EDIT: For some people its still down so lemme post a pic of whats today (edit2:and apprently i also had a lot of luck with it loading completely since now it wont work ) :
75% off on Left4Dead? I never bought it because I don't have the friends to play it with, but it's almost worth it just for the commentary and model viewer now. Tempting...
lol ok, all steam servers are too busy...ghostbusters for 9€ that's a pretty sweet deal, already bought trine too haha steam is stealing all my munneh !!!
edit; steam servers too busy to handle my game download
They ran out of... steam... :poly142:
Trine is very interesting indeed. I enjoyed the demo alot. Worth it?
EDIT: Ghostbusters is worth the cash. I enjoyed it all the way through although I haven't completed it since one of the levels made my computer at the time sweat, cry and beg for mercy.
Trine is very interesting indeed. I enjoyed the demo alot. Worth it?
Definitely. The full game gives you a fair bit more stuff to play with. The only real disappointment is the final boss battle, where they decided to toss everything that made the game fun. Everything up to that point, though, was well worth the 20 that I got it for.
eve is evil, as are all mmos
Dont fall into that trap!
I just noticed eve has a 21 day free trial.... I assume if you buy the game you get 30 days with it, so does that mean you get 51 days when you buy it now or does it ignore the free trial?
Definitely. The full game gives you a fair bit more stuff to play with. The only real disappointment is the final boss battle, where they decided to toss everything that made the game fun. Everything up to that point, though, was well worth the 20 that I got it for.
I quit the game in digust at that boss battle and never finished it. I got *this close to sending them a nasty email.
They made this fantastic banquet, and the dessert was chocolate covered poop
Quantz -75% off
Section 8 -50% off
Mirrors Edge -75% off
Evil Genius -75% off
Chronicles of Riddick:AODA -33% off
Call of Juarez:BIB -30% off
The Secret of Monkey Island:SE -75% off
This has to be one of the worst sales in a while Mass Effect day today, you can't even get the DLC with the more expensive version of 2... hopefully the last two days come out with something good but I ain't got my hopes up...
I am way behind in terms of finishing the games I have at the moment. I cant even think of buying BF3 until I am done with all the games I bought so far .
If it was Diablo 3 or GW2, it would've been a different story.
Picked up dead space, 2 is still too expensive, about the price I could get it for the ps3 with extraction included, but for a few quid you can't say no to dead space right? :P
I am interested in what it's going to be tomorrow, I just bought BC2 a week ago on steam and it has been acting up. I can't even play it due to crashes.
I picked up Mass Effect for $5 though the other day.
EDIT: For some people its still down so lemme post a pic of whats today (edit2:and apprently i also had a lot of luck with it loading completely since now it wont work
edit; steam servers too busy to handle my game download
Do it!
Trine is very interesting indeed. I enjoyed the demo alot. Worth it?
EDIT: Ghostbusters is worth the cash. I enjoyed it all the way through although I haven't completed it since one of the levels made my computer at the time sweat, cry and beg for mercy.
Once again, I am absolutely DONE buying sp games on day one.
Definitely. The full game gives you a fair bit more stuff to play with. The only real disappointment is the final boss battle, where they decided to toss everything that made the game fun. Everything up to that point, though, was well worth the 20 that I got it for.
Eve online is on there, what someone wanted.
SO YEAH! Hai gaiz, I'm in eve!
Dont fall into that trap!
I just noticed eve has a 21 day free trial.... I assume if you buy the game you get 30 days with it, so does that mean you get 51 days when you buy it now or does it ignore the free trial?
I fucking hate life. I have 0 luck with sales; every time I buy something it either becomes free, or much cheaper.
I quit the game in digust at that boss battle and never finished it. I got *this close to sending them a nasty email.
They made this fantastic banquet, and the dessert was chocolate covered poop
Quantz -75% off
Section 8 -50% off
Mirrors Edge -75% off
Evil Genius -75% off
Chronicles of Riddick:AODA -33% off
Call of Juarez:BIB -30% off
The Secret of Monkey Island:SE -75% off
Multiplayer is alright, but the single player 'campaign' is pretty mediocre.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002BRYXRQ/ref=s9_simz_gw_s0_p63_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0WN2PCE0NWGR9YRK7BBQ&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846]This[/ame] should really piss you off, then.
gonna buy... :poly142:
played the first game, but I'm intrigued about the revamp and extra stuff
Although it is really worth it for the engine update, they re-did almost all the textures and stuff.
haha exactly the same here
Isn't this common for pretty much everything. Wait enough and you can get it for free. Sure, You'll be 20 years older by that time but eh!
yea me2. Been wanting to check out the PC version
Me too
I am way behind in terms of finishing the games I have at the moment. I cant even think of buying BF3 until I am done with all the games I bought so far
If it was Diablo 3 or GW2, it would've been a different story.
Dead Space 2 for $23.99
Dead Space for $4.99
Hey what are the chances of BFBC2 going on sale tomorrow? Any other game with a higher probability?
Sorry, been out of the game loop for a while.
I bought me2 aswell. The problem is now to find time to play games :S
Let's see if they put a BC2 bundle tomorrow... i have planned to buy 2 copies
I hope so too, I'm tired of having to keep the disc in my drive whenever I want to play it :P
I picked up Mass Effect for $5 though the other day.