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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread


  • V6th
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    Zipfinator wrote: »
    You sure that's Ronin on those forums? It could just be an impostor trying to get some free unusuals. I doubt someone so involved in the community would do something so stupid.

    Well he linked his profile and always linked when he finished more classes versions of that item.

    EDIT: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2201449
    Just can't support someone trying to "sell" chance to get self-mades.
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    Started working on this for the spy:

    Comments please.

    really bulky
  • RedSheep
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    Zipfinator wrote: »
    You sure that's Ronin on those forums? It could just be an impostor trying to get some free unusuals. I doubt someone so involved in the community would do something so stupid.

    There was already a squabble over this on Facepunch.
    It need not be repeated here.
    It was Ronin that did that, but things were resolved. Now, people aren't upset with him anymore (for the most part).
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    V6th wrote: »
    Well he linked his profile and always linked when he finished more classes versions of that item.

    EDIT: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2201449
    Just can't support someone trying to "sell" chance to get self-mades.

    Well I guess it is him. I thought you meant he would trade you a self-made for an unusual or something which is of course impossible. The way he's doing it is legitimate and he's giving up a percentage of his sales for it. I'm not saying I agree with it, but it's his items and his choice how to split up the sales.

    @RedSheep, I do not visit Facepunch so I wasn't aware it was already discussed.
  • Mad Mike
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    Alright, I think I'm done with this one. 7800 tris, 3 LODs down to 2800, 1024px texture + 2x256px for the glass.



    Gonna upload it to the workshop in a bit, gotta figure out that itemtest compiler after I get some sleep first.
  • ev149
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    Looks awesome!
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Question: Are people really making much from this? Has this really been a profitable venture for anyone beyond those that got their foot in the door early?
  • MrCake
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    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Question: Are people really making much from this? Has this really been a profitable venture for anyone beyond those that got their foot in the door early?

    Well you'll get money if your item gets in game, there's no guarantee it'll be a lot but something is always more than nothing. Not to mention it doesn't take that long to model and texture a weapon, provided you already have the skill base to do so.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Question: Are people really making much from this? Has this really been a profitable venture for anyone beyond those that got their foot in the door early?

    I have 3 items in game currently and honestly it hasn't made that much. You'd make more working a minimum wage job. I would guess item sets make much more than single items though because of the appeal of getting the entire set, especially the first 5 sets put in which had the set bonuses. If you're interested in just getting items in game which was the main appeal before the store existed the money is a nice bonus though.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8

    Deathly boredom has kicked in, so I made this really quick.
  • KevinLongtime
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    Gah, I have been trying for literally about 5 hours to get this damn itemtest compiler to correctly position my hat. You'd think it would be a simple 180 degree turn or something from Mayas orientation but apparently its much more. Anyone else having this issue?

    It's positioned perfectly in Maya, yet when it goes through the autoskin to bip_head through the itemtest compiler it wants to screw me over with very odd angles of turning.
  • ShakerSilver
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    Okay, slimmed it down a bit, made a couple minor changes here and there, and I got it to fit on the spy's arm.
    His sleeve was too big and was clipping through it, so I had to remove it. Yes I am aware I am going to be doing a lot of rigging. -.-
  • roninsmastermix
    To minimize any drama here in polycount, i want to clarify the self-made = unusual deal for everyone here. It is legitimate and i have confirmation from valve about it...

    To me, there is nothing wrong at offering my services, after all i am a freelancer for 8 years now and been offering my services for a living. This also works in the same manner that the stock market does. You are essentially buying a share of my items and are entitled for partial control of it.

    I am aware that many started to hate me because of this and i truly am sorry that they do and i respect their point of view. I myself felt hurt to some degree since this is my line of work and it pains me to see that people view it as dishonorable in the modding scene while it's ok on other professional markets. I'm still the same person and willing to listen and even work and collaborate for free like before (in fact i still am collaboration with a number of creators) the only thing that changed is that you now know that i offer a professional way to employ my services regardless of my preference and i am PROUD to be a freelancer.
  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Question: Are people really making much from this? Has this really been a profitable venture for anyone beyond those that got their foot in the door early?

    I'm echoing Zip's response here - the primary draw is still probably seeing your stuff in-game. Unless your items are somehow outrageously popular that people HAVE to get them, or you're Valve's go-to-guy for everything (i.e. Rob Laro), the potential for exorbitant (or even remotely large) sums of money is rather low.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Well, that sounds stupid and I'm with Ronin on this.

    First, who cares what he does with HIS profits. Be that monetary or digital (ie trading self made weap for a hat with sparkles).

    Whats the difference? People like to trade all kinds of shit in Steam. That's what the whole trade system is about. If he would prefer a fire helmet instead of a sparkly weapon, why shouldn't he trade it to someone who would prefer the weap over the hat?

    But Ronin, I think you are confused. We hate you because you keep whipping out cool stuff that gets in game ;) j/k
  • Krasher
  • 3DMark
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    Krasher wrote: »
    The lampshade is very pyro!
    Does it light up?
    Thumbs up from me.

  • Doughnut Bear
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    3DMark wrote: »
    Nice one! Reminds me of this:

    Maybe some goggles up on top?


    i actually have a pair of goggles(seperate) that will be going with the set :)
  • Flat Face
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    Flat Face polycounter lvl 10
    I love that spy knife mate, if it gets in then I hope it has some unique play style like the eternal reward, I'd have an alternative spy set to use :D I just can't stand how the YER has that long thin pointy end.. it's like 1 pixel thick for a CM n just bugs the hell out of me lol
  • Dr. Heinz
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    Krasher wrote: »

    Put some 100 watt bulbs in the eyes and make them illuminated and it'd be an epic set, lol.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I am aware that many started to hate me because of this and i truly am sorry that they do and i respect their point of view.
    You're dealing with the Steam Community. They hate everyone.

    My main thought here is that you're selling yourself somewhat short. I'm not entirely up with the machinations of the Team Fortress item grey market, but I'd be willing to bet that an unusual hat isn't going to go for more than a few dollars. Even considering the store isn't making item developers the thousands of dollars it did initially, you're going to overshoot the value of the hat (and if you ignore the ear-bud based economy, they don't really have any intrinsic value) very quickly.

    Simply put, you're not getting the better side of the deal here, Ronin.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Oh I understand now in regards to the Ronin thing. I was under the impression he was just giving people a percentage for a free hat but he's just a freelancer who's asking people to share ideas and he'll make them for a hat.

    Clever idea actually.

    Oh and that guy that steals stuff, I gave him a big comment to read but I expect he'll just delete it. Regardless if he does, I made it clear I'll be spamming him so much he will grow bored of deleting them.
  • re.wind
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    I actually spammed 300 messages once...all gone the next morning. Maybe our combined efforts will get us to over 900! (9'000 is a bit adventurous i think...). I'll gladly join your effort.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Good, no thief should ever be let free. He needs to get the message so that he understands it is wrong.

    To replies below, if he is trolling then so be it but even a troll can be trolled. Regardless it isn't taking any of my time away and it benefits everyone because other thieves will get the message. Can we please not discuss it any further though, this is about ART :D
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    You realise he's just trolling you guys at this point, right?
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Habboi stop wasting your your time with that piece of crap who is trying ti rip people off.

    im sure you got better things to do and your time is worth money so why spend it on that piece of crap, considering he wont get far anyways since he doesn't have the source nor the compiled files, just images he stole from here, or steamworkshop.

    your not hindering him at all, your actually wasting your time and effort on him like the guy wanted, since all he is, is a troll no more no less.
  • KRosen
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    hello, im new and made a tf2 item and was hoping i could get some feedback for it? :D i read somewhere this was a good place to ask, so if not, sorry.


    ive tweaked it more since then, this is the latest pictures.


    and this is painted with australalium gold :D


    thanks again :)
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    I'm gonna post these again here. Would love some votes guys, just need to bump them over ten.

    When I put these up there was some bug and they never showed up in the new pages. So I had to scroll through 15 pages of items and smap to even find them. I don't think they'll ever even be seen at this point.

    Jiggle Boned Jester Cap


    Brass Knuckle Sandvich
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    To minimize any drama here in polycount, i want to clarify the self-made = unusual deal for everyone here. It is legitimate and i have confirmation from valve about it...

    To me, there is nothing wrong at offering my services, after all i am a freelancer for 8 years now and been offering my services for a living. This also works in the same manner that the stock market does. You are essentially buying a share of my items and are entitled for partial control of it.

    I am aware that many started to hate me because of this and i truly am sorry that they do and i respect their point of view. I myself felt hurt to some degree since this is my line of work and it pains me to see that people view it as dishonorable in the modding scene while it's ok on other professional markets. I'm still the same person and willing to listen and even work and collaborate for free like before (in fact i still am collaboration with a number of creators) the only thing that changed is that you now know that i offer a professional way to employ my services regardless of my preference and i am PROUD to be a freelancer.

    Don't sweat it.
    I think that this is a good idea, but I think it will have it's downsides.
    For me, whenever I run out of ideas, I ask my friends, I do research, I concept without boundaries, and sometimes it works. One of the most successful ways I have found though, is that I team up with a concept artist, normally he has a few ideas in his belt, and we work together until finished.

    To ask the community is ok, I wouldn't do it, but it doesn't mean its bad.
  • Dr. Heinz
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    Gawd Save The Queen progress update. Thanks to Habboi for all his wonderful help and assistance!

  • Habboi
    Offline / Send Message
    Habboi sublime tool
    No problem buddy-oh. Even now I'm finding new problems to fix :P But it's a wonderful beast.
  • Uber
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    Dr. Heinz wrote: »
    Gawd Save The Queen progress update. Thanks to Habboi for all his wonderful help and assistance!


    I'd love to use that,spies ain't got no chance agianst that beast :)
  • Mad Mike
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
  • Nzdjh
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    Napoleon hat and vest:
  • roninsmastermix
    Thank you all for understanding me. Also the idea stemmed way back when Ruskeydoo talked to me. The idea/concept came from him. (which i failed to recognize and credit properly. my apologies)

    And yes i am getting the shorter end of the stick with this deal if you look at the actual revenue you may get. But you know what? I like this game and i'm fully i immersed in the experience.

    I dont intend to make this as a living for my family. This is my passed time. Play the game, make items for the game and thats how i get enjoyment from this game. Im just glad that you guys are more understanding.
  • Kamaki
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    Kamaki polycounter lvl 6
    Hi guys, thought I'd give item making a go since they introduced this whole item test thing. Definitely got further then when I tried last time!

    I've made this punk hair and googles, I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind explaining how I'd make the hair paintable. Also any other crits are totally welcome!
  • Ginio Beast
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    Dr. Heinz wrote: »
    Gawd Save The Queen progress update. Thanks to Habboi for all his wonderful help and assistance!


    very interesting look i think it works really well :D, all i'm a little concerned with right now is the size and positioning of the scope, might be a little too close to the head imo, it feels like its right in your face than giving the sniper enough room to breathe, just a first impression. nice work so far man :thumbup::thumbup:
  • Don Karnage
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    Is there any chance I could add someone on steam to get a little help with exporting team colors?
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Is there any chance I could add someone on steam to get a little help with exporting team colors?

    If you want to do it really fast, its easy with the new itemtest tool!

  • Don Karnage
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    Thanks man, trying that now!
  • Yamo
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    Okay so what do I have to do to get my hats to align correctly with the new itemtest system? They worked fine when I manually compiled them before the whole Steam Workshop update, but now they never seem to be in the correct spot

    Also my textures seem to get totally fucked once LOD1 kicks in
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
    Yamo wrote: »
    Okay so what do I have to do to get my hats to align correctly with the new itemtest system? They worked fine when I manually compiled them before the whole Steam Workshop update, but now they never seem to be in the correct spot

    Also my textures seem to get totally fucked once LOD1 kicks in

    The bip_head bone is at 0 0 0 in the new system, and the model has to be facing up on the correct axis to be the right way round; i.e, not on the back of his head.
  • Yamo
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    Sexy Robot wrote: »
    The bip_head bone is at 0 0 0 in the new system, and the model has to be facing up on the correct axis to be the right way round; i.e, not on the back of his head.

    So if my bip_head bone is currently floating in the air where the head would be in the reference pose, I should just be able to move it to 0 0 0 (and possibly rotate it) to fix?
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
    Yamo wrote: »
    So if my bip_head bone is currently floating in the air where the head would be in the reference pose, I should just be able to move it to 0 0 0 (and possibly rotate it) to fix?

    That would work, yes. But the easy way is to just build your model around the head models provided by Valve on the contribute page. They're positioned correctly.

  • ShakerSilver
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    So I think I'm almost done with modelling, gonna start texturing soon:
    Comments please.
  • Yamo
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    Sexy Robot wrote: »
    That would work, yes. But the easy way is to just build your model around the head models provided by Valve on the contribute page. They're positioned correctly.


    Oh nice, I'd just been using the poses from the first post this whole time, didn't know these existed
  • Dr. Heinz
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    Ooh, noggins! This will help me immensely in my mad ambition to rule the planet through covering the heads of digital characters. And it'll help me model these idea's i have for hats. Lol, a lot easier than building from scratch, thats for sure.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
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