Sorry for the late publish today! But here it is - Episode 10!!
This episode we sit down with a couple great friends of mine: Mark How, Principal Lead Animator at BioWare, and Mookie Weisbrod, Senior Animator at BioWare. These guys are some of the nicest and helpful individuals I know, and I'm sure all you animators will get plenty of awesome info from this one! So far this is one of my favorite episodes, so don't miss it!
Wish this was around while I was job hunting, some really brilliant advice, especially about the reel work. So often (i know I used it) hiding behind the excuse of "..well i didnt have time.." happend alot at uni.
Sometimes you need to be taken to one side and be told how things are.
Thanks for sharing this. The character art one was really helpful. I was listening to sidebar nation and was hoping for a show more focused on game development.
Sorry for the delayed release on this one - but better late then never I guess. This episode I sit down and chat with Rodney Gibbs and Amy Goldenburg from the IGDA to talk about what the organization has to offer for those breaking in. We discuss a lot of interesting topics including best ways to network, how to start up your own IGDA group at school, and plenty more. If you have ever wondered what the IGDA is all about - this is your one stop.
This episode we finally get to the long awaited programming 101 episode! Thanks for your patience on this one. As you may have guessed, programmers are some of the busiest folks in game development, so special thanks to Edgar Glowacki and Aaron Otstott (Principal Server Programmer and Principal Client Programmer at BioWare) for making this episode happen! They used up a good chunk of their lunch, then rushed off to meetings. Again, much appreciated guys. We get a ton of great information - everything from making sample games, to finding programming experience when you're green, so pay close attention!
Finally something to listen to on my droid! (downloaded the google listen app and all the podcasts were lame...) Any chance of getting episodes 1 thru 5 back? I'm only showing 6 to current on the feed.
Yeah, I knew that, but the RSS feed cuts it off at 6. I guess I could just download the old ones :P It's just nice to stream because I'm anal about my memory hehe.
Is 13 such an unlucky number that you decided not to make one and are gonna skip straight to 14?
Yeah sorry about that. Being gone from work for a couple weeks over the holidays kinda threw everything out of schedule, so 13 was delayed until this coming Tuesday. We talk about "finding a studio that's right for you", and cover topics like work culture, location, cost of living, etc.
Yeah sorry about that. Being gone from work for a couple weeks over the holidays kinda threw everything out of schedule, so 13 was delayed until this coming Tuesday. We talk about "finding a studio that's right for you", and cover topics like work culture, location, cost of living, etc.
Stoked on the update man. I think this new one really going to help out, I'm actually moving to Austin this Summer with a few friends. Mainly to work on re-slabbing a few of the free skateparks and getting some events going. From visiting, I'm really looking forward to it.
Thanks so much for putting this all together in a well produced, approachable way. As a total beginner, it's sometimes hard to know where to start, let alone where to look for good information when there are so many sites (some of them ridiculously outdated) out there.
Glad to see everyone is enjoying these. It helps keep me motivated hearing your guys/girls feedback. So thanks for that.
Episode 13 is now up!
Which studios are right for you? This episode we focus on answering just that! Our special guests are Christian Sheppard - Animator from Junction Point / Disney Interactive, and Colin Greenhalgh - Environment Artist at Budcat Creations. We cover plenty of important topics including different types of work culture, making an educated assessment of a studio's work culture, relocating, cost of living, and more!
My toddler Mickey did his best to get his voice (more like screams) heard on this episode, so apologies for that. Luckily since Christian is working at Junction Point he knows how to handle Epic Mickey situations.
Hey Aaron, this was a great podcast once again I'm trying to share it with all my classmates who are interested, I know it's a big help to all.
Keep up the great work, I also just donated to help keep this going / to show my support.
I think it would be interesting to maybe touch on portfolio websites (creation, what to do and not to do) / demo-reels (what does the industry want to see... do we even need them?) . I know there is some great write-up's already about portfolio websites, but hey... never hurts to hear other opinions as well right :P
Hey Aaron, this was a great podcast once again I'm trying to share it with all my classmates who are interested, I know it's a big help to all.
Keep up the great work, I also just donated to help keep this going / to show my support.
I think it would be interesting to maybe touch on portfolio websites (creation, what to do and not to do) / demo-reels (what does the industry want to see... do we even need them?) . I know there is some great write-up's already about portfolio websites, but hey... never hurts to hear other opinions as well right :P
I listened to it... but I can't remember if it touched on the creation process of a website (if so my bad :P).
Egg on mai face!
Thanks for the donation!
Yeah we briefly touched on websites and such... the portfolio episode was well listened to,.. and I am sure there is more we could cover. I'm guessing we will do another one soon enough.
Great listen, I think a lot of us art students have been in the "system" so long we kinda get in the habit of thinking the world is built to accommodate itself to us, that the perfect job will be waiting for us when we graduate just like college was waiting after high school. The sooner we think about this stuff the better for sure.
Episode 14 now up! It's all about online communities, and we do plenty of talking about Polycount!
Joining me this episode: Rob Galanakis, BioWare Senior Tech Artist & founder of; Adam Bromell, Head Administrator at, & Artist at Relic; As well as Dave Traeger, Senior Editor at &
Yeah sorry about that. Since we are recording during our lunch most of the time, they can go anywhere from 30min - 1hour. On rare occasions we record after work, which may allow us to go over the hour mark.
Yeah sorry about that. Since we are recording during our lunch most of the time, they can go anywhere from 30min - 1hour. On rare occasions we record after work, which may allow us to go over the hour mark.
Nah its cool I don't mind long podcasts I was just looking at the podcast list and the times were like half 20 min half 40min.
This episode we sit down with a couple great friends of mine: Mark How, Principal Lead Animator at BioWare, and Mookie Weisbrod, Senior Animator at BioWare. These guys are some of the nicest and helpful individuals I know, and I'm sure all you animators will get plenty of awesome info from this one! So far this is one of my favorite episodes, so don't miss it!
Wish this was around while I was job hunting, some really brilliant advice, especially about the reel work. So often (i know I used it) hiding behind the excuse of "..well i didnt have time.." happend alot at uni.
Sometimes you need to be taken to one side and be told how things are.
Sorry for the delayed release on this one - but better late then never I guess. This episode I sit down and chat with Rodney Gibbs and Amy Goldenburg from the IGDA to talk about what the organization has to offer for those breaking in. We discuss a lot of interesting topics including best ways to network, how to start up your own IGDA group at school, and plenty more. If you have ever wondered what the IGDA is all about - this is your one stop.
This episode we finally get to the long awaited programming 101 episode! Thanks for your patience on this one. As you may have guessed, programmers are some of the busiest folks in game development, so special thanks to Edgar Glowacki and Aaron Otstott (Principal Server Programmer and Principal Client Programmer at BioWare) for making this episode happen! They used up a good chunk of their lunch, then rushed off to meetings. Again, much appreciated guys. We get a ton of great information - everything from making sample games, to finding programming experience when you're green, so pay close attention!
Yeah, I knew that, but the RSS feed cuts it off at 6. I guess I could just download the old ones :P It's just nice to stream because I'm anal about my memory hehe.
But yes I think there is a link on the website that will take you to their page in itunes and you can subscribe.
Yeah, they are.
Yeah sorry about that. Being gone from work for a couple weeks over the holidays kinda threw everything out of schedule, so 13 was delayed until this coming Tuesday. We talk about "finding a studio that's right for you", and cover topics like work culture, location, cost of living, etc.
Sounds pretty cool.
Episode 13 is now up!
Which studios are right for you? This episode we focus on answering just that! Our special guests are Christian Sheppard - Animator from Junction Point / Disney Interactive, and Colin Greenhalgh - Environment Artist at Budcat Creations. We cover plenty of important topics including different types of work culture, making an educated assessment of a studio's work culture, relocating, cost of living, and more!
My toddler Mickey did his best to get his voice (more like screams) heard on this episode, so apologies for that. Luckily since Christian is working at Junction Point he knows how to handle Epic Mickey situations.
Ba-dum bum pish! I'll be here all night folks.
And man, i wish i did it sooner, the stuff you got going is gold. Much appreciation for the work you've put into this for us.
Keep it up.
Keep up the great work, I also just donated to help keep this going / to show my support.
I think it would be interesting to maybe touch on portfolio websites (creation, what to do and not to do) / demo-reels (what does the industry want to see... do we even need them?) . I know there is some great write-up's already about portfolio websites, but hey... never hurts to hear other opinions as well right :P
Great work Aaron, I look forward to the next one!
There is one on portfolios
Egg on mai face!
Thanks for the donation!
Yeah we briefly touched on websites and such... the portfolio episode was well listened to,.. and I am sure there is more we could cover. I'm guessing we will do another one soon enough.
I need more of this stuff to amuse me as I work!
Also great to hear from AI San Diego alumni!
Thanks for another update guys.
Joining me this episode: Rob Galanakis, BioWare Senior Tech Artist & founder of; Adam Bromell, Head Administrator at, & Artist at Relic; As well as Dave Traeger, Senior Editor at &
Er.. please enjoy
Keep up the great work!
Yeah sorry about that. Since we are recording during our lunch most of the time, they can go anywhere from 30min - 1hour. On rare occasions we record after work, which may allow us to go over the hour mark.
I've listened to each episode about 3 times. Just so funny and informative.
Thanks for all the awesomeness!
everyone's guilty actually :P
good episode acanaday
I wonder if this will cause the board's activity/new members to go up...
Nah its cool I don't mind long podcasts I was just looking at the podcast list and the times were like half 20 min half 40min.