Yeah I have the same folder error, but I can compile, and thats where it gets interesting. I can test the item in test map, but stuff is just broken and wrong. I will be revisiting this once I get home from work.
Edit: Did you try compiling straight on the cmd with studiomdl.exe?
Edit 2: Also launch TF2, restart Steam, and try again
Yeah I have the same folder error, but I can compile, and thats where it gets interesting. I can test the item in test map, but stuff is just broken and wrong. I will be revisiting this once I get home from work.
Edit: Did you try compiling straight on the cmd with studiomdl.exe?
Edit 2: Also launch TF2, restart Steam, and try again
Tried restarting, but to no avail.
And I don't know how to compile with just the CMD. I'm still a total noob at compiles.
Last nugget I can share before I leave for work. Crash course in cmd compiles. open a command prompt, win vista and newer, click start type cmd in the search and open cmd.exe, xp use run and type cmd.exe. Open the bin folder with the studiomdl.exe, drag and drop this into the cmd window. Hit space bar and type, -nop4, hit space bar again. Drage and drop your .qc file, and press enter and watch the output scroll :poly142:
heinous and kite212: i will change the belt, thank your for the feedback.
kite212: a .VPK contain mdl + vtf/vmt? I don't understand now how to replace the models in game (the sentry1 for me), and i see nothing when i open a team fortress 2 .VPK with gcfscape.
And same, model viewer doesn't work and i can't compile but i'll wait official updates.
kite212: a .VPK contain mdl + vtf/vmt? I don't understand now how to replace the models in game (the sentry1 for me), and i see nothing when i open a team fortress 2 .VPK with gcfscape.
create a new folder in the "custom" folder.
in that new folder create the models tree and put your files where they would normally be.
repeat for materials directory tree.
drag that new folder onto the vpk.exe icon in Team Fortress 2/bin
vpk file now appears alongside your new folder. it contains the directory and files you just put down and you can delete your new folder, while the vpk is already in the correct place.
now all of that won't matter if you can't compile those files in the first place :poly122:
heinous and kite212: i will change the belt, thank your for the feedback.
kite212: a .VPK contain mdl + vtf/vmt? I don't understand now how to replace the models in game (the sentry1 for me), and i see nothing when i open a team fortress 2 .VPK with gcfscape.
And same, model viewer doesn't work and i can't compile but i'll wait official updates.
The compiles I have gotten to work do not put out a .VPK, it is the standard .mdl, and it works in the test map. I have other issues to sort out with my item. Here is exactly what I did to get my compiles to work:
1: Launch updated TF2
2: restart Steam
3: update gameinfo.txt from TF2
4: launch Source SDK, point to new game dir, then close
5: restart Steam
6: launch Source SDK, and choose option to refresh the SDK tools, will just copy the files again
7: Compile on the CMD as I normally do
I am hopeful that Valve will update and fix this mess, but I will still tinker away in hopes to get a workaround workflow that you know... works :poly122:
I do tech support at a software company, so I get some sick enjoyment out of troubleshooting and resolving things like this
The compiles I have gotten to work do not put out a .VPK, it is the standard .mdl, and it works in the test map. I have other issues to sort out with my item. Here is exactly what I did to get my compiles to work:
1: Launch updated TF2
2: restart Steam
3: update gameinfo.txt from TF2
4: launch Source SDK, point to new game dir, then close
5: restart Steam
6: launch Source SDK, and choose option to refresh the SDK tools, will just copy the files again
7: Compile on the CMD as I normally do
I am hopeful that Valve will update and fix this mess, but I will still tinker away in hopes to get a workaround workflow that you know... works :poly122:
I do tech support at a software company, so I get some sick enjoyment out of troubleshooting and resolving things like this
Made a shortcut to vpk.exe, put it in a folder, copied the misc_vpk's from the tf folder, drag the misc_dir vpk onto the shortcut, boom all the mdl's, and other files extracted.
So got everything sorted minus one thing, and I don't know if this is breakage or I am doing something wrong. I made a c_model instead of a v_model and w_model. I have done this before and in the the test map the c_model replaces both models appropriately. My current issue is that the w_model remains the default. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the 1st person. I still cant't get the c_model to overwrite the world model
For now Source SDK (and Model Viewer) and GUIStudioMDL are broken for TF2. So download Source Film Maker and use the SDK with it.
Puit your files here (smd, qc, and vtf/vmt) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\usermod\materials\models\
(usermod not tf!)
Configure GUIStudioMDL for the SDK Version: Episode 1, the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk\bin\ep1\bin
The GameInfo is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\usermod
Compile your model it must be like that for the folder structure, in my case a new sentry: sentry mobile\models\buildables\sentry1.mdl (the folder and name must match with the in game item).
You'll find your model here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\usermod\models
Paste your folder with subfolders in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom (the name of your item is the root folder). So i have C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\sentry mobile\models\buildables\sentry1.mdl
I take my folder sentry mobile, and drag and drop it to VPK.exe located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin
It should create a VPK in the custom folder with the name of your item. You can browse it with GCFScape, you should see the folder models inside.
Don't forget to move your VTF here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\materials\models\
With the same subfolder of your VTF of Film Maker.
-If TF2 doesn't launch delete the original folder used to convert. It's better to keep only .VPK inside "Custom" to avoid any issues (launch problem, drop of performances, etc).
A few posts ago I posted what I did. Copy the tf2_misc.vpk's to a folder. make a shortcut to vpk.exe that is in the bin folder. Copy this shortcut to where the vpk's are. Drag the tf2_misc_dir.vpk onto the shortcut. Bam all the mdls, you can then use mdldecompile as usual.
Update to my knife. Decided to optimize it a lot. 5.2k tris was insane for a knife model. Managed to cut it down to 3.7, which is still pretty high, but a lot less... uh, nuts.
Any thoughts/suggestions before I start unwrapping this? Gonna start workin' on the Black Devil texture s'more while y'all get back to me.
Also updated my Black Devil a bit. Texture has a minor change, but I'm happier with it, and the normal map works much better now, too. Plus Valve fixed Jigglebones.
@Masich - The handle is very "thin" compared to the other silhouettes. I think your blade is unique enough that you can afford the handles to flare out a bit at the end like the others, just to make it less rectangular.
Has anybody had trouble with the in-game beta importer not accepting zip files? I thought I'd found a way around it but apparently not. I'm trying to include a self illum mask but even if I use a zip generated by the importer and just paste my vtf into it the entire thing is unable to be loaded.
Hmm. Do you people submit the zips with the file structure in place? If so, which structure?
So far I know there is method 1, itemtest puts your stuff in models/player/items/class/asdfjkl/itemname and you can load that model in the itemtest map where you can choose which weapon it replaces but cannot play with it in an actual game; and method 2, you just make it a direct skin replacement for a weapon by manually dictating it in your qc.
Or do you just throw all the files into the root directory of your zip and call it a day? Never submitted before, so I'm curious about you guys' habits.
For the workshop my .zip has 2 folders. Source files, and compiled. My compiled is my .vpk from my custom folder that has the full model and material structures. My source files folder is all my smd's qc's, etc. The zip file for my mod is completely different than the workshop zip.
Compiling for filmmaker worked, thanks a lot to those who suggested that.
So far I have noticed no differences or glitches except for one thing, the modelviewer doesn't show colored rimlight where it is visible in TF2 (it just shows white).
Anyway, could anyone point me to a resource or something that shows how to actually implement multi-class hats? I know there's two methods, compiling different models (which I guess you submit separately?) and positioning them with animation frames, but I have no idea how to actually get it to work in the .qc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Finished cleaning this up and refining the shape, as well as unwrapping this little thing just then. Will start work on a new texture tommorow then see if I can get him to compile.
@Nix: This is just a guess, but I think making it multi-class is handled on Valve's end with the item codes (like the item name, description, inventory stuff, etc...) So I'd just compile them all separately and be done with it.
I could be totally wrong, though, I've never made a multi-class item. But that's what my logic-brain is saying.
So I'm getting this error with Cannonfodder's MDLdecompiler when I try to browse for a .mdl I tried updating SDK content and I have it set as Source Engine MP and Team Fortress 2. I found the content of gameinfo.txt so I made that and put it in the ep1 bin folder along with the .exe for the decompiler but it still won't work.
Anyone know how to fix this? I can't seem to find anything else to help.
So I'm getting this error with Cannonfodder's MDLdecompiler when I try to browse for a .mdl I tried updating SDK content and I have it set as Source Engine MP and Team Fortress 2. I found the content of gameinfo.txt so I made that and put it in the ep1 bin folder along with the .exe for the decompiler but it still won't work.
Anyone know how to fix this? I can't seem to find anything else to help.
i never had to actually move the gameinfo.txt anywhere.
So I'm getting this error with Cannonfodder's MDLdecompiler when I try to browse for a .mdl I tried updating SDK content and I have it set as Source Engine MP and Team Fortress 2. I found the content of gameinfo.txt so I made that and put it in the ep1 bin folder along with the .exe for the decompiler but it still won't work.
Anyone know how to fix this? I can't seem to find anything else to help.
You should not be copying the gameinfo.txt anywhere. It is located in the bin\vconfig folder. In the main bin folder there is vconfig.exe. Run this and browse to the game's gameinfo.txt. This can also me done through the sdk, I posted how to do this for the orange box sdk a few posts back, but for this you will need to make sure your ep1 sdk is set up correctly.
Alright, I thought the gameinfo.txt file was supposed to be in that file, but I moved it back now. Ran vconfig.exe and got a Missing Steam.dll error. How would I go about running vconfig from SDK? I don't see an option. I have already refreshed the SDK Content twice now and that doesn't seem to work.
I didn't change anything but it is now a
"MountAppFileSystem() failed:
SteamMountAppFileSystem(4294967295,4294967295,0x12d1f624) failed with error
4: Bad launch configuration"
error. My googling results in nothing that seems to work.
Alright, I thought the gameinfo.txt file was supposed to be in that file, but I moved it back now. Ran vconfig.exe and got a Missing Steam.dll error. How would I go about running vconfig from SDK? I don't see an option. I have already refreshed the SDK Content twice now and that doesn't seem to work.
I didn't change anything but it is now a
"MountAppFileSystem() failed:
SteamMountAppFileSystem(4294967295,4294967295,0x12d1f624) failed with error
4: Bad launch configuration"
error. My googling results in nothing that seems to work.
The option in the SDK is the "Edit game configuration" option. Since the MDLdecompiler uses the EP1 SDK I would ensure you can launch this without error. Have you also ensured to reconfigure your orange box sdk to use the new TF2 gameinfo.txt, as well as update the gameinfo.txt to accept the sdk's appid? Also are you using Hooch's fixed MDLdecompiler?
The option in the SDK is the "Edit game configuration" option. Since the MDLdecompiler uses the EP1 SDK I would ensure you can launch this without error. Have you also ensured to reconfigure your orange box sdk to use the new TF2 gameinfo.txt, as well as update the gameinfo.txt to accept the sdk's appid? Also are you using Hooch's fixed MDLdecompiler?
Hold on, a bit confused, which vconfig.exe should I be using? I'm assuming when I go to Edit Game configuration I go browse to a vconfig, but is it the one in Username>sourcesdk>bin>orangebox>bin?
I have not reconfigured anything as of yet. Do I need to change the gameinfo.txt? The few tutorials I've read haven't mentioned anything about it. I'm using Cannonfodder's MDLdecompiler as that seems to be the most popular.
In case you haven't figured it out yet I don't know the first thing about decompiling or the file system part.
Sorry I don't mean to confuse you. I get off work in about an hour. Once I get home I will try and put together some screenshots of what I am describing, and hopefully it will help sort stuff out
Hold on, a bit confused, which vconfig.exe should I be using? I'm assuming when I go to Edit Game configuration I go browse to a vconfig, but is it the one in Username>sourcesdk>bin>orangebox>bin?
I have not reconfigured anything as of yet. Do I need to change the gameinfo.txt? The few tutorials I've read haven't mentioned anything about it. I'm using Cannonfodder's MDLdecompiler as that seems to be the most popular.
In case you haven't figured it out yet I don't know the first thing about decompiling or the file system part.
As you can see, there are 3 lines to add into gameinfo.txt.
Since you said you're new, mdldecompiler needs to be placed into ep1/bin folder, if you need it anywhere else create a shortcut.
You only need to add the tool id, the other information is completely redundant. The search path for tf is already added. The ID of 211 (source SDK) or 218 (source SDK orange box base)should be the only info needed to be added to the gameinfo.txt
The reason I said to only make this change is because we see this in the file:
// Add the TF directory as a game search path. This is also where where writes
// to the "game" path go.
game+game_write tf
After this is done close the tools, and close Steam. Next locate and edit your gameinfo.txt for TF2:
The reason I said to only make this change is because we see this in the file:
// Add the TF directory as a game search path. This is also where where writes
// to the "game" path go.
game+game_write tf
The file already sets up the the search path for the tf folder.
Once this is done configure the orange box sdk to use the new TF2 gameinfo:
Wow, thanks you guys for all your help, you guys really surprised me with how much you've done.
However, in the first step of your post you set the engine version as 2009 and the current game as Half Life Episode 1. Mine defaults to Portal and there aren't any other options to choose from. Do I need to get Half Life Ep 1? Or do I just need to install some other tool?
Otherwise, I edited the gameinfo.txt just fine. I realized I was looking in the wrong folder, I was in steamapps>username rather than steamapps>common. I went to go edit configurations for TF2 and it was already set up correctly as far as I could tell.
I ran the decompiler(after changing the .mdl I was using back to IDST0) and then got this error. After I said okay the program stopped working and force closed.
Wow, thanks you guys for all your help, you guys really surprised me with how much you've done.
However, in the first step of your post you set the engine version as 2009 and the current game as Half Life Episode 1. Mine defaults to Portal and there aren't any other options to choose from. Do I need to get Half Life Ep 1? Or do I just need to install some other tool?
Otherwise, I edited the gameinfo.txt just fine. I realized I was looking in the wrong folder, I was in steamapps>username rather than steamapps>common. I went to go edit configurations for TF2 and it was already set up correctly as far as I could tell.
I ran the decompiler(after changing the .mdl I was using back to IDST0) and then got this error. After I said okay the program stopped working and force closed.
What happens if you try to decompile the .mdl? since you do not have EP1 do you have the source sdk\bin\ep1\bin folder with all its contents? Was this ever working for you?
What happens if you try to decompile the .mdl? since you do not have EP1 do you have the source sdk\bin\ep1\bin folder with all its contents? Was this ever working for you?
I get the error message that I posted above. Unless the big buttem labelled extract isn't the one I should be using. Yes, I still have all the files it seems, it just doesn't show up in the SDK.
I get the error message that I posted above. Unless the big buttem labelled extract isn't the one I should be using. Yes, I still have all the files it seems, it just doesn't show up in the SDK.
Does your folder structure you are extracting to exist on the system? If you do not browse to an existing folder it will error and close out.
Ah! Sweet!
So now I can get model viewer open, that's a start...
Unfortunatly, when I try to access folders, this happens:
Additionally, getting this error when I try to compile:
Edit: Did you try compiling straight on the cmd with studiomdl.exe?
Edit 2: Also launch TF2, restart Steam, and try again
Tried restarting, but to no avail.
And I don't know how to compile with just the CMD. I'm still a total noob at compiles.
kite212: a .VPK contain mdl + vtf/vmt? I don't understand now how to replace the models in game (the sentry1 for me), and i see nothing when i open a team fortress 2 .VPK with gcfscape.
And same, model viewer doesn't work and i can't compile but i'll wait official updates.
create a new folder in the "custom" folder.
in that new folder create the models tree and put your files where they would normally be.
repeat for materials directory tree.
drag that new folder onto the vpk.exe icon in Team Fortress 2/bin
vpk file now appears alongside your new folder. it contains the directory and files you just put down and you can delete your new folder, while the vpk is already in the correct place.
now all of that won't matter if you can't compile those files in the first place :poly122:
The compiles I have gotten to work do not put out a .VPK, it is the standard .mdl, and it works in the test map. I have other issues to sort out with my item. Here is exactly what I did to get my compiles to work:
1: Launch updated TF2
2: restart Steam
3: update gameinfo.txt from TF2
4: launch Source SDK, point to new game dir, then close
5: restart Steam
6: launch Source SDK, and choose option to refresh the SDK tools, will just copy the files again
7: Compile on the CMD as I normally do
I am hopeful that Valve will update and fix this mess, but I will still tinker away in hopes to get a workaround workflow that you know... works :poly122:
I do tech support at a software company, so I get some sick enjoyment out of troubleshooting and resolving things like this
to add to what heinous posted, you can extract vpk's with vpk.exe. I have not tried this yet, but need to when I get home tonight:
Just tested your method with GUIStudioMDL instead of studiomdl and it still works.
I'm also not getting hlmv to see files.
Here is the 1st person. I still cant't get the c_model to overwrite the world model
For now Source SDK (and Model Viewer) and GUIStudioMDL are broken for TF2. So download Source Film Maker and use the SDK with it.
Puit your files here (smd, qc, and vtf/vmt) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\usermod\materials\models\
(usermod not tf!)
Configure GUIStudioMDL for the SDK Version: Episode 1, the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk\bin\ep1\bin
The GameInfo is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\usermod
Compile your model it must be like that for the folder structure, in my case a new sentry: sentry mobile\models\buildables\sentry1.mdl (the folder and name must match with the in game item).
You'll find your model here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\usermod\models
Paste your folder with subfolders in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom (the name of your item is the root folder). So i have C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\sentry mobile\models\buildables\sentry1.mdl
I take my folder sentry mobile, and drag and drop it to VPK.exe located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin
It should create a VPK in the custom folder with the name of your item. You can browse it with GCFScape, you should see the folder models inside.
Don't forget to move your VTF here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\materials\models\
With the same subfolder of your VTF of Film Maker.
They are part of the sights on the 2nd style. For a reference:
@kite212: on your picture it looks self-illuminated/shadeless.
The rest is very cool the texturing too.
The Troop Chute
The Blockhead's Bowie
The Cloud Crasher preview image with the bird is priceless. Love the set!
unless I am completely missing something in my vmt this is not selfillumi, I will update shortly one I re-compile everything
achimedes no!
Say hello to The Tack Driver:
Based off Linkos earlier post, I copy my files to the tf folder for the Source Filmmaker, and use that hlmv.
Any thoughts/suggestions before I start unwrapping this? Gonna start workin' on the Black Devil texture s'more while y'all get back to me.
Phong needs work, though, in my opinion. It's way too bright. Still using the same settings as the Hamsandwichbassador.
I can't get the grid to go away
Has anybody had trouble with the in-game beta importer not accepting zip files? I thought I'd found a way around it but apparently not. I'm trying to include a self illum mask but even if I use a zip generated by the importer and just paste my vtf into it the entire thing is unable to be loaded.
Hmm. Do you people submit the zips with the file structure in place? If so, which structure?
So far I know there is method 1, itemtest puts your stuff in models/player/items/class/asdfjkl/itemname and you can load that model in the itemtest map where you can choose which weapon it replaces but cannot play with it in an actual game; and method 2, you just make it a direct skin replacement for a weapon by manually dictating it in your qc.
Or do you just throw all the files into the root directory of your zip and call it a day? Never submitted before, so I'm curious about you guys' habits.
I opened up gameinfo.txt and deleted ToolAppId 218 that I added earlier to revert it back to stock. Then I added the 3 lines the OP here said to add.
He also said to change the sdk tf2 directory but I already did that before.
He said gcf's are required, which fortunately for me the steampipe update failed to delete.
Your models go into common/team fortress 2/tf/models
Same for materials. File structure would be just like old times.
So far I have noticed no differences or glitches except for one thing, the modelviewer doesn't show colored rimlight where it is visible in TF2 (it just shows white).
Anyway, could anyone point me to a resource or something that shows how to actually implement multi-class hats? I know there's two methods, compiling different models (which I guess you submit separately?) and positioning them with animation frames, but I have no idea how to actually get it to work in the .qc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Finished cleaning this up and refining the shape, as well as unwrapping this little thing just then. Will start work on a new texture tommorow then see if I can get him to compile.
@Nix: This is just a guess, but I think making it multi-class is handled on Valve's end with the item codes (like the item name, description, inventory stuff, etc...) So I'd just compile them all separately and be done with it.
I could be totally wrong, though, I've never made a multi-class item. But that's what my logic-brain is saying.
Looking good btw (same to Linko and Sexy Robot, damn)!
Anyone know how to fix this? I can't seem to find anything else to help.
i never had to actually move the gameinfo.txt anywhere.
You should not be copying the gameinfo.txt anywhere. It is located in the bin\vconfig folder. In the main bin folder there is vconfig.exe. Run this and browse to the game's gameinfo.txt. This can also me done through the sdk, I posted how to do this for the orange box sdk a few posts back, but for this you will need to make sure your ep1 sdk is set up correctly.
I didn't change anything but it is now a
"MountAppFileSystem() failed:
SteamMountAppFileSystem(4294967295,4294967295,0x12d1f624) failed with error
4: Bad launch configuration"
error. My googling results in nothing that seems to work.
The option in the SDK is the "Edit game configuration" option. Since the MDLdecompiler uses the EP1 SDK I would ensure you can launch this without error. Have you also ensured to reconfigure your orange box sdk to use the new TF2 gameinfo.txt, as well as update the gameinfo.txt to accept the sdk's appid? Also are you using Hooch's fixed MDLdecompiler?
Hold on, a bit confused, which vconfig.exe should I be using? I'm assuming when I go to Edit Game configuration I go browse to a vconfig, but is it the one in Username>sourcesdk>bin>orangebox>bin?
I have not reconfigured anything as of yet. Do I need to change the gameinfo.txt? The few tutorials I've read haven't mentioned anything about it. I'm using Cannonfodder's MDLdecompiler as that seems to be the most popular.
In case you haven't figured it out yet I don't know the first thing about decompiling or the file system part.
I followed first post in this link to a tee, and have been compiling and decompiling
As you can see, there are 3 lines to add into gameinfo.txt.
Since you said you're new, mdldecompiler needs to be placed into ep1/bin folder, if you need it anywhere else create a shortcut.
You only need to add the tool id, the other information is completely redundant. The search path for tf is already added. The ID of 211 (source SDK) or 218 (source SDK orange box base)should be the only info needed to be added to the gameinfo.txt
The reason I said to only make this change is because we see this in the file:
// Add the TF directory as a game search path. This is also where where writes
// to the "game" path go.
game+game_write tf
Step one configure your EP1 SDK tools:
After this is done close the tools, and close Steam. Next locate and edit your gameinfo.txt for TF2:
The reason I said to only make this change is because we see this in the file:
// Add the TF directory as a game search path. This is also where where writes
// to the "game" path go.
game+game_write tf
The file already sets up the the search path for the tf folder.
Once this is done configure the orange box sdk to use the new TF2 gameinfo:
Use this MDLdecompiler:
Copy this to your steamapps\user\sourcesdk\bin\ep1\bin folder, and run from there.
However, in the first step of your post you set the engine version as 2009 and the current game as Half Life Episode 1. Mine defaults to Portal and there aren't any other options to choose from. Do I need to get Half Life Ep 1? Or do I just need to install some other tool?
Otherwise, I edited the gameinfo.txt just fine. I realized I was looking in the wrong folder, I was in steamapps>username rather than steamapps>common. I went to go edit configurations for TF2 and it was already set up correctly as far as I could tell.
I ran the decompiler(after changing the .mdl I was using back to IDST0) and then got this error. After I said okay the program stopped working and force closed.
What happens if you try to decompile the .mdl? since you do not have EP1 do you have the source sdk\bin\ep1\bin folder with all its contents? Was this ever working for you?
I was taught to change the zero into a comma, so "IDST," is what I use.
I get the error message that I posted above. Unless the big buttem labelled extract isn't the one I should be using. Yes, I still have all the files it seems, it just doesn't show up in the SDK.
In the read me for the Decompiler Kite linked me to it said to change it back to IDST0.
Does your folder structure you are extracting to exist on the system? If you do not browse to an existing folder it will error and close out.
Working on a smg currently: