been meaning to ask... how will this weapon work? if its a minigun replacement... then us sandvich lovin heavies dont have ANY long range means of attack... it looks incredible, but im curious as to how it could work... *shrug*
Replacement for the boxing gloves. Close combat, plow through a mob of people and or engie buildings while ubber charaged... yea its going to be fun.
@misterdevious and Yamo: I'd recommend the both of you take a look at the textures for the Engineer's toolbox, as it's a large painted box and looks like a nice example of large (compared to the player) painted objects carried by the players.
Paint generally seems to be done in the same way as metal but with the tone variations suggesting multiple sloppy coats or touch ups. Wear is shown by a complete lack of paint as if all the layers have come off at once, so pick a metal tone that contrasts well with the paint colour and give sharp edges to the wear. Some other models also have the metal underneath worn as well.
Texture Location:
team fortress 2 materials.gcf
Anyone else think Noors's chainsaw would go perfectly with Vig's Cossack Chipper? Sorry Vig, I like your Stump Thumper melee, but the chainsaw is just pure win
Bah, you guys don't like ma yellow
Well, team colored was my first choice but
I don't think other weapons are team colored ? Except sentries.
It could be painted with the game custom paintings ?
i'll give it a go in blu/red tho.
I was refering more to using different shades of yellow and orange, like Heavy's ammo belt or Engie's hard hat.
Also, there are teamcolored weapons already in game, like the flamethrower.
Anyone else think Noors's chainsaw would go perfectly with Vig's Cossack Chipper? Sorry Vig, I like your Stump Thumper melee, but the chainsaw is just pure win
Yes . Noors please talk with Vig about it and make all tf2 players happy
@Neodement, When I first did the writing it was using an ink tool in Painter. After that I attempted writing a very hi-res version with liquid inks and then shrinking it down to fit, but that just looked junky. The digital airbrush seemed to produce better results.
Here's the original and the airbrush versions side by side with extreme close-ups in modelviewer. Being slightly narrower, the spacing is a bit off, and I'll fix that.
As far as contrast goes, is your concern with the text not "popping," or is it more of a general concern? It took me a long time to be happy with putting this huge green object in the game without it being distracting.
Completely agree that the yellow should be "using different shades of yellow and orange, like Heavy's ammo belt or Engie's hard hat." as IdleTard put it. The current yellow just doesn't look like it belongs in TF2. Other than that the chainsaw looks really nice.
Anyone else think Noors's chainsaw would go perfectly with Vig's Cossack Chipper? Sorry Vig, I like your Stump Thumper melee, but the chainsaw is just pure win
I totally agree, I love Noors chainsaw! I'm not all that attached to any of the stuff I made, I would be happy if they used anything I made even pieces. The only reason I did a full set of replacements is because I was roughly following the polycount pack specs. I didn't have the time when the contest was going, work got in the way but I wanted to create something when I got the chance.
I hope valve does whatever will present the best in TF2, if they do anything at all.
About the yellow, I would be tempted to do submit one vmt file, but in the psd provide a mask and adjustment layer so they could easily create slight variations.
To be honest, the chainsaw should have Industrial instead of the Binksi Logging.
Binksi Logging cuts wood, Industrial makes machinery, which, Binksi Logging propably uses too. Maybe just add sprayed in Binksi Logging to make people know that company used it before Heavy came in and took it?
Maybe just use the average of the yellow tones of the two teams? (#ef8c49)
Well I guess I know what I'm doing next, an idea for a sniper rifle that doesn't look like a regular bolt action or a modified assault rifle that's been kicking around in my head for a while now. It's turned into the bastard child of a Walther WA2000 and a Dragunov SVD:
A rough 3D version also revealed I have some width issues around the boxy gun body to contend with:
I'm kinda liking the idea of the anti-material rifle concepts, though I'm not sure yet if the Sniper can convincingly carry a heavy looking rifle. Not entirely sure he'd be the kind of guy to use the biggest gun he could find either...
Any thoughts or suggestions on this, the concepts, or the model are welcome.
May i suggest to put the battery on the black metallic part so it can be seen in first view ?
About the color, you bunch of yellowphobish, i'll try to make the color easily switchable in my psd, and i'll see later. For now, i'm struggling with the chain animation.
I like Vig stuff. Our works sure are crossing and i'm ok to share any fun. And will think about the industry logo. I thought too that binksi logging is maybe not making tools.
To be honest, the chainsaw should have Industrial instead of the Binksi Logging.
Binksi Logging cuts wood, Industrial makes machinery, which, Binksi Logging propably uses too. Maybe just add sprayed in Binksi Logging to make people know that company used it before Heavy came in and took it?
Use Binksi for Red Team, use Industrial for Blu team.
Either that, or use Binksi for both teams.
I don't think "Industrial" fits on Red team at all due to the artstyle.
Red usually has farming and wood theme, Blu usually has industrial and concrete theme.
It shows what they're called, which team uses them, which map there on ect.
I don't know if that helps, but if you're having trouble finding a suitable company, thats the place to start.
Third or fourth time that's been posted :v
Both Binksi and Industrial are rather neutral, however based on the artstyle of the team I still feel that if you want to use "industrial" on one, you shouldn't have it on Red.
Anyone else think Noors's chainsaw would go perfectly with Vig's Cossack Chipper? Sorry Vig, I like your Stump Thumper melee, but the chainsaw is just pure win
Just about done texturing I think. Happy with everything except the box and the bullets. For the ammo box, I feel like its missing something - I can't seem to detail it without it just looking like the barrels but with a brown/green hue. Similar problem with the belt, I can't seem to settle on a design without it looking too simple or too detailed.
Very satisfied with how everything else has turned out though. I should also mention that I got an email from Robin pretty much confirming their c_model only policy (if there was still any question), so I went back and added more geometry into anything that would be seen in first person.
Critiques welcomed with open arms, tell me what to fix!
hm... i think it looks great as is, but if you REALLY want to add more detail to the crate, maybe put stamps of the RED and BLU logos on em? just an idea, but i think it looks amazing. i'd have a hard time choosing this or the Iron Curtain
OK so i am pretty much a noob at blender trying to make my hat( a bull skull with tribal paint for the sniper) im pretty much done with the model except i wanna make one of those cloth wrap arounds that seem to be all the rage on on of the horns that will have team colors. could someone help me out on how to do this in blender. pic is what im getting at
Well I guess I know what I'm doing next, an idea for a sniper rifle that doesn't look like a regular bolt action or a modified assault rifle that's been kicking around in my head for a while now. It's turned into the bastard child of a Walther WA2000 and a Dragunov SVD:
I'm kinda liking the idea of the anti-material rifle concepts, though I'm not sure yet if the Sniper can convincingly carry a heavy looking rifle. Not entirely sure he'd be the kind of guy to use the biggest gun he could find either...
Any thoughts or suggestions on this, the concepts, or the model are welcome.
I actually really like the shorter looking concepts of yours. A more compact sniper rifle would be something I could easily see made for the hands of the snipers who would prefer to make quick snapshots instead of charging all the way.
Anyways, I finished the shotgun I was making. Or at least, I think I'll be ready to call it finished unless I missed something horrible.
5039 tris, texture's currently at 1024x1024, though there's no details that would lose too much of their quality if dropped to 512.
All these fancy weapons and the best and fanciest targets we have to shoot at in TF2 is normal, regular boring people and only normal, regular boring people?
Seems wrong.
we should have some more interesting targets in TF2.
oh i dunno....like Tanks and Monsters a la Doom...or giant robots.
and no, giant halloween heads and giant santa clauses don't count.
There is only one critique I have with this awesome model. Why does the handle go around 75% of the whole chainsaw?
It wasn't noticeable when you were still messing with the shape of it because the texture was dark and black but now the rest of the chainsaw is so bright the black bar going all around the inside edge is really noticeable i think. I'd have it connect near where the pull chain to start it up is.
Talking about the pull starter when you draw the chainsaw does the heavy pull that to start/rev the chainsaw? because that would be a nice touch
Maybe just use the average of the yellow tones of the two teams? (#ef8c49)
Well I guess I know what I'm doing next, an idea for a sniper rifle that doesn't look like a regular bolt action or a modified assault rifle that's been kicking around in my head for a while now. It's turned into the bastard child of a Walther WA2000 and a Dragunov SVD:
A rough 3D version also revealed I have some width issues around the boxy gun body to contend with:
I'm kinda liking the idea of the anti-material rifle concepts, though I'm not sure yet if the Sniper can convincingly carry a heavy looking rifle. Not entirely sure he'd be the kind of guy to use the biggest gun he could find either...
Any thoughts or suggestions on this, the concepts, or the model are welcome.
Add a unique mechanism and letting me animate it would be the best christmas gift ever.
I added some subtle paint patches around the model. Most of my attempts to add Valve style paint patches ended up looking forced or unnatural. I removed some of the hand-painted dents I had on it. Not sure if I should have.
Does anyone know why particles would go crazy in 3rd person when they work perfectly fine in particle editor, 1st person, and on other's? None of my particles work perfectly when I use the 3rd person command (muzzle flash and brass are slightly out of place), but when I go into 3rd person with particles attached to a weapon, they emit 500x faster and slow down everything.
Some of you may have seen this from my Polypack thread, I changed the texture a bit and finally submitted it (both a Red and Blu version). So hopefully Valve likes it and finds some use for yet another baseball bat in the game. :shifty:
I'm brainstorming a Heavy pack (i think ill call it the Motherland pack)
the hat would be grey sideburns and a big birthmark. it would be called The Gorbac-Heavy
also, i'm surised no one made a Flintstones-style Water Buffalo hat yet...
I actually really like the shorter looking concepts of yours. A more compact sniper rifle would be something I could easily see made for the hands of the snipers who would prefer to make quick snapshots instead of charging all the way.
Anyways, I finished the shotgun I was making. Or at least, I think I'll be ready to call it finished unless I missed something horrible.
5039 tris, texture's currently at 1024x1024, though there's no details that would lose too much of their quality if dropped to 512.
Next to the standard shotgun.
damn... you must hafta load standard shotguns into that thing... a shotgun that fires smaller shotbuns that fire bullets...
@svdl: that is an awesome weapon, i'm interested to know what role you have it playing, as i personally think that it is too dominant for a shotgun replacement, and is almost in the primary category, both in silhouette and physical size, but there isn't a class where that gun would work as primary. :-\
@Reklas: Nice bat, I think the shoelace is a nice touch. What is the red thing around the middle exactly? @Svdl: I agree with re.wind, you've managed to make the shotgun too awesome, I could definitely see it as a primary weapon. @Misterdevious: If I'm understanding you correctly, the particles only go weird for your own gun when you use thirdperson commands, but they seem fine on other player's weapons? If that's the case it's probably related to whatever has always made the flash and brass effects seem like they're placed wrong, which just shows up on your end. I'd say as long as the smoke looks good on the other players' guns, then don't worry about it
Thanks for the advice Elbagast, that toolbox was a good reference (also Noors texture work on the chainsaw). I think all I need to do now is create my spec and compile, then see if I can't get the belt jiggleboned
There is only one critique I have with this awesome model. Why does the handle go around 75% of the whole chainsaw?
It wasn't noticeable when you were still messing with the shape of it because the texture was dark and black but now the rest of the chainsaw is so bright the black bar going all around the inside edge is really noticeable i think. I'd have it connect near where the pull chain to start it up is.
Talking about the pull starter when you draw the chainsaw does the heavy pull that to start/rev the chainsaw? because that would be a nice touch
Hey Yamo, looks great but I would be tempted to be a bit more bold with the scratch/chipped paint, although with the spec and rendered in engine this my prove not to be neccessary.
I don't mean to suggest you drop your whole design, but it would be nice if you could draw some extra inspiration from 50-60's chainsaws. Plenty of images of it on google.
To tell you the truth I can't really see the chainsaw looking that modern. Personally I think there is a bit too much yellow however, especially on the inside bits. But apart from that I think its fine as it is.
I'm putting the sticky launcher on hold for the moment to work on something my friend came up with. He calls it the spiky spikes of stabbing, and its melee weapon for the heavy. I'm going for a simular, handmade style to the iron curtain. Still pretty WIP at the moment
I'm haven't decide whether to the rail at the top into a saw, or into something simular to the handguard on the southern hospitality. Feedback and crits welcome
(0)_(o) That is the oldest chainsaw I have ever seen...
Y'know for some reason it reminds me of the pyros flamethrower. The handle looks simular to it.
Hey Yamo, looks great but I would be tempted to be a bit more bold with the scratch/chipped paint, although with the spec and rendered in engine this my prove not to be neccessary.
Easy enough, I have the scratches on a separate layer of course
Do you guys prefer light scratches or dark scratches?
Yes it was a modern chainsaw, but kinda same design.
Yeah Yamo, show some screenshots from the modelviewer.
haha gz, that's an awesome manual chainsaw Vig xD
Here's some stuff I've made recently. First up is the Watership Slips, a pair of bunny slippers for the Sniper based off Valve's holiday greeting cards from last year.
And yesterday/today I made the Sticks of Fury. Still working on the jigglebones.
Lastly, the Wet Virtuose, a paint brush for the Spy.
Paint generally seems to be done in the same way as metal but with the tone variations suggesting multiple sloppy coats or touch ups. Wear is shown by a complete lack of paint as if all the layers have come off at once, so pick a metal tone that contrasts well with the paint colour and give sharp edges to the wear. Some other models also have the metal underneath worn as well.
Texture Location:
team fortress 2 materials.gcf
Also, there are teamcolored weapons already in game, like the flamethrower.
The contrast is a general concern.
I haz no confidence in that new Mark Dygert :shifty:
I hope valve does whatever will present the best in TF2, if they do anything at all.
About the yellow, I would be tempted to do submit one vmt file, but in the psd provide a mask and adjustment layer so they could easily create slight variations.
i think if you pull it off like this it will be pure winn. the greasy black oily stains in contrast with the bright yellow machinery look badass
Binksi Logging cuts wood, Industrial makes machinery, which, Binksi Logging propably uses too. Maybe just add sprayed in Binksi Logging to make people know that company used it before Heavy came in and took it?
Well I guess I know what I'm doing next, an idea for a sniper rifle that doesn't look like a regular bolt action or a modified assault rifle that's been kicking around in my head for a while now. It's turned into the bastard child of a Walther WA2000 and a Dragunov SVD:
A rough 3D version also revealed I have some width issues around the boxy gun body to contend with:
I'm kinda liking the idea of the anti-material rifle concepts, though I'm not sure yet if the Sniper can convincingly carry a heavy looking rifle. Not entirely sure he'd be the kind of guy to use the biggest gun he could find either...
Any thoughts or suggestions on this, the concepts, or the model are welcome.
About the color, you bunch of yellowphobish, i'll try to make the color easily switchable in my psd, and i'll see later. For now, i'm struggling with the chain animation.
I like Vig stuff. Our works sure are crossing and i'm ok to share any fun. And will think about the industry logo. I thought too that binksi logging is maybe not making tools.
Either that, or use Binksi for both teams.
I don't think "Industrial" fits on Red team at all due to the artstyle.
Red usually has farming and wood theme, Blu usually has industrial and concrete theme.
It shows what they're called, which team uses them, which map there on ect.
I don't know if that helps, but if you're having trouble finding a suitable company, thats the place to start.
Both Binksi and Industrial are rather neutral, however based on the artstyle of the team I still feel that if you want to use "industrial" on one, you shouldn't have it on Red.
since the one ending with .net is outdated and mostly a backup version of the offical wiki.
I actually really like the shorter looking concepts of yours. A more compact sniper rifle would be something I could easily see made for the hands of the snipers who would prefer to make quick snapshots instead of charging all the way.
Anyways, I finished the shotgun I was making. Or at least, I think I'll be ready to call it finished unless I missed something horrible.
5039 tris, texture's currently at 1024x1024, though there's no details that would lose too much of their quality if dropped to 512.
Next to the standard shotgun.
Seems wrong.
we should have some more interesting targets in TF2.
oh i dunno....like Tanks and Monsters a la Doom...or giant robots.
and no, giant halloween heads and giant santa clauses don't count.
There is only one critique I have with this awesome model. Why does the handle go around 75% of the whole chainsaw?
It wasn't noticeable when you were still messing with the shape of it because the texture was dark and black but now the rest of the chainsaw is so bright the black bar going all around the inside edge is really noticeable i think. I'd have it connect near where the pull chain to start it up is.
Talking about the pull starter when you draw the chainsaw does the heavy pull that to start/rev the chainsaw? because that would be a nice touch
Does anyone know why particles would go crazy in 3rd person when they work perfectly fine in particle editor, 1st person, and on other's? None of my particles work perfectly when I use the 3rd person command (muzzle flash and brass are slightly out of place), but when I go into 3rd person with particles attached to a weapon, they emit 500x faster and slow down everything.
This is how I attached the particles to my model:
the hat would be grey sideburns and a big birthmark. it would be called The Gorbac-Heavy
also, i'm surised no one made a Flintstones-style Water Buffalo hat yet...
@Svdl The shotgun is probably now one of my favorite things you've made. great job.
standard shotgun is baby!
@Svdl: I agree with re.wind, you've managed to make the shotgun too awesome, I could definitely see it as a primary weapon.
@Misterdevious: If I'm understanding you correctly, the particles only go weird for your own gun when you use thirdperson commands, but they seem fine on other player's weapons? If that's the case it's probably related to whatever has always made the flash and brass effects seem like they're placed wrong, which just shows up on your end. I'd say as long as the smoke looks good on the other players' guns, then don't worry about it
Thanks for the advice Elbagast, that toolbox was a good reference (also Noors texture work on the chainsaw). I think all I need to do now is create my spec and compile, then see if I can't get the belt jiggleboned
that's how it looks on my references
Yeah he may start the engine.
I don't mean to suggest you drop your whole design, but it would be nice if you could draw some extra inspiration from 50-60's chainsaws. Plenty of images of it on google.
I'm putting the sticky launcher on hold for the moment to work on something my friend came up with. He calls it the spiky spikes of stabbing, and its melee weapon for the heavy. I'm going for a simular, handmade style to the iron curtain. Still pretty WIP at the moment
I'm haven't decide whether to the rail at the top into a saw, or into something simular to the handguard on the southern hospitality. Feedback and crits welcome
The design of that company didn't evolve much since 1960 anyway, i've checked
Y'know for some reason it reminds me of the pyros flamethrower. The handle looks simular to it.
If I could make a duck quack sound when you first look at this it would be teh awesome.
Old Biker Hat for Demoman
turned it in yesterday
Easy enough, I have the scratches on a separate layer of course
Do you guys prefer light scratches or dark scratches?
The one in your image looked very modern, but with this picture I feel it's a more sure design.
Yeah Yamo, show some screenshots from the modelviewer.
haha gz, that's an awesome manual chainsaw Vig xD
EDIT: A Rusty skin for the chainsaw like you posted (but in a tf2 style) might look nice.
And yesterday/today I made the Sticks of Fury. Still working on the jigglebones.
Lastly, the Wet Virtuose, a paint brush for the Spy.