Vietnam is pretty awesome, I played it exclusively for about a month after it came out. I just bought a second copy of Bad Company 2 to hand out to a friend later. At $6.80, why not? Spread the addiction!
Vietnam is pretty awesome, I played it exclusively for about a month after it came out. I just bought a second copy of Bad Company 2 to hand out to a friend later. At $6.80, why not? Spread the addiction!
Yeah I was thinking about that too. I will for sure be doing that this holiday season with the crazy deals they have. I bought TF2 and L4D2 for my girlfriend once mac support came out and she has actually been loving it. No BC2 for mac though.
That was my feeling on it lol, just seeing if people thought the rest of the package was worth it (not the price really, but the shouting from my internet provider I'll get if I keep downloading games this month )
sheeeit it begins. just snagged the witcher 2. started playing oblivion again recently but on 360, and after putting 40 hours into it so far just cant justify grabbing it on pc. ill wrap my 360 playthrough and then move onto skyrim in a few months.
seriously though, if you even thought about getting the witcher 2, doooo it, its awesome.
Darksiders is amazing! All the talk of how it just copies of other games is dumb. Yes it does take a lot from zelda but that doesn't take away any of its greatness!
I've got quite a few games from the sales so far, looking forward to seeing more.
My only regret was not buying The Witcher 2 on the first day, I really really want to play that more than anything else at the moment, I don't know why I was hesitating so much. Hopefully it will go back on sale!
I've got quite a few games from the sales so far, looking forward to seeing more.
My only regret was not buying The Witcher 2 on the first day, I really really want to play that more than anything else at the moment, I don't know why I was hesitating so much. Hopefully it will go back on sale!
By the way, Steam name:
It's cheaper in the real/other stores. So i dunno, could be an option?
Yeah, what do you expect? When Steam goes on Sale, everyone will DL happy that atleast they didn't include a DRM which left you without Enzio for half a year *grumble*.
monday night combat, i saw it being discussed in some other thread. is it any fun? looks weird and as if it'll amuse me for around 5 hours, after which i'll never play it . what do you guys think?
amused me for around 5 hours after which I've never played it..
it's not as noob friendly to learn as tf2 was (in the beginning I mean), I always felt outclassed and a bit confused, without any pointers how to get better. I'll probably play it some more but that's pretty much what happened
Seems someone f**ked up somewhere. The activation codes dont work. I cant get it working either. I'm patient though and I'll wait for them to fix it.
But if you did buy it and you have a working copy. Let me know. I'd like to know if I'm one of an unlucky few or has every one had trouble.
More info (and much ranting) here:
Yeah I was thinking about that too. I will for sure be doing that this holiday season with the crazy deals they have. I bought TF2 and L4D2 for my girlfriend once mac support came out and she has actually been loving it. No BC2 for mac though.
I'm gonna be broke
Might skip this one
Plain Sight is being sold for just £2 so could you please help support my boss's company
For the my little pony 'niche' on the forums...
Has anyone played it, worth buying?
Same question, then again; you can ride a giant chicken which usually results in a must buy... hmmm, choices!
Also see if you get a random Summer Cooler drop in Tf2....
seriously though, if you even thought about getting the witcher 2, doooo it, its awesome.
My only regret was not buying The Witcher 2 on the first day, I really really want to play that more than anything else at the moment, I don't know why I was hesitating so much.
By the way, Steam name:
If it's one sale, just get it.
It's cheaper in the real/other stores. So i dunno, could be an option?
I finished it with mouse and keyboard, but i needed to change some keys :P
I'd dare to say Darksiders is a must have.
I picked 2 copies of Battlefield pack and Just cause 2.
Indeed, did a check myself when I saw it on Steam and it's £23.99 from gameplay.
I dont really buy games from anywhere else. Steam is so convenient really. Maybe I'm just stuck in my ways.
I'm downloading Bad company 2 but it's like all the servers are overbooked! the download speed is very slow
it's not as noob friendly to learn as tf2 was (in the beginning I mean), I always felt outclassed and a bit confused, without any pointers how to get better. I'll probably play it some more but that's pretty much what happened
£3 for Wings of Prey sounds good, even if I'm only flying around.
I'm not too familiar with STALKER at all, it says it's an FPS with RPG elements - how is that, exactly? It definitely looks interesting.
Best FPS thus far, bar none, that barely anybody played, that's how it is, exactly.
Just get CoP if in doubt.