Wouldn't normally post this, but it only lasts one day, so i figure it'll give people an head up.
Champions Online 50 percent off $19.99
Fallen Earth 50 percent off $24.99
Dragon Age: Origins 25 percent off $37.49
Batman: Arkham Asylum 50 percent off $24.99
Far Cry 2: Fortunes Edition 50 percent off $9.99
Osmos 75 percent off $2.00
GRID 75 percent off $7.49
Plus two packs!
Theres some really great deals on there. Too bad i have most of them.

Surprised at the THQ pack, thats one hell of a bargain.
pc pimp check
controler check
It's so hard to say no when good games are so fucking cheap
Seems there having one as well, although not as good.
Steam is great, love the weekend deals. Have picked up so many titles because of it.
no more buying console games, that also released in PC!
graphic card - CHeck
5 $ , excellent, 4 years old controller - check
hail Steam!
It's a little soon after release, but they may put it up before the end of the sale. Keep an eye out!
(thanks for the heads-up, Ark)
Can't wait to see what the next set of deals is.:)
I'm morbidly curious if the sales were so low that EA did a knee-jerk price drop, or if this was in the plans all along, and makes me feel like an arse for picking it up straight away.
Never gonna get any work done at this rate!
Edit: seems you can't gift any duplicates, oh well.
I keep telling myself that I will no longer purchase SP games on launch. I've seen RE5 on sale for $19.99 recently, FFS. I paid full price for it just over six months ago! (I know it had co-op but I only ever played it SP.)
Pro-tip for those that bought Batman: Play it with a 360 or PS3 controller, I've heard the mouse / keyboard controls are kinda awkward.
I'd guess that having Dragon Age on there is more about having a mix of new and fairly new on the list.
According to vgchartz, as of Novemeber 14th DA sold 152,545 copies, compared to Wii Sports 494,014, and COD MW2's 4,938,186 (over million higher on 360 than PS3) worldwide. While sales may pick up as it was only 70,636 the week before; probably not exactly stellar numbers from where EA is sitting. Though Valve hasn't shut-up about how sales increase when they discount things on steam.
those are 360 numbers btw, pc didn't even make the list.
i got 2 guest pass in steam, for game : Shattered Horizon
it's a new deal every 24 hours and did something simmilar with TF2 and L4D1 already so keep your fingers crossed
on the dragon age stuff: it's a good thing in the long-term that they lower these prices now. see when valve decreased prices on theyr recent titles in all kind of we-deal or midweek-madness or halloween specials, the revenue increased up to 3600% iirc. if ea can learn one thing out of lowering prices it might be that piracy goes down and conversion goes up.
Would be nice though.
That really sucks...
I was planning to get one of the packs, and gifting the duplicates to friends and family, but that just made me change my mind.
IMHO, that's a way better deal than CoD4.2 for £40 right now
I had exactly the same thought when I bought it. I already have DoW Gold (box) but I'll give it to a friend, but yeah, all the addons, plus DoW 2...titan quest, CoH...yeah really sweet deal
I wasn't planning on buying red faction guerilla for instance but this deal is so good that I will now be able to try it
earlier last year, I was thinking about buying hitman 2 because it was so cheap and and the new hitman was out, and the week I was thinking this, they made a deal with all the hitman series+the new one for less than the box price of the new one, needless to say I bought it instanlty, which let me play also hitman 1, 3 and 4 which I wouldn't have otherwise.
pretty sure L4D2 will have a sale day too, they did it in the past. if not this time it'll be later for sure.
I only buy PC games on Steam now, no more boxes and shit, it's so powerful...I just buy the game and can play it on my PC or my laptop which is at the gf's place these days, when a friend that uses steam wants to play LAN games we both have he just has to log in on steam and we can play, really this stuff owns.
Seems the deals are every 36 hours
What sucks even more is that I think its up to the publishers, since valves own packs makes it possible to gift duplicates if you get them
Mini Ninja's is 15 bucks, Knights of the Old Republic is 2.50,
And Left 4 Dead 2 is 25% off.
Recheck Steam, its 25% off, along with 6 other games.
Too bad theres no other Packs available.
You dont need to buy it, all you need is to pay the subscription.
Steam sales are evil. I always spend more than I bargained for. I've picked up Osmos, KOTOR, Far Cry 2, and Dead Space now. And I just saw Zombie Driver for pre-order for 9usd. Dammit. I'm dreading the next day's deals.
Boarderlands - 33.49 (Urge to buy... rising)
Order of War
City of Heroes
Resident Evil 5