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SketchBook: Stinger88



  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Thanks again Bretmcnee. Yep. You're spot on. That leg does look awkward. will fix it when I get down there.

    Heres the face detailed. The lips are giving me a bit of difficulty but i'll get there in the end. Will play with liquify a bit as well. I think a few areas look odd. For now I need to rest my eyes.

    Crit wanted. Dont be shy. Rip into it. I'd need to get this spot on.

  • Stinger88
  • Intermission
    How is this supposed to be professional if the gun is just grey with no details?

    obv kidding, great detail on the face so far, my only crit out be that on the left side of the hair it lacks some detail and towards the back it kind of looks like its just a patch rather then hair, add some detail like you did with the left side and the bangs.

  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    Thanks Intermission. :) Hair is only rough atm. So will be fixing that.

    Heres the gun so far.

    Keep the crits coming.

    EDIT: btw the texture overlay is just rough as well. Will fix that.

  • Intermission
    hmm it looks like he isnt holding onto the gun, like its improperly balancing on his hands.

    I am sure you were planning on fixing that.
  • marlfox8
    yep i agree with intermission. but your probably gonna fix that
  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    Thanks guys. Yes, thats something I hadnt started on.

    Fixed now :)

    Here's an update. Lots still to do.

  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    there some wrong proportion of this guy, his hands and arms are a bit small.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Thanks Voff. Yeah. I've made them a little fatter. I think the bulky armour was contributing to that as well. Also his head was way too high so I pulled it down a bit.

    Update. I'll be redesigning the armour at some point.

  • marlfox8
    how aboiut some smoke and empty mags on the floor
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    This image is a for a character concept. So I dont really want to clutter the image with stuff. And smoke might hide the character a bit. but I agree. Adding something small around his feet might be a nice touch. Will think about it.

    Update. enlargened hands more. This time I think the proportions are ok. Let me know if they are off. I'm pretty much done with this one. Except I need to add some futuristic armour. Nothing too bulky though.

  • marlfox8
    i dont know this just might be me or does the right hand look like its bent uncomfortably? maybe just raise the shoulder up. and for the ground accessories how about a bull or some kinda alien skull
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Yep. Maybe an alien head might work. There's an alien species in this project. Will see.

    Knackered! hopefully i'm nearly done with this. Still a few tweaks to go though.

  • wake
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    wake polycounter lvl 17
    You've got some really good stuff here Stinger but there's some issues, particularly around the weapon. Currently you have the hand tilted forward along the axis of the weapon when it should either be perpendicular or tilted back. Look at some pictures like this, this and this.

    Also, it looks like you're doing a bullpup SMG based on an UZI correct? If that's the case then you need to shift the grip forward and give the firing mechanism a little more space (see how it looks here). Bullpups are like rear wheel drive compared to front wheel-- they offer more control but because you're shifting all the guts the back it's more complicated and requires more space to function. Also you need an ejection port in the back, or if that line above the magazine is it then you need to articulate it a little better and fix the angle as it's currently off-kilter with the rest of the weapon. Also your character lacks 'trigger discipline'-- the trigger finger needs to be aligned along the weapon lower and not resting on the trigger unless he's about to fire or has just fired. It seems like a small thing but it's a big red flag that you don't know about firearms. Also take a look at different kinds of picatinny rails; it'll give you a better idea of how to render yours on the top of the weapon. Overall the perspective on the weapon is off-- some of your lines are sagging and fold out butt stock has some serious issues. Also, your pouches are kind of all over the place. The point of most chest area pouches is to hold additional magazines. Although it varies depending on the mission, a standard soldier (excluding LMGs) will carry between 200 to 300 rounds, or around 7 to 10 magazines.

    On a different note, you've done 95% of the piece in a realistic/believable style, so get rid of the glowy bits on the gun; they make no sense and it looks amateurish. Glowy bits are for lazy people who want to make a concept look 'futuristic', because apparently in the future everything will glow (the one exception is Tron, where everything actually DOES glow and looks great :D).

    Yes many of these things seem on the nit-picky side of things, but the devil is in the details. Paying attention to things like this in whatever you work on shows that you're competent, knowledgeable and diligent when it comes to your work.

    Also the crotch are is too wrinkly. The only reason why the fabric would be that compressed is if the soldier were a paratrooper with straps running between the legs.

    On the compositional side of things, I'd make the frame bigger and give your guy a little more breathing room-- right now it's too crowded. And leave the frame empty as well-- the focus is on your character, not the crazy alien-buffalo-man that has been decomposing at his feet for 20 years.

    Overall though you've got a good lookin piece. You're just 90% of the way there, so finish strong.
  • marlfox8
    how about some knee pads or greaves
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Yes, yes, yes!...awesome feedback wake :)

    You got me. I dont know enough about weapons tbh. Its a sort of modified uzi but I winged it early in the concept and didnt really change it. I've tried to force it to work with the image but its been fighting me all the way. I'll defo look at changing it now though. Thanks for the "Wake" up call :)

    I think I need to give him an assault rifle rather than a sub machine gun. I'll do more research on that later.

    By the way. How many accessories can this weapon have? Looks like its got 5 picatinny rails. I'd like to see a version of it covered in scopes or whatever else it can carry. Or are the rail just so you can mount one extra scope in different places.

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    I found a similar one covered in crap. Looks kick ass. Just dont gun and run with it.

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Ok. Back to business. I decided to make a simple model and position it over the image. Then I'll piant over it with the detail to make it part of the image.

    Decided to go with a meatier weapon design. I used plenty of reference so hopefully its a believable design.

    I think it sits a quite well with the character and I'm glad I was prompted to change it. Thanks again Wake

  • wake
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    wake polycounter lvl 17
    Much better Stinger-- that already makes a big difference. Can't wait to see the finished product :)
  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    Thanks Wake.

    Ok...I think i'm done. I'll probably tweak it a bit before I'm finish all the characters but for now I need to move on. I'll be doing a Demo guy or a female Sniper next.

  • marlfox8
    nice work man the gun looks really cool. how about a sort a "bomber" guy or something next. you know somebody that kinda sneaks around and plant c4 AND STUFF
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Thanks Marlfox. Yep. I'm doing a demo guy. But not a sneaky one. A big badass one.

    Can't believe I dropped to page 5. Still I have been very busy. Doing an environment piece that I will post at some point but its doing my head in a bit. Oh and playing lots of Minecraft.

    Anyhoo. Here we go. Basically. Big Afro Carribean dude, will be wearing demo armour of some description. Maybe it'll be a demo armour thats too small for his frame. So his gutt sticks out the bottom of it, etc. He will be weilding a fire Axe and a light michine gun. Maybe a modified M249 SAW.

    Crits welcome

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    I pulled myself away from minecraft long enough to do somemore work on this. Phew...Now back to digging holes for a bit.


  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Tidying up a bit. Still a ways to go.

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Update: More detailing

    Could do with some feedback on this if anyone has any. As i'm nearly finished and I'd like to correct any problems.


  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    well. I think i'm done.

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Messing about with google sketchup. I've been meaning to get to grips with sketchup for a while now. Alot of the paintover concept art I've seen using sketchup has a really nice look to it imo.

    Heres a link to one artist I really like who uses the technique


    Anyway. I've blocked out a weapon on the fly in sketchup. I'm trying to figure out how to create curved edges to things. The lower image is an example of the type of curved surface in on about.

    Does anyone know how to do this? Or does anyone know a good place for sketchup tutorials?

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Matte painting I did for an art test. I didn't get the gig though :(

    EDIT: uploaded a huge image so I removed it. Will upload smaller one later
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Alchemy Gun WIP. I plan to flesh (or should I say metal) this out into a full concept.

  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    Have to say...I'm loving Sketchup. Its awesome so far.

    I've figured out how to create curved surfaces as well. Downloaded a plugin called Curviloft. Works pretty good. Anyhoo.... Onward with this new gun

  • marlfox8
    handle is way too thin. It would break as soon as you pick it up with one hand
  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    Thanks Marlfox. Valid point but I doubt you'd be adle to pick this up with one hand. This is either going to be a Minigun or turret. So i'll either be adding a second (load bearing) handle or the thing behind the circular bit at the bottom could be the turret pivot socket thingy.

    Heres an update. Decided to change the business end a bit. This is similar to a Gattling gun. Might try a minigun variation as well.

    Now the 3D begins.

  • marlfox8
    how about an attached bipod that clips to the circular thing?
  • wi_2
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    wi_2 polycounter lvl 10
    keep it up!.. and very nice tech designs here! :)
  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    @Marlfox. Maybe. Will see how it goes.

    @wi_2 Cheers :)

    Ok. Pulled myself away from Minecraft long enough to start 3Ding this baby.

    Its quite tough going in sketchup. But I will admit i'm just trying to learn as I go. Maybe I should sit through a tutorial at some point. Anyway. Not a great deal done because I am fubbling along with it. The top armour cover big was a bit of a headache to do. I'm finding I have to "re-think" about how to model things alot. A shape like that in maya would take me a few minutes. Anyway. Hopefully i'll learn some tricks as I go.

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    A quick break from Sketch up.

    Fast and loose sketch of an Demon dude.

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Ok. Decided to tidy him up and fix some things. Not sure if he's a demon or an Orc. Anyway. I'm calling him Bull Skull for now.

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Ok...For some reason I decided to draw an otter. I am going to make it a sort of fantasy warrior otter with armour and a spear. Hence the humanoid arms.

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    and for tonight sketching!

    Gas Giant Mining suit concepts. I liked number 1 most so it has more detail. Will work on this more at some point.

  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    Bit more detail on 1. Starting to enjoy this.

  • Stinger88
  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    Enjoyed this one.

  • Stinger88
  • PerfectChaos
    Wow, the contrast in the Crusader Lava image is great, very nice atmosphere. Also good work on the "First Contact.." image. I was wondering how many layers do you work with? a lot of it looks like one layer when you're doing the rough lighting and whatnot but then you have so many details and colors it seems it would be safer to work with lots of layers but at the same time it's all so seamless. Very inspirational stuff you've created, keep it up.
  • trancerobot
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    trancerobot polycounter lvl 7
    There's a lot of emotion in your work; gives it all an 'epic' feel. I wish I could capture that feeling in my work...
  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    @ PerfectChaos. Thanks! :) I work with as few layers as I can. I used to suffer badly from layeritis and I needed to create a new layer for every brush stroke. Its so good to be rid of that curse. For the First Contact image I think i had about 4 main layers for the character (Base, Detail, Shadow and Lighting) but when I get toward the end I usually have a few simple overlay layers with colour gradients and such. The Crusader pic is done with about 3 layers Max. I think the main reason the images remain seemless is because I only use 3 brushes (Hard Square, Soft Round and Cloud). I think it keeps the image balanced.

    @ Trancerobot. Cheers! :) I have never really thought about emotion in my images. Recently I've tried to do images loosly and letting the brush do most of the work. What I mean is, just drawing and not worrying about every stroke. Let "happy accidents" happen. And dont use the undo button unless you really have to. This way I get a much more fluid and natural image imo. I also try and get a story into my images whenever I can.

    Anyhoo. Glad you guys like my stuff. It really is motivational. Which is going to help tons going into DOM WAR!...Let battle commence.
  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    1hr head sculpt. Will be doing alot few speed sculpts like this to get back into ZB.

  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    Give that man a hand.

    Hand study. 2Hrs ish. Detailing next.

  • Builder_Anthony
    I like the greenish one that looks like a desert.I spent 5 years down in arizona and did alot of hikeing.The hills are somewhat like that.......after you get to the top of one theres another one to climb.Really nice ....peace.
  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    Thanks man :)

    Sculpted more detail to my hand and playing around in Spotlight. Seems pretty cool and quite easy to use.

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