Greetings workshoppers. I look forward to working alongside each other.
I'm new to TF2 workshop submission, but experienced in other contexts and have many ideas to share later. After much searching, piecemeal answers lead me to create a concise yet complete tutorial and I have some points I'd appreciate some help finding clarification of. Obviously any help and corrections are welcome.
The basics are pretty clear, but I'll list them generally in case I missed something.
Tools (some optional)(install is clear enough for each):
Source SDK
3D modeler
image editor
text editor
SMD IO stuff
import appropriate smd model and rig for reference.
Cloaking and animated textures are present in existing vtfs. Where can I find info on this/is there any?
Painting is really unclear. How do I indicate paintability? Where can I find info/tutorial?
Aside from jigglebone, where can I find details on physics (may involve something to do with automass and files created by itemtest)? Is there a point to setting these up or will they just be ignored anyways?
Misc items just cover existing base model? There's no way to replace geometry? Clothing that exposes skin not previously exposed does so above the existing base mesh? Otherwise, how?
I've seen head replacement hats. How are they done differently? Where can I find information on this?
Valve ditches custom anims? Is there a point to any anims? idle? What about weapons that don't fit the norm (ie. different hand placement/movement/interactions needed)? Do I just write in description/readme?
Each class bears multi-class items differently so must we create and include versions for each intended class in our submission?
Styles are done by Valve? There's no way to do them client-side? So just create different models/textures separately, test and include in same submission with description/readme?
Is there a point in custom sounds or particle systems or are they ditched as well? If they may be used, where can I find information on creating them?
Hours of searching ~180+ pages of workshop + store pages before starting just to make sure my ideas are not yet implemented is a pain. Is there a better way to check this or a policy about creating something that exists?
Misc rig should emulate existing rigging for tf2 characters to avoid clipping during anims? Do I only need to include the bones that I'm rigging or the whole skeleton?
Where can I find info on custom engineer buildings?
Itemtest structure export structure encouraged. What about stuff not exported by itemtest? Since some stuff is going to be ignored by Valve, is there a clear guideline on what to include where, encompassing all things of relevance mentioned thus far? Is there a point to creating backpack and kill icons for example and where would I include them?
"Heavy don't need workout, heavy already has a six pack!" -heavy
I'm looking for some suggestions how to improve my texture on this thing, I've tried adding some funny text but it gets too noisy to look at. I could add a logo of some sort but I can't come up of anything clever. Help? :P
Hoping I can get some advice. I've been able to import my gun into the game - here's what I've got so far:
My questions are:
1. How can I place the gun correctly in the medic's hands? I see the following line of code in my qc file:
$attachment "muzzle" "weapon_bone" 0.19 6.06 21.34 rotate -89.49 0.00 0.00
I'm guessing a number in there needs to change, I'm just not sure which.
2. When I enter a pitch-black area, the gun is still fairly bright. What variable do I want to change in order for it to not glow?
3. As you can see in the screenshot, the blu medic is holding the red medic's gun. I made sure the qc file had this:
$texturegroup skinfamilies
{ "models/weapons/c_items/syringe_soaker.vmt" }
{ "syringe_soaker_blu.vmt" }
And that the blue .vmt and .vtf files are named correctly and in the proper location (the same place as the red files). Are there any common pitfalls that I've fallen victim to, and if not, what are some good troubleshooting steps to follow?
4. The gun has a little too much phong than my liking - which variable in the .vmt file would I want to alter to give the gun a more plastic-like feel to it?
Aside from those questions, I'd also love some critique regarding its style, and any potential suggestions you may have. Thanks!
Hoping I can get some advice. I've been able to import my gun into the game - here's what I've got so far:
My questions are:
1. How can I place the gun correctly in the medic's hands? I see the following line of code in my qc file:
$attachment "muzzle" "weapon_bone" 0.19 6.06 21.34 rotate -89.49 0.00 0.00
I'm guessing a number in there needs to change, I'm just not sure which.
2. When I enter a pitch-black area, the gun is still fairly bright. What variable do I want to change in order for it to not glow?
3. As you can see in the screenshot, the blu medic is holding the red medic's gun. I made sure the qc file had this:
$texturegroup skinfamilies
{ "models/weapons/c_items/syringe_soaker.vmt" }
{ "syringe_soaker_blu.vmt" }
And that the blue .vmt and .vtf files are named correctly and in the proper location (the same place as the red files). Are there any common pitfalls that I've fallen victim to, and if not, what are some good troubleshooting steps to follow?
4. The gun has a little too much phong than my liking - which variable in the .vmt file would I want to alter to give the gun a more plastic-like feel to it?
Aside from those questions, I'd also love some critique regarding its style, and any potential suggestions you may have. Thanks!
First things first, if you want to have it correctly positioned, you need to decompile an existing syringe gun (blutsauger or overdose) and use the bones associated with it. Make sure to position yours correctly in your 3d modeling program.
Second, since you are having team color issues, please post your entire QC and the first few lines of each of your vmt's. If we see any mistakes, we will be able to tell you about them.
Note that the $attachment line in your qc doesnt do anything to the model, it just adds somethin for the game to see (likely where the muzzleflash would be in this case)
Thanks emrfish6! Got the blu textures fixed. I also fixed the illumination thing by commenting out "$selfillum" "1" in the vmt. derp.
I actually used the same model as the blutsauger originally, but I decided to re-import the smd just to be sure. Lo and behold, it was off by about the same distance. I went into edit mode and adjusted it accordingly. After re-importing it into the game, it's still off by a little, but it's closer.
I'll keep playing around with it. I do have another question though - at what point can I recompile an item and have its changes reflected in TF2? Can I 'Apply Test Items' and the recompiled model shows up? Reload the map? Exit TF2 entirely?
Hello Polycount TF2 community. I'm really new here. I've been playing TF2 for years and have never attempted making custom weapons. I've modeled a few and I'm ready to give them a go in the game but I'm having a hell of a time figuring out the process. I've tried going through the forums but I haven't been able to find a through explanation. I'm using 3DS Max and I have the character models. I often find tutorials that skip over tons of stuff. I know nothing about game engines and very limited on scripting. So when someone says decompile the model I have no idea what they are talking about. I know there has to be a lot of documentation on the process but it's really scattered and when I run into a problem I can't find an answer. I tries scouring through the forums but this one has 625 (good god) pages. Is there a place that someone can point to me where I can learn the process? Or perhaps post a step by step in layman terms. It wouldn't shock me to find out this already exists but i just haven't stumbled across it yet.. Any help would be super appreciated and the work put forth on this forum is truly awesome.
Chemical Alia and I are once again collaborating, this time on something for TF2. We've got a pretty technically ambitious idea going, but we're really excited by the progress!
Concept after a lot of lunchtime brainstorming.
It's a double barrel elephant gun!
The final highrez of the gun (by chemical) and the legs/hat (by me}. We're aware that tf2 skin doesn't have that level of detail, but I felt that it was necessary to have a high for this. It will help with anatomical accuracy and to nail down the topology, since the final model needs to be really low poly but maintain the form.
And an elephant gun WIP with the textures! Chemical is still tweaking things on the diffuse and spec, and testing in-game to iron out the kinks.
Personally, I feel like the elephant gun has too much soft shading in its texture - it lacks the characteristic cartoonish flatness.
I agree with this, though I like the concept quite a bit (particularly the ivory touches). The amount it clips through his arm when at rest is deeply annoying to me visually. Love the scope, but don't like the purply blue.
Hello Polycount. I've been playing TF2 for a few years now and since I've recently been going through a diploma course for 3D modelling and animation I decided I'd try my hand at a couple weapons and hats. This first one is a roughly textured (pretty ugly) version of a blowtorch I'm working on for Engie as a pistol replacement.
Any feedback/criticism is welcome
Chemical Alia and I are once again collaborating, this time on something for TF2. We've got a pretty technically ambitious idea going, but we're really excited by the progress!
And an elephant gun WIP with the textures! Chemical is still tweaking things on the diffuse and spec, and testing in-game to iron out the kinks.
Here's a WIP of the gun in-game.
It looks like a DOTA2 texture, which makes sense because the two of you have made more items for that game recently.
The model itself is already more characteristic of a fantasy game than TF2, so you are going to need to compensate with a very TF2-esque texture.
Try sampling from the color palette or from items in the game. For example, the blue lens is entirely out of place. The gradients should be drastically toned down and much less strong/pronounced. You also might want to try a different wood grain. Other than that, it's hard to tell what to change without seeing more in-game pictures.
i like to present you my custom minigun.
things like the grip etc. are work-in-progress,
but i reach the end for modelling and start texturing it soon.
Made in Blender, textured in GIMP. I'm new to modeling and texturing - feedback much appreciated! Likes and comments as well!
My personal opinion:
- The helmet clips with his collar - perhaps it'd be a good idea to import the demo's head into blender and form-fit it around him. The helmet's form looks more heavy-esque.
- There's no shading or shadows on it whatsoever. Try baking some ambient occlusion into the texture - that will help it fit right in.
Other than that, I think you did a pretty good job there.
My personal opinion:
- The helmet clips with his collar - perhaps it'd be a good idea to import the demo's head into blender and form-fit it around him. The helmet's form looks more heavy-esque.
- There's no shading or shadows on it whatsoever. Try baking some ambient occlusion into the texture - that will help it fit right in.
Other than that, I think you did a pretty good job there.
Thanks for the feedback! I actually did model the helmet around the demo in blender, but I didn't account for the fact that in-game he is hunched over quite a bit. I'll see if I can avoid the clipping, but I'm not *too* worried since a lot of Valve's stock items clip with the characters anyway - even the demo's ear clips his collar.
EDIT: Fixed ambient occlusion baking. I had to edit it a bit in my image editor but it works now! (new pics in previous post)
Thanks for the feedback! I actually did model the helmet around the demo in blender, but I didn't account for the fact that in-game he is hunched over quite a bit. I'll see if I can avoid the clipping, but I'm not *too* worried since a lot of Valve's stock items clip with the characters anyway - even the demo's ear clips his collar.
EDIT: Fixed ambient occlusion baking. I had to edit it a bit in GIMP but it works now! (new pics in previous post)
As for the ambient occlusion baking, I have actually done that as well, but it turned out terrible. Like, really really blocky and grainy. I've looked at several tutorials and tried to duplicate the settings but mine always comes out the same - it must be the model itself but I don't know what causes the problem. I guess I'll keep searching!
Here's what I use for ambient occlusion:
- Delete ALL light sources in your project
- Under the world tab, set ambient occlusion to factor 1 Add
- below that set it to raytrace, attenuation to 20, constant QMC sampling, samples to 12, falloff unchecked
- under the camera tab, set bake mode to ambient occlusion, and bake it
- Delete ALL light sources in your project
- Under the world tab, set ambient occlusion to factor 1 Add
- below that set it to raytrace, attenuation to 20, constant QMC sampling, samples to 12, falloff unchecked
- under the camera tab, set bake mode to ambient occlusion, and bake it
Let me know if that works out for you!
Thanks for the help! I was using approximate, and I discovered that raytracing would better suit a low-poly model. I ended up doing something very similar to what you suggested, and then applied a blur in GIMP. I've updated my original post in this thread (just a couple before this) with the pictures of its current state.
That's a fantastic texture! I will say though that I'm not entirely fond of the triangle barrel and supporting bars - they don't really match the box, nor with TF2's style.
My recommendation would be to change the shape of the barrel, put some metal elbows on the bar supports, and put some additional wear/tear (maybe even some rust) on the bars.
Chemical Alia and I are once again collaborating, this time on something for TF2. We've got a pretty technically ambitious idea going, but we're really excited by the progress!
Those legs are way too fat. His legs always were like super skiny.
thx for your tips. I still have some minor complains about certain points in my gun, but soon i will be ready for workshop, i guess
I'm loving that gun more and more. Some additional constructive feedback!
- I really liked the twisty knob next to the barrel black, as opposed to a grey that matches the rest of the model.
- The new barrel model looks great!
- I'm a big fan of the elbows, but their tan color looks slightly out of place. Perhaps make more of the gun that color, or make the elbows grey?
- there's a large portion of the barrel that has no texture or life to it. Maybe some TF2-esque brush strokes could help liven it up.
That said, these are only opinions, but they are a new perspective. I like how it's coming along!
I think this gun is a good start but a number of the design decisions don't make sense to me.
1) the barrels right at the front of the gun wouldn't fit all the way down the large cylinder behind them... so how would that work with the bullets?
Also are you going to have the large cylinder spin?
2) Leather strap on the side? I don't understand what it's plausible function would be. Maybe a handle?
3) your plumbing style pipe connectors don't look like plumbing style pipe connectors... have a look at the one on the original minigun. Also they are a different colour to everything else on the gun.
4) The way the front of the trigger handle curves back in... If it were real why would someone make it like that?
5) The knob to hold it up is an interesting idea... but imagine trying to carry a heavy item by something like that.
6) red wire looks lumpy and really stands out in that red... would it be blue on the blue team?
7)how is the big grey box at the front attached to the frame?
8)a bullet chain like you have wouldn't go into a gun so that the bullets had to turn 90 degrees to be fired.
On all of these points you could argue that "it's a game who cares about reality" but weapons in general are very utilitarian items. Their form is a direct result of their function.
first of all, thanks for your critique, especially ruskeydoo!
you made some very good points which showed some flaws in my logic.
i was so focused on the whole getting-it-modeled-fast process that
i forgot to keep an eye on the simple things.
here's the set:
hey swizzle how did u get the pyro to hold the bat?
I'm new to TF2 workshop submission, but experienced in other contexts and have many ideas to share later. After much searching, piecemeal answers lead me to create a concise yet complete tutorial and I have some points I'd appreciate some help finding clarification of. Obviously any help and corrections are welcome.
The basics are pretty clear, but I'll list them generally in case I missed something.
Tools (some optional)(install is clear enough for each):
- Source SDK
- TF2
- 3D modeler
- image editor
- text editor
- SMD IO stuff
- vtfedit
- guistudiomdl
- mdldecompiler
- gcfscape
Process:- import appropriate smd model and rig for reference.
- model + smoothing
- create jigglebones + parent bones + rig
- unwrap + bake AO etc + texture
- export smd
- create vmt + vtf - mapping (bump/phong/normal/alpha) and shader stuff = vtf params
- create qc - r/b = skinfamily
- compile mdl
- test + iterate + LODs(model + qc)
- itemtest?
- kill icons? + backpack icons?
- submit
- ???
- profit
Questions:Answered on FacePunch
- Cloaking and animated textures are present in existing vtfs. Where can I find info on this/is there any?
- Painting is really unclear. How do I indicate paintability? Where can I find info/tutorial?
- Aside from jigglebone, where can I find details on physics (may involve something to do with automass and files created by itemtest)? Is there a point to setting these up or will they just be ignored anyways?
- Misc items just cover existing base model? There's no way to replace geometry? Clothing that exposes skin not previously exposed does so above the existing base mesh? Otherwise, how?
- I've seen head replacement hats. How are they done differently? Where can I find information on this?
- Valve ditches custom anims? Is there a point to any anims? idle? What about weapons that don't fit the norm (ie. different hand placement/movement/interactions needed)? Do I just write in description/readme?
- Each class bears multi-class items differently so must we create and include versions for each intended class in our submission?
- Styles are done by Valve? There's no way to do them client-side? So just create different models/textures separately, test and include in same submission with description/readme?
- Is there a point in custom sounds or particle systems or are they ditched as well? If they may be used, where can I find information on creating them?
- Hours of searching ~180+ pages of workshop + store pages before starting just to make sure my ideas are not yet implemented is a pain. Is there a better way to check this or a policy about creating something that exists?
UnansweredThere, up and stuff.
I have some strange jagged shadowing that I need to fix though...
Can the watch spell sexy? because I think it can!
I'm looking for some suggestions how to improve my texture on this thing, I've tried adding some funny text but it gets too noisy to look at. I could add a logo of some sort but I can't come up of anything clever. Help? :P
Hoping I can get some advice. I've been able to import my gun into the game - here's what I've got so far:
My questions are:
1. How can I place the gun correctly in the medic's hands? I see the following line of code in my qc file:
$attachment "muzzle" "weapon_bone" 0.19 6.06 21.34 rotate -89.49 0.00 0.00
I'm guessing a number in there needs to change, I'm just not sure which.
2. When I enter a pitch-black area, the gun is still fairly bright. What variable do I want to change in order for it to not glow?
3. As you can see in the screenshot, the blu medic is holding the red medic's gun. I made sure the qc file had this:
$texturegroup skinfamilies
{ "models/weapons/c_items/syringe_soaker.vmt" }
{ "syringe_soaker_blu.vmt" }
And that the blue .vmt and .vtf files are named correctly and in the proper location (the same place as the red files). Are there any common pitfalls that I've fallen victim to, and if not, what are some good troubleshooting steps to follow?
4. The gun has a little too much phong than my liking - which variable in the .vmt file would I want to alter to give the gun a more plastic-like feel to it?
Aside from those questions, I'd also love some critique regarding its style, and any potential suggestions you may have. Thanks!
First things first, if you want to have it correctly positioned, you need to decompile an existing syringe gun (blutsauger or overdose) and use the bones associated with it. Make sure to position yours correctly in your 3d modeling program.
Second, since you are having team color issues, please post your entire QC and the first few lines of each of your vmt's. If we see any mistakes, we will be able to tell you about them.
Note that the $attachment line in your qc doesnt do anything to the model, it just adds somethin for the game to see (likely where the muzzleflash would be in this case)
{ "syringe_soaker.vmt" }
{ "syringe_soaker_blu.vmt" }
assuming syringe_soaker is the name of the material assigned in your 3d package
Fixed that for you pogo (you dont need the .vmt part)
People always seem to add a shitload of stuff to their qc that is completely unnecessary.
I actually used the same model as the blutsauger originally, but I decided to re-import the smd just to be sure. Lo and behold, it was off by about the same distance. I went into edit mode and adjusted it accordingly. After re-importing it into the game, it's still off by a little, but it's closer.
I'll keep playing around with it. I do have another question though - at what point can I recompile an item and have its changes reflected in TF2? Can I 'Apply Test Items' and the recompiled model shows up? Reload the map? Exit TF2 entirely?
Working on updating the Bat Outta Hell.
Go figure, I was able to figure out pretty much everything by experimentation.
I've submitted the steam workshop file here:
Let me know what you think!
Concept after a lot of lunchtime brainstorming.
It's a double barrel elephant gun!
The final highrez of the gun (by chemical) and the legs/hat (by me}. We're aware that tf2 skin doesn't have that level of detail, but I felt that it was necessary to have a high for this. It will help with anatomical accuracy and to nail down the topology, since the final model needs to be really low poly but maintain the form.
And an elephant gun WIP with the textures! Chemical is still tweaking things on the diffuse and spec, and testing in-game to iron out the kinks.
Here's a WIP of the gun in-game.
The shorts are the best idea I've seen in ages.
Any feedback/criticism is welcome
"This sucks" ....and new hat is ready.
It looks like a DOTA2 texture, which makes sense because the two of you have made more items for that game recently.
The model itself is already more characteristic of a fantasy game than TF2, so you are going to need to compensate with a very TF2-esque texture.
Try sampling from the color palette or from items in the game. For example, the blue lens is entirely out of place. The gradients should be drastically toned down and much less strong/pronounced. You also might want to try a different wood grain. Other than that, it's hard to tell what to change without seeing more in-game pictures.
i like to present you my custom minigun.
things like the grip etc. are work-in-progress,
but i reach the end for modelling and start texturing it soon.
i like to hear your thoughts
Texture by Blaholtzen.
I'm not sure if I've gotten the model finalized. But when or if I do, I'll see if I can get facial animations working.
Probably not going to work for actual game, maybe more for SFM purposes or the like.
Feedback appreciated!
EDIT: New pics on the workshop page.
My personal opinion:
- The helmet clips with his collar - perhaps it'd be a good idea to import the demo's head into blender and form-fit it around him. The helmet's form looks more heavy-esque.
- There's no shading or shadows on it whatsoever. Try baking some ambient occlusion into the texture - that will help it fit right in.
Other than that, I think you did a pretty good job there.
Thanks for the feedback! I actually did model the helmet around the demo in blender, but I didn't account for the fact that in-game he is hunched over quite a bit. I'll see if I can avoid the clipping, but I'm not *too* worried since a lot of Valve's stock items clip with the characters anyway - even the demo's ear clips his collar.
EDIT: Fixed ambient occlusion baking. I had to edit it a bit in my image editor but it works now! (new pics in previous post)
Here's what I use for ambient occlusion:
- Delete ALL light sources in your project
- Under the world tab, set ambient occlusion to factor 1 Add
- below that set it to raytrace, attenuation to 20, constant QMC sampling, samples to 12, falloff unchecked
- under the camera tab, set bake mode to ambient occlusion, and bake it
Let me know if that works out for you!
Thanks for the help! I was using approximate, and I discovered that raytracing would better suit a low-poly model. I ended up doing something very similar to what you suggested, and then applied a blur in GIMP. I've updated my original post in this thread (just a couple before this) with the pictures of its current state.
Give him a ball gag... then the voice lines still work!
That's a fantastic texture! I will say though that I'm not entirely fond of the triangle barrel and supporting bars - they don't really match the box, nor with TF2's style.
My recommendation would be to change the shape of the barrel, put some metal elbows on the bar supports, and put some additional wear/tear (maybe even some rust) on the bars.
Those legs are way too fat. His legs always were like super skiny.
New pistol.
thx for your tips. I still have some minor complains about certain points in my gun, but soon i will be ready for workshop, i guess
I'm loving that gun more and more. Some additional constructive feedback!
- I really liked the twisty knob next to the barrel black, as opposed to a grey that matches the rest of the model.
- The new barrel model looks great!
- I'm a big fan of the elbows, but their tan color looks slightly out of place. Perhaps make more of the gun that color, or make the elbows grey?
- there's a large portion of the barrel that has no texture or life to it. Maybe some TF2-esque brush strokes could help liven it up.
That said, these are only opinions, but they are a new perspective. I like how it's coming along!
1) the barrels right at the front of the gun wouldn't fit all the way down the large cylinder behind them... so how would that work with the bullets?
Also are you going to have the large cylinder spin?
2) Leather strap on the side? I don't understand what it's plausible function would be. Maybe a handle?
3) your plumbing style pipe connectors don't look like plumbing style pipe connectors... have a look at the one on the original minigun. Also they are a different colour to everything else on the gun.
4) The way the front of the trigger handle curves back in... If it were real why would someone make it like that?
5) The knob to hold it up is an interesting idea... but imagine trying to carry a heavy item by something like that.
6) red wire looks lumpy and really stands out in that red... would it be blue on the blue team?
7)how is the big grey box at the front attached to the frame?
8)a bullet chain like you have wouldn't go into a gun so that the bullets had to turn 90 degrees to be fired.
On all of these points you could argue that "it's a game who cares about reality" but weapons in general are very utilitarian items. Their form is a direct result of their function.
you made some very good points which showed some flaws in my logic.
i was so focused on the whole getting-it-modeled-fast process that
i forgot to keep an eye on the simple things.
lets see how this will work out later