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Tech Artist - What are you working on: FOREVER Edition!



  • DeepSpaceBanana
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    DeepSpaceBanana polycounter
    I don't feel so good shader


  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    round 25 of klunk verses the cut.....

    so being  a stubborn fool :smiley:  I decided the way forward was to write my own cutting routines as the max sdk ones are so flakey. So I create a testing modifier so I can well test them... but to test the test modifier i thought I would use the buggy max cut routines and if to prove a point the first try  of it and bingo...
    the modifier is 2 moveable points so i can test various cuts but as you can see as  the end  cut point moves across the edge the max routine get the edge fraction wrong ("flipped") and this is not the worst of the issues they throw up :neutral:  It's funny that editable poly doen't seem too bad from a mxs perspective but from the SDK it a veritable buggy crash fest. We need some hybrid class with all robustness of trimesh and the component tagging of editable poly.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    it's picking the wrong edge where the tris join isn't it?   

    perhaps it's worth taking a leaf out of maya's book, drawing a preview line and not committing the cut until the user has palm smashed the keyboard ?  
  • kritskiy
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    kritskiy polycounter lvl 10
    Finally found out how to modify brushes in Photoshop with scripts, next Scriptorator update will include the brush mod scripts like changing rotation, opacity, toggling blend modes

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    MACHIN3 sublime tool
    I've prototyped this on the weekend. It's doing a pipe boolean and then re-aligns the pipe geo to the initial edge selection to  create a hard edge again.
    It's the same approach as done by the Bevel after Boolean addon, at least the earlier versions.
    It's remarkably simple, but clever.

    I'm gonna re-implement it all in bmesh next, except for the boolean of course. Doing a custom curve mesh generation alone will be worth it however.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well that looks like another fantastic tool ! Very curious to see what kind of results one could get out primitives that are as optimized/lowpoly as possible.
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    MACHIN3 sublime tool
    pior said:
    Well that looks like another fantastic tool ! Very curious to see what kind of results one could get out primitives that are as optimized/lowpoly as possible.
    If you send me an example I can use it for testing.
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    Added a False Color viewmode in Toolbag's post-process shader to apply it to all the custom tonemappers and to repurpose one of the existing inputs since I can't add any custom ones. 

    I use the SharpnessLimit parameter to control the opacity of the false color overlay. Two examples with different levels of opacity for the false color.

    Probably not the most optimized, since it's just a bunch of Ifs to get the range for black clip, near black clip, white clip, near white clip, mid-gray and one stop above mid-gray.

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    MACHIN3 sublime tool

    Moving over to 2.80, I've built an f2-like tool for 2.80 and did some improvements to it.  It's about smart face creation. I'm doing a single vert selection at the beginning and merge 2 verts manually shortly after. Other than that, I just keep running the tool over and over again.

  • srivignesh
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    srivignesh polycounter lvl 10
    Hi All,
    This is WIP Maya script to cut and snap to the higher resolution loop.

    Select Edge loops and it will add the vertices on the missing areas and it will snap it to the higher count loop. It's mostly used if you want to weld terrain to the road or so.

    p.s : I am doing this for my second version of the Nitropoly. Even more tools will be added to that.

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    MACHIN3 sublime tool
    @srivignesh   That's cool, I've been using something similar for quite some time. It doesn't handle uneven vert counts like yours does however. I'm gonna add that as well now :) Great stuff!

  • xXm0RpH3usXx
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    xXm0RpH3usXx polycounter lvl 13
    You guys have no clue how long I wanted to post something in here! :)

    I made an addon for Blender.
    It lets you save out your images (and animations) automatically with a keyword based system (you dont need to use the keywords though).
    It also searches through the destination folder and retrieves a new file version number, saves your scene on rendering (even incrementally, if you like) and turns off your PC afterwards.

    Its in closed alpha right now, so if anybody would like to give it a go or has improvement suggestions, please do hit me up!

  • srivignesh
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    srivignesh polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all,
    I made a small script called Bevel Modifier. It will modifies the bevel which is already created.Also it works on triangels and N-gons in case you are wondering.

    Select any number of edge loop (no intersection of loops) and use the "Bevel +" to increase and "Bevel -" to decrease the bevel value. As you can see the value on the left is that how much you want to increase/decrease. it will be very useful if you note down that value and you want to do the same adjustment for different object(s).

    p.s : I am doing this for my second version of the Nitropoly. So you will get this soon.

  • srivignesh
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    srivignesh polycounter lvl 10
    Hello All,
    One more very small Maya script. I couldn't come up with better name for this tool so, i currently named it as Vert-Edge Connector.
    I used normal connect tool, but it's connecting with the center of the edge selected. So, i come up with this to connect straight.

    Enter into Multi mode so you can select both vertex and edge, then connect using my tool.

    p.s : I am doing this for my second version of the Nitropoly. So you will get this soon.

  • Burpee
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    Burpee polycounter lvl 9
    Theses looks awesome @srivignesh !
  • floon
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    floon greentooth
    I just wrapped up version 1.2 of my ZBrush Plugin FJTools :).
    If you are interested to learn more about the plugin check out the Polycount thread!
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    looking forward to Nitropoly V2. dat Bevel modifier looks sick
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    MACHIN3 sublime tool
    Decal materials can be matched automatically to the materials they are inserted on top of.

  • srivignesh
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    srivignesh polycounter lvl 10
    Hello Again,
       One more tool for Maya, inspired from blender GridFill Tool. I used coons patch if anybody know better than that please suggest me.

    Basically we need to select two edge loops which are opposite and GridFill it.

    p.s : I am doing this for my second version of the Nitropoly. So you will get this soon.   ;)
  • Mayalicious
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    Mayalicious polycounter lvl 8
    Hi all,
    I made a small script called Bevel Modifier. It will modifies the bevel which is already created.Also it works on triangels and N-gons in case you are wondering.

    Select any number of edge loop (no intersection of loops) and use the "Bevel +" to increase and "Bevel -" to decrease the bevel value. As you can see the value on the left is that how much you want to increase/decrease. it will be very useful if you note down that value and you want to do the same adjustment for different object(s).

    p.s : I am doing this for my second version of the Nitropoly. So you will get this soon.

    This is amazing!
  • kritskiy
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    kritskiy polycounter lvl 10
    what do you do when you hate to open Brush Settings panel just to change one setting? Make yourself a panel obv

  • srivignesh
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    srivignesh polycounter lvl 10
    hello Guys,
        here is one more tool done. It's called Corner 45. It will rotate 45 Degree based on the edge selected.

    It's Straight forward. Select the face(s) then select a single edge(it will act as a pivot). Finally press what direction you want to Rotate.

    Please don't get confused with the wedge Tool, it won't do that 45 Degree thing. And also I am just moving, not Boolean or cut so, don't worry about uv or anything.

    p.s : I am doing this for my second version of the Nitropoly. So you will get this soon.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    What a tease, when will these tools be available?
  • srivignesh
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    srivignesh polycounter lvl 10
     What a tease, when will these tools be available?

    @malcolmthanks and I am planning to release before February. Currently getting suggestions from other peoples about the tool and UI Improvements. Need to fix old bugs along with the new update.So, you will get this soon. ;)

  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master

    Klunk said:

    I don't model racetracks anymore but if I did this would make the process about 5 times faster.
  • floon
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    floon greentooth
    Working on a mutliselect feature for ZBrush Subtools:

  • srivignesh
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    srivignesh polycounter lvl 10
    Hello All,
    NitroPoly - V2.0 - The Ultimate Modeling Tool For Maya

    Demo and Instructions : https://srivignesh35.github.io/nitropoly/


    NOTE: Tested on Maya 2017 & 2018. Feel free to report bug or feature.

    Email : srivignesh35@gmail.com

  • RedMASK
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    RedMASK polycounter lvl 6
    Hello All,
    NitroPoly - V2.0 - The Ultimate Modeling Tool For Maya

    Demo and Instructions : https://srivignesh35.github.io/nitropoly/


    NOTE: Tested on Maya 2017 & 2018. Feel free to report bug or feature.

    Email : srivignesh35@gmail.com

    Very good tools, tnx, i used old and will test new version :) .....question..... Any plans for that GridFill tool?
  • srivignesh
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    srivignesh polycounter lvl 10
    Very good tools, tnx, i used old and will test new version  .....question..... Any plans for that GridFill tool?

    Thanks and about the grid fill. I am planning to completely write that in c++(Maya api). So, it will have lot of control in real-time. Hope it will get added in the next version.

  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    srivignesh wow very impressive. Is it possible to launch the tools as separate floating windows?, I really want the bevel tool, 45 degree tool, and the grid patch tool, but if possible I'd like to avoid having to launch the whole window just to get at those specific tools.
    You should charge 20 bucks for the full toolkit, then export each section as it's own tool you can launch separately and sell those for 4 bucks each, I think you're selling yourself short by giving it away for free.

  • srivignesh
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    srivignesh polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks @malcolm , I have plan to have floating windows, if i get enough bugs/features list then i can release V2.1 may be. Currently planning to do some advanced tools that i might sell  :wink: .
    Anyway if somebody wants to give money they can always give it through gumroad.
  • Niknesh
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    Niknesh polycounter lvl 10
    Amazing script dude, bought it yesterday, tested on Maya 2018, no crashes. It's got all the little things that I need and more :)
    Cut and Stitch, Average Planar and Corner buttons is a godsend.

    I have a few suggestions though.

    The window when you load the script it's too big for my taste, takes away too much of the workspace too. It would much better be as a detached window and more practical.

    If you can, add -xyz/+xyz copy/paste of an object.
    I have that as a shortcut and it's one of those things that you always use in Maya when you model.
  • srivignesh
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    srivignesh polycounter lvl 10
    Hi Niknesh,
            I am glad that you liked the tool and thanks for buying. Anyway i have plans for the UI. So, i will try to release a version soon.
    For any features you want, please send me to my email( srivignesh35@gmail.com ),so i can track. 
  • Linko
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    Linko polycounter lvl 7
    A free tool for Blender 2.8 called AssetGen, it will send your high poly into your game engine in a single click, it will do everything automatically for you (reduce the polycount, uv mapping, baking, material creation and sending your asset) and you will be able to update your game asset quickly:

  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    Programmed a Vulkan-Accelerated Adobe After Effects plugin. Rendering a little RayMarching test scene I made.

  • Fstain
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    Fstain polycounter lvl 2
    Working on a primitive version of wall destruction as seen in Rainbow Six: Siege

    Got some holes going on there. In R6 they cut arbitrary polygons out of the walls to make the holes, this is a more quantized approach using vertices and vertex colors to decide where holes get cut out. Brick walls don't usually have a concrete center, but it's still early, polish-wise. :)

    I also have an enemy that bull rushes through certain walls to intercept the player and that's an interplay of shaders, particles and of course, scripting.
  • kritskiy
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    kritskiy polycounter lvl 10
    I'm working on a helper panel for Photoshop with the most used settings (defined by user) from Tools and Brush Settings menus put together in a small area:

  • Blendermonkey
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    Blendermonkey polycounter lvl 10
    I made a Blender 2.8 addon that lets you snap to keyframes while you scrub with your mouse if you press ALT.
    (old gif, when there was a button instead of ALT)

    Get it free here :)https://gumroad.com/products/jmHKp
  • .Wiki
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    .Wiki polycounter lvl 8
    Nearly finished my recreation of Oskar Stalbergs "brick block". The watershader is one of the unity standard assets. I created the dissolve shader by modifying the one of the existing diffuse shaders.

    You can get the whole project on my github account. https://github.com/3deric/block_building

  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    some prototyping of a new geometry i need, it's a basic mesh disc that has a radius, number of points and number of segments (so number of sides would be points * segments) The idea is that it has a consistent face size across the mesh and the thinking behind the "points" and segments is I need it (in the future) to "tally"  upto a control spline with n number of knots.

  • vonBerg
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    vonBerg polycounter lvl 5
    Cool stuff here as always guys!

    Working on my rollercoaster Unreal Engine 4 C++ Plugin:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hvn_5dK7js4 https://www.facebook.com/cg.toolsmith
  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    bit more progress on the current tool

    going to add a "center" gizmo, that can be freely  moved or fixed to the median position

  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    added the faces and the center gizmo (note it has mesh smooth on top) btw the april first stuff very amusing but a time wasting  pain in the arse)

    well I wasn't looking for that but i'll take it anyway :smile:

  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    sorry if this is a bit nerdy boring routine   nuts and bolts  but it's what i'm working on :smiley:  :neutral:
    raytracing kdtree optimizations tests with 100 * 100 plane being traversed by ray from the center out the dark shaded faces are all the nodes visited in the tree....
    no optimization
    sort function 1
    sort function 2
    and the winner so far uniform random shuffle

  • rocketjump4d
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    rocketjump4d polycounter lvl 4
    I'm working on a sciprt for Cinema 4D that breaks Phong shading for UV borders.
    Download link https://github.com/rocketjump4d/UV2PhongEdges

  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    max depth/distance 3d texmap and accompanying ranging object. it has various falloffs

    it was not designed with rendering in mind btw but as a distribution map for some other stuff but it was quite interesting all the same :)

  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    I just finished implementing a new feature into my Maya UV mapping toolbox. Now you can layout UVs, then disable flip, rotate, scale with a tickbox so you can make custom rotate and scale edits to increase resolution of small shells or get a better pack by rotating specific shells then layout again while keeping your custom edits. Very handy to quickly tune your UV layout without manually placing UV shells.
    Check it out on my Gumroad if you're interested. https://gumroad.com/malcolm341

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    MACHIN3 sublime tool
    Preview of a tool to convert Grease Pencil strokes into panel decals in DECALmachine.

    Blender's GP line tool, actually works on curved surfaces now, so I won't even have to port my Tape tool over.  I hope there is a polygon tool coming however.

    There's also some MESHmachine at the end(Unbevel, Fuse, Unf*ck). Turns out my chamfer and fillet toolset, works perfectly for panel decals (poly strips).

  • Mehran Khan
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    Mehran Khan polycounter lvl 10
    .Wiki said:
    Nearly finished my recreation of Oskar Stalbergs "brick block". The watershader is one of the unity standard assets. I created the dissolve shader by modifying the one of the existing diffuse shaders.

    You can get the whole project on my github account. https://github.com/3deric/block_building

    wow man, thanks for giving away the source. And your YT tuts are also pretty awesome.
  • DeepSpaceBanana
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    DeepSpaceBanana polycounter
    Some Shadery things i've been doing lately

    Starting to put together some Post FX to go with my Weather System, Made this wet screen effect last night. Fully parameterized to control speed, no of drips etc, and some condensation.

    Rain effect using analytic shaders (bugged sprite rotation at the end was me trying to get the sprites to conform to the global wind turbulance the weather system uses, trying to create proper whipping effect of rain when it's windy)

    The staticmesh used for the effect, it's a stack of 200 cards.

    Something I’ve been experimenting with for my MA Project, Analytic Simulated Shaders with distance fields for Interactive Ambient weather effects (Blowing leaves etc).i.e the sprites are not particles but a single static mesh. Based on ShaderBits 17 talk from GDC.

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